Not quite a horder - decluttering
Linda: Good to know, because that no color thing will not sit well with me. I love being a great grandma, but I don't have to look like one!
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Hair is dead, your hair color goes on the hair not into the scalp. There is NO direction that says, "rub this into your scalp until absorbed." If there was toxicity I think we would know about it. I am not even sure there is any reason to use no-amonia color. Hair color cannot lift your natural color lighter without bleach and amonia in the mix. Most hair colors need some lift even to go darker for the color to hold. I am currently naturally bright white, I have only waited to add color again because I haven't wanted to mess with it.
Hope I added some info to the discussion.
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hey!!!i re-purposed all my extra outside christmas lights today, AND played "secret santa"!!!!! a lady in my community (over 55) lives 3 doors down, in a "villa" we saw her struggling to put lights up 2 days ago, and have been waiting for her to go out.. she did, today.. we had the lights that match ours (white iceles) and the one beside us!!we had enough to do over her gutters, and her fence.. then, i put some green wired multi colored ones inside her gatden, like "fairy" lights... she was so happy when she found them on, when she got home!!!(of course, she knew who it was.. she knows im clesaning out.. im so HAPPY!!!they're not HERE, anymore, AND they brought her a wonderful surprise... she's the one who does for everyone else.. I was so glad to "get one over on her!!}
i hope you have a great visit tommorrow, Kaara. just don't lifet anything yet!!.......3jays
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3jays: What a great thing to do! Always pay it forward!
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Great thing to do for a neighbor, 3Jays!
I'm an avid reader and I love my Kindle. What I like best about it is the text-to-speech funtion, love listening to books even if the voice is mechanical!
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believe me, even though it was nice, the best part was 2 more boxes are gone!!!and, it will go to someone who'll enjoy them!
we'll take just 2 days off, and before anything goes back, we're going to cull through it again.. we still arent pared down enough for me.. happy holdays,'s to no clutter in 2012.. (in my case, LESS clutter, anyway..) 3jays
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i tookthis oicture in front of our little ( and overdecorated) little tree, with Jay #2... wanted you to see the shirt that has been deemed "by the powers that be" as ugly.. my mom gave it to me over 8 years ago.. i wear it every christmas, and will , till i join her...
Merry christmas every each and every of you lovely ladies!!!!3jays
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3jays: Beautiful tree! Love that sweater!! Your son is handsome! Merry Christmas and may God shine his blessings on your and your family in 2012!
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thanks Kaara: i made my mind upo this yr that nothing woukld "get " to me; and i ket my word to myself!!so, i enjoyed the two days wonderfully.. I DID do a coupole of "walk aways" bu they were neccesarry for me/./ im glad all the pressure is off..
MyGD bday is the 28th.. they're going to Disney; and we were going to celebrate after the new year..
this morning, Jay#1 said we "might " have it tommorrow.. we'll call you.. My DIL a family is all here, so it WOULD be good.. we'll call in the morn, see what he decides..
i didn't sleep for 28 hrs straight, to get there early xmas morn.. so, one nap down, and a soma for bed tonight.. and, i;ll chikll tiklkl i catch up.. tonight is suppossed to be thyroid pill.. so, i may be alittle ill for the bday, but you get what you get.
so glad you had a Merry xmas!!!blessed relief!!!now, new years, but it doesn't phaze me.. another holiday season we survived!!!..3jays
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I think "survive" is the right word for Christmas at DD's! It was hectic but fun. Everyone arrived (almost) on time and we all sat down to a nice prayer and dinner. After that the kiddies opened their presents, and then the white elephant gift exchange for the adults which everyone loved!
All in all it was a great drama, except my DGD #2 had a fight with DGGD's daddy and she arrived crying, but we consoled her and she was fine. She's going to have to get away from him, and that's going to cost money, because she will need help renting her own place. I have a rule...they don't move in with me! I will have a nice talk with DS (her dad) about his responsibility in all of this. He is up north with DIL's family while this is going on.
Today I'm housebound doing urine samples for my toxicity testing with my integrative physician. After we return from our cruise vacation, I will start with my vitamin infusions twice weekly. This is to boose my immune system so it can fight off bc recurrance. I'm taking other supplements orally.
