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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  So very sorry to hear this...but your inspiring attitude will see you through this latest challenge.  I think half the battle is keeping the faith and believing that all will work out in the end.  I'm praying that your new treatments do not present SE's that are difficult to handle and you will be back to NED soon.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Chrissy, I'm sorry.  I know how crestfallen I was to get that news myself last month after a hard year of getting my bone mets to stable.   

    So here you and I are in the same boat again. I was following in your footsteps with Femara -- started right after you did and have hung on your every word about your experience with it. (It was you who helped me figure out to take it at night so I could sleep after my hyst/ooph had me wired up awake every night.  Bless you for helping me find rest!)  And now you're right behind me with progression and stopping Femara.  

    I may be right behind you again on the Aromasin soon, if my onc can get her hands on Afinitor for me to go with it.  Until then, it's Faslodex and Xgeva.  Do y'all have Faslodex in Oz?

    Keep your peace and your strength, friend.  We have to play the hand we're dealt, so we might as well play to win. Deal?

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    sigh - that is gorgeous Chabba. What can you tell us about it?

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh, Chrissy, I hate to hear this!  I started worrying a little yesterday when I didn't see a post from you.  Leah's scenario sounds great to me and NED's just waiting for you to find him, being a bit coy, you know.  Hope the aromasin whips his little butt into shape, and soon.  As a want-to-be gambler (well, slots)  I like what Lulubee said, and I know you're playing to win!  Sorry to hear about DD but it does sound like it'll be all gone with the excision, very early, to be sure.

    Ginger, I take arimidex and last month marked a year on it.  I guess I'm lucky in that the only things I've had are general bone aches and stiffness, and I have to pluck a lot.  No brain fog to me, although others in my family might not share the same opinion of my mental acuity!

    Waiting with you Leah.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    chrissy, what a week!!!i'm so sorry to hear about the progression, and know you're relieved NOT to have to face the chemo thing right now.. thats' what they tell me, IF it comes back, then, we'll see about the "big" guns.. like the 1st ones weren't big enough!!!

       i;m sorry about DD malanoma. it has a good prognosis, though.. i keep track, always, having that light irish skin.. glad she got checked out early ( but not early enough Dammit)

      i miss you, but am feeling "punk" for good, lately.. this new dr., i think is quackish.. seems to think he can cure everything... for a huge price.. but , there's some tests i want, so am gonna keep taking the levo, but having adrenals, etc checked.. mds think its voodoo, but i want to know, and i'm the one who worries, so why not!!!

       I'm going to have a bone density done soon. saw endo today.. the last one i had wasn't radioactive, so im now wondering..hmmm

      Isabella: your mouse spunds wonderful, petite and sassy ( like I USED to be ) hahaha i thought ALL were "sausage" dogs... hope you get the frs sorted out and get surgery done. i had the same contoversy with the bmx.. they settled on 5 days off the heart meds, and i did fine..

      Leah.. saddle tat horse up for Chrissy.. glad your tests were ok..

      on another thread, i saw youe suggestion about going for wigs in the "jewish" part of time....gakkk!the cheapest one i found was 1300.00!!!gurss its "throwaway after a year wigs for me, from Paula young!!!

      im hoping to find the magic thyroid # that allows my hair to grow on top; but gonna try a "filler" till that of you all, just down and out in sunny fla.........3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Dear Chrissy, I am sorry to hear the NED has taken a short trip away.  I know you will deal with this like you do everything else and hopefully NED is just around the corner for you again.  It is what it is and you are still my hero.  Sending lots of hugs to you and prayers for you.  Hope to see you soon although DD#1 and her DH still do not have their order to move yet.  Wish the Army would hurry up and decide for sure where they are sending them and get to orders done.  As soon as they get their orders I will make my plans.  

    Leah, waiting with you for your results and praying for good news.  I really like the itenerary you have for you and Chrissy.  Praying you both find NED and keep a tight rope on him so he does not have a chance to sneak away again. 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    I should have the answers on the bone scan at the beginning of next week. I'll call the onc on Sunday.

