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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    For my 30th birthday, a friend made me a male reproductive organ cake. Seriously, it was a masterpiece.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I was in the mood today to watch some surfers and take in some good ions from the beach

    It was glorious..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Cool pics Lisa!

  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74

    Hi Y'all....I too am older (55) and just finished 35 radiation treatments on the 19th of January.  I started generic Femara on the 20th and so far just hot flashes.  I hope that's as bad as it gets. 

    This really has been a journey for me and my family.  My family and friends have kept me lifted up thoughout this journey so my feet have barely touched the ground.  But at the end of the day, they don't really know what I feel since they haven't had breast cancer.  That's why I was so glad to find these boards.

    These boards have been so informative and inspiring to me as well as the local breat cancer support group that me and my hubby attend every month.  He even ran in a high heel race 2 weeks after I was diagnosed at the local breast cancer awarenss event on October 1!  It was too funny to see 8 men running in high heels.  One man even dressed up in a dress, wig, bra, etc for the event!

    God bless y'all and I look forward to reading more posts for us older ladies.Cool

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi FilterLady and welcome.  Grab a cuppa (tea or coffee), pull up a chair ,get yourself comfy and let it all hang out.........we are really good listeners and have been there and done that so yeah..........we definitely know what you mean and what you feel.  Here's hoping the hot flashes are the only SE that you have to put up with but like all things, time will tell.  I'm on Femara as well as a few of the other girls so we are right there with you.

    I would have loved to see those fellows running in high heels!!!!.....What a sight!!!!!!.......the mind

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome, FilterLady.  Looking forward to getting to know you.

    I'm on arimidex, but two of my friends are on Femara and the hot flashes are their major complaint so far too.

     I'm getting the funniest mental pictures of those guys in their high heels!


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Welcome FilterLady!  You've found a cozy spot here with us.  This is the sweetest group of gals anywhere.

    I took Femara for 15 months. I hope your hot flashes subside and you never have any other se's!

    Got to ask... FilterLady?  What does your screen name mean? 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Welcome Filterlady.

     I feel virtuous. Got rid of 800+ e-mails that I said I would read later. They piled up after the diagnosis and they looked interesting at the time I saved them. I can alway find the info again if I need it. The wonders of the internet.

    SoCaLisa Great pics.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Welcome Filterlady.

    Isabella, are you all right?  How is Plum?  I've been reading how bitterly cold it is in UK right now, and have been concerned for you and your creatures - hoping your help or DGS are able to navigate the roads and get in to your place and give you a hand.. and that your power stays on.

    This week I recovered a couple cushions for living room chairs, made some new pillowcovers, and re-covered the four dining room chair cushions  All using (new) materials I've been "saving for something special"... I covered the d.r. chairs in a really good English woolen I've had for years - it would make fine clothing if lined, but too scratchy for plain - so I just cut it up and (DH) stapled it to the chairs.  Done, decision made.  AND, my room looks "fresher"... We have an open floor plan where the liv. rm, din. rm, and kitchen all sort of merge one to the next.  Not exactly a "great room", just the way this old house got added on to over the years...

    Anyway, now I am finally tackling our photo albums, scanning & will put onto disc.  A long process because we have 3 boxes of albums, plus another full box of prints & negatives that I will go through.  Am planning to winnow & pass along to others (friends & family) some of the photos we have of them.  This project may take months, I fear. But it needs done. 

    ptdreamers, you inspire me to clean up my emails.  Another big filing job. Ugh. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Oh, please don't bring up the pictures. Every time I clean an area I find at least one new box of pictures. Up to about 8 right now. And of course they're not dated, so who knows when they were taken?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Wren, I don't print up individual pictures anymore unless I am going to frame them.

    I arrange them on a page and label them right from the camera..slip them in a sheet

    protector and put in an loose photos anymore...

