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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    ((Lynmichel) you can do it!

    Phyllis, rest, gal pal!

    Isabella, the conservatories sound lvely. How great to feel as through you are outside when it is snowing and you are snug and warm.

    L_C great new on your blood work!

    I, too, need to get into a cleanup phase. Our community is having a yard sale but I think it is when I am on the cruise. Oh well.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    I had three sales for my Mom's stuff when she died last year.  My Mom had lots of antiques.  So I cleaned up some of my stuff and sold it at the sales.  I de-cluttered.

    Thanks Barbara.  I know I can do it and I want to do it. I just don't want to lose my hair because everyone will know I have cancer.  Then all the questions will start.  Ugh.

  • LynM.....get a wig beforehand.....I really did not like wearing a wig, but I did the lst time around and no one even knew it was not my hair, in spite of the fact it wasn't the same color.  I had quite a few people tell me they liked my hair and I think they just thought I dyed it or something.  They make some very nice wigs that are not horribly expensive and most insurance companies will reimburse you  for a wig up to a certain amount of $ need to submit a bill along with a RX for a cranial prosthesis.....I cracked up when I saw that on the prescription.  I also do not like to show physical evidence that I have cancer and am very fortunate in that I have always looked the picture of health in spite of treatments.  For me the hair loss was hard, not so much as a vanity issue, but because it was physical evidence that I really had something wrong with me.  I was telling Tim tonight that I like looking "normal" and that the only people who know I even have cancer are ones I choose to tell....that is important to me....have never wanted to be an object of pity to others. summer when my niece was visiting she told me we need to get such and such (I forget what the name of it was, some shampoo for lice) and when I asked what it was and she told me, I immediately started itching.  She was quite educated in what to do, was telling me how you use the little comb to get the nits (think that was what she said).....I called my mother and said Wait til I tell you this one.  My memory on this is foggy not due to chemo, but the fact this niece is now 27 yrs old so it was a long time ago.

    I feel like I am getting a sore throat so am popping Vit C.....if I do, I am going to kill the receptionist because she came to work sick.   

    I always wanted a green house Isabella.  When I got replacement windows for the house I saved the old casement windows thinking they would be perfect for that, but never got my greenhouse. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325


    So sorry you have to have the chemo but we're all here to support you.  Many people can help with side effects' advice and moral support.

    Not long ago there was a thread on red yeast rice--just wondering if anyone knows of a brand that's reliable.  Looks like I may go off my statins due to muscle spasms.  It would be great to have a natural alternative.

    G'nite to all,


  • Dragon, Tonic water helps me a lot with muscle has quinine in it. I keep a bottle by the bed.  There was a time when I got them so bad, especially in my legs and feet. that I would be pushing against the wall and trying to get my leg into a position where it would ease up and I would be actually groaning and yelling outloud...OMG, Please, please,  Oh, ooooh, Oh.  At different times I have had a tenant in the upstairs which actually used to be an apartment and I think afterwards if they heard that in the middle of the night they must have thought it was some really wild passionate sex going on.  Not in this house, believe me.  LOL.  But seriously do try the tonic water, it works faster than potassium pills or bananas. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Vitamin E also helps with cramps. I can SEE the bulge that I have to work down when I get leg cramps. Standing up and bearing down is another way to ease them, but I just prefer to not get them at all!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I get some leg cramp pills with quinine from the health food store..they work

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Thanx for all the info re:  muscle spasm.  I'll try all of it.  I do have a muscle relaxant but am hoping to avoid another pill if possible.  

    Yesterday had a classic BLT sandwich (like I needed that!)  My God it was so good but not like my Mom's--she always used Miracle Whip!  I never tasted real mayo until I was an adult.  Wish she could come back just long enough to cook me some nice Midwestern food!


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Dragon, Wonder if Miracle Whip is more popular in the Midwest, Mom used it too as did my aunt in ND.  I first tasted mayo at my in-law's house here in Western Washington.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Oh, I love a all time favourite. Usually treat myself to one when I go shopping. 

    At home I just do the LT...the B just gets missed off on account of my no cooking rule. Just too darned idle to stand and watch bacon grill !!!!!! 


