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March 2011 chemo-lounge



  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    pasmith, same thing's happened with my wig numerous times with opening the oven door and the bangs got kinda frizzy.  

    Wig also had an unfortunate run-in with the iron.  After DH used the iron one day, he unplugged it and set it on the vanity to cool down.  After my shower, I get my wig from the bedroom and go sit at the vanity.  I always use the iron to hold my wig till after I pencil in my brows, put on moisurizer, ect.  DH doesn't know that. I didn't know DH had used the iron when I was in the shower.  So there's my wig sitting on this rather warm iron for several minutes, because I didn't know DH had just used it.  When I picked up the wig, one side of the bangs was all crimped and fuzzy.  Omg.  It has sort of worked its way out.   

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    MrsM--Yikes! Wigs and irons are a bad mix. I still can't believe it's so sensitive that seconds with the oven or dishwasher open can fry it. I read that you can fix the frizz with a steamer, which is what the wig lady used to fix it. I'm a little nervous about doing that. You need multiple hands to pull the frizzy stuff straight while steaming it.

  • Stilts
    Stilts Member Posts: 228

    I'm definitely not a nutrition expert but I definitely think the nutrition supplements I take are helping my blood counts...I take GOLD STANDARD-100% WHEY from GNC-you can put a scoop (24 gm protein) of the flavored powder (Chocolate malt and French vanilla are my favorites) in water or milk.

  • supersally
    supersally Member Posts: 158

    I'm with Penny, I think we all deserve Oscars.  Except they can make them boobs.  Does anyone watch Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO?  One episode they got a cake wtih giant man parts, ahem, all 3 of them.  Larry David (producer/writer of Seinfeld) went back to the bakery because he liked the cake, and got giant boobie cake, or maybe it was vice versa, hmm...  Hysterical, I'll have to find that episode again. 

    I'm over the wig now, too.  I still wear it, but I'm really sick of it.  I actually have two, but don't wear one of them very often.  They are too hot and itchy.  I am ready to go commando, but too soon as only 5 weeks PFC.  Oh well, soon enough I suppose.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    I am so thankful for my Beau Beau I dont know what I would have done without them as I really dont enjoy wearing my wig at all

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743

    Kymn I have had those pains too, I mentioned it to my dr and she said several people have complained of that.  I think it is just the chemo killing the cancer!  Mine usually just last for a min or so.

    I also HATE my wig.  I only wear it too work and I cannot wait until I dont have to wear it there either.

    What is a beau beau?

  • Colodisneylover
    Colodisneylover Member Posts: 183

    Maria-I've been thinking of you and wondering how you are feeling?  Also, please tell us what implants feel like (inside your skin) compared to those horrible, nasty TE's!  Can you tell I hate mine? I try to describe what they feel like to people and I can't.  It's hard to describe metal as a boob!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Its a beautiful pretied well for lack of a better word scarf go to they are great I have 8 lol. I made a wish list because they are kind of pricey and when people whom I was close to would ask what can I do for you I would tell them about this site. check it out

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Colodisney: I am doing good. I have been off pain meds for a few days. I am bored out of my mind!!!! The implants are soft and cushy. I did not have a lot of tightness with my TEs because I stretched a ton. They had their moments of being tight and certainly were super hard to the touch. I no longer feel like I am wearing a bra anymore like I felt with TEs. This surgery was much easier. I feel ready to drive even though DH would kill me if I did..... I am even sleeping flat again already. I feel good enough to do anything I would normally be doing but am not allowed to. I am dying to workout but PS says no! Most of the pain I had from surgery was my upper ribs and under my foobs. My PS had to re do the alloderm as I was lopsided. I am much more even now. The other area that was sore was under arms down where lat muscles come around. Again I suspect it had to do with the alloderm correction. On a down note they are a bit smaller than I wanted. I am ok with it though. I was filled to 510ccs and got a 450cc implant. I would guess I am a full B but I have not tried bras on yet. My PS does not allow bras for a month. I get nipples and have fat grafting in 3 months. Tatoos 3 months after that. All of this takes a year......feels like I will never be done.

  • maxineo
    maxineo Member Posts: 199

    maria: glad you are feeling so good. You have bounced back quickly!  This may be a strange question, but where do they do the incision to replace the TE with the implant?  Do they have to re-open the entire MX scar?

    I have worn a wig out ONCE!  For some reason, I feel more self-conscious in the wig.  I don't know if people are pitying me in my head coverings, but I don't really pay attention, either.

    I am so sorry to hear so many of you getting sick!  I am about 10 days post-last-chemo, and I am feeling pretty good. Amazingly, when I went in for my last chemo my blood tests were almost normal, except for minorly low red blood count. I think doing some exercising has helped me.  I hope you are all well on the mend.  NO MORE ER VISITS! That is scary stuff.

