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March 2011 chemo-lounge



  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    morning ladies just wanted to let you know i went to the doc yesterday and got on some antiobiotics. i surely dont want my last chemo day postponed.

    congrats on being done chemo suebee and what great news about the size of your tumours, happy dance everyone get up from where you are and shake it just a little for suebee :) i dont care if it jiggles now just shake that fun hehe

    MDG so happy for you that your surgery went well, sorry about the sickness, i dont handle being put under very well either. your little boy sounds like a sweetie, dont they just make life worth living.

    I dont even know about the angel threads? I am guessing it is when someone passes, I dont stray very far either or even look at the other threads i too am way too scared my imagination already plays tricks with me i dont want to give it more fuel.

    well i hope you all have a wonderful friday

    hugs kymn

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    Sitting in chair at the moment. In honor of Maria's new boobs, the jukebox is playing Brick House - "she's a brick house, she mighty, mighty, just lettin' if all hang out!"

    Suebee - kudos on moving everything along! I will do the same re getting my Sept surgery. Want it to be early Sept. and since it involves the bs and ps, coordinating may push it out a bit. To your question re: surgery options with smaller/ non-existent masses, my one and bs both feel that my 2 masses (different quadrants of the R breast) means my boob is compromised. They cannot be sure there aren't cancer cells lurkingand hiding. Therefore philosophically they both recommend a more aggressive treatment approach.

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    Hi Ladies,
    Congrats suebee, for finishing chemo! One step closer. I am also losing some lashes. Am going to call today about Latisse. Mascara helps, but it is hard to get them to fan out and not clumb together. it's like they want to stay close because they know their little lash friends are leaving, literally left and right. Am hopng I can hang on to the poor survivors. 

    Maria, so glad to hear from you. Hope today you are not so nauseous and that you are able to have pain-free poo's!

    Kymn, hoping the nasty boils are going away and glad to hear you are seeing a doctor for antibiotics.

    Stilts, Here's a "sad" story. I finally decided I would go to a support group. I've seen a therapist twice early affliated with the cancer center and just treats cancer patients. I liked her but unless I was already there for treatment, it was hard to make one more appointment and dirve a half hour to see her while working. Now I am off for the summer, so thought I would go to one of the support groups. There are two, one general breast cancer group, the other for "young" breast cancer women. I was told to go to either and see where I felt comfortable. Regular group is in the morning, first of the month; young group is in the evening at 7pm, so I drove over and no one was there. There was a schedule on the conf rm door that listed the group but the room was dark. So my therapy for the evening was retail and did some damage to the credit card but I do have some cute new tops! Therapist called me yesterday after I told the nurse and apologized profusely. SHE went on the wrong night! But had she come the right night, it looks like it would have just been the two of us, which probably would have been okay. They are starting "A Time to Heal" group in August. It is a 12-wk "holistic rehabilitation program designed to help women regain heir physical, emotion, and spiritual health after breast cancer treatment." It comes highly recommended, so I think I will do that.  