  •   Nothing like a good BLT with an Ohio tomato.  He may have lost most of his reasoning powers, but my Dad still grows good tomatoes.   He is going to explain his logic to me re the car when I am there next weekend.  Miracle whip actually has a lot more flavor than mayo, but they are two totally different tastes....I know this one dip recipe I have tastes different if I use one in place of the other.  Now I am thinking maybe that sounds good for dinner.

    I spent the morning at the hospital...well actually most of the day.  My friend is now in ICU and they were going to go in with a needle and take the fluid out of her lungs, but then the radiologist looked at the films and said it is not critical so the Dr. is going to come in and do it opinion, the dr probably just didn't want to come in on a Sat.  Do not get sick on a weekend.   She had a bowel obstruction and some breathing issues so that is why they moved her upstairs.  She was looking better when I left because they finally gave her some food. 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    LynMichel, I hope chemo goes smoothly for you. I know what you mean about wanting it but not wanting it. Before I got the path report that showed 6 nodes involved I didn't know if I would be getting chemo but my feeling at that point was that I hoped the onc would recommend it because I knew I would feel safer if I had it. Check the chemo forum - there is a pinned thread there called "Wig Advice" that I posted with info on buying & caring for wigs. I'm an Orthodox Jew so I've been covering my hair with hats/scarves/wigs since I got married. If you have any questions you can ask on this thread, the wig one, or pm me.

    I cracked up at the Miracle Whip - midwest connection. I grew up in NYC and we looked down our noses at people who ate Miracle Whip. New Yorkers think they are oh-so-sophisticated and superior to the rest of the U.S.but in reality they're probably the most provincial!

    I'm going to check out the leg cramp pills. I used to take calcium supplements which took care of them but since the mets dx my onc doesn't want me to take them. Apparently with bone mets you can have excess calcium in the blood. Since my bloodwork has shown normal he said I don't have to cut calcium out of my diet but the supplements are out. I tried tonic water and made it through one very small glassful. It was absolutely vile and I just can't drink it.


  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Thanks everyone about the chemo advice.

    Marybe that sounds like a good idea to get a wig beforehand.  Like you said I don't want to be a cause of pity from people.  I just want to continue to be me.

    Leah thanks for telling me where to find wig advice on the forums.  Maybe I'll become a blonde or redhead!

    There's nothing like a BLT with home grown tomatoes in the summer.  Except maybe a grilled cheese sandwich using sharp cheese and a slice of tomato.  We've always used mayo where I grew up in PA.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Here is one of the spots we enjoyed with Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    sweet spot, Lisa.. i bet chrissy crashed when she finally got home, eh?

     is that ic from morikami, chrissy? she'lll be out for a  few  days, at least, im betting..

      Funny, yall are talking about muscle cramps today. ive thron may back out, now. got a new stand for the computer, and its too tall. now, living on flexeril, as its now started the crampinng from the ms... its like doninos....grrrrrrrrrrr3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, does the Flexeril make you sleepy?  I've been taking Skelaxin as it's not supposed to make you sleepy.  It doesn't make me sleepy but it does make me dizzy!  

    Marybe, I miss those Midwestern tomatoes.  I think they had much more flavor than the varieties we grow here in the Northwest.  

    I'm cracking up over the mayo thing.  I have to admit that mayo is not my favorite thing--a little bit goes a loooong way with me.  I still crave that old Miracle Whip.  Boy my mom made a killer mac and cheese too and I think the "Miracle" was a key ingredient!  She never ate butter as she thought flies got into it when it was churned.  She also thought an enema was a good cure for just about anything!  I'm certainly glad for modern medicine!  

    LynMichel, let us know when you're sure of you chemo regime.  Here in Portland they have a program where you get free things like wigs and scarves--my friend did it.  Not sure it's everywhere but you might ask you nurse navigator or other nurses.  Hope you're recovering well from the surgery and not doing too much.

    Last night I watched a doc on Margo Fonteyn--the poor, sweet lady!  Now I want to dye my hair! I could be an old lady with dark brown hair...maybe not.

    Love to all,


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Mayo (brandname) for me. And home-grown tomatoes. Isabella have you tried the precooked microwave bacon? My mom ate that but I never tried it so can't say if it tastes like bacon.

     It must be national muscle spasm week. I'm joining BarbA with the out of whack back.  I just stood up from sitting on Friday morning, and have been in trouble ever since. No relief.  Just when I was getting over the UTI and feeling good - wham! Heat wraps, back brace, pain meds, zip relief.  Next up to try is muscle relaxers, and for me Flexeril is night-night, so I just haven't taken any yet. Should have taken one last night before bed.  I see PCP on Tuesday & can manage this pain level until then but I sure hope he can tell me what's up.  BarbA, I can truly say "I feel your pain."  Yikes!