    Without a chemo treatment looming on the horizon, I had such a great weekend, and believe it or not, I hardly thought about the bc.  Of course, those pauses are only temporary.  Now that I am done with the chemo, it feels like I have to really start working on whatever i decide is my plan for going forward.  I am looking at the anti-cancer book again and trying to exercise.  My first goal is to lose the 15 pounds I have gained since diagnosis!  That's when it gets a little scary for me, knowing that this is my life now.  But I guess if I take only what life gives me each day, it will be bearable.

    Thinking of all you ladies. I am so eager to have all of us done with the chemo!

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Maxine: I don't mind the question at all...heck every doctor in metro Detroit as already seen my boobs and foobs!  LOL!  They go in through the same incisions from the mastectomy. One they had to open up longer than the other because they had to revise the alloderm an reposition the foobs to even them out.  As far as diet and can do it.  You have to!  Just start one step at a time. Look into things that may be offered at your cancer center too...many have fitness classes or yoga.  That may be a good place to start.  Just remember that exercise reduces risk of recurrence by half!  I wish there were other things we could just do and have those results....take advantage of that and exercise 5-6 days a week.  It is one of the few things you CAN do to battle this proactively.  OK - I am putting away my exercise soapbox....... :)

    Oh and my skin is super sensitive again!  Ugh...itchy and burning a bit in places.   I have hair grown in back on my arms and I can feel it every time I walk or move my tickles and makes me itch...then skin hurts.....argh!!!! So sick of this sensitive skin!!!!!  I wonder when it will go away. Oh and the burn from the tape is healing nicely..still red but barely hurts now -thank God!

    Anyone in the chair this week???  I hope you are all doing well.......hugs!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Sorry you're having the skin issues Maria. Hope they go away soon. Tomorrow afternoon is my second taxotere, only one more to go after that!

    Jules, sorry about the hospital stay. Hope it doesn't delay your surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Anyone else in the chair this week? Kymn?

    Have a good tuesday everyone. How about Tuesday Afternoon by the Moody Blues for the juke box today?

    Tuesday Afternoon
    Moody Blues

    Tuesday afternoon,
    I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way
    It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.

    Something, calls to me,
    The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why?
    Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.

    I'm looking at myself reflections of my mind,
    It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind.
    So gently swaying through the fairyland of love,
    If you'll just come with me you'll see the beauty of

    Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon.

    Tuesday, afternoon,
    I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way.
    It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.
    Something, calls to me,
    The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why?
    Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Kay:  good luck tomorrow!  Yea..only one more after that.  That is great news!  Oh and I love Tuesday Afternoon....good call!  Brings me back to much younger days!  LOL!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Yep I'm in the chair on Thursday....LAST ONE...YIPEEEEEEEEE

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Yea Kymn!  I am so glad!  We have all been waiting for you to say you are DONE!  You have to at least pop in this weekend just to say "I AM DONE"..... I hope you do OK.  Good luck!

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Member Posts: 743

    yeah Kymn that is great!!!  I just keep telling myself one more time! One more time of losing taste buds, being constipated, having heartburn and so on!!!

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    Hi gang - I'm so glad many are winding down with chemo - though it's frustrating that we're still dealing with ailments in some cases to the end...  I'm trying to bounce back from my second Taxotere last Friday.  This (even with a lowered dose) seems to knock me out more than the AC did.  Although I did have those sharp breast pains at times with AC and haven't with the Taxotere so far.  Onc said they believe it's the killing of the cancer cells (which is a good answer whether or not they know what they're talking about!).  Two more Tx to go for me so I'll be "dragging up the rear" with some others on our thread.

    Kay -  LOVING your photo and your musical selection (as usual!).

    Best of luck to Kay and Kymn in the chair this week and any others that I'm forgetting about.  Kymn, you've been such a brave soldier -- awesome to be in the home stretch finally!

    While we're talking about what we can do to stay healthy going forward, I will admit that this past week I've been chasing sugar.  It's not good.  I think I'm feeling depressed and sorry for myself but I don't want to be feeding the cancer...  Maria, can you snap me out of this?!  Hugs to all.

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Silia....during my TC treatment I was chasing some vanilla ice cream here and there..blame it on the taxotere!!!  Just start fresh tomorrow.....or find some healthier sweet alternatives.  Fruit is a good one, but if you want something more like a treat I back black bean brownies (recipe in blog), lowfat whole grain banana cinnamon muffins or I buy So Delicious Coconut Chocolate Mini's (like a fudgecicle) made from cocoa, coconut milk and agave..only 6 grams of sugar.  These are much more guilt free options when you need the comfort of something sweet!  Also keep trying to get out and walk a whatever pace you can do.  It not only helps give you more energy, but clears your head.  You can get through are doing good!

