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For Older People with Sense



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Phyllis. I have just got rid of mange in some of my dogs ( all the ones that live in the house with me, of course ) so know what you've been thru'. Scrubbing beds, washing bedding, bleaching everywhere !

    Mange is a small mite that lives just under the surface of the skin, and causes terrible itching... I know ...because I caught it from them !!  When humans catch it it's called scabies. I just got those 'spot-on' things from the vet ( Advantage drops ) I did the dogs, and put a spot on myself. It worked ! The dogs look very moth eaten now, big patches of skin showing where they have been scratching....luckily new hair is just showing thru'.

    Police have contacted me again, and tell me there were thousands of packets of cigarettes found at my neighbours, plus lots of counterfeit clothing, and 2 bulldozers were found hidden in 2 shipping containers. I have been asked if I will attend an identity parade to pick out the driver I stopped and had words with....tho' why on earth they need this when he was caught redhanded unloading his waggon, I have no idea. The farmhouse was searched, all computers and phones taken away, and the police tell me the maximum sentence for this could be 14 years !  My neighbour has said he had no idea at all about how all the stuff came to be on his property !!

    Been to a big shopping mall this afternoon, just to get away from the house (after letting the guard dogs run out....I don't normally let them out thru' the day, incase they attack anyone calling at the house, but today I didn't care. I locked up my gates, so if anyone had fancied their chances climbing over the gates they'd have got eaten !!! ) I set out to buy a pair of black boots, and came back with a pair of green ones ! Goodness' knows what they'll go with, but I liked them, and that was a good enought reason for me today. 

    About 5-6 months ago I bought a cheapy sewing machine, a Toyota for Jeans machine....about £100...and I've never been off it since. My expensive machines cannot match it. It's pretty basic...forward, reverse and buttonhole....but the way it just flashes over big seams is magic. Never hesitates.  4/5 layers of denim ? no problem ! The needles I have broken over the years on much better machines you wouldn't believe.....but even when I forget to put a heavy duty needle in to sew jeans, and suddenly realise I'm sewing with a very fine needle, it handles it. Wish I had had this when my children were young. I do spend an awful lot of time sewing, always's a complete contrast for me from working outside. I don't think there is a day goes by without I'm up in my sewing room, up to something ! Being a shortie...I'm 5' 1"....I have just about everything to alter, hems to take up, sleeves and waists to alter, and I love making fancy curtains...trouble is I am all curtained up at the moment , can't just swap them because I like making curtains !!

    Rain and cold's drizzled all day, but now is lashing down. It's forecast all week, winter is starting.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Well, I finally have reclaimed my sewing room from DH's junk.  He was really good about getting all of his junk and the extra desks out of the room so I would have plenty of room to work. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow AJ!!!   Now that looks a whole lot different to when I saw it!   Now it's perfect for all those little sewing projects.  Hope you are staying well!  Hope your DD's op goes well also.

    Love n hugs to you and DH.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    wow! amy jo; thats a wonderful room. you'll be done quilting that bedspread for DS in no time there!!!.......3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Isabella: i had a notion oyou'd be out shopping any day now.. i know it soothes YOUR savage beast.. mine, too, but i've put myself on resrtion.. need to get coffers into the bank to pay the damneded co pays for drs. right now. so far, this week, we'll spend over 150.00 for my thyroid/ eye problem!! i need to get a job to pay for that!!wish i could, too, id not worry as much as i do, if i could get outta here, once in awhile.....

       Any news about the gypsies coming and staying in your field? that sounds like a really good idea, from where im sitting...

       i'm having trouble with some of the functions in the computer, so gotta go read. thats the only way i learn here... to $$ to get someone to teach me. when chrissy was here, she showed me how to get my "pictures" library sorted.. then, windows put it all elsewhere..screwed up all over again!!! oh well, i'll be busy with that, for a while, thats' for sure......3jays

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Leah thanks for the tip about Vit. C for my allergies.  Lisa I like your pics of you, Chrissy and everyone else at that marina in SD.  The sky is so blue.  You have a great sewing room Amyjo.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    AJ, wow, that room looks GREAT! Good for your DH getting it cleared out. Love the quilt you posted!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,140

    Beautiful sewing room!  Almost gives me an itch to have one of my two sewing machines serviced.  One is an old miniature Kenmore, the other an old Singer I inherited when my aunt died of bc several years ago.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, did you say you had a Toyota for jeans machine?  I've never heard of that but it sounds great.  Your rotties seem to be coming in handy!  Phyllis, wow, the last thing you need in your life right now is lice!  Oh I hate those things.  Many years of kids taught me to take them seriously.