    Lyn, good idea on the wigs.  So many helpful & caring women here.

    Leah, are you over your UTI?

    Glorious fall weather here... my mums have been a joy - 3 feet tall and lush, in pots, they look like huge snowcones in yellow, orange and burgandy. I've been giving them away all over town & still have masses.  I usually don't have such success with flowers (but I can grow food!) so it's a real treat for me...

    Best to all. ((( ALL )))

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Marybe, thanks for the advice about the tonic water. I had a major bout of RLS earlier this week...kept me awake most of the night. I'll give that a try if it happens again.


    Here is one that I got a free headwrap from, but if you google free headwraps or free scarves for cancer patients a bunch of other ones come up also.  You can get free makeup and sometimes a wig or scarf depending on what companies have donated supplies when you go to Look Good, Feel Good which is put on by the Am Cancer So at a lot of different hospitals.   I figure why not get everything you can out of this deal....sort of like that make lemonade if you've been handed lemons analogy.  

    I have tried the precooked bacon and it's not bad.

    My grandmother used to always make her own father loved it on tomatoes.  

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I bought the precooked bacon once. It was green and moldy inside and when I mentioned this to the company, they apologized and sent me a coupon to buy something else from them. Not precooked bacon ever again!

    Really - why is it necessary when regular (or turkey or chicken) bacon can be cooked in the microwave - one minute per slice while the toast is cooking. When my sons were home, that's what got them going in the morning. It was hard to get breakfast into them but the smell of bacon got them to the kitchen.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    How many of us has been given the whooping cough  or pertussis vaccine??

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 tried precooked bacon, never seen it either ! Maybe we can get it , maybe not. I will look .

    Just no interest in looking at food in supermarkets, get in and out as quickly as I can. I know just what I need, and am in and out in a flash.

    I used to sell trays and trays of eggs to some folks who made their own mayonaise. They started out small, got much bigger, and just as their order was really starting to bring me in a good little earner they moved off to London, never to be seen again.  I had the same thing happen with a really nice Pakistani family....they set out making ice cream with my Jersey milk, got in a very big way, then were off to the smoke. I used to love the Pakistani children coming with their father to pick up his milk, used to show them round the animals. They were SO well mannered compared to English children.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I fry up my bacon and freeze it in bunches...

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Lisa, why do you ask about the whooping cough vaccine?

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Here in Texas, we like a BALT -- a BLT with avocado.  YUM!

    Hellman's all the way for me.

    Now I'm hungry.


  •   I think whooping cough is boss's son had it a few weeks ago.  I used to make an egg sandwich on wheat bread with a slice of avocado and tomato when I was doing WW and it was very good.   I need to be doing WW again.

    I see the precooked bacon all over the place....lots of different brands, Hormel, Armour and tonight I saw that Jimmy Dean has one out also.  My Dad gets it all the time and I have never seen any go long did it take for that to turn green Lassie?  The only reason it is necessary is because we are a country of extremely lazy people.....I was telling my husband that last night as he was complaining that our new microwave has not yet come in (I burned the one in the kitchen up a few weeks ago) and I got going on one of my little tirades about how people survived for years without microwaves and all the other modern conveniences we have become dependant on....can't recall what I was going on about last night....oh yes, the squirt mayo and mustard that actually come out in a strip...I was going on about how the people who came up with that idea are making a fortune just because people are too lazy to spread it with a knife. I get in moods every so often.....usually after he has done something to once again display how lazy he is like not watering the plants because there is a 30% chance of rain. Grrrrrr.

    Oh lulube, just noticed your avitar....I like that picture. 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Marybe - the precooked bacon I had was green as soon as I got it home. Apparently there was something wrong with the sealing of that particular package. No doubt it was a rare event or "they" wouldn't continue selling the stuff.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    martha, my onc wanted me to get the whooping cough vaccine..

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Thank you, Marybe!  The painting in my avatar is "Christ Among the Doctors" by Albrecht Durer. (But you probably knew that already.)

    It comforts me.


  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    we survived 3-years once without an oven.  we lasted 1-day without a microwave....