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For Older People with Sense



  •   Chrissy,   I wish you the best with the new surgery and am saying my prayers from you on Friday.  I know you will be so happy you had it done.

    I got good news today.  I get to stay on the Adriamycin.   I wrote all about it on my devil and the deep blue sea thread.   I am very relieved and has a few SEs, but mild compared to some of the chemos I did and I am just so happy we don't have to start looking for another one that will work....know that will happen sometime, but have dodged the bullet for now.    Never will I take what the PA says to heart again, but I do hope I didn't get her into trouble. 

  • Merrinell
    Merrinell Member Posts: 22

    Kaara-we have a place in the Cruso community south of Waynesville on Hwy. 276 right across from Cold Mountain.  We bought it in 1997, and I just love it there.  Most of the folks in there are from Florida.  They start coming in sometime in April, and most everyone is there by the first of June.  Most have packed up and headed home by October 15th.  Since we live only 5+ hours away, we don't go and stay...but it's a special place with lots of special friends.

    .  In August last year, one Sunday afternoon it was 62 on our front porch at 3:00. It was 98 at home.  I've stayed the last two Julys all month.  My DH won't do that, but that's okay.  He comes up a couple of times for a few days, and he goes on a "golfing week" during that time.  We play cards, have potluck dinners, 5 cents a card Bingo nights, go to various restaurants for brunch or lunch a couple of times a month.  Go shopping over in Asheville, and several of the ladies purchase a season pass to the Biltmore Estate and go to the Farmers Market while there.

     If anyone is interested, there are 14 units for sale in the Camground.  Most all of them are like ours....rooms added on and decks all around.  Because most of us are not youngsters, there's always a turnover from year to year. The guys all seem to be anxious to help anyone with anything.  There are several widows who continue to come up each year, and they all feel comfortable and secure.  The campground owners are like family. 

     I'm looking forward to being a part of this group.  You sound like a great bunch of gals.

  • Merrinell
    Merrinell Member Posts: 22

    Well, this is the second night I've done this.  I came into my Sewing Room to work on a quilt (I'm in a Quilts of Valor group...making quilts for injured servicemen & women in the war zone).  I came to the computer first, and here I still sit.  Quilt awaits. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I knit Lap Robes for the Hospitalized Vets..Luckily I can do that while I watch TV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Marybe, I read your post on your thread earlier tonight and get called away from the computer before I wrote anything.  But now, I'm happy for this good news!  So glad you can stay on the Adriamycin and don't have to switch to something unknown right now! 

    Chrissy, thinking about you and wishing you a very quick recovery!


  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Thank you Chrissy for the OXB explanation.  I feel the same way, whatever I say, it will help someone, so search away.

    Maca - I used incontinence pads on my underarm incision which was leaking like a sieve.  They saved me.  And for nipple pain I used cotton balls, great puffs of them for a soft place to be and still do.  So sorry to hear that you are getting the worst of it now.

    EDITED TO ASK:::: If you don't mind, please.... Did I ever ask for you ladies to pop over with insight to help these threads?  Did these so others can get the real truth, could save llives.  Thanks.

    Breast Cancer Symptoms: a comprehensive list by those w bc

    Does Breast Cancer Hurt: the truth from bc patients

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Essa, yes I think you did ask. 


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


    I was dxed so many years ago now, I have forgotten the symptoms. I will say I had paraneoplastic syndromes previous to the DX.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    nope, not on obx, which IS private.. breast cancer. org has their own page.. so, i'll remain "facelss" my little guys will do for now...

      im over the moon about marybe, but quite ANGRY that the PA was so far afeild.. same thing happened to me.. incorrect info in my folder, that follows me everywhere...ggggrrrr thats just ONE reason im so parinoid now...3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    it bothered me, so i went to FB, and yes, the thread about looking good, is there for the world to see, avatars, and all.. ck it out.. if you're as paronoid as me, you'll wanna take your faces off, also.. and no, its not obx.. bco....3jays
    Diagnosis: IDC, 2cm, Stage IIb, 1/27 nodes, ER-/PR+, HER2-
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Merrrinell:  The Waynesville area is beautiful.  It's where we started looking when we first began thinking of a home in the mountains, but ended up in Hendersonville because of convenience to air travel.  My boyfriend still travels for work sometimes and the airport is 15 minutes away.  We have a community like yours as well...lots of activity and friendly people.  I can't wait to get there this year and start my garden.  I don't even attempt one in Florida.  We won't make it until June this year beause of two grands that are graduating in May.

