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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  With the rads treatments behind you, you can now take the time you need to rest and recover from the SE's of doing so many tx's.  They are bound to make you tired and I've heard that it gets worse before it gets better because it is a cumulative effect, so don't worry if you don't bounce right back.  Hope you pulmonary tests detect what is wrong with your lungs so that can be on the mend as well.

    Happy Friday everyone! 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    maca - so glad you have completed your rads.  Take time for lots of naps and don't push yourself when you start to feel tired, stop whatever you are doing and rest at least for about 20 minutes.  Do take care of thoses lungs, I also have asthma as well as lung mets and I know that breathing is a good thing.

    Leah - so glad your son is able to come be with you for the holiday. Glad things are moving along for you finally.

    Chrissy - I knew you would do great, since you always push yourself a little harder in anything you attempt to do.  Love your determination.  Glad DD will be able to help with the PT so that you can get home sooner.  I know you miss your own house and bed.  Still praying for a quick and easy recovery for you so that you can get the other knee done before the end of the year.  Maybe we can go for a long walk when I come see you next year.  Love you my dear sweet sister.

    Isabella - hope your hospital will do some clean up and additional staffing before you get your surgery.  Also hope that is soon, you have had to suffer far too long. Prayers that you will find a pain med that works well and not make you sick or peel you skin off.

    Our weather has taken a turn for much cooler temps.  DH has had to cover all the tomato, cucumber, pepper and strawberry plants every night.  Our garden looks more like a tent than a garden.  Muched with straw, covered plants with big pots and buckets then a sheet over the 3 foot wire fence that surround the garden.

    I am enjoying my sewing room and getting all sorts of things made for the October Craft Fair at the church.  Plus making quilts.  I like making the quilt tops, but really hesitant about quilting them.  I am looking for someone that will quilt them for me at a price I can afford.  I have done ones for all 7 of the grandchildren, that I did quilt, but that is not the part I really enjoy.  Trying to find money for a maching quilting frame that will let me do the top, batting, and backing all without having to baste it all together first.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with family and friends. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    just a fly by: to wish all of you who indulge a Happy Easter......3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Jus a short stop in to let everyone know that I have been sprung and am now restimg comfortably at my DD's house.

    Wishing all, no mater how you celebrate, a Happy Easter/Passover.  May your holiday be filled with family, friends and safety.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Great you are out Chrissy. Don't eat too many Easter eggs tomorrow. That goes for all who celebrate this special season.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  Glad that you are home from the hospital...I know you must be thrilled!  I hate hospitals.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    Chrissy, glad you are "sprung"...hugsCool
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chrissy, so pleased you are making good progress, and are on the way home.

    I have just done a very silly thing ! I went to see a litter of puppies belonging to a friend of a friend, and ended up buying one. They were a lovely little litter, and I chose a very small bitch puppy...I always go for the tiny ones....The people I was seeing were buttering me up, saying they had heard so much about me over the years with my dogs, and it was such a pleasure to actually meet, and chat to me ..blah blah blah ! I had no intentions of another puppy when I set out today, and now I HAVE to buy another puppy. I just cannot keep one on it's own, there's always trouble ! aaarrrggghh.

    I have bought a black and tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, it had a lot of my breeding right the way back as far as it's pedigree went. Stupid thing is I have a litter of my own black and tans, nearly 4 weeks old, in the house at the moment, so I really didn't need to buy another ! Anyway, the deal is done. I pick up Violet next Friday, and I hope to have got her a 'sister' by then. I shall be after another Cavalier, OR a sausage dog !! Now my worry is WHO the heck will look after them when I go into hospital ??

    Been out for a slap up meal tonight, my Easter treat, with a few good friends, so that's my Easter sewn up...a new puppy, a nice meal and back to work I go ! I have managed alone today, taken things very slow, but everything has been sorted out.....albeit looking like an decrepit old bird, but I did it !  Just 2 more days on my'll either kill or cure me ! Just wondering how on earth I will get myself out from my bed early (ish) in the morning. Had 1 or 2 big glasses of wine with my meal, feeling full of hellfire right now, but come 9am, and I shall be crawling about on all fours !   Why can't I be young again !!??


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I've been cooking today and am pooped!  Made a pound cake (for strawberries and whipped cream, cool whip that is), cut corn off the cob and made creamed corn like my grandmother used to, did green beans and new potatoes cooked together, ham, and have rolls rising in the refrigerator.  I needed to get most of it done today as we'll probably be later than usual getting out of church tomorrow.  DDS, DDil, and DGS, as well as DIL's mother, are coming for lunch.  DD won't be here as she's in Indiana with her fiance and his parents, but we saw her last night.

