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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    Shepkitty, I love it. Made me chuckle, tks. Love, Jean

  • Oakmoss
    Oakmoss Member Posts: 13

    Shepkitty, I agree with the others -- perfectly brilliant. Noted for possible future use.

  • Wicked
    Wicked Member Posts: 27

    Shepkitty, that is so good!

  • hanley50
    hanley50 Member Posts: 78

    Shepkitty - I have not been on here in a while and your post just cracked me up!!! I had a co-worker that was just as stupid as wicked's and wish I had done just as you described. Idiots!!!!

    <sigh> I love this thread!


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    My new comeback for stupid people in a situation like ours is: "Are you a medical professional?" or "Are you dealing with my situation?" Which is usually followed up with: "If not, please do the intelligent human species a favor and shut the heck up! Your lack of intelligence shows you were dropped on your head in a puddle when you were a baby!"

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    Mommy, I like the first two responses. For me I think I would just keep the rest in my head knowing most are just ignorant and think they are being helpful. The puddle dropping idea did make me smile. It must have rained a lot when they were babies! Teehee! Love, Jean

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I need to keep those responses, dealing with new non bc stuff and hate to answer certain folks so pulling away from nosey people

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Glad to have given my fellow BC sisters some new snappy comeback

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals.... So when I logged on here, I was clear back where you guys and Ducky were talking about Angelina Jolie... Hah! Now the Ducky-girl knows what she is talking about.... I just laughed! She and I think pretty much alike... We think all these celebrity type of people are nuts anyway, and are only out there for the publicity...

    And so Luna! Dang girl! So you ate those sunflower seeds, and they went down the wrong way and landed in your breast? Breasts?.... And they poked them from inside, and therefore you got yourself Breast Cancer! I'm surprised Ducky didn't sort that one out....

    Yep, I remember waiting for that phone call.... I just sank to the floor, and went outdoors and cried on my Husband's shoulder. But then I came to my senses.... (don't laugh Ducky) and got on that "slow train" and came through it all. Been almost 7 years now!

    Of course taking Tamoxifen for 1 1/2 years, and having that "stroke" and lost my hearing, was actually the worst thing that happened...SOME women with a CERTAIN gene, WILL have a stroke and go deaf. Others, it doesn't bother at all. But hearing aids took care of that....mostly.

    The stupid things? When I told one gal-friend I was taking Tamoxifen, that ignorant dink said "Oh? So now you'll be growing a beard?" See, SHE thought Tamoxifen was Testosterone! I have to learn to choose my friends with more intelligence. But I've known her since we were little... so she is friend-by-default.

    She also apologized for asking where I got so much hair on my arms, when we were kids! I mean how the hell do I know???

    But now, she is 80... One year older than me, and looks like she is 20 years older than me!

    Ducky! We should go get her, and drag her by her ankles over rocks and mud.... and tell her.... "See what you get for being so stupid?"

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    welcome back chevy

    Yeah I have found I need to chose pals carefully , just got off the phone with a good pal but have sort of canceled out the negative thinking ones

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thank you! And the older you get, the less patient you are with the ding-bats! Even if you have known them for years, sometimes they just get on your nerves.... Same with Husbands.... (just kidding)..... mostly.

  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    Chevy - Welcome back! You've been missed on the insomniacs thread. Have you been doing okay?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning JazzyBug! Yes! Doing great...! Just working around the house, sorting and cleaning, and then working in the gardens, getting ready for Fall! I love this time of year.... but figuring out what to get rid of & "never do again" is a job....

    Gotta make things easier for next year, and not try and grow so many things we don't eat...Or that don't do good with so much shade around here. But I love to do it! Can hardly wait to get outdoors every morning when it is just getting light... So pretty, and quiet!

    Otherwise everything is good...How about you?