    Grandson here today after a bad reaction to a flu shot.  Sitting around in jammies and a robe drinking coffee.  Guess I should at least get dressed!  Had cookies for brekkie, but will go take vitamins.  Loving my new computer.

    A peaceful day to all!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Dragon, yes, thats what it's called Toyota Jeans machine. Specifically for heavy duty sewing. and oh so cheap !!!! I looked it up on the internet, and had one here in a day or two. It says Toyota Jeans on the front of it. In all the time I have been sewing I had never heard of one like this before. I even have a big industrial machine...and it beats that !!


  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Hey ladies! I've missed you all!

    DH and I took a week and headed for St. Louis for a little vacay last week, so I was pretty much incommunocado. We had a wonderful time; much deserved, too! But it's taken me 3 days to get caught up! Yell

    Amyjo, love love love your sewing room! I'm so jealous! But I don't have time to do that sort of thing right now anyway. Quilting is on my list of things to do when I retire.

    Started my rads today...should be done by/before Thanksgiving! Yay!

    DH has started dinner, so I should go help. 

    :::hugs::: to all of you!

    martha Kiss

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I love my new sewing room. I spent all day today there just sewing away.  I used to sew all the time, but then life got so busy and working so many hours that I just did not have time anymore. Now I am sort of retired and I have time now to do what I like to do.  I have one row of that huge quilt actually quilted just 16 in that direction then about 21 rows in the other direction.  Hopefully I will be done by the time I have to go to CA to see them next week.  I did decide that the quilt will have to either be shipped or pay for a 2nd bag to be checked at the airport!  

    Just got a FaceTime call from GS#1 and he wants a Lego King Chariot Assault Set for his birthday in November.  Guess I will ba makeing a run to Target tomorrow. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    anyjo, I'm jealous also.  I have my sewing stuff in the dining room 'cause I love the big table. Target had Lego sets on sale so this is a good time to get one.  GS will want something Star Wars.  I never heard of King Chariot Assault but it sounds great.  My son still likes them and he's 34.  

    In the "is-it-dementia" category--I honestly can't remember when I last washed my hair.  It was just a few days ago but when?  I'm leaving notes all over the place to remind me to do things.  I didn't even have chemo but did have a small stroke.  How can you be sure if it's just aging or it's Alzheimer's?  The on-line tests are scary.

    Dragon (at least I still know my screen name). 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Dragon - At least you remember to write the notes.  I get distracted before I get a chance to write a note! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    dragonfly: i DID the tests for alzheimers, bf bc... they really are stupid, and a waste of time, and money.. they're designed to see if your brain can function to put pictures that match together, how many things are alike, whats; different, etc. they told me that my having a stroke  was the problem with my cognitive trouble. if you're really concerned, and have ins; have your dr. rx a few sessions with a cognitive therapist. they are better than the ones that test; and i found them VERY helpful. have used them from time/time. my cognitive is low right now; from the hypo thing... let me know how it works out..

     i gave marybe the questions over the phone; i still have my booklet.. when we;re worried about ALs, we don't have it, is the thing the therapist kept telling me.....3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, that's a good idea.  I've been taking Gabapentin for shingles and also read that it can cause memory loss.  I think I need a memory dog!  What a good excuse to take a dog into the supermarket!

    There is a bird trying to commit suicide by crashing into my kitchen window.  Please, little birdie, spring will come again!

    Hope all are well,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I took that Dragon, but then I switched to Lyrica (I take it for neuropathy) and it is better for it works better on the pain..again fro me..