    I saw the rad doc yesterday. It was a disaster and I am feeling very confused. My husband went with me. This was the "consult", mapping, and simulation. The first thing he said was, "I'll just say this. You're way too young (50) and triple negative. That's bad. Really bad." And then he said a bunch of other stuff, but that was all I heard. Thank god DH was there. I bawled the entire time. Dr. did not once ask about me personally: if I work, if I have kids at home, etc. He did not even acknowledge my tears or fears. I asked how he would determine how many treatments I get and he said "I calculate it based on the thousands of patients I have treated who have come before you." I never did get an answer...not the six weeks I had hoped, anyway. Probably 7-8, or 35 plus boosters. I asked about Mammosite (cath placed in lumpectomy site...treatment every day for five days) and he laughed and said people who do that are just taking your money. It hasn't been proven effective." The kicker is he wants to add an extended field to include above the clavicle (right side above lumpectomy) and the nodes under the arm, 'just to be extra cautious." Because even though I am probably already cured now (stage 1A, tumor 1.9, 0/3 nodes, excellent clear margins), he would just feel better "with my permission" adding that extra area.
    I'm telling you, I cried all the way home, all evening, in the shower, in bed. DH was in separate car because he had taken it in to get work done. So he was at appt but we went home in two different cars. Not a good idea. I almost pulled over to throw up, but just took deep breaths and grabbed another Kleenex. Thank god I had a big box in the backseat.
    The techs were very nice and they are the ones that I would see daily. I would see the RO on Mondays only. I am 25 miles from the only RO nearby. The next closest is an hour away, another 70 miles, and then several that are 95 miles away. DH & I discussed a long time. He didn't like him either. And he is much more logical than I (a dentist with a school counselor-talk about opposites on everything! but it is very helpful in these situations) But then we discussed how likely is it that my treatment is appropriate or "standard of care" as is oft quoted. Other than this extended area, it seems that what he is proposing is standard of care. To drive an hour or more every day for the same treatment seems to add an unnecessary stress and burden. On the bright(er) side, my husband said, "Did you hear what he said about 95-98 cure rate after rads for TN?" Nope.
    So Penny, if you're a whine bag, I'm right there with you! I am trying now to think of questions to ask my nurse navigator (she follows me from onc to rads and has sat in on almost all appointments) so I can decide what to do. I really feel my options are limited when this is an everyday treatment. I felt like I had options for chemo when it was 1 day every two weeks. I could have traveled a distance. So trying to painfully dredge up the left-brained, logical side of me, while simultaneously shoving aside the fog of chemo-brain, which has settled in for a long visit apparently.

     Here's to whining:


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    I have been waiting since diagnosis to get into a support group and now they finally have one they are going to start up but its between 2 and 4 ARRGGGG Am I the only one working/??????

  • supersally
    supersally Member Posts: 158

    Husker - I'm sorry your rads appt was so stressful.  I don't know if I have any great advice, I'm just sorry it was so bad.  Perhaps over the weekend with more discussion with DH you will get more clarity about it.  I am also a left brain-er, approach things logically.  I'm really glad your DH told you that positive stat, hang in there!  I'm not sure if I've cried at all during this process, and more at an act of kindness than from anything else.  I'm just not a crier.

    Maria - sorry you had a bad experience with nausea.  I've had that before, so now whenever I go I tell the ansthesiologist and be sure to get good drugs.  You probably did that, too.  Anyway, hope you are feeling better.  You probably still have anti-nausea from chemo days that you could take?  Get to the other side!  I'm glad your little man was such a sweetie.

    Penny - I love what you said about doing everything mostly right, but not giving up your favorite things entirely.  i feel the same.  I'm a little different in that I was dx'd with cervical cancer in 2008, which was stage 1b, very early, lymph nodes clear.  Rad hyst was the treatment.  So, after that, and because I was seeing my gyn/onc every 3 months, perhaps I was dx'd with BC sooner.  I had started mammograms after CC and had one in June, 2010, clear.  Then I found a lump in between my August and November (3 mo. f/up) with gyn/onc.  He sent me right away for breast MRI and the rest is history.  Long story, but you don't know what the future brings.  As someone said, any of us could get hit by a bus any day, so as Aunt Mame says "Live! Live! Live!"

    Kymn - glad you got some drugs!  Next week is your last one, yeah!

    Silia - hope it's goinog well today and minimal SE's.  Loved your song, btw.

    Suebee - good for you, done with chemo and on to the next.  That's how I feel, too. 

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    UPDATE: After more pondering, research, and praying (SUZE...the linke was very helpful and the most current I could find), I called the nurse navigator (she sat in on the appt as well) and told her how unhappy I was with the appt and his comments. She apologized all over the place and said she hated that he presented things in such a negative fashion. She said, "No one should have to give up hope" and that she had shared her concerns w/her manager previously (not sure if that was about me or other patients; I'm guessing others, though). She even suggested a second opinion. My husband said DO IT, so I have postponed the start of my rads (supposed to be next Wed) and have asked her to schedule an appt with either of the 2 oncs that are within 70 miles of me.  I prefer the one that is an hour away but if onc has a strong opinion on either one, I will defer to that. So my song for the chemo lounge today:

    Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:

    Well I won't back down
    No I won't back down
    You could stand me up at the gates of Hell
    But I won't back down
    No I'll stand my ground
    Won't be turned around
    And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
    Gonna stand my ground
    And I won't back down.