  • Merrinell
    Merrinell Member Posts: 22

    Kaara-Talked with a friend today who has a place in Hendersonville.  They were up a couple of weeks ago and found out that their entire neighborhood had had breakins recently.  They were astounded.  I'm not sure where they live but I believe it's off the Bat Cave Highway.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Merrinell:  My goodness..that is terrible!  I feel so bad for them...hope they didn't have a lot of damage and things taken.  We are west of town off Hwy 191 in a gated community, and up on top of a mountain, so even if someone got into our neighborhood they would have a long way to walk to get up and back down again.  They had better have their hiking boots on!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all! Just a quick post to let you know I'm doing okay although the pain is a bit much at times. I'll post more when I get the computer all hooked up.

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Sending hugs,Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Chrissy, I just logged on to see if there was any news and here you are already!  I'm so glad your operation is over and hope you can keep on top of the pain.  Ask them and don't wait for them to ask you. Hugs and love to you!

    Beautiful day here, around 80 and sunshine.  Hope the rain holds off tomorrow as DD is having a yard/moving sale to clear some things out before getting married in June.  I went over this afternoon and helped her price some things, and she swears that what doesn't sell will go to Goodwill and not back into her house, so we shall see.  

    DH started working on the set for DD's student musical today and got a lot of prep work done.  The painting and actual decoration will come later and I can at least help with that on weekends when we don't have DGS.  Then in May and early June we'll start making the decorations for DD's wedding.  DH bought a contraption for making bows so perhaps even she who is totally unartistic can master that.  It's an outdoor wedding and DD wants hanging baskets of white cascading petunias, so we have a nursery growing those for us, 25 of them.  DH made a beautiful cross out of copper for DS's outdoor wedding and we'll use it in DD's also.  It is, however, sort of hard to stage a wedding in a picnic shelter bordered on one side by a cow pasture and on another by a cemetery!  

    Wonder how many of us have our MegaMillions tickets for tonight?  

    Have a great Saturday!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  Sending you lots of prayers and healing energy!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Sending you a virtual flower

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe thanks girls!!!  Love the flowers Lisa!  Finally got the computer hooked up so it's much easier to read!

    I had a reaonable night last night as the anaethetist did a femoral block for the leg that was operated on so it was pretty numb right up until about and hour and a half ago and whammo!  The whole leg just seemed to come alive and drop me in a heap of pain.  To make things worse, I just threw up the pain meds.....GRRRRRRRRRRRR!  Never mind, each day is a progress day and I knew it was going to get worse before it got better.

    Hope your days are kind to you!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    feel better soon Chrissy. Gebtle hugs Ginger

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:   You are so brave...I would be crying like a little wimp!  I just hate pain and suffering of any kind!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, hang in there. I hope you are keeping the pain meds down now. Keep your eyes on the road ahead. (easier said than done) Just know that I am praying you heal well.

    It is a rainy day here, but that just makes the green grass look greener and the yellow of the flowers more bright! 

    I am glad I got out yesterday afternoon for a short walk with the dog. I actually got to the grocery store too. It's the little normal things that help me to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Chrissy - Glad you're out of surgery. I wholeheartedly agree with QCA, take the pain meds, so you keep on top of the pain. Once it gets out of control, it's so much more difficult to get it back to a managable level. When I was in rehab a nurse told me "they" consider 5 a reasonable number for pain. THEY, what about ME. Also, try to time your pain meds, so there at full effect just before you go for therapy. My therapist would wait to do PT until I had a dose of pain meds.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Morning girls!  just popping in to give you all a report on the doings of the night.  Doc cam in last night and has prescribed a range of pain meds as well as anti nausea drugs to stop me throwing the pills back...................ah sweet relief!     I have been given, dexo and maxalon for nausea and panadol osteo, panadiene forte, tramadal and endone for pain to be used in rotation every 2 to 3 hours so I should be able to stay reasonably comfortable.  I'm hoping the PT is as happy with me today as that will mean I can have a shower................yay!!!! towel baths are nice but a sower is always better!

