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For Older People with Sense



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Ginger brew -thanks what a sweet and appreciated thing to say

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    SAS  I do hope your much appreciated help with research and advice will continue without fear of being called out for practicing without a license.  Wink
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls bad news I'm afraid, I'm back in hospital! Boohoo but Im okay. Had a really bad night a couple of nights ago so took myself off to the docs yesterday. Ended up being set to the ED to be assess and then was admitted. I do have a DVT and they were concerned about a pulmonary embolisms but tests so far give me clear lungs. They are investigating further due to the fact that my DD1 almost died at aged 25 with multiple embolisms.

    Sad I was given Clexaine while in hospital but nothing to go home with but am now back on it again. I see the Physician again tomorrow and hopefully he will have a few more answers for me. I do know he has organized the genetic testing to check if anything is amiss because off both DD and I.

    I am on my phone and it is a right pain to post so don't panic all if I don't post until I can have access to my computer again.

    Love n hugs all. Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissy I am sending you big hugs. You must be frustrated at being back in the hospital again. I am so sorry.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Sorry Chrissy, my sister has that gene, for DVT..I don't...I made them check before they put me on what the docs order...sending lots of warm California hugs..

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    chrissy ((((((hugs)))))) I hope they take good care of you in hospital. What a set back, but it is good to have the doctors and nurses close. Know that I am thinking of you and wanting a quick turn around.

    sas  I too am glad of your expertise and willingness to share it. 

    I get so motivated by the women on these boards. I usually am a very busy, surrounded by people person. In this process of recovery you all are filling the void. 

    I am very shaky on the prednisone. Feel like I want to jump out of my skin, but trying to keep busy. The daily stretching exercises are helping along with the daily walking. I am now timing myself to see if I can increase my speed a little bit each day. Yesterday at PT when I was walking down the hall an elderly gentleman passed me, that experience has increased my determination. I am so competitive. LOL

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Hi all!  Haven't posted in a long time but I'm fine and hope everyone is hanging in there.  I'm posting to ask for prayers for my cousin's grandson.  He's only 3 but critically ill with leukemia.  It's a new diagnosis--evidently he was fine 2 weeks ago and then developed a huge intestinal infection.  He's had a colostomy and will probably need several more surgeries.  I have a very small family--only one cousin plus her kids and my kids.  We're all pretty involved.  There are people praying all over including in Sweden.  Thanks all of you and you're in my thoughts.



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Ah Chrissy, sending hugs and hopes that you'll soon be sprung again!  Think it was one of Gilda Radner's characters who said "it's always something".  Hope this something for you is cleared up quickly!

    Dragon, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin's DGS, and will send prayers for him.  My own DGS is almost 3 and I can imagine how hard this is for him and all his family.  Please keep us posted about him.


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Dragon, I too will be praying for the child and his family.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    so sorry to hear that dragon...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Dragon-dreadful, prayers will be said

    Chrissy, what can i say, bummerrrrrrr. They didn't send you home on a blood thinner? Don't want to google clexaine or else I will loose this. All my best thoughts. Ah, here we use Lovenox versus clexane---same drug different trade name. Yes, you should have been sent home on that or transitioned to Coumadin. If memory serves me correctly, this family of drugs affects Factor 8(maybe10) in the clotting cascade((((lots of steps in clotting))))))). But you described a llot of bruising around the knee Chrissy, that's unusual, so, it will be interesting to hear what they find. Please dear sister no more clots-nada 

     Chabba and Mac i have had the same license thought about the license thing , but I always ID my self so if I put retired and tired nurse(kidding), it should be okay. Course there were many a time after a 13-14 hour shift I really was taken to my car in a wheelchair. Imagine seing your nurse wheel by------those long shifts are definitely for the young ones.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    My darling DD has delivered me my computer!!!   Ah what a kid!!!!

    Dragon I'm saddened to think that someone so young has to go through all the crap that cancer brings with it.  Prayers will definitely be said for his healing and for strength for the family.