    Hey, baby. There ain't no easy way out.
    Hey, I will stand my ground.
    And I won't back down.

    Well I know what's right
    I got just one life
    In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
    But I'll stand my ground
    And I won't back down.

    Hey, baby.
    There ain't no easy way out.
    Hey, I will stand my ground.
    And I won't back down.

    Hey, baby. There ain't no easy way out.
    Hey, I won't back down
    Hey, baby. There ain't no easy way out.
    Hey, I will stand my ground
    And I won't back down.

  • Colodisneylover
    Colodisneylover Member Posts: 183

    Huskerkkc-I am so glad to hear you are getting a second opinion!! You were treated so badly by that doctor, and I'm glad you are going somewhere else.  I have a similar situation in that I am switching to another plastic surgeon. Mine makes me feel horrible everytime I see him and I finally decided I am not going to put up with it. I felt so much better just even making the decision to interview a second and third PS.  Yay for you!

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    Colodisneylover: YAY for you too! We won't. back. down.

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    How appalling Kristy! What a jackass - he doesn't deserve any patients! And I don't get the "bad, very bad" comment while later saying 98% success. Bizarre. You rock for checking out your longer commute options. You want a competent, caring ro who will add to your faith in your med team. Tedious as it may be, that may be worth the drive for 6 weeks. I wish you could gave avoided the horror of yesterday - worse I'm sure because you were trying to drive and alone in the car. Sending a bear hug - you deserve it.

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    How appalling Kristy! What a jackass - he doesn't deserve any patients! And I don't get the "bad, very bad" comment while later saying 98% success. Bizarre. You rock for checking out your longer commute options. You want a competent, caring ro who will add to your faith in your med team. Tedious as it may be, that may be worth the drive for 6 weeks. I wish you could gave avoided the horror of yesterday - worse I'm sure because you were trying to drive and alone in the car. Sending a bear hug - you deserve it.

  • Stilts
    Stilts Member Posts: 228

    Huskerkkc-I was SO sad to hear about your awful experience but glad you are taking care of yourself and getting another opinion.Keep us posted.

    Have done my share of whining along with several crying bouts this past two weeks. Exactly a year ago at this time I was captain of a local Relay for Life team (little did I know what I would have ahead for me !) and was busy with fund raising and inviting everyone I knew who was a cancer survivor, including a best friend who is a 16 year breast cancer survivor, to come out for the relay. I met some awesome people, including Jack, a rectal cancer survivor who was always friendly, joking and an inspiration to every one. One morning before my husband took me to chemo, I checked my email and found out he had passed poor husband got hit with it how I was TIRED of everyone telling me that "attitude is everything" (it didn't help Jack) and that any good attitude I have is for the benefit of my husband and daughters so they won't worry about me. I remember telling him that once, just once, when I check in for chemo and  they ask me how I am doing, I would be honest and tell them the "I don't want to be here" and "No, I'm not having a good day". The worst part was when I made my husband promise if he had to write my obit to not put in that "courageous battle" phrase because in all honesty I've been scared to death every day since 1/27/11 !!! Poor guy...he still loves me and is still here for me !!! 