Glad everyone "survived" their holidays, and now on to a better 2012!
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Giving away the clothes that don't fit me anymore because of the weight I had gained due to surgeries and chemo would be admitting to myself that I will never get back to that weight and it's useless to even try.
I can't do that.
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Day: Hold on to that dream...I gave away all my size 4's and now I wish I had them back!! Still though, they would probably be out of style!
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Teka, there is no way I can grow to love the new fat me. Absolutely no way. I can deal with wrinkles, I can deal with sagging skin, I can deal with grey hair, but I cannot deal with fat. Besides, it's not just a matter of aestethics, it's also a matter of estrogen depositing in fat and the higher risk of getting recurrence if you are overweight.And the matter that being all my life a slender person (verging on too thin) I have double the feeling that "this is not my body" than just from the changes in my thoracic and back area.
Kaara - no fear on that one. I use the "classic elegant" style of dressing that is always in style. You know, kind of like the "little black dress"
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good idea on the candles, Teka.. i use the flameless ones now, just switch a switch.. some even have timers on them, now!
had a health scare yesterday, so won't be doing all the sorting/dumping i thought we would this week.. but, ASAO, we'll get back to it.. im enjoying the new "less is more".........3jays
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My SIL helped put my sewing room in some order yesterday so I am one happy camper here. My sewing room is over a huge garage and is massive compared to any normal bedroom I have ever used. Thus when we moved in here last year all sort of categories were put in my sewing room and didn't belong in there.
SIL and DH put together a horses base for my desktop that the movers broke the bottom off of. Now I have a L shape work station. My cutting table is in place, it is two doors attached to one another and tall horses underneath with space for storage containers under there. I am nearly six foot tall so that makes all the difference in the world to my back. I still have a lot to do to make it fully usable, but he made it possible to go forward. My husband has to do some organziing of his own in his office now that he has moved papers out of my space.
You know I always dreamed of a space like this but there were too many kids to make it happen. Now I would rather have the kids back and sew on the dining room table. Ah well, life does have its seasons doesn't it.
Hugs Barb
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oh, Barb, its sounds wonderful!!!i have tried, but just haven't done any sewing in a longgg while.. used to do trapunto projects, a lot of them, but my hands a re too bad, as you can tell by my tyoing.. can you give me an idea, (in a pm) how to put ther little circles on a strapless bra, so i can out the detatchable straps on?? ive tried to figute it out, and oanns has no instructions. the strapless i have to wear the dr. put the port in the wrong place!!!! wont stay up, the ends curl in.. and reg. bra straps irritate the port..
if its not a good time, try to think after the new yr how i could try.. i made my own foobs, but the btra excapes me...thankx.3jays
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anither big fight tonite, about rearranging "stuff" on the porch.. now, i wish i just kept my mouth shut!!!there's just a few days before he goes back to work, and i panicked,, i wanted so much more done.. but, now, after the "choking " incident, i need to leave him alone, and try to figute out how to do more by myself.. its NOT worth arguing, when I cam so close to checking out!!!the dilemna is, i cannot keep living with this crap, either.. he just closes a door, out of sight, out of mind.. im not able... ((((sigh))))) well, everyday, a little,, right? 3jays0
I am way better at keeping things in place, than making the new places, for the things. I would like to say a box a day but I usually don't stick with that myself. I am a great procrastinator about getting a mess cleaned up but I am so much happier working in an organized space.
When we moved in here I had just had surgery a few weeks before so I didn't do the packing just the record keeping of what was in each box. I had a good notebook of numbers and notations that should have kept it all straight. I even made signs for each room and put them on the walls with notes for the placement of furniture and boxes. When everyone paid attention it worked perfectly but upstairs out of my sight is where the big mess came about. My DH is not the best in household stress and he ignored my signs and tons of things that were to go else where became huge stacks in my sewing room. Things were moved from Chicago that should have never went on the truck, but I really had no say in it because I wasn't doing the packing. Then I became overwhelmed with trying to even make a start in a room filled with boxes all too heavy for me to lift. It was chaotic and so disheartening for me.Now I am hopeful.
