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For Older People with Sense



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Alyson...many moons ago when I wore a green gymslip, a 'pork pie' hat and big baggy dark green bloomers !! I was at grammar school in a very nice town, and we were all a flutter when the All Blacks arrived, and took up residence in the hotel dead opposite the school.

    There was much 'catching an early bus to school today', and 'coming back on a later bus tonight' from us giggling girls, but as far as I remember non of us managed a date with any of them....but there was much hanging around the hotel gates in hope!!!


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

     Thanks for the kiwi lesson Alyson.  After much thought, I do believe I would prefer the black-shirted variety of kiwi fruit.  Looks ripe for the picking to me.

    And Lisa, since it was my potassium that got us into this discussion in the first place, I want the one on the right, too!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella and all.. kiwifruit! who woulda thunk it.. thanks for the remider, alyson...

       so, i started a new traditon tonight. i've been trying to figure out a way for the distance from the 3 jays to stop eating at me.. so, since it was 30 years today i gave birth to my one and only biological jay, and he didn't want to be with me.. we decided that sept 30th will be known as justins' BIRTHday, and i can celebrate that!!! so off we went splurged on surf and turf tonight... and, im sick of trying to do soemthing with the always disappearing hair.. so 3 hairpieces later; i was STILL cool enuff to eat dinner w/out wig lol.. here's the results. a little blurry, but me, happy, anyway........3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    blurry, but its' me and murray....hahaha3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    How cool!   Your hair looks great!  well done!  Hi ya  Having fun here but now I need some sleep so I can have more fun tomorrow.

    Love n hugs all!  Chrissy

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Lovely pictures, 3jays!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks.. gotta lay down a bit.. chrissy; leaving you a pm. talk to ya'll later....3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Wish there was a like button.

    3jays it just makes me laugh when you call the fruit - kiwis. 

    Have a really nasty chest infection grrr but watching rugby which means I am not doing very much.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    #jays, great pix. {{ALY}}

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    You look great 3jays.  Sounds like you had a nice evening.  My DH's birthday is September 30th.

    Thanks for the kiwi lesson Alyson.  Auckland looks like a beautiful place.  I found a list of the 50 Must Dos in Auckland.  They all look great.

    I'm hoping Phyllis that my drains can come out soon.  I can feel them pulling at times when I do stuff.  I'm happy for you that yours are all out.

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    3jays:  Nice photos -- thanks for sharing. 

    Alyson:  I kinda like the kiwis with the shirts too!

    Finally got a full paycheck again!  Must pay bills today and start catching up on things.  I have had some unexpected pain in the left side, the one that had the last drain.  It hurts when I take a deep breath or reach for something, like when I close the car door behind me.  I see the PS on Monday, so will ask him about it. 


  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Hey 3jays, nice to put a face to the name! And as long as you're happy and comfortable, that's all that counts!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Nice to meet you 3jays!  You're as beautiful as your posts - thanks for sharing.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    3 jays, you look great!!  Thanks for posting these pics.


  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Great picture 3 jays.

    Phyllis - my last drain came out 2 weeks after surgery. That was 4 weeks ago. I'm just now getting comfortable laying on that side. The area is still tender to the touch and there's one spot that when I press on it really hurts. With the amount of time your drains were in, I think you're going to be sore for quite a while. But, definitely check with your PS.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks, girls.. im fat; 1/2 bald, and draggin....but I'm HERE!!like lisa said.. making lemonade outta lemons. the problem is learning to deal with the crap in your life, no matter where it comes from...

       i din't have GREAT skills bf bc; but don't have any now.. cry at the drop of a hat. i'm sure if they can get the thyroid straightened out, it'll be better. but, with the MS; the question is: will i tolerate anything for it... more to be revealed...

         i remember, having the drains in for weeks, and weeks, they actually grew over thrm. and i have the thick, red, itchy scars to prove it, too. hope your'e all done with them, now.......have a great sundAY, ladies.....3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Where is everyone. Most of you have no excuse but we do in this part of the world, we are so busy watching sport in this case rugby (and some league and netball) I am exhausted from all this activity.

    Can't wait until Chrissy gets here and will take her down to see all the 'fan zones' and other activities that are going on. Raeinz is coming as well.

    Its a sunny day after very heavy rain so might help me get going today. Have had a bad dose of bronchitis which I can't shake.

    Do hope you are all having a good day.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I saw part of the rugby match yesterday on tv...our American football game was blacked out due to not a sellout so they had the match on..