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98

    Here's one that bugs me. I am slight built-not skinny, but not terribly overweight. I don't need to loose weight, but I have that little roll that most of us have at my age. My PS said I have plenty of fat if I decide to go with a Tram Flap or Fat grafting. Unfortunately, many of my friends are quite a bit heavier than I am. So many of them, when discussing my options, have offered to give me some of their fat. They think they are being cute, but "no thank you, I have enough of my own". Just starting to get to me.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    When I was trying to decide which type of reconstruction to have, I too heard that a lot. "Oh, I have plenty of fat to give you. Please take it!" They thought they were being cute, but people just don't know what to say. It's like when they say, "Just think; you'll have new, cute, perky boobs!"

    I just chalked it up to ignorance. Btw I ended up getting implants. It is such a personal decision.

  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    Chevy - I am glad you've been busy and enjoying your garden.

    I had a hip revision surgery on June 9th and was doing well, but on August 5th I was bored of sitting around and seeing the weeds popping up everywhere. So I went out and did some weeding. As I was finishing up, I bent over to pick one last thing up and my hip dislocated and I face planted on the sidewalk. Went to ER, had it relocated, came home and as I exited the taxi, it dislocated AGAIN. Anyway the shortened version is that over that first week the hip dislocated 5 times and this last Wednesday it dislocated 2 times. Ligaments & tendons are very loose. I am now wearing a hip abduction brace that is very bulky and uncomfortable.

    I know for a fact that you've had way more fun than I have.

    Hip Abduction Brace

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Wow Jazzbug....You know, I read about that on the other thread... I'm so sorry! Guess you can't do stuff like that! Don't go bending over and fooling around. Maybe the brace will help? DAMN! Does age have anything to do with it? Or are your "parts" just loose and not stable? So are you using a walker or a cane now, along with your brace?

    I don't have any trouble with my hip.... But with a rod and a couple stabilizing screws screwed into my bones, I think it is pretty stable.


    I had a Dexa-scan, and my bones are really good! It was just that I fell like a semi, on my hip, and it broke at the femur-neck.... Sometimes those parts hurt, but I just can't sit too long in one place.... I'm lucky.... I'm so sorry you are going through this!

    Maybe paint that brace some cool color? Or glue lace around that thing! No more pole dancing for you! Just take it easy little one! xoxo

  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    Chevy - I use a walker along with the brace.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I was just thinking... Maybe just ask if there is an internal way to stabilize? I mean with a plate, and/or screws? It's just a thought, but maybe that would help your tendons/muscles heal until they got stronger, and back in shape?

    I understand the need for the brace, and walker... The surgery I had was ORIF...Open Reduction Internal Fixation.... I know ours are different, but it's just a thought...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    This article talks about a hip abduction brace... Maybe it's the same?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Chevy, my main the hell are you doing................been missing you over at Crazytown.......................have been down the shore a lot of the summer so I was seen little on the threads...........stinkin IPad battery is acting up.............we just had a wedding too on Saturday for my grandson, so was out on the dance floor most of the night and now I can barely walk........took 8 Extra Strength Tylenol to get through the day into night

    Back now from it all and not looking forward to the lousy winter......bare trees, brown grass, cold days, colder nights, and high heating bills.........aren't I just a bunch of HAPPY........I have some picture on Crazytown Chevy if you want to check them out......they are from the wedding.....none of me....but the family yes..........

    Lila and Bobby were suppose to be flower girl and ring bearer..........Lila is 14 months old, Bobby 18...Lila is the Bride and Groom's little girl....don't ask, that is the new normal I guess........need I tell you how that went........LOL...........Lila had no clue what was going on so in a fog she made it down......Bobby a bit older, and a little wiser. when he got to the 5th Pew in a church with about 200 Pews to the altar......said.............Shit on this, I'm out of here, so he and his $25.00 tux.....his $30.00 shoes....the.$!$.00 Satin Pillow, left Lila in the lurch, and high tailed his ass in the opposite direction pillow and all..........well he did good in practice the night before.........he got 1/2 way down the aisle, decided to run and scream like a laughing hyena to the front of the church with Lila yelling and running right behind him...................Wedding day his said "I"m outta here".......

