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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa:  It's a beauty!

  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43

    SoCalLisa,  Is your rose the Family Rose from Edmond's Roses?   It looks like it.  Beautiful.  thanks for sharing it.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I don't think it is a rose..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    The flower is a Ranucular and it is beautiful Lisa!  They come from a very small rhizome and it's hard to believe that something so beautiful can come from something so small and ugly.............just goes to show you can never judge a book by it's cover.

    Oh Isabella!  Damn girl!  You've been waiting for your op for soooo long it's beyond decent!  Then that uppity nurse tries to blame you for her mistake?..............well I never!!!  I would have blasted her too.  Oh that poor little dog!  If I were closer I would take him!  I adore Cavaliers!  I really get angry when people neglect their animals...........why do they take them if they are not going to treat them well?..GRRRRRR!!

    Kaara, how is your eye feeling?  I sure hope that thing are going well and the injection has made an improvement.

    3jays it's about time you had a better year!!!  Here's hoping it continues!

    Had the phone call from the community nurse this morning and she will be here with the equipment I need tomorrow morning about 11am.  Just the bags to pack and get organised and then off to hospital.  This time in fourty hours I will be on the raod to the city and feeling very hungry!!!!

    Love n hugs all!  Chrissy

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Chrissy, You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes for your op and a speedy recovery. (((Hugs)))

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Sending Hugs From San Diego Chrissy..we all hope for the best


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissy, I hope ll goes well for you.

    Hugs Ginger

  • Merrinell
    Merrinell Member Posts: 22

    New senior posting here (72) but not sure if I have any sense.  Have enjoyed the other posts though. To: 3 jays...I am the mother of 4 J's. Have one grandson, and four granddaughters.  This year we will have three grands turning 13!  Have a 16 yr old gd & a 10 yr old gd.  Wish some of them lived near us. 

    First chemo in Feb. made me too ill...long story...after that I began CMF.  Have had two cycles and 4 more to go beginning next week.  Found out from other patients that my first would have gone better if my Onc. had given me medications for the nausea.  For some reason (and I didn't know any better) he sent me out after chemo with absolutely no medications.  Ended up in ER twice by the weekend and had to have 7 hrs of IV's on the 8th day.  Didn't discover that I was supposed to get meds until I asked him for something March 13th.  That's water under the bridge now, and I can't go back so I'm making the best of the situation.  I am Triple Negative, so I suppose the more aggresive treatment would be better...but it is what it is.  After I finsh this chemo on July 3rd, I rest a while, and then begin RADs 5X a week for 4-6 weeks.

    Right now my goal is to just get better and get to go to the WNC mountains during my good days during each cycle.  If it goes the same next time, I started feeling better on the 18th day...and I'm on 22nd now of a 28-day cycle.  Feel almost normal today.  Lost 18 pounds so far, and I could afford to lose all is not bad. 

    Looking forward to making new friends here.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello Everyone,

    well, I didn't make it through my breathing test today. It was a breathing challenge and I failed. I am not sure what that means, I have to wait for the report to be faxed to my PCP who is finally getting back from vacation next week. They had me do the test before the rads appt., so to bring me back from the reaction to the challenge the tech gave me an albuterol nebulizer, which made me so shaky they had to bring me to rads in a wheelchair. But I made it through and will just see what will be.

    Lisa,That is a beautiful flower! I have never heard of a Ranucular or a rhizome.

    My pussy willow plant is just coming out with the little grey fuzzy blooms. They are so cute. I found the plant beside the road a few years ago and transplanted it into my yard, now it is huge. I knew how to post pictures a few weeks ago, but somehow I have lost the ability. Oh well!

    Chrissy, it sounds like you are going into this with your eyes open and all your plans in place. I'm praying there are no surprises.  

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome Merrinell!  Just pull up a chair and join right in.  Many of us doubt we have any sense but we don't let that stop us!  Sounds like you had a rough first round and I'm glad you have meds now.  I wouldn't have known to ask the onc. either.  You live near Charleston and that's one of my favorite places to go, although we haven't been in several years.  Love NC mountains also and know you're looking forward to going there. 

    Chrissy, thinking about you and already praying that your surgery and rehab go well.  Sending hugs.

    Mac, your rads will end before you know it, and from my experience the skin rapidly got better.  Just keep on using the cream or whatever you use for a while after rads end.  My skin's fine now, but to this day I still have 4 bluish spots where they injected the dye for the sentinal node.