    Chrissy, so glad you're out of the hospital!!  Hope all will continue to go well for you.

    Isabella, also glad you got the pre-op things done, and avoided the dreaded blood draw!  I hope things will move quickly now and you'll get your surgery done soon.

    To everyone, I wish you a most joyous Easter and Passover.  I am so very thankful that each of you is in my life, and that we all have each other!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Isabella:  You are just like my DD..she can't resist a puppy either!  She's partial to bulldogs and right now she has two of them.  She had three but one passed away suddenly.  I've never seen her so upset...he was like another child to her.  If she could afford it, I know she would have many more.

    Enjoy you new puppy..or puppies I guess I should say! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i gave up. awhile ago "just looking" i cannot afford to keep good care of the ones' i have, it seems.. always reg vet bills.. anyway, we have had our babies trained, and cert. as service dogs, or they wouldn't be here.. can't have anymore..

      if i had the room, isabella, im a sucker, too. wishing you fun funf fun, with the new babies. hope the new litter will all be sold when the time comes.

      a bit of "going on's in the family for the holidays, but, no Easter dinner to cook here.

      it looks like we'll be "allowed " to babysit tonight suddenly, their other bsitter cancelled  YEAH..

     buying chicken and mac and cheese to bring for dinner. easy, peasy. 3jays

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I finally got back on here after the "routine maintenance".  Still can't get on with Firefox, but I'm using google chrome for this post.  Anyone else having this problem?


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have been on with Firefox the entire time.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Same here as Lisa, so double hmmmmm!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I'm on with firefox. Wasn't able to get on for awhile yesterday but all is well today.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Now I've got the computer sorted I'm not having any hassles getting on.  I use Explorer.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chrissy -----I know your at your DD -how's the knee-----etc. Brain surgery was fine, B9, memory may be good--for example I may have already told you this LOL. Incision about 9 inches long at the right hairline. Was supposed to be over eye, but very happy with where it's at. Scar won't ever be seen unless I loose my hair again. Staples out today-Apr 10th. Basically, doing everything I want. Need to avoid bending----amazing how many times you automatically want to pick something up that's low. Insomnia-------well somethings don't change. Had outrageous craving for coffee and chocolate post-op. TMJ tight enough I couldn't get the chocolate in my mouth. That was a challenging short time, I wonder what a video of me trying to get that chocolate through teeth that wouldn't open wider than a fork tine. DS massaged TMJ area for about two hours before amenesic drugs wore off enough for me to be aware. So, some interesting times. ------Hope all continues well with your recovery, and getting back home. L&H's sheila

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    its good to see you here, sas, and im so glad your'e doing so well, and @chrissy, you, also.. i was out of it the last few days, so missed the computer problems.. im on explorer now.....3jays
  • Katiez
    Katiez Member Posts: 1

    Hi l am Kathie, a newbie. I am 60 but feel 40 inside :)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Kathie!!!  Welcome glad you can join our little group of up a comfy chair a cup of tea (or coffee) and join in any ol' time.  I'm 60 also but often feel 10......................hahahahaha!!!!!!

    Sas the knee heeling bit is going well...............I'll post a pic of the bruising in a minute so you will see why it is a bit of a pain!  I'm walking better each and every day and now I have remembered the Holistic Traumeel S cream which acts as an anti-inflamatory as well as breaking down the bruise so the body can reabsorb it.  I think the worse part is the swelling and the bruising, the actual knee and placement ends are no problem at all.  Even where they reattatch the muscle and tendons is no real big deal.................just the jolly swelling.  Once that is gone I will be a lot better but I must say in all honesty that even though the knee still has a lot of swelling and of course it's still looks better than it id before the op so it must be a good

    Sas I'm so glad your op went so well and you are getting back on track physically.  Woohoo for the scar being in the hairline!!!  Just goes to show, we can all luck out sometimes!  Wow!  what a craving to wake up to!  shame your jaw was too tight to anyting about it for awhile but I sure hope you made up for it over the weekend!

    Looks mlike DH will be down to pick me up Tuesday of next week so I will be here for another eight days.  Hopefully by that time the knee will have gained a whole heap more strength and I'll be okay on my stairs.  I'll be on the phone tomorrow trying to organise a pt for when I get home to make sure that happens fairly quickly as I'm determined to have the other one done and up to par long before christmas.  The surgeon is willing so it's up to me to get this one nice and strong quickly!