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471 thing they did at my appt (before Dr. Jerk appeared!) was go through some questions...I think (chemo brain!) they called it an emotional thermometer? THat doesn't sound right. But they ask you what you would rate yourself 1-10, emotionally. Then they ask trouble sleeping? yes no. appetite? depression? sadness? finances? kids? sexual relations? And there sits my poor dear husband, while I say, "How do I answer THAT?" Yes I have relations, or yes I have trouble? Yes...I have trouble. It's been ack...twice in the last 5-6 months? Anyway, based on your response, they are supposed to check to see if you need resources. But even though I think I had a lot of YES's, indicating a problem, nothing really came of it. Would have thought they would have checked me into psych by the end of the appt. But feeling much better today. And my guy is right there beside me too. My worst was probably when I put up newspapers on the mirrors in the bathroom and bedroom after he shaved my head. And then asked if he should be worried. That lasted about 3 days! 
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Kristy, that RO sounds horrible!  Yikes.  I too am glad you're getting another opinion.  You're too funny putting newspapers over the mirrors.  As much as I can't stand being bald, I can't stop looking at my head.  I keep examining it for any signs of hair coming back.  I just bought a wig yesterday when I've been bald since the beginning of April.  It seems like it never rains when I take an umbrella with me, so sometimes I take it with me just for luck to keep the rain away. I think I used the same logic on getting the wig, I am hoping it will make my hair grow.  I probably would have more luck using Nioxin once I finally finish chemo.  Not sure how much I'll wear the wig.  I do NOT feel comfortable in it.  My DH said it looked good.   Although he did say he prefers me in my pink baseball cap.  My sister really seemed to like it.  She has been telling me since before I lost my hair that I should get one even if it's only for a few occasions that I use it.  I think I also might wear it just to keep the people who want to come up to me and tell me cancer stories away.  I don't know we'll see how it goes.  I am going into work for a little bit on Monday, I'll wear it there and see what comments I get.  I just feel so unlike myself in it.  ARRRRRRRRRR....I hate not having any hair!!!

  • PennyCookson
    PennyCookson Member Posts: 356
    kymn - I hardly ever took antibiotics before this but glad to here you have got some, stuff gets out of hand so quickly when you are on the cocktails. I have had 3 courses in the last 8 weeks. You are nearly done!

    Suebee - great news. It makes us all realise that this stuff is really working - good for you taking control and pushing it along. I was node pos and am having 25 rads so yours sounds about right.

    Maria - sorry the surgery made you nauseated, but hopefully it won't last long and you will feel so good going out looking great. Isn't it wonderful what a hug from a 4 year old can do for you.

    Never looked at the Angel threads and not going to.

    Huskerkkc - love the wine pictures - I am sure if we had not been meant to drink wine then grapes would not have been designed to ferment so nicely. Sad about the support group. I have not got involved in anything local - I kind of find that this forum handles those needs and sitting with a group of people might be counter productive - sort of keeps my life separate from the disease.
    Your RO is a thoughtless idiot, but I suspect that the - "I want to do extra" thing is because you are young and probably cured and he just wants to make absolutely sure. If you were a higher chance of recurrence they would not be asking to do extra it would be a matter of course, but a second opinion Never hurts. The 95-98 cure rate is brilliant - you know when they get around they 98% mark they are pretty much saying that you will probably have much the same chance of a long life span as the normal population.
    When my BS first told me the results of the histology post MX, he said 7 nodes are positive - I said oh well its not that bad - and his response was "Well yes it is" - don't you love them.

    colodisneylover - good on you - lets teach these medics that we will not just take it while they make us feel so bad.

    supersally - so in your picture you are in a convertible with the roof down? - what do you have? I have a little convertible mini cooper S and drive home from work down the coast road - always with the roof down unless its raining - blows away all the day's stress.

    Stilts - you are so right about the front we put on - I have run through the line so many times with people about how I am going to be positive and its not going to beat me etc. And we all know we really do it because it makes them able to cope with it and has very little to do with how we really feel. Having said that I feel more comfortable doing that with most people and just occasionally letting out the real stuff only to my DH and sometimes my sister. Lol - imagine if we actually told all the random questioners how we were really feeling!

    kay - I also feel odd in the wig but glad I have had it for the 3 very public occasions where I did not want to draw attention to me.I feel fake in it though, but people do seem to think they look fine - suspect its just us.

    There were times at first I wish I had put newspaper over the mirror. I had one spell when I was sure I looked like Frankensteins monster and threatened to draw a stitch line on my neck! Kids are great though aren't they - my 2 year old grandson never cared at all about me wandering around the house bald. The first time he saw me he just got up on the back of the sofa and leaned over my head and rubbed it with his hand to see what it felt like.

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Member Posts: 51

    Trying to catch up on all the posts since I have not checked in for over a week.  For the first time since January I had one full week w/o an appointment so DH and I packed up the car at the last minute for a road trip.  It was so good to not have to think of BC for a week - I just tried to push all thoughts away and enjoy a "normal" week.  I start rads next week.