    Good day today, although much cooler than it has been.  I'm enjoying the quiet now, because DGS is now talking ALL the time.  Not complaining, though, because he says some priceless things that just crack me up.  Today I spilled some water on the floor and he, hands on cheeks, said "Oh, goodness gracious, just goodness gracious!"

    Hugs to all.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Goodness gracious>>wink wink.. we're busy today!!!

    Merrinell. welcome 4 jays, i have enough trouble with 3... all boys, Jason, Jared and Justin. i see 2 out 3 alot. they're all close, but the "baby" whos over 30 is very standoffish, even with his mother..

     my oldest jay Jason, has a boy and a girl.. live near us.. thank goodness, they did the "F"s.. i can't handle any more jays!!!!

      welcome, grab a cuppa and prepare yourself to meet some wonderful ladies... I turned 62...

      Chrissy, wishing you well for surgery.. someone keep us posted!!

      for those of you who know SAS, from the other threads, she did fine with surgery today, everything b-9.. if interested, pm me...3jays

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Merrrinell:  Welcome!  Sorry you had to join BCO, but it is a wonderful site and you will get a lot of comfort and support.  Where in the NC mountains are you headed?  We go to Hendersonville every year for the summer.  It's a great place to relax and renew.  The mountains are so tranquil.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Merrinell, welcome.  I am sorry you had a bad time after your first chemo. My Onc has a nurse that you can call freely and she sees to it that you get whatever meds you might need between appointments. I have sometimes been reluctant to call, and I have finally learned to call, rather than wait. She even told me there was no prize for being tough.

    I have four kids three boys and one girl. Most fun though is that I have 4 GC and they are SO much fun. 

     I hope you settle in here with us. There are lots of nice and incredibly interesting women here.

    Hugs Ginger

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Merrinell and welcome to our humble home, grab a cuppa and a comfy chair and get to know us all.  Sorry to hear that you had such a rough time with your first round of chemo but am glad that you now have some meds to help you through.  You will be feeling the fatigue so make sure you rest as much as possible to give your body a chance to repair...........don't forget that it is working extremely hard at the moment and needs all the help it can get.

    3jays, I will have my computer with me as well as a mobile USB internet connection so I will let you all know how I'm going as soon as I'm up to posting.............hopefully that will be Saturday (Friday your time).

    Nancy sorry that your other breathing test was a wash and I really feel for you having to be taken to rads in a wheel chair.  Hopefully you'll get word from your doc regarding your breathing soon and something can be done to make things easier for you.  The rhizome for a Ranucular is a root looks like a bunch of fingers but is only the size of your thumb nail so very small in comparison to the plant.  Your pussywillow sounds lovely!  Remember, copy/paste from picasa or photobucket? 

    Thanks girl for your prayers and good wishes and I shall take them into theatre with me.  I have seen this op done a few times so I know exactly what I'm in for in theatre and let me tell you, they are none too that is what is neccessary and I won't be able to feel a thing as I will be away with the fairies..............and that is a really good thing!

    Love n hugs all!   Chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Hugs and prayers Chrissy.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi Merrinell welcome to our group of lovelies. Hope you manage the rest of your chemo OK.

    Mac are you feeling OK now? Its funny thinking about pussy willow as it is autumn here and the colours are beginning to change. It has been a beautiful day here today.

    DS  and DGF have even gone to the beach.

    Thinking about you Chrissy and beginning to plan our trip.

    Big hugs all.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Chrissy - I love that expression "away with the fairies" Here's wishing you some healing fairy dust after the fairies leave.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissy I will be watching for your first notes.

    Hugs Ginger

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    3jays ~ You look Lovely!!! And I love the family pics - What a beautiful day, so happy for you. ♥

    Lynda ~ How wonderful to see you again!

    (( Chrissy ))

    macatacmv ~ Gentle hugs for you. Keeping good thoughts.

    Welcome Merrinell. This is a wonderful group of ladies; there is so much support here, you are never alone.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Hey Chrissy just wanted to wish you well, sending hugs and prayers in your direction.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    nancy: any news as to the blocked airways, and whats' causing them yet???

      its not unusual to "fail" the test,  but still have the inhaler work.thank goodness!!!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    ok, so having my avatar up was wonderful.. THEN, i saw on facebook, my pic up, and everything we say is on it!!!thank you, but no...did you guys know?? it came as a surprise to me, my avatar would be up..
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays if you posted on OBX then even though you see your post on the news feed page no one else can so please don't wory about that.  It is not a public group and only other members whom you know can see.

