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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    So happy for Marybe!  Such a blessing.  Happy heart day to all!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Great news, Marybe!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    So happy for Marybe!!! Doing a Happy Dance and praying the numbers keep going way down some more.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    here is the calm peaceful picture from this morning's boat ride. I must have been posting at the same time as barbe.

    Such good news! barbe has energy and marybe has lower numbers!!!!

    they took good care of me at rads today. moved the bar lower for shorter arms and padded the sides with foam forms that held up my elbows. So got thru ok., my shoulder is still intact. treatments will start on thursday. I made sure I grabbed some chocolate kisses on my way out. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Has everyone gone to sleep?

    The thunder storm here sure woke us up, people evidently reported an explosion when one lot of thunder hit just after lunch.

    Hope you are all well.Big hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all, sorry about being a bit quiet of late but I have been a bit know how it is.....................

    Nancy that pic is beautiful!!!  Such a peaceful calm scene..............I can almost here the lapping of the water as it brushes against the boats hull.  Please keep them coming!  Can you make them a little bigger?  It would be good if you could.  Hope you are doing well with your treatments.

    Allyson, it's been hot here again and tomorrow is going to be worse.....ugh!!!!   I love thunderstorms but the animals hate them!!!   My dog sits on my lap shivering and shaking and nothing calms her until the storm has passed and one old cat just walks the house yowling like a banshee! 

    The thread has indeed been very quiet but then I take that as meaning everyone is okay and busy.............well, I hope that's how it is.

    Been busy this last couple of days doing all the paperwork in preparation for addmittance to hospital for my knee op.  I don't know if I told you all but it has been bought forward to the 30th March instead of 23rd May so not long to wait at all and with the weeks just flying by, that will be upon me before I know it.

    Love n hugs all!   Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, great news that you can get the knee done earlier!

    macatac, lovely scene!

    Off to work I go. But TGIF!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello all I'm on the boat again this morning. This process takes about 4 hours for me. The boat ride, the ride to the center, treatment, ride back to boat, wait for the next boat, boat ride and then home. I am practicing patience and inactivity. I felt a little blah yesterday after I got home and tried to work. So I gave up on work and took the dog for a walk, I got really cold and had trouble warming up so got in bed when I came home.

    so  yes Alyson I was sleeping last night

    Chrissy, I don't want to take up too much room on the thread, but I will post the pics in a larger format. Yesterday i took a picture of the seals sunning themselves on the rocks in the harbor. I will try to post it at some time. The internet connection is slow on the boat so sometimes I get a whole post written out and then can't submit it. another lesson in patience and letting go of control. Frown

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy no probs about taking up room I usually post the pics at about 450 x 375 mps and that is not a bad size at all.  Learning that thing called patience can shorely be trying but you are doing well.  That next pic sounds great!  Try taking it a bit easy after your treatment and you did exactly the right thing by jumping into bed to try and warm's the best place.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    I'm going away for a few days. There is an organization here called Beit Natan that offers support services for women with cancer. Every winter they have a 3-day retreat up north. This year it's this coming week, Sunday-Tuesday. I'm so much looking forward to it - it renews me.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh Leah! What a wonderful chance to re-fuel your spiritual and emotional energy!!! Enjoy!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Leah hope you enjoy the retreat and return refreshed and renewed in both body and soul!

    Barbe how are you feeling? Hope you are beginning to feel on top of the world!

    Love n hugs girls! Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Leah, have a great time! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Neck tumours were BENIGN!!! Thanks for all the good wishes!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Best news Barbe, enjoy the weekend..

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Glad to hear your great news Barbe!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Phew!  That sure is good news Barbe!!! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    great news barbe!  Time for a celebration!

  • So glad you got good news Barbe and have more energy.  Chrissy, you will love your new knees....the PT is rough, but I know you will do it.  Hope you  have a wonderful weekend getaway Leah.....and hope all the rest of you have a great weekend also.  I will for numbers went down even more!!  I do not know what they did them again so soon and was really afraid my onco ordered them thinking the last drop was a fluke, but I think the PA I saw goofed and may have thought we do them weekly.....Whatever the reason, I am thrilled with the outcome.  3,289!!!!  I can't remember when they were last in the 3,000s. 