  • PennyCookson
    PennyCookson Member Posts: 356

    Good luck this week Kay and Kymn.  It will great when everyone finishes!

    Silia - I have been rereading the anti-cancer book and trying to be good - I have still got a cold and sinus problem but will go back to my personal trainer this morning and try to get healthy.  I have a whole load of weight to lose.  I always exercised 5 times a week but the diet has not been good - don't eat all day then pig out in the evening. Really need to turn that around now as recurrence rates are worse if you are overweight.

    Maria - will look at your blog for some ideas.

     Hang in there with the Taxotere Silia - nealry done.

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    I am going for a 2nd opinion for rads this Thursday. Onc called me a t home last night at 9:30pm and was sorry I had such a bad experience with the RO, but will support my decision to go elsewhere. It will be a 90 min drive one way, but my parents live there so will have a place to stay if needed. I had a long talk with a sorority sister who has BC-her parents go to my church but have not seen her in a long time-she called me and recommended her RO. Said he was great. That is what I need, so hope I will be as enthusiastic! She finished rads in March.

    Yay for Kymn and Kay...looking forward to lots of good reports for all of us in the coming weeks!


  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Kristy: I am so glad you got a good referral from someone you trust.  That's great!  I hope that works out.  I know it's  lot of driving but it's great that your mom is nearby so you can crash there if you need to.  How long will rads take?  How many total treatments will you need?

    Penny:  Take it one step at a time.....I just try to watch TV upstairs away from the kitchen at night.....I also drink lots of water in the evening.  I do allow myself one treat a day.  My favorite treats I listed in my previous post and I also like Trader Joe's 70% Cocoa 100 Calorie Dark Chocolate Bars.  I also bake low sugar, whole grain muffins - I like having these on hand as it is instant portion control.   I have been keeping organic apples sliced in the fridge as well as organic baby carrots for snacking.   If I really have the munchies....I pop organic popcorn in organic EVOO and add a little salt. I try to make a huge bowl that will last me a few is high in fiber too so it's a safe snack!  I hope this gives you some ideas.....make your changes slow and don't be hard on can't do it all over's a lifestyle shift that will take time.  Try to focus on one thing at a time.  I still have a hard time getting in 5-6 fruits/veggies per day......we are all struggling with this, but you can do it!   Oh I did also find Paul Newman's Spelt Pretzels in the store the other day....they taste good and are whole grain!  They are also organic.....they do have safflower oil but no soybean oil....score!  It's so hard to find any good "Anti-Cancer" foods!  I though I would share.  I enjoyed dipping them in hummus....very tasty. 

  • PennyCookson
    PennyCookson Member Posts: 356

    Thanks Maria - all the suggestions help as I do have to make quite a change diet wise.  I had awful trouble breathing at my trainer this morning but I do still have a cold/chest problem.  Hopefully it will get better bit by bit.  It was good to get back to working out.

    As a first stage , while I am on radiotherapy I am cutting down carbs but not worrying so much about good fats and trying to go fairly high protein.

    After the rads I can cut the fats more too, but they say you need them and lots of protein while on rads.

  • maxineo
    maxineo Member Posts: 199

    Maria: Where do you find your energy?!?!  I would love to bake some of your snacks, but I find the time just gets away from me.  Once in a while I spend a day baking ahead, but I just can't keep up. Can you come bake for me?

    Penny: I had heard that about protein on the rads, but not the fat. Is it okay to go fairly low carb?

    kymn and ksmatthews: so glad you're at the finish line!

    silia and kay: almost there!

    husker: I am so glad to hear you are going for a second opinion and that you feel positive about it.  You have to be comfortable with your decision, and it sounds like your first RO was terrible. No doctor should make you feel as bad as you did.

    So, I am trying to squeeze in some exercise where I can. After work yesterday, I picked up sandwiches for our dinner and went on a bike ride with my girls (7 & 8), intending to have a picnic at the park after our ride. At the furthest point from home, we turn around, and the chain falls off my daughter's bike! I am leaned over the thing, sweating, covered in mosquitos, trying to get the stupid chain back on (while the girls prance around squealing delightedly over catching a frog), and at least half a dozen guys just bike on by before a very kind gentleman stops.  Wouldn't you at least ask if you could help, even if you didn't know how to help? He got the chain on and we were off again, but it kind of put a damper on it. Funny, whenever I try to exercise with my girls, something always happens that derails, or almost derails, the whole thing. The great thing is that they both thought it was the best evening all summer anyway!