    3jays, the bone scan and the bone DENSITY scan aren't the same test. The bone scan is done by having the radioactive substance injected then after 2 hours images are taken by a gamma camera. It looks for damage to bones. The bone density (DEXA) scan uses X-rays to measure the density of the bones.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    Marybe ~ Just sending some hugs your way, along with a ton of ♥  ♥  ♥.
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    lassie, that's a snowy owl.  That rarely come this far south but this year we have quite a lot of them and we are getting birders from all over the northwest to see them.  Seems that lemmings are their natural prey and periodically they don't reproduce in their normal quantities,  When that happens the owls have to go looking for other prey and will follow it down this way.  They are one of the largest owl species and are really quite magnificent.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Chabba what beautiful scenes.

    Chrissy what I really wanted to say was the word on the Toyota advert? Don't think we can say it here.  copy and paste should work.

    Starting to feel a little apprehensive about mammo and check up - 24th Jan but feel sure all will be well. Then I will celebrate. Problem is when you have other aches and pains you always wonder what it is.

    Chrissy you asked about my shoulder etc - its still playing up and have decide if it hasn't improved in another couple of weeks will see about getting it scanned.

    Had DGD on Tuesday night which was great. She was very good sleeping all night etc. Today I had DGS and all went well. Was going to see if I could get him to have an afternoon nap but then DD rang and suggested I took him to the concert that both DDs were singing in, it was at the museum and so lots of children. It was a great concert with DD1 doing two solos. GS loved it and laughed when he first saw his aunt. DD2 said she was quite distracted with his responses. Had to keep him in the buggy as he would have tried to crawl to his mother.

    Had to do some temporary repairs to the internet connection tonight. Have the lan cord running across the hall and into the kitchen as the connection in the office has gone funny. Luckily neighbours had an extra long cable I could borrow. Took me awhile to work out what was wrong, now have to get connection jack fixed.

    Tomorrow we are  off to friend's 40th wedding celebration  - this means we will miss the funeral for BFs' GD. We have seen the parents several times and had our friends here for meals as well as spending hours on the phone talkind. Both DDs will be there tomorrow.

    I laughed at myself last night. We had folks round for a meal, they are relations of DH but I meet them only a couple of times. Had everything ready and was getting the table set when I decided that the silver forks needed to be cleaned and then 10 minutes before they arrived I was cleaning the silver that sits on the sideboard. I am sure no one notice nor would have cared. Anyway it was a great meal even if i say so myself.

    Suppose I should get dishes in the dishwasher.

    Big hugs to all.

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    I just read your news.  Ah, damn it!   Bad news seems to come in bunches.  I'm glad your DD's prognosis is good, and that chemo doesn't seem to be on the tables for you now.  Waiting to hear what your doc says. Thinking of you and wishing I could give you a big hug.    



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I know NED and the stable guys, but who's Reggie????

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chrissy I am thinking of you...chin up you can do this. Sorry about your DD...what a bummer, you'll spend more time worrying about DD than taking care of yourself !! 

    I've been on Arimidex nearly eight and a half years, it kills me.. but it does the job ( I think !)

    Yes..I need to know as well...WHO is Reggie ??

    In a mad rush a funk...had intruder last a good image on cctv...but not good ENOUGH for police !! Some youngish man poking about in the farmyard. Dogs going scatty. I switched extra floodlights on, plus 'screamer'...a thingy that's fixed to the CCTV. I had turned it off because it makes such a racket. It just makes a continual howling/ screaming noise...but must have scared him off, as there was no sigh of anybody when I got downstairs. I daren't go outside, was going to run across the garden and grab a rotweiller, but I was rooted, shaking like a leaf, and daren't unlock door 'til cops came...nearly 1 hour later !   Got GS sleeping here tonight...when he gets in, I asked him to try and be here for 11 pm, and it's nearly 12 now...just when you need them !!!!!   Oooo this will be fuel for DD and her 'WHY do you continue to live there all alone...I KNEW this would happen' !!!!! Funnily enough she hasn't been near today..she rang, but I had hoped she would have called, but she is coming tomorrow.

    Isabella.  GS just pulling into farmyard now.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh dear Isabella!! You must be petrified!! Do you have any dogs that can run free at night? That is just so scary and my heart goes out to you. What the heck next, eh????

