Not quite a horder - decluttering
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I guess I'll wait until it all comes and then try and only keep a few things to mesh in with the rest of my things Meece: Thanks for sharing about the hangers. I want to do that. Blessings: Get rid of the old stuff. I totally understand about the size 8 dresses. Old clothes look old even if they were expensive. I got out a jacket and skirt the other day to teach a class in and they looked so old and dated. I found another skirt and sweater set that even though they were a tick tight they looked so much better, fresher, & modern,and my 21 yo DD agreed. She is a good judge, but usually not around, she's at college. Clothes just seem to be my weakness. Teka: Good job under the sink! Now I'm off to clean my sink & counters. More maintenance. I just want to clean it and have it stay cleaned. Hahahahahaha
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Hot and Cold, take a photo of yourself with you phone in the mirror and send it off to your daughter for nearly instant feedback. My daughter saves me with clothing errors. I have this shirt that is big and full and sooo comfortable. She grabbed it from the back and pointed out to me that it was about two times too big around for me, even for "comfort". I am a plus size but I could put a beachball under this shirt.
I think I have been so uncomfortable with so much of treatment that I would like to spend all my time in flannel pajamas.
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Okay, you all are motivating me. Hopefully it can stay until Saturday as I had Saturday plans cancelled so I can really use the time to turn my hangars around like Meece and get the Christmas items that are sitting stacked helter-skelter on top of bins in the garage and den put away. For now that's the plan.
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Gingerbrew: Thanks for the fabulous idea. Really, that's great!!! Last year my waist disappeared along with all my hormones, so I had to buy all new T=shirts for summer in 1X. My body shape has changed significantly these past 3 years. Things fit different now. All this treatment crap sucks.
Teka: 20 would be great!! How about we both try for that.
Patoo: Let's set a date for Saturday to turn our hangars around. Morning or afternoon?
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where, oh where does the paper work come from??
got the liv d rm done, rearranged, now, we're drowning in papers.. i gues 1/2 of it is tax stuff. so, i know where thats' from.. and, im getting all the old pics to scan and get them on disc.. so, i guess i answered my own dilemna!!!
Meece, the "backwards" hanger thing is geniues.. ive got one out of 3 closets done by doing that.. i don't wait a year, only a few months..
they know our car at salvation army now!!!
it just does take a long time, when you've let it go for so long..
wish i had a magic wand; or more gumption to throw things in the bags
we have a one in, two out rule here, but ive not gotten anything new for awhile can't get it in, there still so full!!!3jays
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I can't take credit for the hangar thing. It was suggested right here in this thread on page 2 or 3. We've been here for over a year now! Thanks, Suz.
I can't believe it, I pulled a few items that hadn't been worn this past year. Some are just basic pieces! TImeless, solid colored pieces. I need to find at least a few that I can donate. I know if I moved what I can fit, out of my closet, I would have lot's of room.
I have some Christmas stuff in boxes that aren't put away. If I stay home this weekend, I will get those put away.
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Cleaning lady finally showed up! Claims she came one week and knocked on the door and nobody answered. Hard to believe, but I did have an early dr. app't one week and boyfriend sometimes doesn't hear the door if he's back in the bedroom. Of course he vehemently denies this could have happened. Anyway, she came and cleaned and got paid. I keep thinking that the money I give her could pay for a nice massage for me, but then I would have to get out the mop and do all those tile floors and then I would need a chiorpractor for my back, so it evens out I guess.
Saw my MO yesterday (the one I'm not real fond of) and it was actually better than I expected. No long wait like the time I tried to see the new one and walked out after an hour and a half. I was in and out in less than an hour, all my questions answered, even if they weren't the answers I wanted, and a refill for my tamox. They did blood and told me to come back in three months, everything looked fine. He even liked the idea that I got a thermogram, said just don't replace mammograms totally with them. This is the breast center where my BS is located and they are efficient, which is what I'm into right now. I see the BS next week to be poked and prodded by him.
I was supposed to have my IV infusion today, but I'm not going. I'm beginning to look like a drug addict with all the needle marks on my arm, so I'm taking a week off!
Have a good day everyone!
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Teka -
I actually lost 4.5 pounds last night at our second class even though I didn't start the Optifast until this morning. I'd been "in training" since I found out the class wouldn't start right away, so I went to Trader Joe's and found some Whey protein powder I liked. I made smoothies (like protein powder, Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, ice, and water) for breakfast, along with a piece of lowfat string cheese. For lunch I made another smoothie, and ate more protein, like organic turkey jerky. For dinner I had soup or a salad.
