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For Older People with Sense



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thank you Leah!!! That port thing was driving me crazy!! But of course, LynMichel DID get the other two ports put in in an operating room.

    We haven't turned back time yet. I think we do it in early November.

    It is surprising what ibuprophen can ease. When I was in the hospital with my kidney perfusion, I was given morphine every 4 hours and Torredol (an anti-inflamatory) every four hours, so something every 2 hours. I got more relief from the Torredol than I did the morphine! That's when I learned.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Leah I think I have one more week until the chemo starts.  Tuesday I have a chemo discussion with my onc.  Thanks for the tip about the ibuprofen for the pain from the port.  This week will give me time to get stuff done before it starts.  My ins. co. offers a thing that you can talk to a nurse about your chemo regimen.  They put you in some case management program.

    We turn back our time in November here in PA Barbe too

    "The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone." ~George Eliot

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    thanks for the prayers, etc ladies.. Mur was "lucky" and its still sore, nothing btoken thank goodness. he'll start PT next week, but he's only gonna agree to 1 x a week. he's gonna TRY working tommorrow.. his boss is a jerk, so if he adds heavy work; murs just gonna take FMLA.. but he's taken so much between me, and his parents, he's hoping to stay at work.. we'll find out tommmorrow......3jays
  • Hey Chrissy,   This one is for you.  I was at my father's over the weekend and they have red squirrels there and this one which had been on the porch ran up the little tree in front of the house and just posed there for me. in CIncinnati we have gray ones. 
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We have black, red, gray and brown squirrels. I didn't realize they're territorial down there!

  • Hi folks

    I'm new to discussions, but this seems a great way to get & give information and support. I live in Seattle, am 69, and was diagnosed in August this year. My cancer was caught very early, but I still had to do the lumpectomy (3x to get it all). On Wednesday, I start 34 radiation treatments, then the aromatase inhibitors. I feel like I've dropped into an alternate universe. It's pretty overwhelming since I was just getting used to being retired after a pretty disease free life! I'm so inspired by all of your stories…

    It really helps my anxiety to see how you cope with cancer with strength and humor. Last week I started my connection with these discussions on another forum about older women with breast cancer. I'm enjoying meeting others who know what it's all about...
    It's also great to read everyone's interests and day to day pleasures and concerns, cancer related or not.
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hello, everyone.  Thanks for the commiseration about my internet problems, and so far, so good I'm glad to report.  Only thing missing now is caller ID for phone no longer shows up on TV screen, which came in very handy for those "0" numbers which nearly always mean calls wanting donations to one thing or another, but I'm not going to rock the boat just yet.

    3jays, so sorry about the LE flare-up, just what you didn't need right now.  Sorry about your car, but thankful that Murray wasn't hurt any worse than he was.  Good luck to him both with the PT and the job!

    Miles2Go, welcome.  You've found a very good place here and we're all glad to have you!  

    L_C, I'm so glad your back is improving a bit.  Back problems are the worst and can happen in an instant from the slightest thing.

    Barbara, hope your back is much better now, too.

    Oh Isabella, your DH just can't quit giving you such unwelcome gifts, can he?  Definitely not the best way to drop a few pounds, that's for certain.  Was the MRI for your back surgery?

    Marybe, I've never seen a red squirrel.  Here we have only gray ones and I don't mind them at all except when they start chewing on the vent pipes on the roof and on the gutters.  Before we got a new roof we had to replace the vent pipes with cast iron ones, of all things, due to the squirrels.  Now they're trying to chew the gutters, and for the life of me, I don't understand why that would appeal to them at all.

    DH left this morning at 5:00 AM for his fishing trip to the Outer Banks, so I've been gathering things to take to Goodwill, Habitat, etc and having a great time doing it.

    Hugs to all,


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Oh, only me could do this....I altered just about every clock in the house on Saturday night, only to find out on Sunday morning it is NEXT week when we change to winter time !! They are all staying as they are, I shalln't notice, as I work to my own time anyway, but anyone who may visit will bang one more nail in my 'getting old' coffin !!!!!!!!!!!!! I can laugh, but don't think others will !!!!!


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, you crack me up!  I've done that before but unfortunately when I was still working and had to work Sunday.  You don't have to be old to do something forgetful; all you have to be is busy!


  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Welcome, klick! Sorry you've joined the club no one wants to join, but we welcome you with open arms!

    I remember that surreal feeling after getting the dx. You'll get used to it, and before you know it, you'll have developed a new sense of reality. 