     Penny - Thanks for the rads tips.  Are you on a rads thread now?

    Maria - Congrats on the successful surgery and so sorry to hear about the nausea.  For anyone else facing surgery and concerned about nausea, this might help. After my surgery I got very nausous as I was being wheeled to my room (stayed overnight).  It abated after a while but when I got up to use the restroom it returned full blast.  The nurse told me that any movement after anaesthesia was what was causing it. I did not need to get up for several hours and by then I was better. I had never heard of this before but staying still seemed to work for me. 

    Kymm - One more to go - congrats - you have had a difficult time and it is almost over!!!

    Suebee - Congrats to you too for finishing up.

    Sorry if I missed anyone else finishing up - it is hard to remember when I have been away from the posts for so long.

    Kristy - Good for you for looking at other options. The insensitivity is shocking.  BTW - I am driving 2+ hours each way 5 days a week for 6 weeks for my rads. I travelled to a major med center for the surgery and chemo and had thought I would do the rads locally but changed my mind at the end - wanted to keep everything under one roof. Not looking forward to being in the car 5 hours a day but we all have to do what we think is best for us if we can swing it. 

    Hair - Am starting to get some growth.  The dark hair is strong but have some greys coming in that seem more fuzzy.  Can anyone give me some advice on products to help healthy growth.

    Skin - Started Herceptin every 3 weeks and now skin, expecially on legs, is a mess - red dots all over.  Can't find much info on this online and wondering if anyone else has had this.

  • supersally
    supersally Member Posts: 158

    Penny - my DH has a Porsche Carrera.  It's a beautiful car, but it is manual, which I don't know how to drivek, and as it is his baby, not the one I want to learn on or get a scratch on in the parking lot were I to take it to the grocery if I DID know how to drive it.  I am thinking about making my next car a convertible, four seater though so my doggies can go with.  I just love them and hey, life's short, right?  Also I have perfect convertible hair, which I am likely to for the next couple of years as it grows back and in Texas I can drive it probably 10 months of the year and even in the winter on nice, sunny days.  My new motto is WHY NOT??

    Kristy - I'm so glad you are getting another opinion.  I think that really is a good idea.  Although inconvenient, nothing is worse than a doc that is not sensitive to his patients when you are going through something that is hard enough already.  I have been very fortunate with all my docs.

    Chrissy - do you have a rash?  Not sure.  I haven't had that, and don't have advice, but Maria might.  She had a nasty rash that just wouldn't go away.  I'm getting some growth, I'm obsessed with it.  Asked a lady at Whole Foods for hair growth vitamins and she told me one that I know is not as  good as stuff I already have.  And then she told me of one that makes the hair stronger, suggestive of the fact that that might not be best for me as I was wearing a scarf and hat.  Ya think???

    Stilts - I really only share wtih you all here and my therapist.  Even DH I don't.  I think our relationship is better if I don't share my everyday fears and concerns wtih him.  It just stresses him out as he wants to go in "problem solve" mode and there is not a problem to solve, really.  And I rely on my friends here a lot for general support.

    OK, I am obsessed with the hair feathers.  Why?  My hair is 1/4 to 1/8" long...ahhhhhhhhhh.  I'm probably way too old at 41 to sport that trend anyway, but my new motto being "why not?", I want to!!

  • PennyCookson
    PennyCookson Member Posts: 356

    supersally - I had not realised the advantage of perfect convertible hair - excellent point.  Go get your convertible - I even drive mine in winter with the top down and the heater on - particularly at night when you can see the stars

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Good morning gals!  It's bright and early.....before 7am.  I can't sleep much but I did manage to wake up feeling rested this morning.  I am off the pain meds - only took them before bed last night.  I am glad as they are messing with my stomach.  I am also on antibiotics for a whole month which is longer than after my BLMX.  My WBC were low going into surgery so I am sure that's why I have to take them for a month - just as a precaution.  I bet those also mess with my stomach.  I had some nausea yesterday but felt better after I ate.  Hopefully I can get through a month taking these horse pill antibiotics with no issues.

    So much to catch up on here!  Silia - I love Brick House!  I will really be "shakin' them" once they stop hurting!  I can get down on that song for sure with my new rack!

