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For Older People with Sense



  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Such interesting conversation, ladies, sleep leaping and car self washing. 

    We are just coming into oak pollen season here, which puts a coat of yellow on all cars, but it conincides with end of school fund raisers, which many are car washes. They (usually 5th graders) probably do as good a job as squirting soap on during a rain storm.  

    I have been to a Look Good, Feel Better program for bc patients. It was the same group of women that comes to the BC support group that I attend 1x a month. The first night it was putting on make up, we laughed so hard. It was great fun. I will probably not look like that again very soon. I am a less is better kinda gal, but it was great to just be around people. Then yesterday a beauty saloon cut, dyed and styled my hair. I think it worked, my spirit has lifted. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  Nothing like a fun evening with friends and beauty tips to make one feel better.  I should have looked into something like that.  The support group I was referred to was way on the other side of town and I didn't want to drive that far at night with my compromised eyes.

    When we get to NC in June, the pollen will be an inch thick on our deck...left there from spring.  We need a pressure cleaner to get it off.  Starting to look forward to seeing the mountains again and working in my garden. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!!!   Yup I'm finally home at my own house.........yippeeee!!!!  Feeling a bit tired tonight but that's probably because DH and I did a marathon shop on the way home and I probably walked a little too far.  Never mind, tomorrow I can put my feet up and rest.

    Nancy your Look Good Feel Good session sounds like it was a lot of fun and laughter is always a good thing so I'm truly glad that your spirits have lifted.

    Isabella I'm soooo glad that you have finally gotten the access to BCO sorted!  There is nothing so frustrating as when you can't do what you want to on the computer.  Glad you gave DH his marching orders once again but also glad that his arm will be okay once he has healed.  Laughing still over the free car wash deal with the rain.......I sure hope it works!!!  Have your two new puppies settled in well?

    Ginger only once did my DH do the acting out in his sleep and that was very early on in our marriage.........we still laugh at it now but neither of us roll out of bed for seemingly no

    Kathy, enjoy your weekend with Savanah!  I know you will be tired but love every minute!

    3jays I sure hope you manage to get organised pretty quick so you can get back to your normal routine without exhausting yourself completely.

    Have a good day all!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    I am so very sad now. My favorite aunt passed away last Sunday. She didn't have an easy life - she was divorced twice and never had very much money, just managing to make ends meet. She moved to Hawaii almost 25 years ago and was so very happy there. She worked until retirement age and then moved into senior housing there. She had a tiny 1-room apartment and always talked about how one wall was floor-to-ceiling window with a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. She didn't see a very small apartment and an income that was only Social Security, she saw "enough space for me" and her priceless view.

    I will miss her so very much.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am sorry for your loss Leah. How wonderful that your dear Aunt had such a wonderful perspective on her life.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Leah, my sympathies and condolences on your loss. I echo Ginger. What a life-legacy she left you.

    Chrissy - glad to see you home.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Leah, so sorry to hear that...she sounds like a great lady..

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Leah,  Your Aunt sounds like the kind of person I would like to have called a friend.  Please accept my condolences.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Forgive me for jumping in without reading the 10 pages I've missed. I FINALLY got reconnected after MY technical difficulties after a ban at bco!! Please let me know if everyone is okay...

    Leah, so sorry for your aunt, but I read something yesterday about how a simpler life is easier to live as you don't have to worry about so much "stuff", and what to do and where to go, etc. My DH and I have simplifed so much, even down to just one car. It is very, very calming and we enjoy it as much as when we had the world by the tail. I would take a Pacific view in Hawaii over a brick wall in New York any day!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Leah, Sorry to hear about your aunt. It does sound like she had the right attitude for living. If you feel you have enough and you don't desire more, you are likely to be happy.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Leah, Sorry to hear about your aunt. She sounds like she was an exceptional woman

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Leah I'm so sorry to hear of your aunts death. What a lovely lady she sounded. I will be thinking of you. good for you to be back with us.