It is hard to explain how I get so down when my wishes are ignored, I feel like I can never get back up again. I was still in a depression from when my mother died when I go BC and we moved so that probably has a lot to do with it.
I will get back at you about your bra strap situation, if I forget hollar at me okay?
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This entire challenge with bc has changed me....don't know if it's good or bad...just changed. I used to be a neat freak...everything had to be in its' place, counters clean, etc. Now....not so much. I have my juicer and vitamix sitting on the counter with all the attachments (DS said it looked like a tool shed) there are magazines scattered around, bed went unmade several times this week. My office is a wreck! In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't seem to matter all that much to me anymore. It's not that I feel bad...I'm feeling great. Now I'm packing for the cruise and always take waaaay too much! I love nice clothes and never get to wear them too much, so when we go away I overdo it!
3jays: Please be careful...I'm sorry about your choking incident. Hopefully you've talked to your doctor about it. Guys don't really care about clutter...give them a room where they can make all the mess they want and they are happy. My boyfriend has the back guest room, and I can close the door on it. The cleaning lady isn't even allowed in!
I wouldn't know what to do about the bra problem...I was wearing underwires for years and now I know I can't anymore, so am in the process of seeing what works, and so far, nothing acceptable! I have a couple of sport bras that I wear everyday, but for my lower cut tops, they don't look good. I'm too floppy to go braless, and I look like I'm posing for a wet tee shirt contest. Not at my age!
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Teka: I would love that! Cruises with the girls are so much fun!
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Kaara, Wintersilks has some pretty bras without underwires.
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for the bras, I swear by the "ahh bra from rhonda shear.. at hsn is the cheapest... but i use an underwire way under where my gitls were, for good nights.. but they need the straps to the side. bc the port healed over badly, so can't wear any sraps...
dont worry for now, Diane... neccessity is the mother of invention...
i "jiggeed " up one for new years.. an ironing board snap to keep the liner on ( it has snaps on both sides, and i bedazzled it!!!dorsn't look too bad, and it'll pass muster! i'll letcha know..hahah
Im still having trouble with breathing, a bit. gonna get an erays, i think we snapped a rib, but im not wearing a belt, its too painful.. it;; have to heal as it is!!!my ribs protrude,cause i had a breasr rissue left, at all...oh well.. whaddya gonna do???Hope the New Year will be good to all of us!.3jays
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oh, another one down.. visited my friend today, they burned out her cervical cancer with rads the last 2 days.. she's taking the old fahioned huge tv wer'e replacing, Thnaks #1 jay; so it'll be gone soon, and she can recoup in watching good tv... im happy. it went to someone who needed it, and its soon to be out of the liv room!!!progtess with a capital P......3jays0
Make sure they are not colored candles. The color can "seep through" and you can't ever remove it.
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yes, that is better.
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Back on diet, exercising. Got rid of a little 'stuff'. Not much but it's something. Hope to do a little each dey, even if it's only one kid's book! (my boys are 24 and 27 and not likely to be any grands anytime in the next 20 years!)
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Oh, joy, joy, joy!!!!! My 3 sisters came for a few days to help me out, check up on me, see with their own eyes how I am doing, etc. We had a WONDERFUL girls weekend, and they helped clean out the refrigerator, review the wardrobe (donated to the Rescue Mission), sorted a duffel bag full of jewelry that I have had for over 10 years since my MIL died and left it for us to sort out and dispose of, and the coup de gras was that my youngest sister cleaned up and sorted ALL the papers on my desk!!!! I was able to catch up my bills tonight with minimal effort as they were all collected in one place, and I think I can keep up with it now that it is not so overwhelming. They also did some scrapbooking and are helping me put together an album for DH with all his Boy Scout and Eagle Scout badges that he had saved in a box. It will be so nice to be able to give it to him so he can look at them rather than stuck in a box in a closet somewhere.
I fed them well - took them to some great restaurants - best I could do for now. I am SOOOO grateful for them!
Happy New Year to all of you, and here's to simplifying life!
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linda.. lucky you!!!i wish i could find some "angels" to help me, but im so glad, you made a huge dent!!!!
like we all say, even a little everyday makes a big difference.. but a dedicated weekend!wow!.....3jays