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, does your insurance cover the Lyrica?  I think mine charges some kind of giant co-pay.  Some day may try some of my friend's Rx just to see if it works.  Wow, bet the weather is great down in San Diego!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Re: Gabapentin

    I have an Rx for this my MO gave me...for hot flashes.  I filled it once, got it home, and started reading about the SE's. I decided my hot flashes weren't bad enough yet to risk the SE's, so I haven't started taking it yet. 

    I'd like to hear about your experiences with it, regardless of the reason it was prescribed. 

    Thanks, ladies!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325


    I think the SEs depends on how much of it you have to take.  My husband used to take it for trigeminal neuralgia and had to take 1200 at day to get relief.  He was a zombie on that dose!  I just take it when I have pain from shingles--I had it a couple of years ago and it still hasn't resolved.  I have noticed my memory is worse lately and it affected my memory when I took it before.  I know it has other nasty side effects after long term use.  I've never heard of it used for hot flashes but it may work.

    Lynda (Dragon) 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    I've tried Lyrica, then Gabapentin, but neither helped neuropathy in 'bad ' side arm, underarm and shoulder. I am told nothing else can help me with this pain....which really means 'you are using up too much money switching drugs on a whim....put up with it ' !!!!!  Most days it runs about 5/10, but if I attempt to do any work will ramp up to an 8 or more out of 10.  I saw a friend only today who said to me ' you're holding your arm in a funny position, have you banged it on something ?' I explained what was the cause of my trouble, and she said 'oh, I thought you'd finished with all that YEARS ago'. I wish.

    Started on a monster clear out of cupboards and drawers today. I am finding things I have had over 30 years, hung up in my wardrobes, as good as new. I am afraid I have been as hard as I am when I go into my garden with the pruning shears ( well, used to !) I had got to the stage of piling up newly washed clothes in a spare bedroom, because there was no point in ironing because there was nowhere to put newly ironed clothes anyway !! I am not the worlds most enthusiastic ironer, always had a big pile near my ironing table, but over the last 3-4 months I have become unable to stand and iron for more than 10 mins, before my back starts to scream, so have been ironing on demand ! 

    I sent for some of those clothes storage bags that you suck out the excess air from , from QVC, so I don't even have to iron my ironing now, they will crease in the bags nicely, thankyou ! Have filled 3 up, but not attempted to get the air out yet !...tomorrows job. I HAVE ended up with a massive pile of coathangers. I shall have to shift them on somewhere soon.

    Still getting the 'your house is much too big for you now' from DD,One of my G/daughters has started to chime in I am attempoting to do big clearaways before they all come visit again at the w/end, and see my piles of black bags to go to the charity shop, and QVC bags to store things away.  OMG I have just taken a big sip from my can of Coke, and found something in it....a great big fat fly....nearly swallowed it. I left my can uncovered for 2 hours, and in plops a big fat fly...serves me right for not covering it up !!!!

    We are having very misty, humid, drippy weather at the moment, so I am finding inside jobs to keep myself moving. I had ordered a firm to come and clean my 2 about a month....they turned up today...and were not pleased to be turned away until I want them !! Both conservatories are white, and just filthy....haven't been cleaned in 4 years. I can no longer climb up ladders safely to power wash and clean out gutters, let alone polish windows.....but...I am waiting until the leaves are all off the trees and the gutters are full so they can be cleaned out properly....and the men who turned up today didn't seem too pleased with me when I wouldn't let them get on with the job. Not my fault they are short of work...but whether they will come back again at the end of November remains to be seen ! Oh, to be young again and not have to rely on others to do my work.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Isabella, I hear you. I loved doing my yard work. I would get others in to do the heavy stuff but I do miss it. Sigh.

  •    Isabella,  What is a conservatory? Here we have conservatories and they are in parks and have flowers and things in them that people go look at....but I am sure it is something else in England.   Remember that little song There was an old lady who swallowed a fly?....not to imply that you are old or anything, but it came to mind when I read about that one in your Coke.  I can certainly relate to the oh to be young again...yesterday I worked at both offices...the one from 7 -12 and then the other from 1:30 to 7:30...was able to do this since I did not have a dr's appt. and the other hygienist had to take a cont ed class and needed someone to work for her.  I used to do this all the time with no problem, but boy was I tired last night.  I bet your place is spic and span compared to mine.....I have piles of crap everywhere, but told one of my friends the other day I think I am not going to buy any more clothes and need to throw out half the ones I have and she asked why and I said because I really ended up wearing the same things most of the time I was on vacation.  I need someone to come help me though because I know I will never get around to doing it on my own.

