Not quite a horder - decluttering
Kaara - I agree about the spices. If you all have a Penzy's in your area, the spices are top grade and most come in small glass jars - 0.2 oz & up depending on the density of the spice.
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pegnie, You could list them on e-bay or donate to whatever church has missionary outreach programs.
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Books may be welcome at Women's Shelters. They often arrive with very little or nothing and children in tow. It is sad to see that libraries are not used that much with Kindle being so popular.
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A friend's church collects books for Vets. Perhaps you can donate some to a VA hospital.
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i know the college my DH murray, works at, collects books, and they send them to Haiti.. so, try a local college, esp the community colleges have programs...
im still doing a little bit every day... you guys keep me goin!!!another bag for goodwill, tommorrow.. soon to go thru stuffed animals my DH, and my kids have given me thru the years.. i have a small bookcase, and set them in front of the books, for "ambience" but the huge amount has to be culled down, now.. (should've been done when we moved right bf bc 3 years ago!!!(or maybe even before we moved.. what a concept!!!
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pegnie, check on ebay to see if you could sell them there. Also, is there a 2nd hand bookseller in your area. We have a place here that takes your books and gives you store credit that you can use on other books or in their coffee shop. They might be to old and actually nobody might want them. It was a sad fact that my husband and I came to with some of our books. We did donate some to our church and they give them to children in a elementary school that has lots of children who speak english as a second language. Good luck. I just decreased my books by half. Hard work mentally.
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My DS is an intellectual and a book collector. When he married we had to clear out his townhouse from years of bachelor neglect, but he wouldn't part with his books. Fortunately he has a "man cave" at his new home where he can retreat. The entire wall is lined with bookshelves for his books. Now his little DD delights in coming in his room and pulling all the books off the shelves that she can reach! He spends a lot of time reading to her and teaching her things. I was amazed the other day when I visited and she knew all the alphabet letters out of sequence. She's only two.
Today is a birthday party here for my DGGD who is one year old. Hard to believe a year has gone by so fast! She's a little angel with lots of curls and so sweet. Her GF was like that when he was a baby, but her DM was a holy terror! She's a good mom now though.
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Rearranged my LR so that called for decluttering all the stuff that collected on the sectional couch. This week also moved around (kinda organized) more stuff in the den. Need to call the painters to get an estimate and commit to my date for motivation.
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Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms out there! Enjoy your day!
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I was really going to spend the afternoon in the sewing room yesterday, then someone called whom we had been trying to contact since January. DH had me talk to him and after the long call, I had to go recount the whole call to DH. The I got the clippers out and started pruning rose bushes. So...nothing got done inside. Tonight we are taking DH's mother to dinner so that knocks out tonight. I feel like and excuse queen!
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im still plugging away.. a little bit at a time, its getting sorted, and donated, or tossed. much slower than some of you.. but remember Meece: we can't do it everyday, the point is to live our lives.. it didn't happen in a week, and its not going away in a week, either....3jays0
Do I go to the gym and work out (haven't been in two weeks thanks to my broken thumb!) or do I get in my closet and start sorting out clothes to give away?
Neither option seems appealing to me today....but I really should do one or the other.
Or maybe I should just relax with a good book?
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Blessings2011, which won out?
I've been goofing off as usual. Exercising and then sitting doing nothing. Still haven't called the painters because once I commit to a date I really will have to get into motion.
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I have a pile of stuff out of my closet to sort or hang back up but why must I wait a day or more to actually then DO IT!
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Tomorrow, I must get something accoplished tomorrow!
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Meece, I think there is a song in that.0
patoo - I relaxed with a good book!
Then I promised DH a bike ride after dinner, but had trouble keeping my eyes open and went to lie down just for a bit at 6:30 p.m. I ended up taking a 3 hour nap!!!!
Ah, well, tomorrow's another day, right?
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I have scheduled the carpet cleaner for next week. This means some heavy duty decluttering since I am in a one bedroom apartment. The hallways in and building are being done and they are giving a big discount if you get your carpet done at the same time. A good incentive for me.
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I found this thread and I haven't read it all (just the first page). I just moved into a smaller apartment, so I threw away a lot! I put away what's left in a pile of boxes and tubs and I found places for these items in my new apt. However, I've reached a plateau. I still have boxes with framed pictures ( some were gifts from a recent birthday party), snapshots with wonderful memories, and other odds and ends.
I don't have a computer (I'm using the one at work right now), so I can't save this stuff that way.
Actually, I think I've become frustrated and overwhelmed and that's why I can't move along right now. My family has done way too much with helping me move, and my daughter is the one who organized the apt. in the first place, so I can't ask for more.
All I need is some extra incentive, maybe from you guys, to prod me into finding places for what's left of my stuff. Thanks for letting me vent.
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Hi Amontro. One suggestion only put out the things that make you happy.
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My problem is just about anything and everything makes me happy.
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Meece: Nothing wrong with an attitude like that:) I try and keep an attitude of gratitude's so much better for your health.
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I really wish I had the energy to declutter when I get home from work. I just feel like I jsut want to sit down and that's it.
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Meece, that makes 2 of us. Hard to do anything around here during the week. It takes all my strength just to put things in the dishwasher!
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Of all things I threw my shoulder out today. It hurt when I got to work, then increased all day long. I realized when I tried to unzip my dress that that is probably the culprit. So I soaked in the tub and now have icy hot on. Not great aroma therapy for bedtime. So I couldn't declutter today. I did manage to dust the diningroom and vacuum left handed though. Tomorrow I will see what else I can manage left-handed.
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Meece: Sorry about your shoulder. I've had problems with both of mine for the last two years and finally they are getting back to normal. I've been playing golf again and so far so good. Maybe a good massage would help if it doesn't clear up right away.
Soon I'm going to begin packing for the trip up to NC for the summer. I'm determined not to take so much this year...not a lot of dressing up in the mountains...just jeans and shorts most of the time, and some travel clothes for the trips we make. I will have to go through all my clothes up there and get rid of the ones that are too big for me like I've done in Florida, but it won't be a big job because I've kept it simple...just the bare minimum.
Have a good day everyone!
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The guilt is slowly going away. I have already taken all of your advice. The packed boxes, etc., are still in my bedroom waiting for homes, but my living room is a lovely respite for me. It's clear of clutter and I use candles and scents when I'm home relaxing. My kitchen is pretty organized, too. It's tough when you have a full time job, Stage IV on top of that, and then you have to worry about decluttering. Thanks for the encouragement.
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Very impressive, Amontro. De-cluttering does bring such a relaxing feeling, I don't know why it is so hard for us to do it.
We had a banquet to go to last night at one of the schools my DH works at. It was for the FFA and I was so impressed with the behavior of the chapter officers and how ladylike the girls were. It was so nice, DH was awarded and "Honorary Chapter Degree", and the kids treated us like VIPs at the banquet. There is hope for the future if these youth are an example.
I didn't do a doggone thing in the house yesterday. We are committed to go to DH's GS's t-ball game this morning, so probably not a lot getting done today either.
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Hi again all. I think I found a place for my children's books. There's a place in Atlanta that sends kids' books to Africa. I just have to get organized to box them and mail them.
Speaking of boxes, any suggestions on where to get them. Free would be good. If I have to buy them, oh well. They are expensive at the UPS store.
Tks. for help. Peggy