    Last scan coming up in a little while thank goodness as I'm sort of a little over being poked and prodded.  I'm feeling much better than I was although I'm still very tired but I guess that is all part and parcel of being a little on the anaemic side after the surgery.

    Hope you are all feeling great and I sure will keep you informed as to whats going on with me.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    Chrissy, I hope things continue to improve for you. Hugs!
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    SAS  I think you would have appreciated my Great Aunt.  She was in the first group of women to be recognized as Registered Nurses in Minnesota.  When she "retired" she moved to a retirement complex where she continued to work in their skilled nursing facility until shortly before she died well into her eighties.  At her funeral the Administrator of the complex told us that so often people who move to that kind of place are lonely types who just kind of give up in the SNF because give up on living.  He said that as Aunt A got older the rate of those patients improving and returning to their apartments went up dramatically.  "Imagine the impact on someone who has given up on life because ther're just too old looking up and seeing that the nurse is older than they are."  Guessed she embarrassed them into getting better.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 sorry to hear you have had a backwards step....hope it is resolving itself by now. It is always a worry after surgery. When will you be getting back home now?

    I am having mighty problems getting back on here. I have just re-registered with a new name. I was stopped because I was using the same email addy as my previous incarnation !! I swapped emails , changed my name to Isabelle, and got thru' with my 'welcome aboard' message to my PREVIOUS NAME, all my favourites, and all my previous posts all sat there, as if I'd never changed anything a few minutes before.

    I have no idea what a cookie can't change them, as has been suggested. I have no idea what Firefox is, as some of you are mentioning. !!! I seem to have a Google Chrome icon on my pc, tried to open that to try and get in that way, but nothing...just nothing ! I am just hoping I won't have this long process to go thru' each time I want to get on here.

    I have been to the dentist today, and made a fool of myself. As I walked into the surgery I saw what I thought was a pink and white cupcake on the counter...and asked 'was it lunchtime?' It was only a set of false teeth on some sort of wax stand. Goodness, I think I need some everyday glasses now, not just reading glasses.!! It really did look like a damned great cupcake tho'.

    Then I went off to fill my car up, got out, got the nozzle in my car, and a great big voice boomed out over the forecourt 'Number 6, shut your door' repeated twice, before I realised I was at number 6 pump, and it was me that was being boomed at !!!  The place was full, and all eyes seemed to be on me, tho' no-one bothered to shout across to me that the message coming from the heavens was aimed at me !!! I asked WHY had I to shut my door. I usually leave it open so I can keep an eye on my bag, I was told it was a precaution to slow me down if I decided to drive off without paying. I just gave the girl a withering look, and asked do I look as if I am about to do a runner, limping and bent over as I am at the moment !!

    Was never so pleased to see my little quiet lane, and drive down and shut myself off from the world !! I don't need to be out anymore until next week, so my gates will stay locked , anyone trying to visit will have to climb over.

    Isabella...or Isabelle.. take your pick !!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella, Glad to see you!

    I really got a laugh out of your cup cake story. It is exactly the sort of thing I would do. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello all, Hope you are ok. I am trying to notice the moments of pure joy in my life these days. They are always there I just have to open my eyes. Today I went for a slow walk with the dog on the beach and watched the ferry boat go by. I have to remember that I live in a beautiful place. I have learned to post pictures. yay!

     ferry boat

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chabba---the tought and No action towards renawal of my licesnce has taken about 2 years. It was part of my depression along with the brain tumor, post BMX and recon, plus  the loss of my husband. It has not been an easy nor a thought given much consideration. It was given major thought. I as a child wanted to be a nurse, I think that came from the polio experience.