    Supersally:  I can see you driving around in a convertible with your short dew and your new foobs lookin' like a hot mama for sure!  Why not?  I love that......good idea.  I think after all of this we should all venture to do new things and live on the edge a bit....why not???

    Husker:  So glad you are getting a second opinion.  Let us know when you get that scheduled and the outcome.  I do want my inner cancer bitch to go over and take care of that RO!  She ain't happy about his behavior!!!  It makes me so angry that people can be so uncaring.  I often wonder why they do what they do for a living if they are not compassionate at all....can't figure that out.  I guess that is another topic for my potential book.....

    Coldisneylover:  Glad you got another PS opinion too.  You have to deal with these docs far too long to not like them.  I have been happy for the most part with my docs.  That makes a huge difference. 

    Stilts:  I am so sorry about the loss of your friend.  My prayers go out to you and his unfair.  I too have wondered about my's so morbid.  I keep trying to put those thoughts out of my's too overwhelming.  It's hard not be emotional.  I cried Fri night because I told DH I was sick of doing all of this...sick of being in pain and uncomfortable and going through surgeries and just shit.  I just want it all to end....I was bawling.....I feel bad having these meltdowns, but this sucks and it's hard.  It's emotionally draining and exhausting...I just want a break from it all!  I want my life back.  I don't know how my DH is really handling this...he keeps so much inside it scares me. 

    Penny:  If I did share thoughts and concerns with family and friends they would probably think I was going to die tomorrow or something.  I too have decided it's best to keep those thoughts to myself and share here and get support from those of you that understand.  I spend so much time convincing everyone that I am fine, but inside I am scared shitless.  Can you relate?  It's exhausting acting this way.  I keep hearing someone in the back of my mind saying "and the award for best actress in a breast cancer roll is....." and they call my name.  I feel like I should get an academy award for my acting.  Anyone else standing on stage with me????

    ChrissyW;  So glad you got a vacation from BC.  We all need that!  I hope you had fun and were able to relax a bit.  I did notice moving around made my nausea worse.  They had given me compazine and a patch.  I do feel fine now for the most part.  I am off the pain meds so I think that helps.  I did have a rash on my body after my 3 and 4th chemo.  It was a bumpy itchy rash - hive like.  It was terrible.  I was on 3 rounds of steroids.  It finally went away.  I do have little bumps all over parts of my body now but I think it is dry skin and the hair growing back.  I have noticed hair growing on arms and legs where the bumps are.  I keep putting tons of lotion on at least twice a day.  That helped with the itching. 

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    mdg, I can relate to your emotional roller coaster ride.  Feel like I'm going thru that too.

    Had to get an EKG because of upcoming lumpectomy on July 8th.  Bs nurse called to say the EKG showed an abnormality so now I have to see my primary care physician this week to have it checked out.  I need to be cleared for surgery but this latest development has brought on some anxiety.

    I, too, hate all this and get sick of it.  I have the meltdowns, too.  I try not to show all the panic, anxiety and depression I go thru during the course of one day.  There are moments and short periods of time I can get my mind off of what I'm going thru.  But the 'journey' sucks. 

    My DH has been so understanding and patient with me and entirely supportive.  

    My youngest brother, age 49, had emergency open-heart surgery (triple by-pass) on Friday.  And he had a rough time at first but is stable now.  But it's just added stress. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Hi everyone! Mrs. M, sorry to hear about the EKG.  I think a lot of times these "abnormalities" are nothing.  I am hoping that is the case for you.  You would think you would have some inclination if there was anything wrong with your heart.  Sorry to hear about your brother as well, but glad he is doing better now.  Definitely try not to stress, easier said than done I know only too well. 

    Maria, glad to hear you're recovering nicely from your surgery.  I know what you mean about just wanting it to be over.  Love Brick House for you!

