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For Older People with Sense



  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Sas, thanks for the imput. I have been reading about you for a bit and admire your fortitude. I am sorry for all the loss you have endured. I had been caring for my parents and they both passed. My father just a year ago. My kids are finally off on their own, but back every so often. So I am re-evaluating my life anyway. I know I have to give this recovery stuff time. Patience has never been my strongest virtue. Getting into a natural sleep rythumn would be wonderful. Yes I need to re write my "list of life rules"

    when I was visiting my DD in Co in Nov between mammos (I had a feeling of what was to come, but didn't let kids know) I bought a poster in a gas station convience store Called "the A.B.C.s of living life consciously" It is on my refrigerator so I read it everyday.

    Marybe I try to watch Game of Thrones with my son also. He gets real impatient because he, of course, read the books and I'm always asking him who is that? What family is he from? I feel like I need cheat sheets. I should have tried it by myself last night to see if it would have put me to sleep.

    I've just been outside snoozing in the sun on the deck in a lounge chair.

    P. I give myself permission to be happy.

    Missing some ladies here. ((((((hugs)))))))

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Thanks Maccatacmv--we all have our somethings here. Cancer is such a thief. Being here on BCO is so good b/c of so many reasons.. I wouldn't have survived without it or I don't think I would have. The friendships with others experiencing the same thing, everyone looking out for one another. Helping us in bad times, Saying Hurrah in the good. Please share what your poster says?

     Chrissy's actually the one that got me into a better sleep thing . I'm taking Melatonin . She takes it and we talked about one night on the Insomnia thread, DUH which I started. Haven't been to it in months. Check with your doc to see if they have any problem with you taking it. Their is the rare night versus the usual night.  That oh so changed things for the positive. Sleep glorious sleep !!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!!!   Thanks so much for all the good wishes they are much appreciated!  I'm still in hospital with the promise of a possible release tomorrow.........but I also had a possible release for are just trying to get the Warfarin levels right and then I can be as free as a  DH is coming down to the city today so I get to see him for the first time in two and a half weeks and I am so looking forward to it!  Can't wait for the big bear hug I know is coming with him!  The knee is healing but of course having this jolly DVT has set me back a little as there were a few days there that I couldn't do the exercises nor the walking so am now having to put up with some extra pain as we loosen it all ap again................oh well, at least I'm still here to winge about the whole

    Infobabe welcome to our thread and a really great bunch of gals.  Grab yourself a comfy chair and a cup of coffee or tea and join in where ever your mind feels like.  Diversty is the name of the game but underlying that diversity is the sisterhood of our BC.

    OMG I've done it again, I wanted to respond to everything but if I go back I'm going to loose'd think after all this time I would remember to start my response in word so I can

    Eli!  Lovely to see you!  It takes a lot to keep this old bird down for very long as I get too are right when you say I'll be kicking the football around pretty soon and if not I'll still give it one hell of a try!

    Hoping your days are fine and your nights are better, your fears are few and your joys many!  Have a great day all!!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    chrissy, so glad things are improving. So whom is accepting responsibility for sending you home without a blood thinner?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sas, no one has put their hands up and I suspect no one will.  They are just saying 'one of those things'..........yeah right!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chrissy----I know you won't want to pursue it by your nature. But it must be pursued to prevent it from happening to someone in the future. I know you know how serious this was. I'm so happy that we are exchanging posts----do you get my hidden meaning? The facility as well as the doctor has a responsibility of discharging total knees based on the cookbook discharge process used worldwide for almost 4 decades. Many facilities have a discharge paper that is effectively a preprinted form with all the choices a doc can make. They simply put a check mark or x by what they want. They then would have to write the prescriptions. The staff should receive training that cover the Standards of Care for discharge.--these exist. As do Standards of Care from admission to discharge. That's the beauty of Universal or at least Countrywide Standards of Care---from Perth to Melbourne the care for total hips/knees, other procedures are the same across the country and more frequently the standard world wide..  So, dear friend , after you have recouped with no further events.  Please, be a thorn.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sas I get your hidden meaning and I will surely be asking a lot of questions as to why, after being on clexane for a whole week I was sent home with nothing else only to be re-admitted four days later.  I'm pretty sensitive as to what my body is doing and to how I feel and I started to not feel 'right' a couple of days after being discharged.  It wasn't until my 2.00am scare that I followed it up with the docs and then landed right where I am now.