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I have been scanning old negatives into jpeg format and gave each of my children a flash drive for Christmas. That was just the organized negatives. Next is a box of negatives that are intimidating because of their lack of organization but I have the original photos in albums with dates and explanations so at least there will be a reference to see what is what.  It's the sort of task I take on when it suits me and is fun. My thinking is that I couldn't figure out what to do with the photo albums and this way each of my three children eventually will have a full set using up way less space. Next project is digitizing the old videos and that will require figuring out some techonology new to me.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I hope to hire a young woman to do mine. She can use the work, it needs to be done and I couldn't think of anyone I would rather have do it. Now transporting the pictures 10 hours north of the US border will be the most difficult part. I sure hope this wil work out! 

    I am in awe of those of you who have tackled this themselves. I did delete 5000 emails from my in box this week, I am proud of myself for that. 

    Laters Ginger

  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74

    Hi y'all, thanks for the warm welcome......the hot flashes are compete with this welcome now, lol

    @lulubee, my husband and I have our own business, HVAC filter service, so that's where my screen name comes from.

    @SoCalLisa.....I LOVE Charleston.  Our military association, USS Wisconsin Association, held their reunion there a few years back.  The reunion hotel was the Francis Marion right in downtown Charleston.  It was beautiful and the food was wonderful......needless to say Charleston sure has some great desserts!!

    I've got to get busy scanning photos as well.  I've got tons and the idea of giving my kids flash drives is a wonderful, thanks lassie11 for that idea!

    Y'all take care!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    For my kids' fortieth birthdays, I made a collage of pictures from when they were young and then took it to costco and had them make a poster board like a big one...the kids loved it as did everyone else at the parties...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    Like this one
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    What a wonderful gift.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa:  What a creative idea.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, such a great idea.  Like everyone else I have huge boxes of pictures.  I want to do some of them in prints as I'm not sure CD's are going to last decades like actual pictures do.  The pictures of Charleston make me want to go there.  Dragon  

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I also have a cazillion negatives from the past almost seventy years...guess I need to at least look at them and digitalize any I just love...

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Welcome Filterlady, you'll fit in here with us just fine.

    Lost_Creek. I am fine thanks, VERY VERY cold tho' ! I' m hardly moving out of the kitchen while it's like this ... brought one of my sewing machines downstairs, and plonked on kitchen table, so I really don't need to leave the kitchen. Everywhere is frozen solid outside, no water in any of the outbuildings. The 4WD won't start, but my Gson is fetching me newspapers , bread and I am OK. It has been like this about 9 days now, but is supposed to be getting a little warmer after Monday.

    Plum ( sausage dog) has got over her tooth pulling ordeal suprisingly's amazing how dogs bounce back...she's was in my bed for  2 nights, I was only going to let her have 1 night with me, but felt sorry for she won me and got an extra night. I've been treating her to sardines and scrambled eggs, because I thought her mouth would be hurting, but I caught her yesterday crunching away at a big the sardines and eggs have stopped....she's back eating what all the others eat now !

    Lisa, as ever your pictures are amazing, just wish I had your gift. I love all the flower pics you put up on FB, makes me wish I lived in a climate where flowers grow all year round. We won't be so far from having flowers again soon.. I have a few snowdrops and crocus flowering away now, and lots of 4"-5" daffodil and tulip leaves up through the snow.

    Had a very quiet weekend here family meeting, as is the norm here on a Saturday, no-one seemed able to get their cars out...we had drifting snow Friday for most of the has been today, apart from Gson, just how I like it !