    Stilts, I too am sick of my DH telling me attitude is everything!  I know it's important and most of the time I think I have a great attitude.  But some times, when things aren't going well, I just have to get it out of my system.  I would really think he could understand that, but he can't, so I have to hide it from him.  He even called my onc and told her that I thought I was going to die.  So I had to talk to her about it too.  Really pi$$ed me off.  I think maybe it's really that he is afraid and can't admit it.  Who knows, but I am going to give you a running for that academy award Maria.  LOL

    Any way, my son is home from grad school for just two weeks, so we went out last night with my MIL and kids for dinner for my DH's 50th B-Day which is the fourth of July.  My MIL (who would tell me what she really thought) RAVED about the wig.  It made me feel so great.  I still feel fake in it, but at least it is something to use if I don't want to be stared at or get any uninvited cancer stories from strangers.  My pic is in the wig from dinner last night.  I actually like it better in the pic than in the mirror.  Usually it's the other way around. 

    Have a great Sunday everyone, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Divine:  Sorry about your brother...I hope he is doing well.  Glad I am not the only meltdown diva... :)

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Thanks, mdg.

    kay1963, your profile pic looks great, would have never guessed you were wearing a wig.  When I first began chemo, the nurse mentioned hair loss.  She said, "now that you know you will be losing your hair, you have probably noticed a lot more people wearing hats and maybe wigs".  I said, yes.  She said, "but prior to this, you probably weren't aware of it nearly as much, because those people really do blend in with everyone else".   What she said made sense.  And she was telling me that so that I would not feel so self-conscious about wearing hats or wigs or like I was sticking out like a sore thumb.  

    Her comments went a long way to making me feel better about wearing my wig.  (I generally don't wear hats in public).  Have been wearing my wig almost daily since March and tho I can't wait for my hair to grow in, I've made peace with the wig.  Heck, some days I just plop it on my head without caring too much what it looks like anyway. My DH and DS say they don't even think about me having a wig on, they're used to it.  

  • Stilts
    Stilts Member Posts: 228

    Just checked out the Blog section of this website...DON'T DEFINE ME BY MY CANCER... I can really relate to what the author is writing about...courageous battle and all !!! Would love to hear what you ladies think about it....

  • Jules59
    Jules59 Member Posts: 148

    Hi all,

    I have been trying to catch up on all of the new posts since I have been off the boards for a few days.  Last Wed. I called my MO's office to ask what I could take for this post-nasal drip and cough I've been having .  Also had to admit I was running a low grade fever.  So they told me to come in had have my bloodwork done.  Long story short, I endend up in the hospital for 3 days because my white count was nearly zero.  I will spare you all of the gory details, except to say I'm glad to be back home, post nasal drip, cough and all. I am still on antibiotic, although they didn't for sure decide what th source of the fever was.  My arm is infected but much better, and  stuff coming out of my sinuses is clear, so probably not a bacterial infection.

    It disgusts me that I made it all of the way through chemo, only to have this happen.  I was scheduled to have re-excsion of my lumpectomy on July 7.  I hope this doesn't delay my surgery, but I'm afraid it will. Tomorrow or Tues I will have to go back to get blood work and see my, he was out of town last week.  It was his NP and a Partner that decided I needed to be admitted to the hospital.  

    Kristy, sorry your RO was such an a$$hole.  My breast center uses partial breast radiation via balloon cath. all of the time on women who have early stage BC and lumpectomies.  I wish it had been an option for me. It is done twice a day fro 5 days.  I bet your RO was  putting it down because he didn't have the equipment to do it.

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Jules:  I hope you are feeling better.  I also ended up with low WBC pre-surgery.  I had a blood draw on last Wed and surgery was Thursday.  My WBC were 3.38 but they still did surgery on me the next day.  I need to be on antibiotics for a month post OP though as a precaution.  I just wanted to give you some hope.....I hope your numbers come back up soon.  Oh and FYI I finished chemo on 5/4 so I was surprised numbers were so low....they dropped since my last blood draw three weeks earlier and my med onc had no idea why.  I am also anemic right now too...oh joy! 

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    I too am a candidate for best performance by a fake, so the contest is on I guess. Divine, I wear my wig all the time (except at home-mostly a hat or buff) too. I look better than pre-chemo; even my husband says so (wrong answer, dear!) but it's true. Cute hair, very flattering. Will try to post a pic sometime. Hope the EKG is nothing...just a blip. 