    Hope you are all recovering well after the holiday break, those that are in treatment that your treatment is treating you kindly and those of you who are through you treatments that you are recovering nicely.

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello All, just a quick note. It's a day of dr appts. I saw PCP this am, he has put me on prednisone to try and get the inflammation in my lungs under control. I can breathe in just not push it all out again. Then I will have pt appt this afternoon. My those exercises can take up some time. But I can feel my arm and shoulders getting stronger. The skin is healing up. My psychologist is last today. We're doing a double session this week. I'm having some emotional ups and downs. (to be truthful more downs than ups) But all in all life is good. As they told me at the dr office this morning, I look and sound better than I did the last time I was there. LOL

    (if you set the bar low, it's all on the upswing from there)

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    Glad you've been "sprung" and will be in your own little bed soon.  You make this whole knee thing sound so easy, but I know it's your attitude and determination which make it so.  So happy for you that the process is moving  along smoothly and that you are already making plans for the other knee.SurprisedSmile  You're incredible and strong and an inspiration to all who know you.  And, WE LOVE YA!!!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    sheila:  Glad your brain surgery went well and is B9.  That's the best news possible.

    Chrissy:  Hope you're feeling better.  I have a question for you.  We are planning a trip to Australia and New Zealand and I was wondering if March is a good time of year to visit?  I get mixed up on the seasons.  We can do it between January and March.  It's a cruise of both areas and sounds just would be in 2013.  BC woke me up...better do some of these things on my bucket list while I still can! 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome Kathie!!  We're glad to have you, so just jump right in anytime! I'm 62 and most of the time I feel no different than when I was much younger, but a day like this one with DGS can make me feel older!  Two year olds just keep going and going.  Looks like you are a real newbie, diagnosed in Feb, and all of us know how you feel.

    Sas. glad to see you and so glad surgery was B-9!!  Happy dance!

    Mac, I do hope the prednisone helps.  Good to know that you're getting stronger, too.  

    I know about the bucket list, Kaara, and a cruise to Australia and New Zealand sounds wonderful.  DH asked me today where I'd want to go if we could go anywhere, and I said Ireland.  Always wanted to go there!  I could see the wheels turning in his mind, so I know it's something he's going to think about, but we shall see.   

    Alyson, I still can't get on with Firefox.  Using Google Chrome right now.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Yay, my Firefox works now! 


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    @Kaara: i  dont remember (big surprise there) if i told you: your picture ia wonderful!!!@chrissy.. i saw the knee before, so i know how swollen it Was!!!!its wonderful that the pain you had has receded.. a new knee will do that!!!hope all goes well when you get home, with the stairs.@the cruise sounds wonderful, Kaara....wish i were going.. don't see any travel in my future, till the darned hypo straightens itself out..if/when....3jays


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    tHANKS EVERYBODY ABOUT THE  BRAIN SURGERY---------Moffitt was wonderful so was Special K. Some funny stories , but must get too work.

     Chrissy babe-------PT/INR------how often being checked? coumadin dose is? -----shouldn't have allott of bruising-------was their a period PT/inr was high when bruising occurred and now adjusted? Ptuewy can't see your post, so, I will post this and go back and look

    First and foremost want to know PT/NR and dose.

    Okay --complaints of swelling. Not elevating high enough.  Minimum above heart level----best a bit higher. Did they tell you to do foot pumps or did they send you home on SCD's the wraps around your legs that inflate and deflate? Even with scd's you can pump

     If they didn't tell you about foot pumps--------Bring the foot back with the idea that the great toe points to the nose. You should feel a pull in the calf  very strongly. This is good for the muscle and helps the blood vessels to not form clots.then point the great toe as if in a "ballet" point strongly  Done in bed, you should feel stretch on the upper leg muscles----also helps to prevent clots. At all resting periods, you should be pumping the foot.You will notice that you naturally stop. Clue in whomever is around you to say"pump".

     You should still be in the machine "passive range of motion  device" so many hours a day. If that is not done in Aussie land. Than your movement is paramount to recovery. Please advise me as too what is usual there.

     Staples came out today and brains didn't fall out---------so, a good job by all --here, here.

    Chrissy- I will check back later for your response Lovey. Total busy body, but want to keep you out of trouble

    Monumental choice on my part----very hard------not renewing nursing license. MY life was nursing since 1968. R.N. since 1974. Chrissy sweetie  wow

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    SAS Schatzi. If I have a surgery I want you on my team.

     Congrats on the good brain surgery.

    Chrissy I hope you are improving eevery day.