    Then a unique, experience as an aide at MT Carmel Mercy Hospital in Detroit, I was a an aide An 18 years old had what appeared to me as breathing problems after a tosilectomy. I went and got the Nun, but she was talking, I waited to interrupt. I asked her to look at the patient. She admonished me for whatever reason, We got to the room and she  called a "code". A code blue was called once the nun saw the patient. She-the patient-- was successfully resuscitated, but she was hearing impaired .her successful resuscitation brought terror to her eyes. All these people around her-----one of the other ward patients knew SIGN language. I was able to say that to the boss nun. They quickly got her to the bedside and it a matter of moments calmed the patient. The terror on her face dissipated in seconds. It was at that occurrence that solidiefied why I wanted to be a Nurse. I never again wanted to just have a clue-------i wanted to know when action ought to me taken,-----------Long storey, but it affected the rest of my  life.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    SAS, I wasn't trying to make you rethink your decision.  I respect you and the decision.  What prompted the story was your comment about telling people you are retired and tired.  You are one of those so dedicated to helping people that you will never be able to stop helping them in the best way you can.  That shows in the way you research answers for those of us that are troubled  about our disease and the treatments we face.  You are very much like Great Aunt A in that. 

    In a way I am a bit like that.  My talents run in a different direction than yours but the drive to serve others is what prompts me to spend 30 hours or so a week (except during tax time when it is more like 15 to 20) volunteering at the Center as treasurer, kitchen manager and cook. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    SAS and Chabba thank you both.

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    Hate to hear you're in the hospital again.  They just loved you so much they had to drag you back?  Hope they get your issues resolved and you can be out and on the mend.  I think about you often.

    We had 6 inches of snow overnight!  I covered a few of my more tender plants, but haven't enough tarps to cover my entire yard, ha, ha.  You know what it looks like, and everything is just coming up!  Oh, but it's nice to have the moisture.  We should have warm temps again by tomorrow, so will have to wait a couple of days to assess the damage.  This is springtime in the Rockies.

    Love you, and hope they spring you again soon!


  • Infobabe
    Infobabe Member Posts: 52
     I don't know what you mean by "older" but I am 76.  Recently diagnosed with Stage 0 Grade1.  Lumpectomy scheduled for April 24 and starting MammoSite April 30.  No nodes.

    I feel that most of these threads are for younger women who have the devastating prospect of losing jobs, kids, husband, breasts and life.  I am retired, kids grown and if my husband leaves me, I will cut him out of my will.

    Still, I am very healthy, still have all my marbles (some dispute this) and am enjoying life largely because both knees were replaced three years ago.  So I am eager to learn of others in the same boat and how this treatment turned out for them.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Hey Infobabe, I'm 71 and was diagnosed in Nov. I had a lumpectomy with poor margins. The re-excision found a whole new tumor, so I elected to have a mastectomy. I'm getting to dodge rads due to the MX and have started the hormone treatment. I'm feeling fine, back to all my normal life. I hope you'll have an easy time also. There are a fair number of us in our 70's, so welcome aboard.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Lane, Welcome here. 

    If we put all our marbles together we'll be just fine! 

    Chrissy is getting her knee replaced and will be glad to hear yours worked out well. She is back in the hospital but you can look forward to hearing form her. 

    I'm 66 and know that 70 will be just aroiund the corner. 

    I loved your crack about your husband! You go! 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Oh well, long message went to the nether world.

    Chabba and Gingergrew thank you. In my heart I will always be a nurse. But accepting physical limitations, while difficult has been challenging. The words" I can't do it anymore". are not words any of us want to use. But finally realized nursing was hurting me, it took longer to step back and say okay I get it, It's time to retire." Too many days of needing or wanting to be taken to my car by wheelchair  changing to what was supposed to be an easier job "more time friendly and physically friendly"---- 9 months with only one full 24 hour day off was not time friendly/physically /mentally/spiritually. --------it's okay now. Going to recover after the brain surgery and then see what the rest of life has to offer. A new beginning--"into the beyond" . Isn't that what Roddenberry used to say Chabba I as well thank you for all the years making sure about your Kids--thanks.

    Infobabe  sorry your here , but welcome. Love your attitude.

