So...whats for dinner?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,368

    Bedo, mussels once a week.  What a lucky woman you are!  Your soups sound good.  DH cooked a lentil soup on Monday, and we've eaten it three times.  Last night it tasted better than the other two times!  We had it with ciabatta bread that I bought at Winn-Dixie.  The bread was good with some real butter.  But then I guess almost anything is good with real butter!

    Chabba, love your family stories.  That's neat that your dad took pictures of his kids.  We were poor but we always bought the school pics.  They must have been pretty cheap.  Now they're a treasure.  I did an electronic picture frame for my mother and put a lot of the old school pics on it along with many other pictures.  Everyone enjoys it when we're at her house.  Funny thing is that she doesn't turn it on unless other people are there!  She seems to think that if the frame is on doing its slideshow she has to watch it!  We put our summer travel pictures on a picture frame and usually turn it on every day, just catch a picture now and then passing through the room.

    I had perms when I was a kid.  Some home perms.  One beauty parlor perm that scorched my scalp and actually made SORES!  Can you believe it?  These days there would be a lawsuit.  My mom sewed and made all my and my middle sister's clothes, many of them matching and very cute.  I learned to sew and made many of my clothes when I was older.  When I started buying clothes, I was shocked at how poorly made the clothes were.  I would look at the seams and button holes, etc.  I made my little sister's wedding dress and it was really pretty and fit her well.  But I no longer sew.  Children's clothes are so inexpensive in stores like Walmart and Target and on sale at better stores.  And the clothes last as long as the kids are that size.

    Michelle, since you're going to lose your hair, I assume you're taking a different chemo from the trial?  In addition to the rads.  I think of you often and send healing thoughts your way.

    Joyce, hope your travel is safe and pleasant and that your dog isn't too traumatized.

    Lacey, that was a gourmet meal you served your guests.

    Yesterday I saw a pork butt roast for a reasonable price and bought it.  The sweet potatoes were on sale for 39 cents a lb, so I bagged up a bunch of them.  Decided on impulse to cook the roast and some of the potatoes for today's midday meal, which my parents always called dinner.  The roast is in the oven and the sweet potatoes just went in in their separate pan.  I have some napa cabbage ready for dh to make a slaw.  He will bring the food to my mom's house and I invited my younger sister and her dh to join us, if they wish to do so.  I'm taking my mother to church.  This is one of her favorite food combos, pork roast and sweet potatoes.  The Saints are playing today so we'll watch the game.  My mother is a big fan as are the rest of us.

    In Holland, MI, this summer, I bought some expensive olive oil flavored with Meyer lemon in a store that sold only oils and vinegars.  This flavored olive oil is worth the $$ I spent.  I use it in the cabbage slaw along with a small amt. of Hellman's Light mayo, which I also like a lot.  It's my mayo of choice.  DH just mentioned that we now have one of those specialty vinegar and oil stores close by.  I'll have to check it out.

    Am forgetting to respond to some people, but this post is too long anyway!  Greetings to all and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Member Posts: 2,895

    I must have missed a post about you being sick, Laurie. Hope you feel better soon!

    My friend who came here last night was just getting over a bad virus during which she had vertigo....hope yours is long gone, little Deb. Then today I heard from a friend who I was going to meet for lunch who was up with a fever and chills all night. I guess the winter germs are making the rounds. Am hoping that my being away from so many kiddie germs this year will help me avoid some nasty viruses.

    Nance, love you new picture!

  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Member Posts: 2,895

    Just read your post, Carole. I also picked up a pork butt roast on sale this week thinking that I can make pulled pork to freeze for a later occasion. Maybe I'll do that today if my hands are up to the "pulling" part.

    My mother was also a great seamstress and made some clothes for me, which I loved....maybe because they were special dresses. I am impressed that you could make a wedding dress, Carole!

    I love to sew, but these days get very nervous about tackling projects with lots of fabric.

    While clearing out closets recently, I came cross some long and some mini skirts I made for myself almost forty years ago. Now if I could only fit more than one leg in them, they would be stylish additions to my wardrobe! Fun to see them anyway....most went to goodwill.

    Have a good Sunday everyone!

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    Thanks Lacey, when my hair was growing back I was obsessed and took pictures every week, but now that it's covering my head, I'm lucky to remember every 3 months. How our priorities change!

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    You guys are making me crave pork roast, the one item I don't have in my freezer SIGH!