    Hope you day is a good one!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Chrissy, glad you have a handle on your pain.  We heal so much better when the pain is under control. Hugs and prayers. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chrissy, so pleased you're' thru' the other side' just hope now you can manage to keep yourself on top of the pain. I know what you mean about a shower, that is the one thing that worries me as I'm getting older. My mother is in a nursing home, and she only gets one shower a week..I think I might go mad if I couldn't get my daily shower. A lot of the time I'm in a couple of times a day.

    Are you in a big swish hospital facility ? What are hospitals like in your corner of the world ? The hospital I am booked to go into for my back op. has just (yesterday) been hauled over the coals. Its headline news in our local paper, apparently it's dirty, well understaffed, and has a bad infection problem, and 'uncaring staff'...really sounds good, eh?  It is the only very big Victorian hospital still operational in our part of the world, the rest of the hospitals have all been replaced now by new glass and steel structures..but at least they're not as bad as this orthopaedic place.

    I have had a houseful this morning. DD plus 3 GDs and a GS...all filling the place with gossip and noise ! Phew...was glad when 2pm came and I was alone again. I managed to get my hair done, and my car washed before they went, so. I suppose not a bad morning. My walking is very bad today, I have been unable to do much at all, as soon as I stand the pain goes crazy. I have taken myself off the morphine patches, they were just NOT working. I went up 3 different strengths and nothing seemed to be working, apart from bouts of sickness, lots of pain, and awful red weeping squares of skin on my upper body and arms, where the patches have been.  I think I have tried long enough, 13 weeks, and nothing , but no doubt my GP will not be pleased with me. I am back on my old meds, they haven't kicked in yet, so not a happy bunny tonight. I am using hydrocortisone cream on my red areas, which itch like mad...they are slowly clearing up, but it's taking about 4 weeks for each red square to go. My upper body looks as if a jigsaw puzzle is all laid out on it, waiting to be put back together..... 2" red squares all over me !

    Our weather is about to change, for the worse, within the next 2 days...we have had the most glorious weather...I managed to do a bit of a garden clearup last week....but am afraid my pain has put me back in the 'looking out of the window' category now. We are expecting -2 and -5 night temperatures from tonight, and snow showers on and off all next week....what a change. It will surely catch out a lot of little flowers that came peeping up early.

    Off to bed now for an early night...and a nice long warm shower. A fair bit of my pain goes when I am laid in bed after my shower.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow Isabella, your hospital facility over there sounds like the pits!  I must admit, that where I am is really nice.  Although it is an older hospital, over the last few years it has been all upgraded so internally it's got all the mod cons.  It's a smaller private hospital run by the Calvary Hospital group and holds a very good reputation.  The staff here have been nothing but caring and very helpful and nothing seems to be too much really feel as if you are being truly cared for.  Ooops! time for a jab in the belly!.................I'm back!  That was just a clexane shot to prevent blood clots.  So when are you booked for you back op?  Real soon I hope as you have had to put up with that pain for way too long.  You sound like you are allergic to those pain patches as they souldn't be leaving gooey red marks on you like that!

    Sounds like your winter just doesn't want to leave!  We had a couple of really warm days here last week but the temps are starting to drop back to our beautiful mid to high seventies Autumn days and chilly nights. 

    A hot shower and then straight to bed is truly the best medicine when it comes to aches and pains.  I hope you sleep well!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    I see you're in good hands and your sense of humor is still intact.  I've been thinking of you and hoping you're able to get plenty of rest and get out of there soon.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, picking some virtual blossoms I just saw across the fence in our backyard..

    Hope you enjoy your shower..nothing like it..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ooo Lisa, are they prunus or plum?  They are sooo pretty!

    Thanks they removed a knee but left the humour intact! ........ God forbid they intfere with that!

    I've been out of bed twice today, once for my shower and that was sooooooo nice I didn't want to get out! then I was allowed to sit in a chair and eat my lunch and when dinner arrives I will once again be in the chair to eat.....yay!  But tomorrow that will even be easier as the cathater will be removed in the morning...........a double yay for that one!!!!  Love those things...NOT!!! but it has been neccessary.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy