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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi gals: im so computer illeratrate: i didn't even know i needed a special code to get acess here, till this morning. thought i broke my computer( of course) weird.. a few yrs ago, i couldn't even use one, now, i have withdrawals, if i can't get on!!!!

      I hope the acess problem to bco has finally been worked out.. i wanna hear from isabella~~~ and everyone else..

      im at the hotel, obviously, but haven't gotten much rest, excpet the 1st day.. we worked on the house for 3 2 days. i had more plants in the ground, than i realized.. mur really worked his little butt off, too..

      the next day, it was 16 hours, with breaks for lunch dinner, and my req nap in the afternoon..days. 1st , moving all the trees , and the plants for 16 hours, including breaks for lunch, dinner, and my nap of 2 hrs in the afternoon....

      my dr. told me NOT to trust their guidelines, per kitchen, so it took forever. had to remove anything i wouod be sleeping on, so sheets, comforters, pillows. etc. all had to be packed up and taken.. then, anything we eat on: all glasses, dishes, plastic for containign leftovers.. al foods, (2 days in the pantry) then, silverware, drugs, et al.. way more than i expected.. dr. said it won't affect a "normal" person, but with my immune system..who knows..

      so, we go open it up tommorrow, and then still stay here.. so, all jewelry, etc had to be taken, and i m worried about my electronics, but not much i can do there, but hope.. Mur will check regularly during the day. he's going to water today... still has to go to Boyton, to check on his parents.. not much of a vavay here!!!

      my sons' court date was today; they still haven't gotten in, and it was 8 am call. that probably means another cont; but thats' a good thing, in this case....nerves are killing me....

      slept 14 hours straight the first day, we were so sore and exhausted.. now, nada. i sleep on a hospital bed at home, i have one of those pillows that "raise" you here, but its not the same.. i read 2 books in two days, w/out internet hahaha

      maybe, late tommorrow, we can start the whole process in reverse.. its really exhausting, but at least, its' done soon...

      the best we've managed so far, is Dennys, for our anniversary. we thought we'd get to the beach, but hit by a cold front.. this weekend, we say we'll go, but we never seem to make it!!!

      i've really missed you all, and my emails...

       doesn't look like april is my month.. its our anniversary, but a bmx, then chemo, then the hypothyroid, now this move... maybe next year, we'll "disappear"!!!!3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Chrissy, i'm so sorry your'e having so many problems.. i hope by now, things are progressing better.. Kaara: that hole in one, is amazing, mistake, luck, or not... someday i hope to have enough strength to get outta Ft. Lauderdale.. won't be for awhile, though.....
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jays:  What a nightmare!!  I just hate having to do useless work like that...packing everything up just to have to later unpack it again.  I think I would rather just move somewere else:(  Please don't over do it, but it sounds like you already have.

    Technically it wasn't a hole in one because it didn't go in from the tee box...just from the bunker, but it was still a surprise for a hack like me!  BF had some crazy name for it, but I forget what it was now.  It has inspired me to play golf again and we are looking for a set of used Taylor Made clubs.  Mind you I have perfectly good clubs, but they do not perform for me the way these clubs did.  I'm thinking I should rent another set and play with them a couple of times...perhaps it was just a I played so well with them.  BF is thrilled that I've decided to play again...he loves to coach me, and I hate it, but he is good, so I put up with it up to a point then I rebel. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Saw this on my walk this morning...

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I'd like to walk where you walk, Lisa.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa...OMG....what a beautiful rose!  We saw some beautiful ones in Arizona...guess they like the dry hot climate.

  • MelsMontie
    MelsMontie Member Posts: 17

    Lisa, beautiful rose!! Looks like my climbing Peace rose at my last house.

    Hello all. I am Melinda. I have no sense, but I don't argue -I'm 51... am I old enough to join?

    I live in Mississippi. I have 5 horses, 2 dogs, 3 cats. My 26 year old daughter lives with us. My husband is wonderful. My daughter has 3 lizards.... I am a Christian. I hate cancer and...... what else can I say? ummmmmmmmmm, can't think..... wasn't good at thinking before dx, but totally have permanent brain damage after chemo, can't remember a thing.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Welcome Melinda, I am sure you will fit right in. We are a good group here. I have actually seen some of your posts on a different thread that I follow and feel like you are a friend already.