    Woah, another  kerfuffle going on here..... An awful high pitched yowling just set up...rushed out of my computer corner to see what on earth was going on, and I have a little dog fast behind the log burning stove, which is blasting away at just about top heat. The silly monkey has gone to try and walk around the back of the stove, and couldn't do it.  It CAN be done if you are a dog of sound mind !!! This one isn't.... so there was the problem !!! Had to get onto my belly and stick my arms as far as I could and pull her out with her tail ( and burn my sweater into the bargain ) This little dog has what we would call Alzheimers in a human, she is totally potty, doesn't know what time of day it is, and gets herself into many a scrape, not knowing what she is doing ! a good quarter of her day she spends walking round and round, and round again, the kitchen table. Her tapping toes drive me potty at times. Now I have to go and root about outside and find my childs fireguard to keep her from cooking herself. I always have to lock her in a small kennel when I go out for fear of what she'll do next ! I think this time she's really gone and done it !! I no longer let her into the garden, haven't all this winter, she got into the habit of getting stuck behind big plants, or in the middle of a shrub, and then just standing quietly there 'til someone realised she was missing, and gone searching the garden to look for her. I am pretty sure she is 17 next, one day I will check up, because there's always someone asking  'Just how old IS Betty ?' She seems to have been around for ever ! She's a cross between a Pekingese and a Griffon, just a little fat black mongrel really !

    Off to watch some TV now...good farming programe coming up in 5 mins.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella, you have a dog named Betty! I love that. I have two cats, one named Rudy and one named Daisy. I have two dogs, one named Harry and the other named Stewart. 

    I hope your weather eases up a bit soon. The child guard sounds like a good idea for Bettys safety.

    I have been watching Downton Abby a BBC prograam on television. I am now into season two volumn two. It is a story about a big house in the early twentieth century and the family that lives there along with many housemaids and footmen and other staff. to manage a big house. I find it fascinating learning about the people within the household.

    We have two tiny rosebuds on a scraggly bush right in front of the living room window. It is very early for flowers here but I am hopeful. 

    Laters Ginger

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We can't even THINK about flowers until May!!!! I am envious...sigh.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 are you doing ??


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh. ISABELLA!!!! i absolutely LOVE your stories.. im still wiping the tears from laughing so hard!!!your poor baby!!i do think you need to put a grate near the stove for her.

      our little girl, whos not little nor young anymore, has been blind for some time now. we just rearranged the furniture, and when i don't notice her after awhile, i send mur to go "hunting" in the liv rm. we have dinner, clean up, and put the kd gate up.. hours later, she's still trying to figure out where she is, and how to get out!!!

      ive taken to reminding him to get her right after dinner, and then put the gate up!!!

       what i want to know, is who's gonna do it for me.. (like next week!!)  when ive totally gone potty , as well..

       we've been thinking of you here, also, after seeing the news. glad your warm in your kitchen sewing....hello to all.......3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I am still doing GREAT!! Had no idea I was so oxygen depleted before. Or maybe it's the Thyroxine giving me energy. I used to sleep 14-18 hours a day. Now, I read until the wee hours and then don't always nap! What a difference. Thrilled, just thrilled!! I even sent a resume off to TWO places yesterday!! Though I have a job waiting for me (5 years there) I have no intention of going back. I realize how toxic the environment was and just have no intention of putting up with it again. It got bad when we got new management in 2010 but I tolerated it for a year before I went off on disability. This is the first time in 8 months that I've felt like I could actually go back into the work force. One is a commission sales position and the other is admin in a real estate firm. I'd like either please....

    Of course, I'm not in a Fibromyalgia flare right now....but if I play my cards right, I could possibly avoid or ease the next one. The last flare was 9 months. VERY unusual, but oh, so debilitating!!! My next pain med would have been methadone!! I am off the Hydromorphon and Torredol and just use Oxycontins for daily pain. My neck still has some pain, no surprise there..talking, eating, swallowing, breathing..... but the Oxy's handle it. I have noticed other areas of pain that were masked by the morphine. My kidney is giving me a bit of grief but I'm sure it's just because of all the meds.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello all p>well doesn't seem like i can attach a pic from my new phone that i bought myself for valentines day. Will repost later

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Good news! Marybe's numbers came WAY down!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe:  Glad you are doing better.  The thyroid can cause serious problems when it is not working or diseased.  Good that you got it out.  Good luck on that job hunt.  I was in real estate for 35 years and it can be stressful, but I loved it.