    Right, I have a major problem. Really bugging and worrying me. I was diagnosed with Diabetes today. I got a rather fiesty letter from my GP this morning to say she was trying to contact me, and it was a matter of some urgency that I got in touch as soon as possible. I have a phone, an answering machine, and the surgery has my what was her problem ?? I have been in and out, as always, but the tone of her letter looked as if she was imagining I was avoiding her....but, unless I hear the phone, or pick up a recorded message I am not psychic and can't feel 'vibes' that someone wants me to contact them !

    Long story short. I had a blood test last week....the first for 2 years, after repeated requests from my GP. I am severely needle phobic, so it was a hell of a thing for me, and one I had no intention of repeating again for months and months. Now they want me in next week for further tests, including more blood tests. At the moment I will NOT be having a repeat blood test. I am going quietly mad, since reading up on diabetes, and just know I will NOT be able to do the repeated blood tests that are required...even the daily pricking the finger I cannot do. If I stick a pin in my finger whilst sewing I am out of my seat and dancing round the room going absolutely MAD that a needle has gone into my flesh...just a little casual pricking of my finger will do my day in, and to think that I will have to do this on purpose to myself each morning does not bear thinking about. I am scaring myself with all the worse scenarios that happen if diabetes is left untreated, which at the moment is how I am thinking. I shall need a general anaesthetic each day to just prick my finger !!! Blood tests I am just pretending don't exist in this new world of mine !!!

    In the middle of all this recieving my letter, ringing my GP, arguing with her receptionist, comes another call, from the hospital this time, from my neurologists secretary asking where I was on this last Tuesday 24th, and WHY didn't I let them know sooner I wasn't coming for my op, which had been scheduled that day. My answer to that was I had NO IDEA that my op. had been scheduled for a few days ago, and that was why I didn't turn up. 'Oh' says the receptionist 'someone from your  number answered my call to say you weren't at home this week, so couldn't come for your op.' There was only one 'someone' here with me this week... DH....I will be DHing him in the morning for keeping the call quiet, so that he would have me here to take him to his op. At least he could have told me, I would have sorted something out ...I WILL be sorting him out in the morning ! If you mess the hospitals about here you get put to the bottom of the list again.

    I have had DD here with me all afternoon, trying to bring me down from the ceiling ! First I am hot then I am cold, and very confused, keep repeating myself ! Cooling down quite some now I am on my own again. What I am really asking is , is there anyone else here with diabetes ? I know it's quite a broad spectrum thing, and don't know where I am falling at the moment ...just wondering and shaking in my boots what it'll all entail...I take so many tablets and things now just do not want anything else ( read that as DO NOT want / WILL NOT have any blood tests !!!)

    I was seeing a psychologist towards the end of last year about my phobia, but she went off to have a baby, but when I get myself back on track I will ring her again. ( I also saw a hypnotist, but had to pretend I was hypnotised just to get rid of the man !!!! complete quack !!!)

    I am looking at taking a couple of sleeping tablets now and forgetting the world exists. DD says she will be here again in the morning, but as she is off out dancing tonight I shalln't hold my breath !!


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Isabella, Take a deep breath. Some forms of diabetes can be wholly treated with diet and exercise. Others require monitoring of your blood sugar. They now have testers that don't require pricking your finger. Do buck up and do whatever testing is necessary to determine what is going on. Were you fasting for the last blood test? I ask because my MO got all excited about my blood sugar until I told him that no it wasn't done fasting and he said great then its no problem. Diabetes is serious if left untreated so I know on top of everything else you don't want to deal with it but you must. Good luck.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Isabella, Isabella, please do calm down---the diabetes, if you have it, is not the end of the world, although I admit that if indeed DH failed to tell you of your surgery appt it very well could be the end of his world.  I know many people who have diabetes, including 2 sisters-in-law, a brother-in-law, a niece, and a good friend, and they all are able to control it with diet and pills, no shots, so you could very well be the same.  That's what we'll think until when and if we know differently. I'm just so furious at DH for not telling you about your surgery, when you could have it over and done with now and be already recuperating, that I can't  see straight!  Hugs, take some deep breaths, and keep saying this too shall pass.  Which it will, and in the meantime we'll all be here to listen.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Leah:  So sorry about your sounds like you have many fond memories of her that you can cherish.  I feel that way about my DA who passed several years ago.  She was like a mother to me.