    Oh poo!  Nurse just came in with my INR for today and I'm now too high so there is a possibility that I won't be home tomorrow either!  Oh well, one day at a time!

    Love n hugs all!  Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chrissy, Have them look at your other drugs for drug interaction. Coumadin/Warfarin has an unbelievable number of drug interactions. AND some of those drug interactions can prolong the INR. Easiest drug checker on this one is to look at the Black box warning in the PDR--Physicians Desk Reference. If nothing you take is in there, then they should run a computer program. Each pharmacy has at least one computer software program.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    win'r be posting till incision stops misbehavig

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, so glad to see you back on here. I pray they get your levels leveled. 

    (((sas)))) here is A of the poster "Ask for what I need"  

     I am feeling a bit better today. I have not had to use the rescue inhaler and the cough seems to be lessening. Hallelujah!! When the fatigue hit today it hit me in the face instead of in the chest. Very strange feeling to have heavy cheeks. Maybe it was the sinus cavities. 

    I met with my new GYN today. I like her and the nurse alot. They were very reassuring and interested in my recovery. Just a routine exam and covering the bases. She discussed exercise and vitamins. I said I have to be able to breath before I can exercise. LOL 

    Like you say Chrissy Just one day at a time. 

  • Infobabe
    Infobabe Member Posts: 52
    Wren44 If I don't have clean margins or any recurrence, I will go for the mastectomy.  From what I have read, it is not such a physical hardship. Again, much harder when one is young.
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    1st: welcome, info babe, here's hoping you good margins, and good progress...@Chrissy, i think we're all horrified, the healthcare we get sometimes boggles the mind!!!i'm really glad your doing better, and so glad you knew that something was wrong, before it got worse!!!you know the rule, right?? two steps forward, one step back.. you'll be back in form , in no time.. glad that DH is coming to give you that bear hug.. tell him you need another one, from all the girls.. im sure he won't mind...

      Isabelle; isabella: im so glad your on again. im going to pm you, so watch for it..

      my eyesight is suppossedly 20/30; but i totally relate, i would be the one who saw a cupcake, too.. did you have more dental work done?? im so proud you're actually showing up, with your needle phobia..@mac: thaks for the pic of the ferry. i really was homesick for a moment.. but, with mom and dad gone, it just wouldn't be the same..

      My neice was down from Daytona this weekend. she also vacationed every summer in west tisbury.. we had the who's gone, how is so ad so.. all weekend. my parents lived by roger blakes, and she saw him last summer. he's apparently gone blind.. and, she told me Beas' is still on state road.. God, don't get me started!!!!

      i do understand your wanting to help that patient with a new leg.. but, you HAVE to get YOU straight, before you can help anyone else..

      have you had the test for your lungs yet? the in/out one (forget what they call it) i have one done every yr for my asthma.. funny, i breathe WORSE right after using an inhaler.. ten minutes later, im much better. i empathize with you about the prednisone. i have to take it to take the synthyroid. i don't even fool myself into thinking i'll sleep, or even be sane (whatever THAT IS these days) the day after...i have a funny pic i'll look for. i pass out the cards.. it says "WARNING 3jays on prednisone"... hang in there. now, its summer, and its always worse then. so, take it easy.......missed you guys. glad you're all pretty much negotiating the problems with the site......3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    does that look familiar Mac??? 3jays
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    3 Jays--what ever message you receive let it be a good one. trying yo do this without reading glasses. Hour by hour seems better.. I can go over the top of the keys and find them. Whew!