    Hope this puts your mind at ease lovely, your avatar is quite safe.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Merrinell, welcome.  Your experience thus far sounds like that of my SIL, who recd her dx of bc 8 mo before I did mine.  At one point it was all so hard on her someone on her med team tried to tell her she was allergic to chemo.  Just keep readding the experiences of others and you will be the wisest they have dealt w and you can have your own back through this.  The mountains on your good days, what a lovely idea.  Have you gone there often before?  I try to get to the nearby state park and lakes every chance.

    ChrissyB, so the OBX is what?  How do we unpost on it if we posted there?  Do you know?  And what we post here goes to our FB? so our friends there would see if we posted to OBX?  Did you know if you do searches on Google, any conversation here will come up? Try ChrissyB breast cancer, not that people are looking that up, but it really brings it home.  I was shocked to find our conversations on Google search by accident.  But don't know for sure how or why, though so many of these conversations are so helpful to others out there searching for their answers ans support.  

    Lovely day, but staying inside to work in office.  Lilacs are ready to bloom by Sunday.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Essa, OBX is just the name of a closed group on FB that a couple of us belong to and have done for ages.  In order to post there you need to be a member and nothing that is posted here goes to FB so please have no fear about that.  Some of the less technical ladies don't understand how it works so reassurance every now and then is needed.

    Yes I knew that if you did a google search of your name it would bring up conversations from here but as far as I am concerned, I never post anything that I am not comfortable with anyone reading and if what I say can help then to me, that is a good thing.

    Enjoy your day!  I love Lilacs they are so pretty and small heavenly!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello everyone, welcome merrinell

    I am feeling ok. On the boat this morning but in a friends car so no walking and in a comfy seat with pillow under my arm to keep it from rubbing. Yes, thank goodness the inhaler is working. I'm not sure what this last test is going to mean for me, but when I find out you guys will be the first to know. I am on pain meds, so I am more relaxed lol, which probably helps with the breathing.

    At least now I have a picture in my mind of what you look like 3 jays, for me you will always have a smile on your face.

    Have a great day ladies!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    I love lilacs!  They bloom off my deck in NC, but unfortunately we are never there to see them in the early spring....just one year.   Also the dogwoods.  This year we're staying in Fl until June because of high school graduations of two grands...can't miss that!

    Chrissy...all the best with your surgery.  You'll do great with your positive attitude  Sending you prayers and positive energy!   

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  Maybe that cough is being made worse by the radiation treatments...that is one of the SE's of can cause bronchitis and chronic cough.  How many more treatments do you have?  Would it be possible to suspend them until you get better, or even stop them altogether if you've had enough.  It sounds like you are getting a lot of rad burn, so it must have done it's work and killed anything left in there.  

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Kaara, I am down to just 4 more tx!!!!! I am doing the boosts now, my RO wanted me to push through. She wants me to start the arimidex on April 1st so I can remember the date. HA HA I get the joke. 

    Here's a chuckle for you gals. Last week the rad nurse suggested I use a kotex sanitary pad under my arm and in the fold of my breast to keep the skin from rubbing. I mentioned it to my friend who is walking the dog, because I have not needed those in a while so had none handy. She said she had lots of them and would bring some over. So she brought over a bag of maxie pads. So I have been trying it and it's not real comfortable cause the edges are scratchy. So last evening a man friend from church comes to visit and we are sitting talking when I see his eyes stray to the coffee table so I follow his line of sight. Sitting on the coffee table folded in half length wise and looking used is a sanitary pad. I was just slightly embarrassed. But I have been laughing at the look on his face ever since.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  LOL that's funny about the pad...did you explain or just leave him guessing?  Hope those last 4 tx go quickly with no more damage.  I wouldn't start that arimidex until you find out what is wrong with your lungs in that you are still coughing and having breathing difficulties.  A few weeks wait won't hurt you and you need to be healthy.  Arimidex is a powerful drug and causes SE's on it's own, plus you need time to recouperate from the rads tx. It's just a suggestion, but I wouldn't let my doctors dictate to me what has to be's your body and it must feel right to you as well.