    I now have blood clots in my rt leg due to being off my warfarin for the colonoscopy and endoscopy so am getting daily shots of lovenox until my warfarin kicks back in and gets me to theraputic levels.  The scopes show that I have diverticulitis and a hiatal hernia.  But the good news is my tumor markers. 

    The set my shots up on Sat and Sun so I will still be able to go to Columbus to my friend's Mardi Gras party so all is well and I am making pralines and will elevate my fat ankles as soon as I get done with those.   Just wanted to pop in and share my good news.   Thanks for all the love and support you show me in spite of me being a negligent poster. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


    Marybe, how wonderful!!!!!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Marybe that really is fabulous!!!!!  That sort of fall is a good fall and one that can keep happening!!!  Maybe they took them again just to make sure a mistake hadn't been made anyway, what ever the reason it's good to know that you have finally found the chemo that is kicking cancers butt!!!!....big time!!!!!  Long may it happen!

    I'm looking forward to getting the knee done but unfortunately I have to have them done one at a time so left one first.  I'm hoping that I can get that one back up to par before the end of the year so I can have the other done this year as well........time will tell.  When they sent me all the paperwork for the hospital they included a booklet about the op itself and what to expect...............boy! if I didn't already know about what to expect, reading that book would have me thinking twice about doing it at all!  Marybe how long were you in hospital when you had yours done?  They are saying I'll be in for seven days minimum providing everything goes well.

    What are they going to do about your Hiatus Hernia?

  • Wow, they keep you longer in the hospital there than they do here and mine was almost 9 yrs ago so I bet they keep them even less now.   I had mine done on a Friday which maybe was not such a good idea since they kept me a little longer because they did not have a full staff for PT on the weekend. As I recall they had you do it twice a  day, but on the weekend, I only got it once so they kept me longer as they wanted three consecutive days of it.  They released me on a Wed.  After that someone came to the house to do PT with me and a nurse would come to check my INR and then in a few weeks, my niece who came to stay with me would drive me to a place where I got PT. I rented this machine that moved my knee when I was in bed.....I think it helped a lot, kept it loosened up.  

     I recall after the surgery waking up and discovering I was not even able to lift my leg which felt like it weighed 200 lbs.   I thought Oh dear, what did I do to myself.  Now I can't even move my leg.  Then they came in and said we've come to take you to physical therapy and I thought You have got to be kidding.  They weren't!  I was off work for a month.....went back the 5th week and would rest my leg on a chair to keep it from hanging down and swelling.   I found I did much better getting around with a walker than with crutches.....crutches kill my armpits.  I has swelling for a long time and even though the pain got to be less and less, I was aware that my knee was not feeling like it was really "my" knee....then all of a sudden one day, maybe 6 months after the surgery I realized Hey, I have not had one bit of pain in my knee all day and from then on it was all uphill and it's just like a real knee......better, NO pain. 

    I think it is better to do one at a time.....I never could understand how someone could get around at all if they had them both done at the same time.  Supposedly I needed both done, but after I had the worst one done the other one got better because I was no longer favoring it. 

    I was never much of an athlete, but one thing I cannot do is run....can't say I have really tried, but I am sure I could not if I wanted to.....not even if a big bear was chasing me. 

     Re hernia......I am still taking nexium and the reglan and am to go back and see the doc in two also still watching what I eat.....not as bland, but avoiding spicy foods and things like onions, and things that were on the list to avoid. Also the bed is still elevated at the headboard.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    My mom had a hernia and it was so bad they did an op to repair it.  That was when she was in her late thirties and she turned 86 yesterday.  Sure hope you don't need a sugical repair but there again I guess the tecnique will have changed now but back then she was cut from her sternum almost to her spine!  I remember her being very ill for along time getting over that one.