    Carole, I spent my childhood in a state of frizz because my grandmother was crazy about Tonette home perms. My cousin and I looked like the frizzy twins. I think there was another one too, Bobbi?

    Starting to thaw turkeys today and making piecrust.

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394

    Lacey, You know, I am not generally a jealous person, but that Vita-Mix has me turning green. I am sure that my bright red Kitchenaid blender is just fine, but it pales in comparison.

    I am not very good at responding to each person I am afraid. I do apologize. But trust me, each of your posts makes me feel as though I am sitting around a table with a very special group of people.

    Today is all about cooking. I really should be cleaning the stovetop, making sure my linens are clean and pressed, and clearing out the pantry to make room for the chaos that is Thanksgiving cooking, but instead, I am prepping food. If I had a wife, then SHE could clean, check linens, and carry pantry items to the basement. _sigh_

    I have some turkey wings and drumsticks in the oven roasting so I can make turkey stock for the gravy. The vegetarian stock is now done, also for gravy. I have prepped the vegetables for butternut squash soup. I have sauteed Harrington smoked ham to pull out as much flavor as possible, and grated gruyere cheese. These are both for tomorrow's quiche. Last night my husband made dinner [well most of it.] He grilled some loin chops. These were butchered butterfly style so there was a lot of bone. The chops only grill for a few minutes, so we saved the bones and I have made a lamb stock which will turn into lamb-lentil soup for dinner. I need to feed the bread starter, but otherwise, I think that is all I need to do today. [Oh right, need to type up my creamed onion recipe for Bedo, and pumpkin pie recipe for the "kid."]

    Dinner tomorrow will be easy. Just whip up the quiche filling and bake.

    I love, love, love Thanksgiving, but it is a tremendous amount of work.


  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    Susan, you are right about the work. I have a Thanksgiving lead up to-do daily calendar that I have to check items off or I forget something. I often wish I had a wife. Wouldn't it be nice to know someone else is always going to make sure there's enough toilet paper or Kleenex in the house?

    I absolutely used to love lentils, but they didn't love me. Maybe I'll try again after all these years, now that I'm medicated.

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Hi Everyone, love the pictures of everyone from when they were little very cute!!  Also, you can count me in to the group who had all home made clothes.  I don't think I had a pair of jeans until Jr high?  Thankfully I went to Catholic school where we wore uniforms, so getting dressed and keeping up with the other kids and fashion wasn't an issue until later years.  I wish I knew how to sew!  I have my mothers machine which is an incredible thing that she splurged on a couple of years before she passed.  One day when both boys are in school I hope to find and take a class to learn how.

    Thanks for all the healthy wishes....yup, sick again. I woke up yesterday with a wicked cold and sore throat.  I am dragging big time and my youngest is running a fever but seems to be fine otherwise?  He hit 103 last night just before being put to bed early.  I am dragging big time.  DH made shepards pie for us for dinner last night and he did a great job.  I have no idea what tonight will be....

    I cook Thanksgiving for our family too.  Not a ton of people, about 10.  We keep it fairly simple.  Dh does the turkey ( he always does an amazing job) and I do a pork stuffing to go in it.  Otherwise it is the jellied cranberry sauce, butternut squash, peas, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole.  Nothing real stressful to be honest which is nice.  The pork stuffing will take most of the day Wednesday to cook and I will hold off on cleaning the house until Thursday morning as the boys will destroy any cleaning I do anyway. 

    Hope everyone is well!

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    lol, I just re read my post-and I said I am dragging big tme twice- I guess I really am ;P

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987

    Hi Everyone!

    Well my new stainless steel cookware has inspired me to cook!  We got a smoking hot deal at Macy's (better than Amazon). We decided to get rid of our old t-fal pots and pans.  Hopefully there won't be any smoking hot fires here at home.  ;)

    Here is something I just downloaded and had to share with all of you!  

    FREE Nutrition and Recipe Book:

    There is an amazing 330 page book you can download about nutrition that has some fabulous easy recipes.  It is 330 pages, and all you have to do is supply your e-mail address.  The book retails at $24.95 (but it's free) and you can opt to have it downloaded to your kindle, ipad, pdf file, etc.  I've just learned how to use up all the veggies in the fridge with sweet potatoes for a casserole bake.

    Recipes start on page 262.  Here is the link:

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987

    Vitamix Blender is supposed to be $274 at Costco.  The Vitamix Blender rep told me this last week when he was doing a demonstration at Whole Foods.  He made a non-dairy ice cream with cabbage, spinach, aguave, banana and something else, I can't remember.  It was awesome.  The blender spins it so fast that it solidifies and becomes the consistency of ice cream.  This lady and I ate all the samples he put out.  LOL  I will try to get one on Black Friday!