    I am kinda new myself. I am 59, just done with rads 3 weeks ago, have no brain, no energy, and trouble catching my breath. I just wrote a long wordy post and then somehow deleted the whole thing before I could submit it. I have 2 kids (26 &24) that are sort of out on their own but come back for summers and vacations. I also have a lab/boxer mix that gets me out walking everyday. I am doing PT for shoulder issues, and MH for, well, my mental health. I am overwhelmed with all that has happened in the last few months, but the women on this board help me to feel sane on a daily basis (or at least not so alone).

    So join right in, I look forward to getting to know you and hearing about your journey 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Ok so I submitted that post before I lost it again.

    Chrissy, it is so good to "hear" (read) your voice. I hope that rash will be a distant memory soon!!! They better be treating you like family at that hospital by now.

    Kaara, glad the eye is better.

    Lisa, I am in  awe of your photos. what kind of camera do you use?

    3jays, Hope your home will get all straightened out and be better than new. ((((hugs))))

    I talked to my PCP today, he would like me to go back on the prednisone, since the cough is coming back. I am resisting at this point and am using the inhaler more often instead. He has referred me to a pulmonary specialist, which means another new doctor. Ah, more will be revealed. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Melinda, welcome!  Just pull up a chair and join right in.  We're a very congenial group and talk about anything and everything, bc related or not, just however the spirit moves!

    Wish Isabella could get back on, and Barbe too.  I know they're both having problems since the maintenance issue, but it's time for everything to work correctly now, please.

    Chrissy, maybe tomorrow is the day you'll be sprung.  Hope so.  At least the discomfort (don't you hate that word?) from the rash is getting a little better and you've had good results for 2 days---here's hoping for tomorrow!

    I'm due for the 6 month mammogram at the end of May, and am thinking about asking the onc. if it can be put off for 3 weeks because DD's wedding is June 16.  Some of you may remember what a wreck I was after the last mammo in November when calcifications were found and I had the stereotactic biopsy, fortunately with benign results.  I just want to prepare for her wedding (DH and I are doing the flowers, etc) and enjoy it without worries about the results.  Results could be absolutely fine, and I know that, but if they aren't I'd rather not know until after, and 3 weeks isn't long enough to make much of a difference, is it?

    Mac, I'm glad your cough is getting better and hope everything improves very soon. And Kaara, you survived another injection and I'm so glad it's working!

    Hey 3jays, what a mess you're in with moving the trees, plants, kitchen stuff, etc.  Am I right in thinking all this is due to termites in someone else's unit?  Wish your "vacation" from your unit could be more pleasant.

    Lisa, thanks, that rose is gorgeous!

    Hugs to everybody,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Mac, I use a non SLR Canon Power Shot SX20IS..I love it because I don't need to

    carry a bunch of lenses around..I keep a Panasonic Lumix in my purse...just in case

    and I use it quite a bit also..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!  Happy, happy person right here!!!!   Oh yes!!!  I have been given the go ahead to get my butt out of this hospital in the morning.....YAY!!!!!!!  It's about time!!!!  INR this morning was 2.1 so stable enough to get me outta  I worked it out just before that by the time I get home to my house I will have been away for exactly four weeks, three weeks and three days of that spent in a hospital bed!!  I'm just thanking goodness that I have insurance and my only out of pocket is $500 total so not too shabby there.  Really looking forward to seeing my own little house again.

    Welcome Melinda!  Age is no barrier here and neither is the sense part lol we all have it and don't if you get what I

    Nancy sorry to hear that your cough is returning but hopefully the pulmonary specialist will be able to discover the cause and give you some relief.

    Yay Kaara!!!  really glad to hear that those injections are working and the discomfort is not too bad and as you say, much better than loosing your sight.

    Lisa, fabulous roses!  I can almost smell them from here!

    3jays, I sure hope all this extra work is not going to knock your socks off and put you back where you were a few months ago.

    Kathy, 3 weeks is really neither here nor there so if you want to delay the mammo because of your DD's wedding just let your doc know.  It really will make not much difference.  Good luck!

    Sas, I love having you here as you have such wonderful knowledge that you are willing to share, please keep coming.

    Well, it's time for my exercises so I must go.  Hope you are all having a wonderful day!  I know I am!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Welcome Melinda...good to have you here!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Chrissey, Fantastic that you are going home. Kathy I definitely would ask the MO to delay your mammo until after the wedding.  Welcome Melinda. 3jays hope the move back in goes soomthly. SAS, you have so much information, thanks for sharing. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. I go to my dermatologist tomorrow and my MO on Friday. I think my first mammo will be the end of June or first part of July.

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    Yay, CHRISSY!!!

    You must be on your way home by now.  So happy for you.  That's a long time to be away, unless you're on vacation, of course, which you weren't!  Hope you are feeling much better and can concentrate on healing now.  