     Wren thanks for reposting the idea re: email

    Has anyone heard how Chrissy's doing?

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello everyone,

    Lane, my DD lives in CO and she went skiing today. Closing day on the mountain. (beavercreek) They are closing her resturant tomorrow. She is coming home in a week and then we're going on vacation together. YAY!

    infobabe, I am pretty new.  I wasn't sure if I fit in the older or with more sense group, but have found this group very welcoming. I think at one point we talked about calling it (formerly wild) older women with more sense (now). LOL

    Up late tonight. I am taking prednisone to reduce the inflammation in my lungs and it is driving me crazy. I am hot and my heart is beating fast and I am still coughing. I am working a jig saw puzzle to keep me calm.  Thought maybe some complaining would let my mind stop spinning. 

    I haven't worked in two months. I have to get this breathing issue settled and recover from the rads. It is a business I have had for 30 years and I love fixing shoes and helping people out. Not sure if lung issue is from infection or damage from work related chemicals. And right now my health comes first. But I am sad about it and don't know what to tell people when they ask (if or) when I will reopen. Last week at PT the therapist asked if I would come help them measure for a patient's leg length discrepancy in the assisted living part of the hospital. They wanted me to do the repair but I suggested someone in another town. But being there and knowing I have the knowledge and experience, but not the energy or strength made me really sad. I worked hard at building this business and it allowed me to own a house and raise two kids on my own. Well, late night rambling, tomorrow will look brighter. 

    So Sas I have an idea of how you feel.  


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 are you doing ???

  • Chrissy, So sorry you ended up with a DVT since it did not have to happen.....I cannot believe they sent you home without being on a blood thinner.    When I had my knee done and that was a long time ago even, they had me taking coumadin and someone from home health care came to the house every day or maybe it was every other day to do my INR testing.  I am glad you were smart enough to know something was wrong and are back in the hospital getting it taken care of.

    Isabella,   Are you having better luck with signing on.   I sent the mods a PM and they said they are addressing the problem.   As you can see, I am on here, but still am unable to get on by clicking on the tool bar and going right to the site.....still get that maintenance message when I try to do it that way.

    Hope you got some sleep Mac., and that your breathing improves soon.

      Sleep seems to be something I get a lot of these days.....cannot finish an entire episode of Game of Thrones to save my soul and now there have been three. 

    Have a good day, Ladies.     Marybe

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Marybe what a hoot about Game of Thrones-My son specifically got HBO so I could see series 1 and see the new season.  The second week after my brain surgery my brother who was here said "you are going too have to watch episode ten with someone else, b/c I can't stand to watch it a 4th time." I kept falling asleep.

     Mac sorry we are sisters in "understanding". But have Hope, after a time things improved. I think it took longer for me b/c DH had cancer at same time and then passed. Grieving so many things and Dh at the same time----bless my PCP and councilor and priest. . But now that the Brain tumor is gone I have a different attitude. Physically, feel so much better and am in complete control of energy expenditure. Please, put that on your "List of Rules" when you consider opening again. Think shorter days and perhaps a half day Fridays or even closed on Fridays. This would reduce your energy expenditure that would allow your body to recover.  This next thought isn't scientifically based just an empirical observation ( fancy way of saying --- I observe and think ______). After you have finished all treatments and surgeries, by 4-6 weeks. Observe what your natural time for waking is. I think that if we are getting proper sleep are bodies wake at a time that is natural for us. Each being different. Since you are in control of opening your shop. Consider basing opening time after your natural waking time. I think this will add to your feeling of well being. Hope these help. I'm not working , but this natural waking time thing my whole body feels so much more relaxed------It's not a feeling I have had in my entire life. But it took 2 3/4 years to get here. BUT as I said there were additional things going on --very serious issues. So, it's important that you believe your time to ----WELL BEING--will be shorter than mine.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    You poor thing, chrissyb!  I hope the DVT will get resolved without further problems and you can get along with your recovery in a more uneventful way.   You'll be back kicking the football in no time!