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987


    We also started decorating for Christmas yesterday!  Since last Christmas we had to wait on biopsy results, we never really got to enjoy the holiday.  Last Thanksgiving we knew I had a lump but wasn't sure if it was a lump or part of the monthly female thing, so both holidays we had things up in the air.  We got a head start on the festivities this year, to make up for what we missed out on last year!  

    The cats are also enjoying it.  They have been rumbunctious and are into everything!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441

    Oh I had the bangs too.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441

    And the freckles.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,368

    Good for you, Inspired!  I hope this holiday season is everything you want it to be.

    Two people now have mentioned "pork" stuffing.  Could you give a little more detail?  I decided I would put pork sausage in the cornbread dressing this year to keep it from being bland.  DH likes the midwestern bread dressing with lots of sage, but he's outnumbered by southerners who like cornbread dressing.

    I haven't decorated for Christmas the last three years.  We gave away the big artificial tree we had stored up in the attic.  It was from the pre-lighted era but was expensive when I bought it.  Since I'm elected to host the Christmas meal for my family, I'll put up a tree.  I like the tall skinny trees and will buy one with the lights since I gave away the strings of lights.  Gave away most of the decorations, too, but I was tired of them anyway.  I'm thinking I will have a small present for all the adults as well as the children this year.  The women are easy but I haven't come up with an idea for the men. 

    The pork roast was delicious.  But no leftovers came home with us.  There was enough for a couple of meals for my mother.  And one large baked sweet potato, which I left for her, too.  At 89, she doesn't do a lot of cooking anymore.  She has put in her share of hours in the kitchen.

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987

    I think they had Gelman make his pork stuffing on Live with Kelly and Michael on Friday.  Maybe they have it posted on their website?  It seems to be all the craze right now!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Inspired - Thanksgiving  Day last year is a total blurr.  I know we served almost a hundred people at the Senior Center, that I planned and organized it, that I prepped for hours on Wednesday, that I cooked for hours on T Day.  On the Fri. before T Day I found a lump and called my ONC.   She saw me first thing Monday and confirmed two lumps but couldn't get me in for a mamo until Friday.  By Thanksgiving I was a basket case.  Friday was my Thanksgiving, The mamo was clear and at my ONC appointment the next week neither the Dr or I could find either lump.

    I really am looking forward to Thursday!  We've combined with another group that did their own thing last year and expect to feed over 200. No worries, after 16 years of doing it myself someone else is in charge.  All I'm responsible for is making the jelled salads and the gravy.

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047

    Carol- My pork stuffing is just like the French Gorton, just not cooked as long.  I cook about 4 pounds or so and do about 2 diced onions and about 3 tsp of ground clove.  Put it all in a big pot and fill with water and boil it low forever, lol!  When the water is very low, almost gone I take it off let it cool and mix with a mixer and set aside to stuff the next day.  We all look forward to it.

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987


    Your post gave me goose bumps and smiles all at the same time!  That is crazy about those lumps, and PTL that they quickly disappeared.  Besides devine intervention, what did the Onc say it was?  Where were they?  So happy for you!  

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987

    What's for dinner?

    We have prepared for organic shredded chicken tacos.

    I put 2 organic chicken breasts in the crock pot, topped with 3 cloves of garlic, 3/4 diced red bell pepper, cayenne and black pepper for spices and then poured a little Trader's Joe's chunky organic salsa on top.  Add a bit of water and let simmer in crock pot.  Then after 4 hours, will shred the chicken while it is still in the pot (just take fork and pry apart into shredded slices) and the chicken absorbs all the extra crock pot juices at that time, making for juicy chicken.

    We have organic corn taco shells, spinach in place of lettuce, light fat free organic sour cream, diced fresh jalapenos and more salsa to top it.  Served with organic black beans. I will also steam a bunch of veggies on the stove for a few minutes.  Those will be cauliflower, broccoli and zucchini.

    Yummy - and we will have leftovers for Monday night.  Monday it is hard to make a whole new meal and get in front of the TV in time to watch our favorite shows.  :)  

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987

    Hi Everyone!

    I got this and just had to post it for you all as well!