    Bless you sweetie and Mur----love you're  love for each other........very much. Superlative. Namaxte sheila

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    3jays, so good to hear from you!!!

    Yes, I have a pin that the kids gave me at Christmas time that says "It's been lovely but I need to scream now!"  Do my kids know me or what?

    Oh, everything changes so much!!!! I grew up in Orlando. I still have friends that live down in FL. They send me pics of our old places and everything has changed so much since Disney. When I left and moved up here it was just opening up. My best friend from high school is now in middle management at Epoc. I plan on coming down in Nov. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to meet?

    I had all my breathing tests. It proved that I am having trouble breathing/ LOL I had a positive reaction to methacoline. So we are trying the pills then switching to a different inhaler and seeing if it works. Don't we love modern medicine? Let's try this next.....

    The best medicine is all the ladies on this thread!!!!!!!!!! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well girls, when it rains it pours!  I have now developed an allergy rash to something that has been given to me and it is driving me nuts!!!  It covers most of the front of my torso and the back of my left thigh as well as under the arm and over the only boob I have left and down the groin................YUK!!!!  All I want to do is scratch but it is waaaaay tooooo sore!!!!  Doc saw it tonight and has ordered an anti-hystermine but it hasn't arrived as yet................I sure wish they would hurry up!!!...........Not that I'm impatient or   He also told me that if my INR stabilises I can go home Friday.....YAY!!!!  Not sure if it will happen or not but I will look forward to it  DH gave me the best bear hug both when he arrived and when he left!  It was soooo good to see him!  I'd best go and ring him and let him know what the doc said tonight.

    Hope you are all doing well!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Chrissy, My deepest sympathy for all that itching. It's worse that pain IMO. Hope they show up with the antidote soon AND that you get sprung on Friday. (((((HUGS)))))

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    For Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Oh Chrissy, I'm praying for sunny skies for you! No more rain or surprises!

    Those roses sure brightened my day.

    Lots of love for all

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey chrissy: you're in the hospital!!!wy can't they give you a shot of steroids, or will that bother the dvt??

      here's hoping they bring the antihisamine, soon.. hey to your DH from me... will check to see how're doing tommorrow@mac: i don't think I'll be uo to driving in Nov, anymore than i am now, but ime casa en tu casa.. i have a spare room waiting for you, if you'd like to come and stay..

      mur can even meet you 1/2 way, on the TP.. so, we'll see what we can do! id love to meet you!!!Orlando's about 5, 51/2 hrs away from me. im right next to ft. lauderdale...3jays

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    Well, darn it all.  Now an allergy??  Just hope you're released tomorrow.  Maybe you're allergic to the hospital???  Just scared 8 deer off our yard.  They've been eating my pansies and columbine.  They don't spook easily!  Ivy says hi..........  On my way to the onc in a couple of hours for my monthly visit and results of my PET. 

    Love you,


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    LWD I hope your reslults are all good.

     Chrissy, hoping for your health to be restored. Prays going up. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chtissy, Typing without glasses.    We Need to get to wotk again. Insist that a drug interaction checker be run.  A full body rash, isn't a minor thing. What new drugs did they give you? Remember I said Coumadin/Warfarin was a bad boy for drug intersctions. Ask if you can look at the PDR.

    Lwfd isn't off base about being allergic to the hospital. If possible have husband bring in soap you usually use.  Have chat with charge nurse. Here in USA hospitals will have pacjets of specialy laundered sheets and pillowcases for situations like yours. Allot of nursed don't know they exist.and even charge nurses. Have them call the head of laundry. Next best request is packets of laundry used for burn patients.  Don't use any of the hospitals toiletries. don't use any of your own either, like moisturizer etc. When the skin becimes inflammed like yours, there is a tendancy to be unhappy with everything topical. So don't add anything to the soup..

     Icr pacjets put on particularly itchy places for a few minutes at a time can help. 