    I warned them, but what does an 81 year old grandmother know, right.......LOL

    So glad to see you dearie........hope your doing well......don't be a stranger......come on back to Crazytown you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi Ms. Duck! I'm doing great! Just cleaning up "stuff" around the house, garage, shed, basement.... Just don't need all the "stuff" we have accumulated over the years....

    And working in my gardens, and not posting a lot..... Ha! Cammi posted, FINALLY on the older women's thread, so it was fun kidding her again!

    I saw your fun pictures! Yep the ages for those two little tykes was a little young.... they are like kittens, or puppies at that age.... just keeping track of them is hard enough, much less expecting them to walk a straight line.

    For my BIL's wedding, I made the girls "flower-girl" dresses.... White chiffon and silk, and they looked like two little angels... but they were like 8 & 10, I think.... The younger one woke up with Chicken-pox all over her little self, the morning of the wedding. She SAID she felt okay, because she wanted to be there... But we didn't stay long for the reception....

    I was a bridesmaid.... and of course, never wore that dress again. I made a costume out of it for one Halloween for the older one.... What a waste! And I made their little heart-shaped satin pillow, for the rings.... Can you believe when you look back on your life, and a LOT of those people have passed away??? Or are very ill.... etc???? Hope you are living your life just the way you want it.... Wish we could go meet somewhere and talk and tell dirty jokes and drink something..... They'd probably throw us out....Hah!

    How fun remembering little things like that! Hope you have lots more pictures... The guys in your family are GOOD looking guys.... Wow! Good job little duck!

    How are your other Grand-daughter's? They doing okay? Our Grand-son's are 28 & 30..... Sooooooo handsome and good kids! Wish we could see them more, but we talk to them a lot in Orlando..... Don't you just sometimes wish you could keep those kids young, and close to you?

    Oh well, life goes on.... We are so lucky, and blessed to wake up for another day, right?

    Have you ever heard from what's-her-name? Amazing, when we think some of our friends are there for us.... then find out they really aren't very good friends.... or they hurt someone you care about.... But that's why we have LOTS of friends, right?

    We don't need any more drama then we stir up ourselves.... Love you too little D..... xoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Hey girlfriend.....yes I wish we did live closer......we would drive each other nuts........

    I do have some good looking boys........I have been blessed.....they got all their looks from their father.......

    Glad your doing so good......I am hanging in there.......sometimes I take care of Bobby.......he is my little grandson SEan went away to college, and I really miss him...he is close but still not home......great you got to talk to Cami.....she was such a good soul......I really liked her........all my grandkids are doing good.......they are all so close to each other, it is great........having a close family is all you need........and we just keep getting bigger and bigger..........

    Got some dr. appts this week....eyes tomorrow......hearing on Friday.....then......Pulmonary guy next week, the Derm in Nov.......and my PCP next week........hate this shit.....liked when I didn't even have to take an aspirin ..............of course I had to get on the dance floor at the wedding, and act like the ass I am, and now I can barely bend my knees...........but it was fun.......

    Ok love to all my ladies, take care all of you...........hugs to all..........

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    ducky, i have a rule, no more than 2 docs per week

    Loved the days when I had 3 visits per year. Gyno, eyes, pcd......

    Think I need to get me a new computer, mine is Samsung, not under recall but sure does heat up

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    Oh, a big hello to all you ladies who kept me laughing through my treatments. I had a hip replacement last February. Other than a lot of joint pain from the AI I'm ok. Ducky I bet that wedding fiasco will give a lot of laughs in years to come. What great stories to tell the grands. I also have a calendar full of med appointments. Hope you are all doing well. Love, Jean PS..What is Crazytown. Sounds like where I live these days!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703

    Hi Jean ..I haven't been on this thread for SO long ..Hope you have recovered well from your surgery

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    Over a year from last Herceptin and Perjeta . My hip is doing well. Except for some family difficulties I'm doing ok one day at a time. Just trying to find my new "normal". Most folks tell me how great I'm doing and I have no idea how they know that when I'm not sure myself! Love , Jean

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703

    Jean.. HaHa ..Yes everyone is so knowledgeable about how healthy we are. !? !!? ☺ Maybe we should just believe them !!