    FREE Nutrition and Recipe Book:

    There is an amazing 330 page book you can download about nutrition that has some fabulous easy recipes.  It is 330 pages, and all you have to do is supply your e-mail address.  The book retails at $24.95 and you can opt to have it downloaded to your kindle, ipad, pdf file, etc.  Here is the link.  I've just learned how to use up all the veggies in the fridge with sweet potatoes!

    Recipes start on page 262.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Debra, No one knows where the lumps went. They were on bottem of left breast.  malignant one wes on upper part of right one.  Surgeon found no trace of them at routine check in January.  First thing neurologist asked after next routine mamo was if I'd seen my surgeon and what he found.  When I said no trace he that's good.  Told me Dr M has an almost supernatural sence of touch, that my surgeon's fingers are so sensitive that he can detect and determine the size and shape of lumps so small that they can't be detected by any test available. Probably an exageration but still nice to hear!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441

    I'm having 8 ppl over. Bought a 15lb turkey. Not doing any baking, my aunt will bring Pumpkin Pie and Butternut Squash from their garden, I ordered an Apple Pie from an apple farm down the street. Lupien Farms.  I will make my usual 3 different types of cranberry dishes, I'll do lemon glazed sweet potatoes and Tarragon Green Beans.  My sister will bring the mashed potatoes and mixed nuts. We always make too much but everyone goes home with something.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Laurie - I add mashed potatoes to my gorton stuffing.  And my seasoning is slightly different - I use a teaspoon of cinnamon and a half teaspoon of cloves along with a tablespoon of salt. Regional differences!

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987

    That is so encouraging, it's so nice to see good results on a scare!  I could picture you being a basket case. That's how I was all last Christmas.  Standing in line somewhere all I could think of was this lump in my breast.  BTW, our favorite server at our favorite restaurant thought he might have prostate cancer.  He said he was a basket case because his mom left him a message on his cell phone that said "it's not good, call me", and he couldn't take a break to call her.  He is an awesome guy, and just turned 21.  As it turns out, they will keep an eye on the spot, as they do feel it is pre-cancerous, and his grandfather had prostate cancer.  He has been given a strict diet by his doctor and will do a recheck in 6 months.  I'm praying like crazy for him too. 

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    Ok you New Englanders, I thought gorton was more of a pate or spread. How does one make it into a stuffing? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394

    I have never heard of Gorton, and I am true blue New Englander! I do know about Gorton the Gloucester Fisherman though. King of the fish sticks.

    Dinner tonight -- Lentil soup became lentil stew with homemade pasta. The pasta drank ALL of the liquid. Absolutely delicious. I used some aging French black lentils that keep their shape. There is enough for both of us to have a small bowl for lunch tomorrow.


  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,188

    Hi everyone.

    I've been really busy the past week. Right now I'm a government employee with the US Department of Health & Human Services. Normally I work for Verizon. Basically, when I get called up, it's like a military reserve or National Guard position. My regular employer *has* to let me go and give me my regular job back when I get home. Verizon goes beyond the the minimum requirements and makes up the difference between the two salaries.

    The medical team and equipment is essentially a self contained portable hospital emergency department. I and usually one other person set up and maintain the computer networking and radio communications systems..these are used for medical records and to make sure everyone can talk to each other. Because our workload was expected to be big enough, we had two extra people in this job and a bunch of other medical people.

    As the needs change, we adapt the computer system and radio systems to meet the new needs.

    Food wise, it's been a mixture of MREs (military meals) and junk food. Tonight we were able to get food delivered from a restaurant. This was good. This thanksgiving, we're hoping to get food brought in.

    There is now laundry service. We drop it off in a mesh bag and it's washed and dried in a HUGE machine with 50 other mesh bags. 12 hours later we pick it up. We also get's kind of humorous... when we're showering, an armed federal marshal stands outside the door.....just in case..

    Nothing has happened....


  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Member Posts: 2,895

    I have also not heard of gorton stuffing, but then, I've only lived in NE for 47 years!

    I make a sausage stuffing whch is very different than the one that Kelly Ripa's mother-in-law made on TV last week. I didn't see Gelman's, but I think they are all on the "Kelly and Michael" website.

    Speaking of TV show ideas, I used one from The Chew for my centerpiece last evening. I floated a candle among fresh cranberries in a low v-shaped vase......very pretty!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,368

    I googled Gorton Pork dressing and came up with a French Canadian recipe for pork pate.  Could we have a little more explanation, just for the sake of regional education?  I had never heard of Gorton.  Joyce, is your pork dressing also "Gorton"?