    Jules, sorry you were in the hospital. I woke up with a sore throat awhile back and called and they said it was probably post-nasal drip, which it was. But I think I should have been on antibiotics. That was one of the things on the"call the doctor" list. And they didn't see it as significant. I did not have a temp though. I feel like I might have a sinus infection (hurts in my forehead when i bend over) although the mucus is clear. My WBC was 4.2 last week but they weren't worried. Said that is normal, just the low end of normal. I was 8.95 the week before, but they said not to worry. HA! I will find out results of my cancer markers this week. Is it CA 27 and 29? Should be uneventful but one more thing...Will see onc on Friday for one-month chemo follow-up. And to complain about RO probably! 

    Jules, I think you might be right about the partial breast radiation. It will be interesting to see what a second opinion reveals. I'm not necessarily pushing for that, but would like to know if that is an option for me. Just have now been stressing about cancelling rads and where I can get in for second opinion. Has anyone mentioned lately that all this sucks?!  

  • PennyCookson
    PennyCookson Member Posts: 356

    DivineMrsM - fingers crossed that all is clear with the EKG problem - sorry about the worry with your brother too - but they do TBG all the time now and they are really successful and give the patient a whole new lease of life so should be a really positive outcome once he recovers.

     Kay - the wig looks great! Have a great time with your son.

    Jules - sorry you have been in again - I think we forget that the last chemo is still doing its ugly stuff to us. Seems wrong - like we are finished we don't need any more of this. Hang in there - your white cell count can only go up now.

    Maria - I think we all deserve an Oscar.

    While I have been able to vent at my husband occasionally and he responds very well, I now find that he tends to call my daughter after I do, and tell her if I am down. I specifically don't want my kids worried so I am going to have to be careful with DH now as well. I may pick one of the teddy bears my daughter gave me when I started chemo and vent at that when no-one is home. (Do you think the men in white coats will cart me away if they find me talking to a bear?)

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    lol Penny, I too vent to the two stuffed animals my 9 year old gave me. Just them and you guys, DH doesnt handle it the way I want him too as most of you know but things have been getting much better over the last month. Do any of you get sharp pains in your breast? I do sometimes and it freaks me out.

  • Jules59
    Jules59 Member Posts: 148


    I occasionally have sharp pains in my breast , and also in the area where they removed nodes.  I have to remind myself that it is most likely to the nerves regenerating in that area, and healing takes a long while for nerves  I have also noticed it is getting better with time.

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    Stilts--I read that blog entry a while ago and quite liked it. The 'survivor' tag irks me for some reason. Maybe it makes me feel like I'm hanging on by a thread. I don't really want a label. I will deal with the BC and be done with it. I know that there's a chance that I'll have to deal with it again in the future. But then again, maybe I won't. I just keep reminding myself that my mom had BC at 60 and is now 83. She has her list of medical issues, but BC has not been on it since she finished with it 23 years ago.

    Is this week of the cold/sinus/chest infections? Add me to the list. I have several people around me who have had chest infections/coughs. My son was on antibiotics last week. Of course I picked it up from one of them. I was hacking up colored stuff and my temp was climbing. I find that my temp normally sits at 36*C and was up to 37.5*C, which is not classed as a fever. It's high for me! Anyway, I called to ask the primary nurse if I ought to be doing anything rather than sitting around waiting for 38.4*C to hit since I knew there was something going on. I left a message and never heard back. I shouldn't have mentioned my temp.

    So everyone around me is on antibiotics but I'm powering through with my home remedies. The cough is better, but it's now in my sinuses. I can feel it in my ear, which is not good since I get ear infections really easily. I will be yelling for antibiotics, fever or not, if my ear goes bad on me. I hope all get over the colds quick so that it doesn't mess with treatment schedules.

    re: the wigs--I'm getting fed up with mine. It passes for my hair and it's comfortable. Too comfortable. I try to wear buffs or a cotton hat at home and not the wig. But sometimes I forget and then next thing I know, I'm in the kitchen opening the flipping' oven door! The front of the hair will get a little frizzy and it bugs me. I had the wig ladies fix it for me once. I just went and opened the oven on it again last week and sure enough, it's gone frizzy again. I'm not sure I can go and ask them to fix it again.