  • supersally
    supersally Member Posts: 158

    Maxine - that's funny about the girls.  Kids look at stuff like that as an adventure.  Good for you for making an effort.  That's when you have to pull the cancer card and look pitiful!  Glad it was resolved.

    Penny - the trainer always helps to hold me accountable.  There are many times when I would bail on exercise if I didn't have an appointment to keep me going. 

    Kristy - so glad you are getting a second opinion and that you got a strong referral for another RO.  Hoping you have a good experience with him.

    Kymn and Kay - best luck this week.  Git 'er done!

    Silia - I second Maria's recs for the So Delicious "ice cream" treats.  They have other things as well, little mini sandwiches, etc.  I'm drinking Almond Milk and using an Almond Milk creamer in my coffee (down to only one cup of regular at least, just can't give it up).  I sub it in for anything that calls for milk.  Also, second Maria's suggestion on the chocolate.  I found an 82% Cocoa at Whole Foods.  The pieces are wrapped individually and perfect for a daily treat.  They also had a 72% or something.  Now if I can just keep DH from eating 12 at once and the whole bag gone when I want some Wink

    Today is 6 weeks PFC for me, so having a little celebration! It will be great when everyone is done, we can have a big party with lots of drinks (virtual).

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Penny:  Sounds like a good goal.  I have been focusing on getting 5-6 servings of fruits/veggies per day now that I am home and can't workout....I figure it is still something I can do right now proactively.  Focus on one change at a time you will be ready for more changes.   I also think planning meals ahead also helps.  When I am home and starving and there is nothing to eat prepared...I am in trouble!  Plan a menu for the week and have stuff on hand for quick, healthy lunches.  If all else fails at lunch...saute tons of veggies and throw in some scrambled eggs.   I did that yesterday and topped it off with some fresh salsa...yumm!

    Maxine: I am type A and have lots of clue why.  I would LOVE to bake for you and all the gals here!!!  I do not bake too often...I make a double batch of the brownies and then cut them in small 2 inch pieces and freeze a few in several plastic containers.  I just pull out what I need when I need them.  My son actually loves the black bean brownies too...he says "Mom, those are SO good".   I just crack up thinking most kids would freak out if they knew there were beans in them....I am so sneaky.  I do the same with the muffins...I make a few dozen and freeze them.  If I could just keep DH and DS from eating them all though!  They each take a muffin for breakfast....some days they fight over the last one!  Those darn boys!!!  Oh and I loved the bike story and especially the frog!  LOL!  Good for you on the exercise though!  Keep it up! 

    Anyone talked to Lilylady lately?  She has not been around much.....wondering how she is.....

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    Thanks for all the sweets advice, ladies!  I will check them out.

     I've also been wondering where lilylady is...  Hoping she's doing well and will give an update soon.  Running off to my acupuncture appt. now...

  • bikenyc
    bikenyc Member Posts: 57

    Supersally and Penny,  good god you've been going to your trainer this whole time?  soooo impressed.  I can barely get my rapidly expanding ass to work and back. Had big intentions for exercising the whole time through chemo that went by the wayside almost immediately.  I even bought this ridiculously expensive minitramp (or "rebounder" as they're now called) so I could bounce away at home during the winter months.  that of course has been hogging up space in my dining room for months.  I use it to put the clothes on when I'm folding them (or not) after doing laundry. 

    But really want to get my act together in the time between chemo and when radiation starts.  I breath heavy after 2 flights of stairs.  Think I'm still really anemic, but still, feel pathetic.   

  • Stilts
    Stilts Member Posts: 228

    Taxol 6 of 12 tomorrow morning...YAY for 1/2 way !!! friend and 17 year breast cancer survivor will be taking's her song of encouragement...



  • Colodisneylover
    Colodisneylover Member Posts: 183

    Thinking of those in the chair this week!  I hope you have no SE's. 

    As you get farther away from your last chemo, how are the hot flashes? I feel like they are getting so much worse for me.  It's horrible. My bald head sweats so much, as does my face and it's just disgusting. It doesn't help that the temp here yesterday was 105 with the "real feel temp." UGH! I hate sweating so much!  Thanks for letting me complain. I figured someone here would understand.

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Colodisney:  My hot flashes have changed.  I started with night sweats a few weeks into chemo.  It then progressed towards the end of chemo to hot flashes during the day too, but less night sweats.  I continue to have hot flashes but it is less now than during chemo - maybe a few a day and one or two at night.  I just started on tamoxifen....who knows what that will do.  Oh and FYI I finished chemo 7 weeks ago.  Still have not seen aunt flo......she left after my first chemo in early March.