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hope you understood what was happening - I have no idea about American football. The US and Canadian teams both played well this world cup especially Canada. There has been a great improvement by the minnows in the last four years. Time will come when they will give the major rugby countries a real fright. It has been such fun. DH has managed to get to two games.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    All three of my sons played soccer and I coached for a couple of years ,,,,

    I did end up as a voluntary referee  for 20 years, so I do know a bit more about that than


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i think its great that rainz is joining you meeting with chrissy; allyson.. hope you have a ball!!!............3jays

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    I'm here, too - just fighting what I suppose is a UTI... Have been busy with getting-ready-for-winter chores and probably didn't stay hydrated.  But the chores are mostly "done."

    Alyson, have a great time with Chrissy & Raeinz - how fun!!!  Hope you post pix.  I suppose you are getting on to summer now, just as we begin to turn on the heat...

    I can't add anything to sports talk, except admiration for yet another of Lisa's many talents. Voluntary referee for soccer for 20 yrs - wow!  

    I hope all the recovering sisters are feeling better. Drains out, wounds healing up, fatigue easing, and energy returning.

    3jays, lovely pix. You looked great.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Hi all--been away due to computer problem.  I now have a Mac but haven't yet learned what all the icons mean.  3Jays your pictures were great!  So good to know what people look like!  If I ever learn this computer I'll post one of us.

    I just got a dress form and am now sewing with it.  I truly love it.  Have decided to make the whole family's clothes from here on and I just can't seem to fit anything in the store and it's not very well made anyway.  I'm basically built like a boy with boobs--not much hips, a big waist and medium on top (after reconstruction).  I probably should shop in the teen boy section!

    Craving of the day:  macaroni salad.  A couple of ribs would go nicely as well.  Is that meal on the "preventing cancer" list of stuff to eat?  I check after I finish eating.

    Love to all,


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to "see" you dragonfly. i only use the avater , cause its a momy feeding her 3jays. maybe i should change it, since they seem so distsant; but i stubbornly keep it. i'm not afraid for anyone here to put a face to the name. i think most of us , should. if just long enough for us to copy it.. it IS nicer to have a face to put with the name. over a few yrs, i have quite a few now. some ple don't want their pics out, tho, and thats ok too.. a little "mystery never hurts..hahaha ............3jays

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Everybody here seems to sew.  Maybe I should give it a try.  But I would need to buy a newer machine first.  I was thinking I don't seem to have any indoor hobbies except the internet.  Anyone have any ideas?

    It's been a week and 3 days since my surgery.  My pain has lessened.  I saw my BS yesterday and he said everything is looking good.  I'm waiting for the results of my Oncotype test.  I don't like waiting.

    3jays I like your avatar!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    LynMIchel - those new sewing machines have way too many gadgets and buttons for me. I still use the "portable" Singer my aunt gave me when I turned 16. In a couple of years (gulp) it will be fifty years old.  All it does is go forward and backward and it has a button hole gadget.  Just right for me. It left home and went to university with me and has been with me ever since. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    LynMichel, I don't know if everybody sews, but there's a thread started by Sunflowers - I think it's called Lets Inspire Each Other to be Creative - maybe in the growing our friendships forum - and a lot of women post various creative projects, including some gorgeous quilts and artwork.  If you are interested in a machine, Barbe1958 could give you some good advice on the best basic machines - she knows a lot!    Congrats on "doing well" - and we'll hold your hand during the oncotype wait. Here's hoping for a real low score!

    We are getting our first wetting rain of the season; it's a couple weeks early this year. I guess it's a good thing we worked so hard getting the outside cleaned up last week. That was when I let myself get dehydrated & am now suffering a UTI. Ugh.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    lassie my sewing machine is like yours.  It's a Sears Kenmore.  I mostly use it to repair things.  I like your avatar.  Is it a woman walking through a garden?

    LostCreek thanks for telling me about the Lets Inspire Each Other to be Creative  forum.  I always felt I needed some type of hobby besides the internet since I retired 3 years ago.  I like to garden and work outside.  My DH and I go camping in the summertime.  Sorry you have a UTI.  I've had a few and they are no fun.  Here's to getting better.   Thanks for holding my hand during my waiting period.Smile

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    LynMichel, you're right, the waiting is the worst. I'm glad you're healing well.

    Lost Creek, I'm joining you in the UTI. Ugh is right! Dang, couldn't we have thought of something better to do together?

    I am not one of the ladies who sews (I can manage buttons but not much more). I enjoy baking for an Indoor Sport but with my kids mostly out of the house I don't do nearly as much as I used to.

    Erma Bombeck always had in her biographical blurb "Her hobby is dust". I can't even join her for that - it makes me sneeze.