    Barbe1958..Welcome back...wondered were you were...thought possibly on vacation like I was for 10 days. better take care of that don't want it out of control.  As many have said, it can be treated with medication need for shots.  Ask your doctor about taking Metformin which helps to lower your glucose levels.  It's an inexpensive and proven drug for diabetics, and is now even being used to prevent cancer recurrence. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    hello-----not focusing wll. so if anyone  wants to talk to me please write in caps. ironically i coulldn't even see key board well. It's getting better. may be my eyes are getting "EXERCISE".  lol'S  hOPE EVERYOME IS DOING WELL. SHEILA

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Leah, sorry I didn't catch it earlier, but I am truly sorry about your dear aunt.  From what you said, she and my beloved aunt (who died a little over a year ago) both lived simply and were content with what they had.  I think I would have liked your aunt very much, and I'm sorry for your loss.

    Hey Barbe!  Good to see you back girl!!


    Hugs to all, and hope we all have a good weekend.  


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Isabella, My husband and I were both diagnosed with prediabetes a few years ago. Our sugars were too high, but not over the threshold for diabetes. We reduced the carbs we were eating, lost some weight, walked a little more and were able to get back into the normal range and we've stayed there for several years. It is important to take seriously, however. Good wishes and hugs.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Leah I'm so sorry to hear the news of the loss of your Aunt.  (((((Hugs))))) It sounds like she was fully happy with her life no matter how others saw it.  Happiness is not dependant on 'things' and she obviously knew that very well.  God bless her.

    Isabella, take it easy girl!  diabetes can be easily treated but they do need to know how bad and what type in order for you to get the best.  It is known as the silent killer for a reason as if left untreated it will attack the major organs and cause havock.  Both my mother and my brother are insulin dependant but there are thousands that control with tablets, diety and exercise.  I would like to be a fly on the wall when you rip that DH (and I don't mean dear) a new one!  Oh the ordacity of the man and the total selfishness of him!  I sure do hope that this is not going to put you to the bottom of the list again as it was not your fault.


    Barbe!!!   Yay!!!!   so glad to see you back!!!  We missed you!!!!

    First day home and I have been just to sit and open a months worth of mail as DH for some reason doesn't like opening mail..............maybe he just doesn't want to be the first to see the  I have to laugh at my cats and the dog as they keep walking into the room and checking just to make sure that I'm really here!  and the dog keeps making sure that if I move so does she and is a pace behind my heels.   Almost saying if you go again I'm coming too!

    Hope your day is a good one!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Barbie-------I know that everyone was concerned about your absence. You mention a ban by BCO. Interesting. I was on Catholic that gave bans for many things . They didn't notify members. It could be found out by other routes. What's odd here is that when members are concerned about peoples LIVES, that bans can occur and some sort of notification to the populace is not made known ,so we didn't think like well, you DIED..............People were concerned. Many threads Barbie were concerned about your absence. I know it's nice to be missed. But this is an issue that should be somehow resolved by the Mods. Like a list of who's being banned---so we know they aren't just MIA. Sucks

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Leah -- I'm so sorry about your loss. It's so hard to lose the elders in our families, isn't it?  I miss the wisdom of my grandparents so much now.  Some days when I find myself in a cycle of needing to grieve about this cancer, I just wish I could talk to my grandmother or my favorite uncle about it, because they always knew what to say about life to make it more comprehensible.  Your aunt sounds lovely and wise like that.  I wish you comfort and peace in your spirit. 

    Barbe -- What the heck?!  Well... welcome back!  Glad you're okay!