    Neurontin or gabapentin, I used to take it, and I think I quit taking it for some reason, but don't recall why.....have a whole bottle of it now that they prescribed again when I said the navelbine or something was giving me neuropathy, but I didn't take it.....not because I was worried aobut SEs, I just didn't take it.  If we believed all the side effects were going to happen that they list on medications, no one would take anything.  I am scared this or that is going to happen to me every time I start a new drug and none of them ever  happen which is not necessarily a good thing since when I don't get the SEs with different chemos they usually are not onco says there is no correlation, but I say there IS, for me at least.  Anyway, I took some supplements and vitamins that Lago told me about for neuropathy and they worked  L-glutamine, acetyl-L-carnitine and Vitamin B....I think it was B12.   I have been very fortunate in that even though several treatments has caused me to have neuropathy, it has always pretty much gone away. 

    I was worried about myself and my memory awhile ago.....asked my onco if I could have a test for alzheimers and that was when they ordered that brain MRI.....I HATE having those because I am always afraid they will find something there that shouldn't be showed normal changes for someone my age.  Don't you just love hearing that?  3jays is right....if we worry about it, then we don't have it, we just would not notice, but eveyone else would. 

    I wrote to the onco at MDA last night and he wrote back immediately.  I am just so impressed with this man....he had received my scan report and said he was reviewing my records.  He mentioned a few hormonals, one which is similar to testosterone and high dose estrogen which I know my onco was very much opposed to....I remember when RobinWendy was doing that.  Then I thought this guy's specialty is hormone driven BC and thought of that saying, If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything looks like a nail.  So I guess a rad onco would be recommending radiation and a surgeon would say surgery is the way to go.   Hmmmmm.   Well, I still intend on going back to MDA and talked to my friend with the ex there and she said we can stay with him and he's not far from the medical center.  So that is all I know.....oddly enough I am not too worried about it and the thought of maybe doing nothing for awhile sounds pretty appealing to me.   

    Well, good night all.  I am tired and going to go to bed. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marybe, I am glad you are going to go back to MDA.  Enjoy this time out from all the treatments and get a good rest.  That may be the best thing for you now.  Take care and keep us posted.  Love and hugs to you dear friend.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Marybe, I think you are right about the specialty docs recommending what they friend was a mammographer and would sit in on the tumor board meetings for breast cancer, and she said, the rad docs wanted to radiate, the oncs, chemo , the surgeons , operating etc, etc..

    I don't really have any side effects of the Lyrica..thank goodness I did on neurontin...I tried the stuff you recommended, but it didn't help I guess we all have to go with what works the best with the least side effects..

    hugs all around

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Lot's of activity here lately! 

    Marybe -- Just want you to know you are in my prayers.  {{{{Hugs}}}}

     AmyJo:  Love your sewing room!  I am jealous!  I was downstairs in mine tonight.  The room is a nice size.  With a little work, I could add some shelf's and rearrange and it could be nice.  My problem is that it is in the basement and I don't go down there as often as I used to.

    BarbaraA:  I know how you feel about the job!  Actually, I like what I do, just don't like my boss and my primary coworker.  People were nice to me for a while, but things are back to normal now.  I get a great deal of respect from the people I service, however, I have had a problem with my boss for years. I have never been able to figure it out, but she just doesn't like me and has always made it difficult for me.  I have sucked it up because with most of the other jobs at my level would require a lot of travel.  As a single parent, that was just too difficult, so I have stuck it out for years. 

