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For Older People with Sense



  •   Yep, I did my baking and am going to deliver the finished goods to doctors offices today before I go to work this afternoon.  The other hygienist wanted the afternoon off since she has small children who trick or treat.  I am hoping these cupcakes butter the onco's staff up and they send the needed information to MDA.   What they sent him he said was not informative at all and much of it just repetitious, with very few actual treatment notes other than things the nurses would write.  He said he doesn't actually have to have all of the dosages and duration and why we changed (since it would obviously be because the treatment did not work), but he would just feel more comfortable seeing it all on paper.   I was so thrilled that they had sent it finally and then me emailed me yesterday ( on a Sunday!!...what a guy) and told me it was not what he was hoping to see.  I would just like to get the ball not being on treatment, but at the same time makes me sort of nervous, if ya know what I mean, Vern.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Marthah- If you were here in L.A., CA, region you would be so in with the look. Wouldn't have to rock any look at all as they would think you were keepin' up with what's happening. Have to get you a leather jacket with studs and a leather choker to match and you would be styling here. Happy Halloween to you as well.

    Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh MY!

    When witches go riding,
    and black cats are seen,
    the moon laughs and whispers,
    ‘tis near Halloween.
    ~Author Unknown 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marthah, you look great!!!  That look is very "in" here in Portland!

    Ozzy the dog is going nuts over a guy whose cleaning moss off our roof!  And he's driving me nuts at the same time.  Trick or Treating tonight with 5-6 kiindergarten-firsts.  The adults are going as frantic parents!  

    Lisa, your roses are so beautiful.  Even though Portland is the rose city our roses have wilted long ago.  Best thing about fall, though--we just harvested 8 acorn squash.  They are completely delicious.  We also grew pumpkin-pie-pumpkins.  Orange food!  I'm in heaven.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Mathah's got hair ............ Marthah's got hair. (Sung in the sing song way of kids)   And isn't it looking good!  YAY!!!

    Lisa!  I'm shocked!  Pray tell me when you snuck up and took that photo of me?  I though I kept that side of me a hidden   Great pic by the way and I love your last rose.

    Marybe, hope your onc does the right thing and not the pridefull thing and sends your complete notes to MDA.  When you speak to your dad again, please say hi from me.  I think he is a real sweety although a wilful

    Leah, we can only do what we can and if distance is a problem for you I'm sure your parents understand.

    3jays, good to hear that Mur is doing okay and you seem to be a little better.  Things could be looking up.

    Had the CT yesterday and it's come back all clear which is great but I still don't know why I'm getting the liver discomfort.  Maybe it's just protesting about something .... oh well not much I can do about it.  At least I know it's not a progression which is a good thing.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, thought of you yesterday when we trooped through Balboa Park..we found a place to park where I waited for you..lucked out...

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Lisa your rose pic is great too.  My Mom grew them too.  Wow your Mom is still driving at 92.

    Hauntie sorry about your father.

    Martha you look great.  I'll have to be brave like you when I lose my hair soon.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195 ladies are awesome! Thank you for all the kudos about the hair. And yes, my eyebrows are coming back too! Lost all of my eyelashes about 2 weeks ago, but new growth is showing.

    I've always known I was cutting-edge for Iowa...the unfortunate part is that whatever is vogue on the coasts doesn't hit the midwest for about 2-3 years...I'll have hair by then! Cool

    LynMichel, I didn't loose all of my hair via chemo; I shaved it off to a fine stubble. Lost stubble at the front hairline and across the back of my head, so probably lost about 30%. It stopped falling out after my 2nd infusion. I was really glad I shaved though...much better to have stubble come out in the shower than clumps and handfuls everywhere. But everyone has to make that decision for themselves. The chemo was making the skin on my scalp crawl anyway. 

    I tried going topless again Sunday afternoon at the grocery. It didn't go quite as well...felt like I was getting a lot of stares, so put my stocking hat on for most of it. :::shrug::: Will keep trying...

    Thanks again, ladies! You really made my day! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Dotty, sorry my dear. you asked where I took the header photo and I forgot to answer.  I took that while on the Cog Rail coming down from Pikes Peak, Colorado.  There were loads of little waterfalls but this was one of the prettiest.  I had about 5 seconds to line up and shoot before we were passed it.  I wasn't sure I actually got it until I downloaded the camera.  If you want to use it go right ahead.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Martha I'll probably shave my head too.  A hairdresser told me that your follicles get sore from chemo.  So it is better to shave your head.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Lyn, I've seen some on the threads talk about using ice packs to prevent the hair loss. I might have looked into that had I known about it. But, as I said, my scalp was crawling, and very sensitive after the shave. Your hairdresser's observation explains that.

    Would be worth a conversation with your MO, too.

  •    I only had four trick or treaters last night.....very sad....I told my neighbor I think next year we need to put up a sign pointing down our street...........sooooooo, I shall be taking a lot of leftover candy to the office today.  

     Just hang in there with the hair, Martha....wear it with pride, you earned it....and if people give you strange looks just give them a big smile and say something like, I am just so thankful it came back or I just got sick of wigs. People can be downright mother always told me don't stare, it could be you.   My hairdresser who also went through chemo told me NOT to shave my head, just buzz it really short.   Right now mine is growing like crazy and I cant get over all the dark stuff growing in.

    I will tell dear old Dad hello from you when I talk to him Chrissy.....actually I am talking to him again, got over my mad about the car.   But now he is having regrets already.   He has not said anything to me,but Ron my old beau, has been there for a few days finishing the tile in the bathroom (finally) and he said my father is saying things like "I am not going to be able to afford this car payment", "Maybe I should have just rented a car when I needed one"......He won't dare say anything to me I am sure.  The sad thing is, even if he took the car back now, he would still end up losing thousands of dollars since it depreciates the minute you drive it off the lot.  I have already told Tim we are not going to help him pay for it, but we will help him figure something out.

         The bathroom is looking good and I will post some pictures when it is done.  I am going to start planning for a big  Xmas party there so people can come and see the changes we have made in the house.

        I went back to my onco's office today, gave them a copy of the email the onco at MDA sent me specifically stating the records he wants to look at so maybe this time, they will get it right.   The halloween cupcakes I took them yesterday should help.

    Have a good day is my early day.  I sure do hate going to work in the dark. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    I didn't have 1 child come to the kids said "of course not Mom, when you leave your porch light off, door closed, and 1 small family-room light on, who would bother walking up the pathway.......................hahahaha...........guess their on to me.....................Wink
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I live in an over-50 "lifestyle" area, so no kids. I hated the ring of the doorbell and Halloween really stressed me out. I made my DH go to the door. I have NO idea why it stressed me out so much. Like, what am I repressing???? Even now when the doorbell rings I stress out. Same with the phone. I consider both an invasion of my privacy, someone trying to break into my haven of peace.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe, I have major trouble with the phone too!  I thought I was just wierd.  I just don't like to talk on the phone and it even scares me how many things can be misinterpreted.  Mostly it's just that my time is very precious and phone calls are only okay from people who matter most!

    Going today for Dexa scan.  Just one more trip to the (yick) clinic.  I with I could go on Dr. holiday for a year or so.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barbe and Dragon.... another one here who really hates the 'phone . I will very rarely pick up the 'phone, even when I am sitting next to it. I have a special 'code' for the 'phone....only children and G/children know how to ring so I will answer...I won't use a cell ' way...I hate the things. Have major complaints from people who can't get hold of me....I don't want to waste any time at all chattering. My ex sister-in-law was always mad with me because I would never let her know what my 'code' was....she was a real chatterbox.

    Winter must be I have found out, filled and hung up all my bird feeders. I love to watch the bird antics whilst drinking my wake up morning coffee. It has been so very cold here today. Sunny, but cold. I have switched on my central heating this evening....I was hoping to be able to last out another week or two, but it is sooo cold in the bathroom on a night, and even worse on a morning when I am getting dressed. I dread to think what it's going to cost when I ring up to get my oil tank filled. I only have about 2 weeks supply left from last year, and the cost of oil has absolutely shot up since last year. I filled up my car today, I had about a quarter of a tank left when I pulled into the garage, and it cost me £87...about $138. Central heating oil isn't as expensive as fuel for cars, but it's not far behind. As over 60's we get an extra allowance of £200 per household for a winter fuel allowance...that won't go very far....and it was announced yesterday that it is being CUT to half next should be being doubled, at least, the way things are galloping out of control.

    I have had a letter today to ask if I would like a visit from social services so they can  'go thru' my finances and see if they can see if I qualify for any extra pension. NO, they bl**dy well can' about Big Brother is watching you !! ( What they mean is have a look see what's in my bank, so they can decide they have 'made a mistake' and I am being overpaid, so they will be taking away a slice of my pension !! ) The last people I want 'going thru' my finances is the Social Services/government !!!! We were all MADE to join a government scheme many years ago, on the understanding we would get a reasonable amount at 60....but they are wriggling and squiggling away to cut down the amount we were promised if they think we might have a few pounds in the bank ! Anyone with any savings is having to declare what they have and seem to be getting a lesser pension than promised. Those who have spent all their money on drink and cigarettes over the years, and have no savings, are getting alsorts of extra help. They are getting their rent paid (these sort never have their own property ) They get their local council tax paid, which is ( well mine is) £1750 ...$2,800..per year ,paid allowances for family to care for them as they become unable to cope....but can always manage the yearly trip to Spain !!  Just before I was 60 my accountant and I had a sort out, and on paper I now have just the minimum I am allowed to have...yes, allowed. I have worked 7 days a week all my life, and damned hard, and I am 'allowed' so much money in the bank before the pension that was promised to us is pared away. My accountant did some 'spiriting away' ....just as those who 'spirited' their cash into the pubs and on cigarettes had done for years and years. It has turned out to be a very unfair system pensionwise for most who worked hard for years. I am still officially working, It is all to do with tax allowances and earnings...which I always have to keep under a certain level...but I can still collect my pension, and don't want anyone messing with that.