    Isabella -- DH was dx'ed last summer.  Metformin and Glymopride (sp?) have his diabetes under control. He has cleaned up his diet a good bit and started walking more and he is feeling 100% better.  It may take you a few weeks to get the hang of it, but I think you'll do just fine!


    Chrissy -- I'm just so glad to know you are at home vegging out. That makes me happy. Good for you, girl!

    Well, I found out today that my stinking tumor markers are rising again, so I may be about to say goodbye to Faslodex after four too-short months. I went to the park with a cup of coffee and a big pair of Jackie-O sunglasses and had a good cry all by myself. Then I did a little retail therapy at JJill; bought some linen shorts that will fit my now-bigger bootaytay (thank you, anti-hormonals) so I'll have something to wear when the heat and the hot flashes get back in full swing. I have a PET scan coming up, probably next week, to see what the rising markers are hinting at. It is what it is, it is what it is.

    DH and son are going camping over the weekend so I shall have the house all to myself, lots of peace and quiet to recuperate from my Faslodex/Xgeva injections today.  I'm planning to lounge in my jammies and eat a lot of popcorn and do some Netflix to keep me from dwelling on the sucky yuckies coming up next week. Looking forward to some down time!

    Y'all have a good weekend!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chrissy--I'm not wearing reading glasses b/c of near cause of infection on brain tumor incision..Dumb on my part. I used glasses . Well not used now may be  2 weeks and I siver nitrated bad sites.  When I go for f/u doc is going to say why didn't you call us or go see PCP. I'll just look up and smile-----------and say " I fixed it"==typical nurse--------still no glasses ---so if typing way off- please understand-----sheila

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997




  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    lulubee:  So sorry to hear about your higher markers...that just sucks!  I'm sure there will be something that can be done...another tx or med that you can take.  The main thing is to keep your spirits up.  Praying that you find the positive energy to deal with this new challenge.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Barbe, I really really missed you! I had "heard" about the ban but then you didn't come back right after that, so glad you are here again!

    Leah, I too am sorry for the loss of your aunt. It will be an ache in your heart for some time, but the lesson she taught you will be with you forever.

    SAS, HELLO! 

    (((lulu))) I have no words of wisdom, just that I HATE this disease.

    Chrissy, I am so glad you are home with your feet up and the dog following you around.

    Isabella (((hugs))))

    My DD gets here today and she will whisk me off for our beach adventure tomorrow. I am a little nervous, but will just take it easy. I was prepped by nurse on how to take care from catching germs, etc. I have to bring all my pt equipment so I can keep up with my exercises. It will be so nice to be away and with DD. I get asked all the time when  my shop will reopen and I don't have an answer so this trip will help me get some distance. I will bring ipad so will be able to post pictures and share my adventures.

    Hope ya'll can enjoy one truly joyful moment today! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  Enjoy your trip with DD!  Wish my DD would do something like that for me, but alas, that will never happen.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    my grandfather had some glasses that clipped to his nose..

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    ... then there's Teddy Roosevelt with his monocle!  

    (HOW did people kept those things on their faces? I can barely keep my hoop earrings on some days, and those have a hole to keep them in!)

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    LOL about the keeping the monocle on your face.

    After having basil cell on my cheek, I switched to contacts b/c the glasses were hitting on that spot, now after rads my eyes are so dry my contacts pop out all the time. 

    Kaara, I know I am truly blessed. I count my blessings everyday. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I was even thinking of lenses that would flip down from the brim of a baseball cap! That should work.   Alternately if it is just size of the print. How about a big magnifying sheet, or glass. If it is on line font size. I use firefox and if I hit control plus or minus my screen goes up and down in size accordingly.   It is a perk of Firefox.

    I didn't need glasses for most of my life and it is so frustrating not to be able to read the fine print, sometimes not even with glasses on. 

    I hope you have a wonderful trip Macattack. I love spending time with my DD. Now she has a baby so it is always with the baby but that is good too. 

    Love all