    How is your local support network? Friends? Family members? Not everyone is agreement with me, but I found talking about it very cathartic. Seems the more I talk about it, the great sense of normalcy I'm able to feel and sustain. Others prefer not to talk about it all, except for here on these forums. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Klick and Miles2go and welcome to our little group, nice to see you.

    Marybe, thanks for the squirrel, he/she sure is a cutie.  May be a cousin to this one I saw in Colorado, can you see the family resemblance?

    How are you doing Marybe?  Have you been to the cancer centre yet?  I sure hope they have some answers for you.  Will you let me know the outsome?  Thanks.

    Kathy,have a load of fun cleaning out all your things and sending the surplus off to Goodwill etc.  Having a good cleanout every now and then is good for the soul I always say and makes other things look all brand new again because you can see  Hope you DH has fun on his fishing trip!

    Isabella,  your ex is sure some giving man .........of all the wrong things!  I'd be telling him to stay away from me if he has the slightest sign of an illness as he seems to always pass them on.  Hope you are feeling a whole lot better and don't loose too much weight!  Don't worry about the clock've done that heaps of times over the years and I didn't have BC or age to always blame it

    L_C and Barb, I sure hope your back problems pass right quick!  Theres nothing worse than trying to do things when you feel like you are breaking in half!

    Barbe, how's your knees?  Mine have finally returned to their normal there such a word?.........ah well  they are back to normal for me and I was able to take a short walk yesterday without my cane.....Yipeee!  Unfortunately, I still think it's time to discuss their replacement with artificial ones.

    Dragon how are you doing now?  I feel like I've been away and I now need to catch up on everyone ..... lol.

    3jays, I'm glad to hear that Mur is doing okay.  I sure hope he can get the work thing sorted to allow him time to heal.  As soon as I've resorted the time difference again, I'll give you a ring.  Catch you later girl!!

    To all I've missed, I'm sorry but if I go back a page or three you all know what happens!  I promise, I'll catch you up next time.

    Today has turned out lovely although a little cool and I will be able to get out with the camera. ......Yahoo!

    Take care all!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ooo Marthah sorry we how are you doing?  Sure hope you are getting through everything without too much trouble.

    ps, I did forget you but I didn't mean

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Chrissy, I know that fellow in the pic is related to the one eating our gutters!  So glad you've got good weather today and maybe you'll post some pictures. 

    I think our posts crossed, klick, but welcome to our little group.  We all know how this diagnosis rocked our world and know what you're going through now, so step right in.  For me, the worst thing about radiation was having to be there every day, although I did have some skin issues.  There's also a radiation thread on BCO that I got lots of info from when I was going through it.

    Hope we all have good days tomorrow!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi there klick..we are both on the west coast and 69 years young..we do have our new normal life, but we are adaptable at our age...welcome...I started this journey eleven years foot in front of the other...hugs

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all.

    Its hot here today and I have just spent a fortune at the garden shop. Will wait until later to plant things.

    Chrissy I am pleased your knees are 'better'. And you forgot me, how could you? (This is not serious, Chrissy and I like ribbing each other)

    To Klick and Miles2go, hi and welcome. You will get lots of sound advice here and lots of laughs which you need.

    I can remember how disappointed I was the first time I saw a squirrel, a mole and a chipmunk. They are so small. We don't have any creatures like that here - just some pesky Aussie possums that eat the native plants - the only native mammal is a tiny bat that you seldom see.I meant to say that we thought of squirrels as being bigger because we only knew them in story books.

    Big hugs

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,141

    I like the Doc Martin tv series, too, but we don't get it on our PBS stations.  We saw it this summer when we were travelling in Alaska.  Also love Keeping Up Appearances. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oooooo Alyson!!!!   My big bad!!!!!  How could I?  Well you should know that my brain is a tad's how I could.......blah!!!!    S.O.R.R.Y!!!!   (It might have nothing to do with the rugby) or (it might have everything to do with the rugby) or not....HAhahahahahah! {$lang_emotions_tongue-out}

    I just thought, when the cedar trees blossom which should be in a few weeks, I'll take a pic so you can compare them to the tree outside your place.  What plants did you buy?

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Allyson, it's funny how you can get the wrong impression of size when you see only a picture without being able to compare it to something of a familiar size. One of my kids once saw a scarab beetle and because of the shape insisted that it was a hippopotamous. A trip to the zoo was in order!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Chrissy I looked it up and think they are the same tree. Will take a picture of ours as well. Must take one of my flowering cherry, it's wonderful this year it is white with a pink throat.