    I haven't been able to run for years already and wouldn't even try so that is no loss to me........when the doc was running through all the thing I wouldn't be able to do after I just laughed at him and told him that ll those things have been off my list for many years already so I was not likely to miss  I'm just looking forward to being able to walk a heck of a lot further than I can now and hopefully be able to exercise more so I can loose some of this weight.  I'm going to have to have the other done because when we were deciding which one to do first the doc asked me which one was worse for pain and I told him there was no difference, six of one and half dozen of the other so we opted for the one that swelled the most but the other sure does creak and squelch a lot when I walk and particularly when I climb the stairs.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    My DA had almost every joint in her body replaced...we called her the bionic woman!  She lived to be 89, and got around quite well until about 2 weeks before she passed.  When she got bc at 88 the doctors did a lumpectomy and told her she didn't need rads.  Well...she told them she wanted them anyway, and against everyone's better judgment when right ahead and did it, with little or no SE's.  She passed a year later from something else.  My point in writing this, is that her QOL was greatly improved by having these surgeries, because otherwise, she would have been seriously debilitated for the latter part of her life.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe, so happy to hear the benign diagnosis.  It's raining--again--and my dog is relaxing on the couch--again.  He leads a simple life!  Made corn bread and now butternut squash.  Yesterday I found out a friend has been "juicing," which is grinding up all kinds of stuff, including asparagus, in a juicer and drinking it at every meal.  The amt. of veggies and fruit your eat is huge.  She's bringing me some on Mon. as I toldl her I eat cookies for breakfast.  More later!

    A great fabric-shopping kind of day and glad to have one with grands and my DD2.  Just found another lump near my scar line so of course I'm stressing.  I feel like an idiot making a fuss over it as I had cancer in situ.  Can you go from stage 0 to a recurrence?  Anyway, won't see the Dr. till the end of Feb. so maybe it'll go away by then.  Grrrrrr.... after a cancer diagnosis you never feel safe again.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dragon, I just stopped checking my chest for lumps and bumps. Was WAY too stressful and I kept getting told it was just fat necrosis or normal breast tissue.

    Juicing is wonderful in theory, but very expensive and messy in practice.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


    I am feeling so crummy. A friend who saw me on my way home on friday got a recommendation from a onco nurse for a time released probiotc to help with the nausea. She brought it over to me today. It was so kind it made me cry. She also brought the world's best double dark chocolate gelato. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    I was juicing daily, then we got a Vita Mix Blender and now I can do smoothies and soups and they are great and even more healthy because you get the fiber as well.  If you don't want the fiber, then just strain them before drinking.  Very healthy, but expensive because of all the fresh veggies you buy and most have to be organic.

    maca:  Sorry you're not feeling well. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy, so sorry you are feeling yuk and hope it passes quickly for you.  I've never heard of a slow release probiotic can you tell me the name of it please?  Sure hope it works and stops the nausea but if it doesn't, remember to tell them at your next treatment so they can give you something.

    I when I get the chance to get really fresh veg I love doing a green juice that my personal trainer DD drinks everyday.  I wasn't sure to start with but have grown to love it!  and a real good liver cleanse!

    Dragon, I wouldn't worry too much as the lump you have found could just be scar tissue..............but I know what you mean.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Chrissy - it was so good to talk to you last night. Sorry my phones kept dieing one by one.  Have you checked into FaceTime yet?  Didn't we do that one time before?  So glad they are doing the one knee sooner and I am praying you have a speedy recovery so you can get the other one done before this year is over.

    Nancy - sorry you are feeling yucky.  I know the feeling well and it has been visiting me a lot lately too.  Hopefully we will both be feeling better soon.  DH thinks mine may be due to my treatments but I seriously doubt it since I have had the same thing for 18 months and did not start having so many yucky days until a month or so ago.  I think my immune system is messed up with all my blood counts being so low.  I do know that shot of Ansept (sp?) they gave me Dec made me feel bad for about a week and even though is helped my red blood cell count enough so I could get my Aredia in Jan. I don't think I will get it again.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Leah - Hope you enjoy your retreat,  we all need that sort of thing once in a while.