    Love you,


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, that is great news!!!!!! I am so happy for you!  Slow happy dance going on here.

    Kathy, I would put off the mammo until after the wedding also. I was called back on my first mammo and had made plans for a trip with my daughter so put off second one for 2 weeks and then biopsy for another week. At the time the techs all said it wouldn't have made a difference. I was so happy that I got that special time in with my daughter before all this treatment stuff.

    pt, hope the dermo is uneventful and the MO informative. Thinking of you! 

    Actually, my daughter and I are to be going on another trip at the end of this week. She is 24, full of life and spirit. I don't feel ready to be traveling, but I so needed something to look forward to, that we made the plans back when I was having such a hard time geting through the rads. I had no idea that my recovery would be so slow, but it is what it is. I am equal parts thrilled and terrified. A friend of mine just sent me a FB message about getting free health care at the airport, free xray and breast exam with every trip, so my appts next week will be with Dr Airport.

    I have to go do my OT exercises before going to my appt this afternoon. Trying to be the model patient. LOL

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  Good for you...going home!  I wish you an ongoing speedy recovery!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Yeah Chrissy, welcome Melinda,, Ptdreamers thanks, 3Jays hope all settles down soon.

    Hi, ,many of you were locked out or gone when Chrissy and I were talking. Right now I can't see well or type well b/c I can't wear my glasses. The stem was sitting on my incision from brain surgery on Mar 27th. Caused a problem. So, they are staying off till way past healing. So, if you see lot's of mispellings -sometimes I focus better than others.

    Dr's appointment now---will be back. 

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    SAS, you're doing just FINE!  I couldn't type my own name without my lenses!

    Chrissy... YAY!  Go home, woman!

    Melinda... Welcome!  I am also 51.  It feels older than it used to!  And that's okay.  Getting to be an old lady is sounding better and better these days. 

    I haven't been around BCO as much lately, but I pop in here and there to check up on you all.  My son is a baseball player and the past couple of months have been sheer madness on the calendar, but also a whole lot of fun.  And I've been trying to adjust to new treatment... and also working slowly but surely on spring cleaning and decluttering.  STUFF. Mercy, why so much stuff?  So between baseball games it's been all about the garage sale and Goodwill and consignment and the used bookstore and more than a few bags of trash.  At least I can open closet doors without waves of dread now.  But I'm real ready to be done with this project and kick back with a congratulatory margarita.  For real. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Happy dance for Chrissy!  Hello Melinda I think you will like it here. I do!

    So this morning I threw myself out of the bed again. This time I was dreaming there was this big wooden wheel with pegs in it and I needed to get in my peg spot really quick. Me being a peg of course and sound asleep. I threw myself off of my very high bed across the floor into my closet door and woke up there on the floor with my feet tangled in the covers. My bones must not be too bad or I would be in the hospital this time. I used the bookshelf that is adjacent to my closet door to get myself up off of the floor. I seem to do this about twice a year. 

    This is nuts! I even did this at my sons house and got caught on the bed guard for my DGD. It isn't as though I just roll off the edge, I think I am needing to throw myself into a run or as in today a peg in a big wheel.  

    I hate to think I need restraints and if I were in a hopspital I imagine they would want to use them. That idea is horrifying to me.  

    Hugs Ginger 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    The only time I fell out of bed as an adult was when I tried ambien. Needless to say I never tried any more.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hope you are not too sore, Ginger.  The only time I fell out of bed as an adult was just before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.  I had actually gotten up, fixed a cup of coffee, and sat down on the bed to read the paper, for some reason.  Took a header (literally) out of our high bed and landed on the hardwood floor.   I fell asleep sitting up!  Soon after, had the sleep study and got the bi-pap machine, which totally changed my life.  Never sleep without it, not even a nap. 


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yeah, it isn't falling out of bed it is always part of a dream. It is scary to know that my sleep doesn't disable my actions like it is supposed to.  I also talk in my sleep and argue like I am still at my old job where I worked with homeless families. It was hard to get my clients all they needed, lots of injustice and I suppose it has stayed wth me. I have strange sleep habits. My poor husband, seriously. 

    I also have night terrors which I don't remember at all. Again my poor husband. 

    When I am awake I am as normal as any of us are. I am achy all over from this morning. 

    Laters Ginger

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Ginger:  My BF has the same problem as you...he acts out his dreams!  I'm up early this morning because he was dreaming and shoved his hand into my back startling me awake!  It was already 5:00 AM, so no going back to sleep for me.  He's in there sleeping peacefully and doesn't have a clue what he did.  He feels so bad when I tell him, so usually I don't say a word...apparently he can't help it.  Sometimes he talks so much in his sleep that I have to wake him and tell him he's dreaming and to stop.