Those were on days I stayed home. If I went out, I ordered something. I was never hungry. Optifast will be strict, that's for sure, but I just consider it another part of my breast cancer treatment. The nutritionist told me that even FIVE MINUTES of moderate exercise after each meal will be beneficial! Last night they gave us pedometers. I learned that if you jiggle it just right you can add a gazillion steps to your database.
hotandcold -
You are SO right!!! When I was working (and a lot younger!) I looked hot in really snazzy dresses and oh-so-high heels. As I got older, I made the transition to nice slacks and cute tops, and flats. But when I retired, I started living in my WalMart stretch jeans and cheap T shirts because I refused to spend any money on clothes in those big sizes I was. you really don't think huge shoulder pads will make a comeback?
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I finally unloaded three boxes of bathroom items that have been waiting a year and a half. I threw out almost every thing keeping only tool type things, unopened thigs and such. Why did I wait so long, inertia is just a moiuntain in my life right now. How embarassing. COnfessing to you all is all I am going to do.
Glad it is done
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hotandcold, I vote for morning. I need to do it as soon as I get up, before I leave my bedroom because many times I don't see my bedroom again until time to get in bed and then no motivation to do anything late.
Blessings2011, no, get rid of the shoulder pads. By the time they come back (if they do) we'll be too old and frail to carry the weight on our shoulders! And don't think your kids will want them; they'll just laugh at you.
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too funny!
Actually, I was thinking that maybe I should save them in case my upcoming saline squishies suddenly spring a leak and deflate!!!!
Sadly, my kids have already laughed at clothes I tried to give them....why, I thought that purple suede vest was adorable!!!!!
When my 90 year old in-laws try to give us their horrible stuff, we always say, "OH, THANK YOU!" And then we donate it, recycle it, or put it in the trash where it belongs. They just can't seem to do it themselves.
Oh, who am I fooling. Neither can we!
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i hate to admit it, but since the bmx, and the bloating, i WEAR shoulder pads.. just not the big big ones i used to !!!and, ive used them to put them on top of "foobs" under shirts.. so, im glad i kept them,, i have to compensate for the big belly , with bigg foobs, and shoulderpads.. it used to be big hair, too.. sadly, it looks like that went south, and "big wigs" isn't the same.!!!!
i am really proud of you gals for doing the dieting.. i can't eat often enough yet, to do so, with the dysphasia.. can't eat lunch, miss 2 snacks, so can't Realy diet.. does force me to be a little more careful with food choices, though.. wishing you all get to your goals.. yrs ago, i lost over 100 lbs on the Richard Simmons never say diet program, but did a lot of excersize with it. excersize, which im not doing much of, either, is the best you can do.. for weight loss, well being, strength.. even walking does so much!!!wishing you all well....3jays
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Well, that's one thing I think I have purged from my wardrobe...shoulder pads, Had them and big hair, and at that time, a waistline.
I don't mind exercising, it's just getting motivated to do it.
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I have to admit that I hate to exercise, but I do it 3x a week...unless I can find a good excuse not to. I know it's an important part of keeping healthy. In NC where we spend the summers we have an eliptical machine on our lower sun porch and I get on it every day. We don't have room for one here in Florida, so I go to a gym nearby. It isn't as convenient. I am going to get some hand weights to use on the off days to keep my arms strong and toned. It really helps if you just do a little bit of lifting. My legs stay strong because I go to the shopping malls a lot and just walk around. Now if I was spending money, I could get the arm workout carrying the! Those days are over:(
Happy Friday everyone...I'm headed to W. Palm to see DGD.
3jays: I haven't forgotten about the flea market and the red wig...just haven't had time to go there yet. The eye thing threw me into a tizzy with new dr. app'ts and such:(
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Kaara, have a great visit with DGD. You are a lucky woman!
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Shoulder pads make cute mouse shaped cat toys. Fold it in half, stitch around most of the edge, stuff with catnip, and stitch closed. If you want to get fancy, add a tail and use a marker to make eyes and a nose.
Then give them away to friends with cats, or to a group that rescues cats.
You won't feel like you've thrown them away, and you are not in danger of being tempted to wear them.
