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For Older People with Sense



  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Barbe, I'm so glad to hear things went well!

    Heal quickly.


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Barbe, Glad everything went well and you were able to come home. Socallsa, beautiful plant.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, so happy you are home!

    Lisa, that is beautiful!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hoorah Barbe!  

    Lisa your photo of the white flower with the Dusty Miller in the background is spectacular! Thank you!!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    thanks ginger...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Barbe so pleased all went well, keep up the good work getting better.

    Finally have down loaded some photos of our weekend away but they came out very small so will try with picasa this time . (That didn't work so back to photobucket)

    These are some of the formations in the Waitomo caves - stunning, my camera doesn't do them justce at all.

    Not a great photo but this is called the headache photo!!

    Must go and get some things done.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oooo Alyson, that cave looks beautiful!!!  Nice pics!!!!  Glad you had a nice time away with DH, it's nice when it happens but it just as nice to return home as well.

    Barbe, how are you feeling today?  I saw hope things are healing and you are doing just fime with the Thyroxine at the dosage set.

    Don't know what is wrong with me today, I slept very well last night and this afternoon I decided to watch a movie so I put my feet up and tilted my chair so I was comfy..................bad move!!! thing I know it's three hours later and there is an entirely different movie showing..........mmm.......I guess I needed now I have to wait for the movie to be released on DVD!

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    chrissyb:  A nice long nap never hurts!  I've done that several times since my surgery and then think I won't sleep at night, but I do.  Whatever insomnia I had when I went off the HRT is gone, thank goodness!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Still feeling great!!! Chrissy, I bet you had a fabulous dream, though....! hehehehee

  • Sleep is always good Chrissy and the fact you dozed off you must have needed it.  Barbe, I can only imagine your dream when you go Hehehe.   Never hurts to dream, does it. 

    I am going to a GI doc for an endoscopy....I was going for a colonoscopy so maybe I can just get it all done at one time...check out both ends.   LOL.

    I will be getting my tumor marker results tomorrow and am really hoping for another drop.  I am almost ready to go back to bandanas again....but then again so many people, even my patients know, I figure do I want to even bother. 

      I don't go to work til this afternoon and see the orthopod this morning.  I think a knee brace may be solving my pain issue. 

    Was it chilly in that cave Allyson?  But I guess since it is summer there if it was, it felt good. 

    Have a good day everyone.  

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, thinking about you--hope the tumor markers are down again.  You are so incredible.


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    To Marybe's TM's, 

    ::in my big bad mean mama voice:: 

    GET DOWN!  Do you hear me?  I mean it


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, I always get an endoscopy when I get my colonoscopy. I also always joke about using the tubes in the right order!! I had plyoric stenosis when I was born so gastros are always interested to see what I look like in side!

    To Marybe's TM:


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marybe's TMS:


    Hmmm.... can you tell, a lot of moms here? And all of us want you to have good results!

    Chrissy, I'll take a good nap over a good movie any day!

    So.... had my Aredia infusion today. It ended up being a fairly nice day since Peggy (Kitchenella) had her tx the same time so we sat together and made it into a social time. Our dh's got along well, too, so it was actually quite nice - if you can ignore the fact that the two ladies in this friendly foursome had IVs dripping!

    My daughter has invited a bunch of the girls she does National Service with to come for Sabbath this week - I think 6 girls are coming. My son decided to invite his best friend (I think in self-defense!) so it should be fun. Of course, I've got to get to the cooking first. Fun, yes but teenagers have BIG appetites!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

     Did I tell you to do something?  Now get DOWN!!!!!

    Yup, joining the throng in hoping Marybe's markers are down!  Good luck with everything Marybe!  I know you are happy about losing that 5 lb but don't be losing too much weight as you'll fade away!!!

    Leah, next time you see Peggy say hi to her from all of us here.  She hasn't been on for ages and we miss her!  Oh you sure are going to have a full house for Sabbath!  I agree it will certainly be a whole lot of fun with all the just love listening to their conversations and watching their sense of humour bounce off each other.  When I go to the city I stay with DD1 and the two boys but after school somedays it ends up eight boys all playing X-Box!  Now that is noisy!!!!!  but truly fun. 

    I've had an endoscopy but never a colonoscopy................mmm.........maybe I should ask my doc if I need to have one as a screening thing.  Maybe later, there is already a list of things to be done and gotten through before the end of the year so maybe that can be the top of the list for next year.

    Barbe hope you are still improving daily and are feeling the benefits of having your op.

    I ended up taking a sleeping pill last night just to make sure I did sleep after my long nap it worked a treat!  I don't use them very often if fact I can't remember the last time I took one as I find Melatonin usually does the trick.

    Have a good day all!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Ugh!  Don't remind me...I need a colonoscopy too!  Yet another dr. app't!  Finally had my teeth cleaned today...had put that one off too long...ouch!  It never ends!

    Seriously Chrissy...a colonoscopy isn't that bad...the worst part is the cleanse before!  They put you out and it doesn't take long.  You are in and out in no time, and hopefully good to go for another five to ten years.

    Have a great evening everyone! 