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    My goodness, Isabella, how frightened you must have been.  I'm glad you didn't go outside!  You never know what some people are capable of doing and if this guy was skulking around he was up to no good anyway.  So glad GS is staying there tonight.  Hopefully he'll stay longer, at least at night. Take care.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Girls!  Well I'm finally home....thank goodness!  I was so tired driving home after the fuss of the last few days, I even had to stop and pull over to catch a cat nap as I was starting to that's not good!

    After a long discussion with my doc, we have decided to do nothing and just stay on my current meds, Femara.  The thinking is that the new lesions are small so changing this early could just do me out of some extra time because we jumped too early so here we stay.  I will be monitored closely and if I should get major pain particularly from the one in my spine then he will do some I think that is good and agree with him.  I'd rather spend a bit more time with the drug I know I can tolerate even though it's not 100% effective than jump into one that is an unknown quantity and may still not work as well as the one I'm one.  I'm good with that.  Thanks heaps for all you love and support I really appreciated it.

    Allyson, I LMAO at the add.........yeah!  I think I said much the same thing when I read the

    Isabella, where were your guard dogs?  I'm sure the screamer scared the intruder away but you do need someone younger there with you at night and am so glad that DGS is willing to do that.

    Oh the Reggie thing, ages ago on one of the threads, there was always talk of 'the stable boy'but never a name given like Ned so it was decided to name the stable boy Reggie.  So now when some one says flirtling with Reggie, we know that they are stable........yay!   Reggie is just as much fun as Ned.

    Love n hugs all. Chrissy

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    And all this time I thought Reggie meant the cancer was regressing... huh.  

    Well, whatever, either way he ditched me last month so ppbffffthhh on him.  Personally I thought Ned was more fun to sleep with anyway so I'm chasing him again with my skirts flying.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    OH isabella : its' time for the gypsys to come visit for a stay.. there's too much going on by you, now.. first the eighbor, now this.. though the intruder maight have been at the wrong fatm, really wanted your neighbors.. put those rotties out when you go to bed!!!i still think knowing the gysies were there would help a lot... i worry about you being in the "boonies" so glad your GS is there!!!

       glad you're comfortable with the drug, chrissy... praying "reggie" the stable boy is back soon!...3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella, that would scare the poop out of anyone. Maybe your Grandson can stick around.  Why did it take the policew an hour to get to you?  Knowing what had occurred on  your lane rather recently I would have thought they would have responded speedily.

    Be safe please Isabella, do what you need to do. Could you bring in a live-in couple to manage the land and buildings? If you have the resources it could be a solution, no reason to move if you have other options.  In retrospect I realize it would have been possible for my mom to stay in her home with live-in help, and it would have cost much less than the nursing home she found herself in. If we had planned ahead, my Mom's outcome would have been infinitely more pleasing to her. Waiting until the need was iminent had us all involved in the medical system and going down a road we knew nothing about! Planning ahead is the only way I can see to keep oneself in your own preferred  living setting. Please take whatever thoughts are meaingful to you, and leave the rest.

    Hugs GInger

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Isabella:  That had to be a scary couple of hours!  DGS had better stick around, if only for comfort and support.  What else could he wouldn't want to put him in danger either.  Better to turn one of those rotties loose at night...they usually take a bite out of anyone's a$$ that they don't know!  I sure wouldn't stick around to get chewed up!  The howler probably did its job too...good idea that you have it.  The police are useless...even here...which is why so many people have weapons to protect themselves.  Shoot first and ask questions later...not my philosophy, as I don't even own a gun, just saying what the majority thinking is in this country.

    Hope you have a better week.

    chrissy:  Good decision on the meds.  Sounds like your physician is on the right page. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, do you have a gun?  I used to think it was silly to have one but I now know if I lived way out of town I would definitely learn to shoot.  Hope you keep those rotweilers on duty also.  A big dog with strong looking jaws--I wouldn't try that yard!

    Chrissy, praying for you and glad you're not starting out on a unknown right now.  Hope you're pain free.

    Love to all,


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy, I like the rapport you have with your docs - always a plus. Best thoughts to you, all-ways.