    Well it'd be nice to now what's causing the rash before you leave the hospital. Remember It's not minor. It's screaming at you actually. Chtissy sit your ground---get an answer befioe you leave. Ask for  department manger of pharmacy to bring the results of your drug interaction report to the bedside and review it with you.Get your doc to orfer it----your nurse may have to call him. This may be unusual in Aussie. Land , It would be usual here too except if I were the patient. Why? The last  3 years have taught me that pharmacies aren't running these programs. So if you ask to review it . You will know it's been done. I'm going out rerview coumadin. I'll be baxk L&H's Chrissy don't miss next post.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    chrissy, Rash with C/W is considered a " severe" SE. Multiple references. Go to Drugs,com and Mayo clinic. Epocrates is very good to, but you need to register. Worst case scenario is the become bullous(latge blisters). Or  tissue starts dying-----Necrosis.  Per usual not trying to frighten you. But someone needs too take this rash serious. you   don't want to get home again , and have a problem that should be addressed now. Use your own computer and google  keywords --warfarin and rash..... L&H's good luck............ Must go find the sleep fairy Namaste  aheila-------------------doc should  be managing it fifferently than just anti -histamunes.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sheila, the doc changed meds to Prednisolone and a cortisone cream to use topically.  We have taken Pulmicort out of the equasion as that is the offender so I should be feeling a whole lot better in a day or, he is not going to release me yet at least for a few more days......his it looks like another weekend in hospital.  He is finally taking it very seriously as it looks dreadful and was still spreading hence the change of meds.

    He also informed me that I have a gene problem that puts me 5x more likely to throw a DVT than anyone else so I have now become extremely high risk....................I liked it better when I didn't least we now know where the problem for my DD1 came from and DD2 is also going to get tested. So that is a good thing.

    Love n hugs all and I hope your days a good.    Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, I sure hope the new meds work quickly. Man more time in the hospital, you'll really appreciate home when you get back. Thinking of you!!!!

    Today I take my last dose of prednisone and switch to a new inhaler. The cough has finally stopped, hopefully the SOB will let up soon. Time to go do my OT exercises. 

    Try to enjoy the day, ladies!!! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    chrissy, im glad the found the source, and changed meds.. you need to be under care, till the rash starts to fade...

     Mac: im sooo glad the cough is gone.. was it a reaction to the rads, or do they even kno?????3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I too am happy they found the problem. I hope it is all down hill from here.

    Hugs ginger

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chrissy -typing still bad typing b/c of no glasses---------please do not assum pulmicortt is the problem unless all symptoms disappear. When did you start pulmicort?  At same time as warfarin------before ----after. Still request to see PDR black box warning. Request that someone review with you --your drugs and this black box warning  I know you are congenial, I know you are a fighter. Too many errors.  You need to be like the mules from the Missouri state- state Motto ------"show me."  Your doc changed his mind. My guess is he either went to the PDR or to the Pharmasist. Surgeons are cutters, they uniformly dislike medicine. They pretty uniformly write a consult order for the Hospitalist or the PCP "to follow for medical management". So, whomever is following for medical management first ordered am antihistamine ---which was likely Benadryl or Diphenhydramaine--generic for Benadryl. pulmocort already has a steroid in it -----it's a combo drug. That's why I don't want you to be succumbed into believing that it is the offender. You need to be as proactive in this situation as possible. If c/w is the trouble maker it takes multiple days to get out of the system/ Meanwhile you continue to take it and the condition gets worse instead of better. I don't discount the genetic testing.   But you were previously on Clev(whatever--here we useLovenox. Until source is truly found. withdrawing w/c might be  a best approach. ------ and putting you back on a Low molecular weught Heparin-------Clev is in that gtoup WE have three. -Lovenox/arixtra/fragmin. The literature even discussed a heparin brudge. WHich means regurar heparin.  going to look up something. be back-----------------I know I sound bitchy-----it's politely called being a patient advocate. My docs knew like the "gambler" song. -----If I was on the scent of something They better cooperate-------Most loved it, about 2 couldn't deal with it.