    QCA:  Those sleep machines are really something.  Wonder what people did before we had those.  We have a friend that used to fall asleep at the dinner table before he got his machine.  I think the newer ones are better and less noisy.  The original ones sounded like you were on life support. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Ginger...I am laughing my sox off. What a game you are playing !! How about sleeping in a big dog cage, couldn't fall out of that...or could you??

    I have had an email from bcsupport to tell me how to 'hard refresh' my pc to get me back in line with everyone....and IT WORKED !!! I tried to 'clear my cookies' and blanked myself for 24 hours, but this second trick worked...and the magic is I did it myself. I am pleased with myself as I am quite pretty hopeless when it comes to doing anything at all with my pc.

    Been at hospital today, driving DH for his appointment. He still cannot drive, the cut on his arm will be about 9"-10" , his nerve has been moved, and 're-plumbed', somewhere behind a muscle. The doctors strapped him back up again, and he has to keep his arm pretty well inactive for another 2 weeks. He treated me to lunch, on the way home, for doing his driving...made me feel bad for tipping him out, and back home again yesterday.... we were getting very close to fisticuffs !! I didn't feel bad tho' when I got myself home, and I was all alone again !!

    We are having torrential rain , it's gone on now 3 days, everywhere is running with water. Streams are overflowing, and I have one or two places where water is seeping into the oldest part of the house, UP the walls. Just hoping it dries out quickly, and won't do any damage to the plasterwork. I flew out tonight, pulled my 3 vehicles out into the farmyard, squirted them with liquid soap, and ran back in !!! Hoping to find 3 sparkling vehicles tomorrow, but will probably end up with 3 streaky vehicles !! Might as well let this lashing rain do me a job or two.

    A nice warm shower is calling me now. I have some new honey smelling shower jell to try, so am off , an early night is also on the cards.


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Isabella, let me know if the soap trick works. I hate washing my car but usually have lots of rain.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Glad that you finally got back on, Isabella.  Congratulations on doing it yourself, and also congrats on being alone (DH-less) too!  I'm getting some shower gel tomorrow too, after reading that it doesn't cause soap scum build-up.  DH is a die-hard soap user, but he's not the one who cleans the shower and I'll get him some gel for men too.  It's worth a try, anyhow.

    DD's 4th and 5th graders' musical, Aladdin, is tomorrow and Saturday nights, so afterwards on Saturday we'll be striking the set, as they say.  She said after the dress rehearsal tonight she told the kids they couldn't jump around after each song and say how good they'd sounded in the actual performance, so we shall see.

    Next week DS and DIL are going on a trip for their anniversary and the other grandmother's going to keep DGS, so DH and I are going to Savannah for a long weekend!  We love Savannah, and I just can't wait for next Thursday to get here and be on our way.   There are so many things to see there, and I'm looking into a riverboat cruise too, so that should be fun.

    Chrissy, so glad to hear that you're doing well!!  

    Hope everybody else is okay tonight, and hugs to all.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I wonder if I took lorazepam before bed if that would stop this crazy sleep leaping. It usually happens within two hours of going to bed. Occasionally at a different time. 

    Issabelle, tell us if your self wash works for the cars.   

    Laters Ginger

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella : glad your back.. sent you a pm on how you did it!!!

      good for you, had to give the ex DH the boot.. you don't need the stress!!!

      we're in for another rainy weekend here, in time for us to be moving the plants Back on our property. bought slickers for both mur and i, this time.. at least, we're back home, in our beds.

      the moving back didn't go as planned. we took so much with us, and when there was a problem with the hotel, we left two days early, in 4 hours, instead of the leuisurely, orderly fadhion we had planned.. so, the house is a wreck, yet AGAIN!!!

      im feeling really discouraged, with my limited efforts. it takes me so long to get it back.. but, the dr told us to take many more things out when tenting, than they recommended..

      oh, well, im doing it a little at a time, and falling down on my face asleep, midday. Mur worked today, will tommorrow, and then, the garden.. i'll just take my time inside, and won't let anyone near the house till im done!!ggrrrr....


      enjoy Savannah, he cruise on the river... 3jays. i haven't been in years, but it is a beautiful city!!!enjoy

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    isabella - you put a huge smile on my face - if there's an easy way to do something, i usually find it but squirting soap on my car beats anything i've ever tried.