    I bought mainly vegetable plants plus a mandarin which I will grow in my great big pot. Might have to go and get more potting mix as I don't think I have enough. Even with the sun sail up it is hot out the back but will cool off soon.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson, it's hard to imagine that it would be so ho out the back of your place as it was just over a week ago that I was there and it was so lovely and cool!  Summer, it seems, is well on the way to being here!  When you get it all sorted and planted up take a pic so we can all see ......please?   See I minded my manners, I'm a good!   Sorry I'm in a bit of a silly mood today, don't know why but just I go with the flow.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Thanks for the welcome. I'll check out the radiation thread. Once I get through tomorrow (the dry run), I'm sure I'll settle down. I shouldn't snivel, my prognosis is good if I follow all the protocols.

    Marthah, I have a great support network. My husband is terrific and I have lots of family in the area. Also good friends who brought care packages for the freezer when I had surgery. All good.

    SoCalLisa, I love San Diego, my husband's band played down there at Thanksgiving for many years. I went off to the Contemporary Art Museum and shopping, shopping, shopping. It was a hoot watching Santa arrive at the mall wearing a Hawaiian shirt. 

    Regarding squirrels, when we had a big garden my husband did daily battle with a squirrel who dug holes 24/7. I looked out on the deck one day and found it taunting him in a big way. It was asleep on the deck railing. Have a good Tuesday.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Klick, was he in at the Jazz Festival...we go quite often

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    welcome to our newest ladies... the last pic of the squirrel shows how darn stubborn they are. i can't believe there's none in Aust or NZ.. they're everywhere here in the states!!!

     speaking about childrens books.. anyone see the tv show about grimms fairie tale this sunday.. i found it alla bit weird..what d you think??....3jays

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    klick, I too am 69 and live just down the coast from you here in Washington.  You'll see a lot of us here from WA and OR, mostly on the west side. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Some pictures of my garden - I am no photographer

    . The flowering cherry infront of the house.

    This next one is my secret garden which has come into flower in the last couple of weeks. Its lovely and shady there in the afternoons. I had just watered the plants. I

     And this is my friend - you didn't see him Chrissy as he was hidden under a  large weed.It is a ceramic pukeko that lives in my garden just beside a rose bush which is not in flower yet.

    Must go and turn the hose off as I had the drip line on for a while.

    3Jays I agree the Grimms movie was slightly strange.  I think the squirrels are great but I know they can be pests.



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    lovely pictures, Allyson.. it looks so peaceful in the secret garden.....3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Mmmm your garden looks lovely!  The cherry tree is really beautiful and your secret garden certainly looks a lot different when in bloom.  That pukeko is really cute and perhaps was a bit scared of an ozzie so stayed hidden while I was

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • SoCalLisa—They played the jazz festival...most venues were in hotel circle near the fashion mall. We were always put up at the Town & Country.

    Alyson—I love your garden and your photos are really good. I'm so envious...2 years ago we moved to a condo in the city. I miss my garden...even the squirrels.

    Chabba—I'm also a true West Coaster, born in Portland and raised in Seattle. I moved away and lived in New Orleans, Colorado, NYC, Tacoma and now retired back in Seattle 3 blocks from my old high school.

    chrissyb—We once camped in Colorado and found a squirrel in our trunk when we got looked just like your pic. It wasn't happy and took off.

    3jaysmom—I like your icon...nice photo.

    QCA—I got on the radiation thread. It gave me some good ideas, thanks for the hint. It's nearly 1am, I'd better go tip over. I have to take the bus to my radiation in the morning.

  • Miles2Go
    Miles2Go Member Posts: 17
    Courageous or foolish?  ~or somewhere on the other side of 72d birthday.  Will listen to staff:  surgeon, oncologist, radiologist, but just as I passed on radiation 15 years ago with DCIS diagnosis and least of 3 pathologies, I will pass again on radiation with ILC Stage 1a, grade 2 (8mm tumor w/clean margins and no SNB metastic lymph node cells).  Surely no chemo nor Rx to drain the last itty bit of estrogen out of my cells.  Other than being prone to breast cancer, I'm healthy, employed, an active gal with a great husband, all-around damn fortunate.  Thanks for your support.  I've enjoyed this inspiring string of information.  We all have promises to keep and miles to go before we sleep (from a poem by Robert Frost).  My arms are around everyone with a hug.  Colorado Morning Glory
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome Klick and Miles2go!

    Aly, your garden is lovely. Waving HI to all as I rush off to work.