    We did get rid of the lice, but I seem to be having a reaction to the lice treatment.  My skin is itchy and blotchy and I have a rash on my neck.  I am miserable and tired.  Have worked 9 and 10 hour days all week and then even had to take some work home to get ready for some classes that I teach at work.  When I get home, I fix dinner, help kids with homework and then fall asleep on the couch. Still having issues on the left side.  It is better and there doesn't seem to be any fluid build up, but am having spasms.  Well, tomorrow is Friday -- another weekend. Gotta start the day with a smile!  Good night ladies!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Marybe....a conservatory is much like a sun room, or a greenhouse.

    Both mine are big, one about 30' x 12' to ground, and second one, where I spend oodles of time is about 20' x 12'.....and has a 3' wall with glass on top.  The biggest one I use for my dogs. I have half a dozen dog baskets in, and it leads out to the garden. The smaller one I have lots of unusual plants in, cane furniture and some of my birds. I also spoil myself with a big cane rocking chair and a TV ! This is a dog free zone ! I have to have somewhere to get away from them from time to time. With our terrible weather it is a godsend to be able to sit and be out of the cold wind....if I didn't have a conservatory life would be miserable, at least I get to feel I am outside when I'm not, and am sat in the house  nice and warm !

    The biggest one DH and I built ourselves, its been up about 30 years...and the second one I treated myself to about 10 years ago, and was built for me by a building firm...the easiest way ( but also much more expensive ) Little did I know I would get so much use from it. I was dx'd about a year after it was put up, and I recuperated in there all one summer.

    Continuing with my clear out today, I am throwing out loads, but STILL don't seem to have made a lot of still continues to be misty and I will be having a big bonfire tonight when it gets dark.....I have a monster pile of plastic bags outside. Want to get it all out of the way before DD calls tomorrow ! I am being driven mad by my No1 barking boarding dog....I thought I was done for the season then the owner rang up at the last minute and booked her in. I would have loved to have had the cheek to say 'no', as it barks almost continually when it's here ,day and night. She will be going home Sunday am., and I will have to smile sweetly and say it's been a pleasure to have her, when really I could so easily have gone out and throttled her !!! The damned thing is coming back again for 2 weeks in December !! Don't ever believe that saying about being quiet in the English countryside !!

    Well, must go and make myself a sandwich for my lunch. It's got to 4pm, and I am starving....haven't had a thing since it will be a b-i-g sandwich.... then it'll do for the rest of the day ! 

    (((( Phyllis)))) take care of yourself.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Marybe, I'm glad you have such responsive doctors! It makes a huge difference. 

    Isabella, I used to think I used to work hard until I met you...  (I did 40 acres with critters, hay, gardens, road work, actually building bridges & houses, and I don't know what-all -- I think of it as the hauling water chopping wood phase) -- but what you "used" to do is simply amazing.  Not to mention what you still manage to do and keep up with.   Your new tidy-up phase is inspiring me though.  Today I think I'll really take a hard look at clothes closets and chests, and be brutal. My 3 acres in the woods is nice and "easy" compared to your English countryside farm life!

    Phyllis I hope you can get some relief, and some rest this weekend.

    BarbA, my new-job wishes for you are still in full force. Sometimes it takes awhile for the right one to turn up. Don't give up hope. Maybe the cruise will rejuvenate your spirits enough to "rise above it" awhile longer...

    Saw MO on Wednesday, regular 3-mo. checkup with the 6-mo bloodwork done; 6 mnth-Mammo in two weeks gives us an excuse to go to the NorCal coast and see my BS who I adore.  MO gave the all clear on blood work, and my Vit D is up to a respectable 52. A year ago it was 38.  

    To All, I hope you have a pleasant weekend.  Looking forward to Chrissy's NZ installment.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    We've been having car problems for the last couple of days.  It seems like I'm always at the garage waiting on a vehicle to get fixed.  And I bought an IPod.  I bought the IPod cause I thought it would be nice to listen to music while I get chemo.  I got the results of my Oncotype test this past Tuesday and I scored right in the middle.  My BS talked to my ONC and said that means chemo.  I sorta thought I would need it. The thing is I sorta want chemo to make sure they got all of my cancer.  I just don't want the side effects that come with it.  But I know this is stuff all of you ladies have gone through.  I'll just have to grin and bear it.  At least I'll be done with chemo before next summer.

    Have a nice weekend everyone