    Off for a nice long shower, in a nice warm bathroom, with nice warm towels. I might as well take advantage of the heating !


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    oh, Isabella: i can't believethe price of petrol for you over there.. i wouldn't be driving, if i had to pay that.. well; when i get back ABLE to drive hahaha... the winter fuel will be dear, and even MORE next year.. we have the same problem here , with pensions, and NO WAY can you actually tell them the truth!!! you're right, the onres that did nothing get so much more than those that have worked!!! they have now taken $50.00 a week out of murs ck for retirement, which WAS paid before this year, as a state employee. when they get done, my ins is $600.00 a month, and now that $200.00 REALLY hurt!!! but, i can still get a surgery faster than you can.. its all pathetic.. stay warm, and enjoy the wildlife outside your windows, dear girl.......3jays
  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    Glad you have NO progression.  Great news.  Just hope they can diagnose the liver discomfort.  Snowing here today.  Trying to get photos of the birds in my feeders.  Will send you some if I do. 

    Marybe, hope you can get the info to MDA that they need.


  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    We had five groups of kids this year.  About average.  We turn off the lights at 8:30 to deter teenagers.  This year I had DH answer the door.  I wanted to get into my jammies and read! 

    Snowing today.  I shoveled 5 inches earlier.  Told DH it's his turn now.  A day to stay at home and vegetate. 


  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Last year we had more kids trick or treating than this year.  We were left with too much of the sweet stuff.

    Isabella I won't complain anymore about the price of gas compared to what you pay.  I wish the world would be a kinder place and everything would be more fair.

    Marybe thanks for the advice on buzzing my hair.  I remember when I was growing up the boys looked like a bowl was put on their head after getting their head buzzed.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    Must get myself dreesed and away as I have to take MiL to a hospital appointment. She said -'What are you going to do while I'm there?' To which I replied I was coming too. Someone has to go with her to get the details correct because she gets very muddled and is far worse since her accident.

    Trying to work out the price of petrol here. Its 2.06 per litre, thats $1.63 US per litre and a litre is 0.264 of one of your gallons.

    Have to go to the doctors myself this afternoon. Have some funny moles on my arm so will get them checked out and will discuss the sciatica which I have had for a couple of days.

    Have a great day and hugs to all who need one today.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    lgood to see you allyson.. Hope those moles turn out to be nothing. I just had the stitches removed on y leg from my mohs surgery. a bit sore, still, too near the musclr. but all good margins!

      wishing your MIL well....3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I am glad Holloween is over!  Normally I start decorating for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays now but this year I do not think we will have any of the kids coming this year as somehow it has worked out that this year is the year for the other set of parents to have them for Christmas and the girls are all going to be together in CA.  I am wondering what the point would be for all that work.  Maybe I can talk DH into a Christmas cruise!  

    I just got the information on my reconstruction corrective surgery that was supposed to be Dec. 1 and they have put the wrong hospital on the forms so I need to call tomorrow and be sure they get the correct hospital.  They picked the one I refuse to go to and if that is the one they really made the arrangements with then it will not happen. I have had way too many bad experiences with that hospital that is always under staffed and the staff that is there is responsible for way too many patients. Gee, I sound like a spoiled brat! Maybe I am but when you have a choice don't you choose the best option?

    Well, it is getting late and I still want to go finish up some sewing so maybe I can sleep all night tonight.  I have never had problems sleeping before and the last several nights I have gotten up and not been able to go back to sleep for at least a couple of hours. Maybe if I stay up later I will sleep longer, if that makes any sense.

    Hope everyone has a good night tonight. {{{{{{ To All }}}}}} 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Chrissy  - so glad the CT scan came back negative. Maybe your liver is protesting your 6 week tour of the USA and all the eating out and fancy drinks. Wink

    No trick or treaters for me. I live in a basement apartment, in a single family home. If the kids would just walk around the side of the house (where an outside light is shining bright) they would get a twofer. I don't know why the kids don't bother to come. Most of the houses on my street have basement apartments, so it's not like they don't know I'm here. The only year I got any kids was when I put out a path of luminaries that led to my door. 