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568

    You are so right Kaara..I just had a colonscopy and it is nothing esp compared to what we have gone through. The prep is worse than the surgery and they put you to sleep so you really dont feel a thing.

  • Thanks ladies for wishing my markers down, I will call and find out tomorrow......that DOWN, GET DOWN reminded me of something funny.  I used to go with this guy and he wasn't living here, but was here a good deal of the time and often spent the night.  He had this really deep voice...should have been a radio announcer. Anyway, I think I have mentioned I have an upstairs apt that I rent out at times, other times just have empty and use for guests when they are the time I went with this guy, a single woman was renting the upstairs apt.  So anyway, I had Sydney, my old silkie terrier then and he always slept with me.....well, the boyfriend did not believe in dogs sleeping in the bed so old Syndey hops up there and he is saying, in this deep, very stern voice DOWN, ...DOWN...DOWN....DOWN! NOW, GET DOWN,  DOWN .  and the bed is jostling around and he keeps repeating this until finally the dog jumped off the bed and he's then saying GOOD, NOW THAT IS GOOD, Stay down there ......later I was thinking about it when the gal upstairs was on the phone and I could hear her talking and it dawned on me OMG, I wonder what she thought when all this was going on the other night and I started laughing so hard I almost wet my pants. 

    I am scheduled for the endoscopy and colonoscopy on Wed. I have been to to this guy before for a colonsocopy....he's good, I was not full of gas afterward the way I have been at times and also the prep was not bad at all. I recall some earlier where I just had to practically sleep in the bathroom. The endoscopy is for the bad acid reflux I have been dealing with for about a week now....dont know if wrote about that on this thread or not....have the bed elevated and everything on one end and for sure am eating very bland foods and taking the meds I was prescribed. I am hoping it is all due to the adriamycin because I do not want to have to watch what I eat for the rest of my life.

    The receptionist at the office is good friends with the doc I am going to for the procedure for and his wife and the families do things together. I asked her if she thought he would like some of my butt cookies and she said Oh he would love them, would just go nuts over those so I am taking some to him. I will be at dear old dad's and told him I would make valentine cookies for him to take to his life center where he exercises next week so I will make a dozen butts for the doc when I make the others.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    is the moon full where you are?

    Between the CT scan, the xrays and the lasers at the chiropractors to get my shoulder back in place I'm gonna be lit up too.

    Hope everyone is basking in some light where ever you are! 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Barbe - I'm so far behind in posts, I had no idea you had surgery. Glad, it went well and you're recovering quickly.

    Marybe - fingers and toes crossed re tumor markers. I pray the news is good.

    I have arthroscopic knee surgery scheduled on Feb 14 - quick day surgery. Working with kids, I'm just trying to stay virus/infection free until then.  I've become a compulsive hand washer/sanitizer user.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Colonoscopies and Moons and Butt Cookies... man, you gals are in some kinda groove.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lulu, that's the only way to be.......hahahahaha!

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    ...a moon groove!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    its great that you made it out, and are doing well, Barbe!!!life will def get better now, im sure of it!!!!and marybe, still praying for low #s for your tumor, and my thyroid!hahaha butt cookies for the gasto.. too funny!!

      thats' why i love this thread.. we all have that "dark " humor!!!!

      mac, it was great "talking" to you via pm.. we have so much in common, at least we USED to!!!brought back some wonderful memories for me, of "the island" and my parents.........3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, you just cut off the bottom of the valentine heart cookies before you bake them...right? I think that's hilarious for a proctologist!! ehehehehhehe

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    At least we still have a groove. I remember when I thought I was groovey! 

    3jays we still have lots in common, that never goes away.  

    I think butt cookies should be a must for all waiting areas for people coming out from colonosopies.

    Got the posting of pics thing down, Chrissy. Gearing up for my boat trips.  

    Hope everyone has a groovey day! 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    I'm liking those butt cookies!  Once again it's time for the annual heart-shaped cake frosted pink.  As we add grandkids it get bigger every year.  Marybe please keep us posted.


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Making butts out of Valentine cookie cutters sorta puts a new spin on the phrase "you can kiss my *ss."


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    We might need to retitle the thread: Older Wild Women with More Sense Now...

    Marybe, you are just too funny.  My sister once sent me a box of X-rated cookies.  Took me awhile to figure out all the shapes.  I thought the way she made a v-jay looked like a sailboat and I was very confused....  I used to bake rye breads in shapes from dinosaurs to a cuddle couple. (a garlic press makes great hair, even for nether regions)


    Colonoscopies:  Best tricks I've learned - from my nurse DB:  Instead of the flavoring packet they give you with the prep liquid, use Kool-Aid lemon or lime instead (nothing red or purple or too colored). The prep liquid becomes Much more palatable.  After each glass of prep liquid, take one small sip of 7-up or something like it (Sprite, etc - nothing with coloring in it). One small sip of the 7-up cuts the yuck taste immediately.  I've had 4 colonoscopies now and always had trouble handling the prep liquid & started barfing about halfway.  When I tried the above two hints, it went A-OK easy.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    In Seattle there is an erotic bakery. They will make cakes however you want. I've never stopped in and the windows are covered, so I haven't seen the evidence. They've been in business quite a while now.