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i am still so excited because I went through the three boxes of bathroom items not unpacked since our move in 2010 just after surgery. I felt SO guilty every time I walked by them. I don't understand how I can get so bogged down that I can't start doing anything, even things I want to do.
I need to go through my night stand, it is a litlte chest of drawers actually. It looms large, that sounds rediculous. I could probably finish in thirty minutes if I would just do it.
The shoulder pad kitty toys sound cute. My shoulder pads went away when I, er, "filled out" and they were all attached to smaller size clothes. I gave up keeping those clothes about 5 years ago. I do still have jeans on size down, one can hope right. On this AI I seem to be filling out again! I really don't want to go up a size. Grr
Laters Ginger
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I did not exactly declutter today, but since it was 80 degrees at noon, I folded all my winter sweaters and sweatshirts and have them on my dresser, ready to be put away in my out of season portable closet. For the time being, my closet is a little bare until I drag out the summer stuff and hang it/them. I always cut out shoulder pads since I am very short waisted and looked like a stuffed turkey to begin with. Long legs, though - 34 inch inseam. Once upon a time when I was skinny, my nick name was spider woman. Rest well, keep happy, and Hugs, Nancy
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tonight, im doing steroids for the synthyroid.. cleaned out my bathroom "junk" thanks, Ginger. AND all the winter pashminas, and heavy sweaters got into "space bags" its already high 80s here, and prmises to be a hot summer!!!only one, light pashmina left out!!!little by little..
sorry, im keeping my shoulder pads..hahahaha3jays
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Turned the hangers this morning as promised. Need to go through the sweaters and convince myself to give them away. Several are just too heavy and I never wear them. Did go shopping today in stores and online so need to get rid of at least 6 items. Will do that when I go upstairs tonight. Also got rid of a little bit of clutter in the garage so I can at least see the bins that the Christmas stuff need to go into. I'll leave that for tomorrow afternoon's task.
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You are all so industrious. It isn't warm here yet, may take three or four months before we ever hit 80 degrees! That gives me time before Ichange seasons. Haha, actually there are no seasonal clothes here. We layer year round and super warm sweaters would be like coats here in the mild winters.
I have to keep myself from purchasing the summer blouses I have always loved. The weather just doesn't work for them here and they wouldn't get worn. My parkas have not been worn at all in two winters here. I mostly wear my canvas barn jacket with the corderoy collar, lined with flannel. Or a raincoat. I think I have only worn gloves here once and hats only while I was bald. Being from Northern Illinois I have always had a wardrobe of coats and just didn't believe I wouldn't ever need them here. If we get visitors from back east I think I will send my coats home with them to donate. I have to admit they are really crowding the closets.
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You go, girl! You are inspiring me. I have to get something started, and better yet, something finished.
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Teka: Good for you! I'll bet everything looks really nice and clean. Sit back and enjoy the fruits of your!
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Patoo: I turned my hangers. I'm so excited. I wonder if I can go a whole year! I too had to do it first thing. I even found some clothes to donate. I also cleaned off the top of my dresser. Had old receipts, broken jewelry, missing sock, etc. Bunch O Junk. I too put my sweaters away. Took my shorts out of the bin and put my sweaters in. So great to have that set up. Congrats to 3jaysmon, gingerbrew, gramE and Teka on all their work. It inspired me.!
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You know what just occurred to me is the fact that we have helped so many others because of all the "stuff" we have donated just over the last year (yes, this thread was opened only last March). Would that have happened without this thread? Perhaps, but not as organized. You all are to be congratulated.
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When I was working I used to donate my clothes to Women In Distress, and it always made me feel good that I might be helping some woman get a new start in life with some presentable clothes to wear job hunting. Many of them have to leave with only the clothes on their backs and of course the husbands usually throw the rest away out of spite.
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I used to work with homeless families and I can tell you for a fact that programs to help women dress appropriately for the working place work! Your doantions are important to the organization you donate to as well as for the patrons of those organizations.
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Teka wrote: I lost 2 Lbs.
Oh, yeah!!!!! Today was NEKKID WEIGH-IN MONDAY!!!!!
Congratulations, Girlfriend!!!!!!
(Do you need any shoulder pads?)
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You all are a riot.
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shoulder pads will make her tip the scale.
Got the bins out of the garage and into the den. Might actually get the Christmas stuff put away before it's time to take them back out.