    DB#2 trick or treat experience at Dad's house - doorbell rings - opens door - gives out candy. Dad asks "Who was that?" DB - "Trick or treaters. It's Halloween." Dad - "That's nice." Doobell rings again - repeat - over and over. I know it was frustrating for him. I probably should have gone over there and given him a break, but I didn't think of that until after trick or treat was over.It actually used to be worse. Once my Dad stopped answering the door himself on Halloween, he used to want the kids to come in the house so he could see them. He just couldn't get it that, unless they knew us really well, parents didn't want their kids coming into the house to get the candy. 

    My avitar is one of 2 pumpkins I carved this year. The other was a witch/man in the moon optical illusion. I use the patterns, where you poke the holes and then carve by connecting the dots. Makes an impressive  carved  pumpkin, with not a whole lot of artistic talent involved.

    Chrissy  - Just curious. What are the Halloween traditions in Australia?

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    that pimpkin is gorgeous!!!hauntie.. the story bout your dad was funny; and sad, at the same time...take care, everyone......3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Hauntie, Halloween in Australia is not a big deal at all athough having said that, I have noticed that over the last few years there have been more and more decorations and costumes in the stores.  Trick or treating doesn't usually happen unless the parents or town council has organised it or there is a town or neigbourhood party but that is usually privately organised by the people of the neghbourhood.

    Many years ago I was a cubscout leader and I always organised a den campout for the nearest weekend to Halloween.  I would walk a certain area near the den and enlist the help of the homeowners for trick or treating and I always had to explain what it was and what was required.  Needless to say, there were very few who refused to take part and for weeks prior, the boys (as it was boys only back then) would have a lot to do because part of their craft was to make their own costumes.  We used to have a whale of a time!  I think I miss it

    Love n hugs all. Chrissy

  •     Snow in Colorado!...glad it is there and not here.  I still have lots of flowers blooming, although today I had the guy who came to do yard work deadhead a lot of plants.  We are getting an earlier start on the leaves this year thank goodness, because I hate to be out there raking leaves in the summer just because my husband is a lazy ass and says Oh I will do it later and they never get raked.  

    You have to at least put those pretty wooden German ornaments out, AmyJo, even if you don't do a tree.  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Marybe is you who kept their beautiful  tree up? I am not sure but it was such a beautiful tree. Although I was feeling ill last year we did have a tree but no ornaments just colored lights 3 little pink trees that were sort of outrageous but I like thim. . It made me feel so happy to have the trees. I am looking forward to this Christmas and having somemore decorations than last. 

    This year I sent for a fake Poinsettia plant for the front porch and my husband unboxed it last evening. I asked him to set it outside the frontdoor. He asked if it was going to be too cold for it? I guess it is a pretty good fake! Hah 

  •  GingerB, Yep, it was me who kept my tree up..... I know people were probably whispering about me, but thought you know it took me so long to put this up and now it's already Feb. and with the way months fly by for me, I am just going to keep it up.....and what do you know, it's almost that time again.  So I am thinking this was one of the smarter things I have done.   Will your dogs bother the Xmas decorations?   I did find a few ornaments on the floor last year and one that had fringe got chewed up and I am sure it was Hope, the one we adopted last Oct.   Then it was no doubt new to her, but now it's just like another piece of furniture.  Probably the week of Thanksgiving, I will start decorating the mantel and the archways and maybe will even get some outside lights up this year.  Christmas decortations make me happy.   

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Oh no, the puppy! Stewie is 6 months old today. He is currently into everything, much more than an other puppy I have ever had. The tree, the tree, Stewie and a Christmas Tree. I need to think on this. I used to have a big piano that was great for a Christmas Tree when I had todlers but the piano stayed behiubd when we moved cross country. Our daughter hung her silver tinsel type tree from a plant hook and it worked for her.

    Perhaps I can keep the dogs in the lkitchen and eating area when I am not present and take Stewie to the bathroom with me when Igo there. Stewie has gotten into some major trouble when I am out of the room for just a few minutes so I am learning.

    Our 4 year old dog never bothered the tree, he is really small. Oneof our cats never bothered our trees and the other used to climb in the tree so we bagan securing it to a plant hook, the tree, not the cat!  The climbing cat is now about 14 so he has thus far given up his exploits.  He does still lay under the tree looking up, I wonder what he does when we are asleep. 

    My Christmas things are still packed from the move last year and because a friend packed for us no sorting was done. I wonder howmany of the boxes I will actually take on this year? Not all of them I am sure. 

    I am looking forward to all the lights and some snow and music. Our DD joined a community choir so we have a Christmas chirale to attend. :) 

    Tra lalalala  lala lala