    Isabella, YIKES! I know UK doesn't allow guns under most circumstances, and many people are opposed to them on principle - but does the UK allow bear spray or pepper spray?  Some commercial bear spray has a twenty foot range, and is pretty debilitating to humans.  It might run counter with your dogs though - I'm not sure as I try to envision a circumstance where you might use a spray for personal protection if the dogs would be in the way protecting you and they might get sprayed ....  Here, some of these sprays are legal, and often used by single women as a form of personal protection. My SIL travels alone a lot, and naps in rest stops - she carries a small atomizer of bear spray close. (I've also heard to keep a can of oven cleaner handy because it's debilitating when sprayed on the face of an attacker.) 

    I love your alarm system though and am very glad you have it.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Isabella, I'm asking with the others about letting the dogs run loose at night. After all, what intruder would want to run into a bunch of rotts at night?

    BTW, Reggie is regression - always a good thing to have (I'd like some for my tush in addition to my mets....)


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hey, we haven't heard from Isabella in a couple of days!!!! ISABELLA!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW????

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hellooooo Isabella, come out and play.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - hope all is well with you.  Glad DGS can and is willing to come spend the night with you.  Are your rotties old enough to let run at night or do they need any special training to guard you and the property?  I know we had to train our pups to guard and the commands to release those people they grabbed. 

    Chrissy - glad you made it home safely.  You be careful making that drive to the city and if you have to stop find a safe place to do so.  Glad the doc will do the rads for the bone pain,  I did that with the bad pain in my spine last year and it did help ease the pain considerably.  Hope the Femara keeps doing well enough for you to not have to move onto an unknown.  You know my heart is with you always.

    I will be getting my latest CA 27/29 marker counts on Tuesday and we will see if it is still working for me.  I don't know for sure since I have been having a lot of trouble since I got the shot of Aranesp (Darbepoetin Alfa) back in at my last Dec.17th appointment.  I think next time I will go with the transfusion instead of the shot.  The transfusion should not make me feel so bad for so long.  Hopefully the shot did some good for my red blood cell count and I will be able to get my Aredia next Tuesday.  

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Hi ...thanks for everyone who has shown concern for me !

    As has been suggested why didn't I leave rotts out? I DID, only the stupid thing I did was to shut them down into 1 small paddock, so they MIGHT show a bit of sense and go get inside under their heat lamp, as it had suddenly become very cold. Normally they have free run all around the place....but....I took pity on them ...tried to make them see sense and get inside while it was so cold...shalln't be doing that again in a hurry !! They can freeze from now on ! They are quite thick at the best of times, but with such short coats I was thinking they'd be better if they were shut up in a small area, so they would get fed up and go and lay down in their kennel.....being so stupid they just went their own sweet way !! They look quite fearsome on a night, if they get disturbed by anything unusual, great big mouths wide open, teeth flashing , and such deep barks. I would be scared of them if they weren't mine ! Must admit I am wary of them as they are sooo big and strong, but daren't show fear to them at all. GS has said he really doesn't want to have to go to them on a night. Even tho' the dogs know him he is a bit scared of what they'd do !!

    Very cold here, -3 last night, GS and G/F, plus their dog have gone home. I am not cut out to have anyone here for my own space, and HATE having to chatter away when all I want to do is be quiet !!!

    Someone mentioned guns, daren't go back and find out who or I will lose this lot for sure. We can only have guns if we use them for 'pest control' or belong to a gun club. I would get one, living on a farm, but I HATE guns, and will have nothing to do with them .I think I could quite easily look a burgler in the eye and shoot him, but that'll never happen as I won't get a gun ! I won't let anyone shoot my land either. Quite regularly get men at the door asking if they can come on and shoot, but they alweays get a 'no' from me. I don't want anything shot or maimed here. Don't see the pleasure people get from shooting animals.

    Off to the shops now, I think I am just about thru' all my Christmas food. I always get much more than I will need, and end up eating away at it until way into January. The fridge is pretty empty, and just 1 more Chtistmas cake to get thru' and I'll be done this year.....roll on spring and summer.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Whew! So it's just groceries today...that sounds safe! (We'll see by your next post...hehhehehe)