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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Alyson, I am from the US midwest, my family from the Mid South. In the Midwest we eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, in the Midsouth we ate Breakfast, Dinner and then Supper. How does this compare to your tea?  I went to a tea once in Victoria on Vancouver Island in Canada and found it so filling that  there was no question of needing dinner.

    Morning West Coasters. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ginger, down under we call your dinner tea. I know the New Zealanders also call your dinner, tea. That term is used as everyday language but if we are going to dine at a restaurant we call it dinner. I know, confusing but refer to it as you normally would because we use

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Ginger, I was seven when we moved to WA from North Dakota but I still eat supper, I don't know why since I now eat lunch.  Dinner is for Holidays, company, eating out in a good restaurants etc.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My mom and dad always ate supper at night. I adapted growing up in CHicago to my friends customs of B, L & Dinner.   I remember well on my grandma's farm that supper was always waiting under the table cloth from Dinner (Lunch).  I have some of those old table cloths.

     If any of you have old Grandmas sti8ll alive please be sure to sit down and ask them lots and lots of questions about their lives. You will be glad you did. :) 

     Laters Ginger

  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74

    Ginger that's a good suggestion about sitting the older relatives down and ask questions.

    Momma had my Mamaw (her Momma) sit down in front of the camcorder years ago (Mamaw died in 1995) and just talk from what the earliest memories she had.   She told us about her childhood (10 brothers and sisters), about her brothers that were killed in the war and about the day they were notified of each of their deaths, etc.  It is priceless and now on a CD for all of us to enjoy and learn.

    I did the same with my Momma, she passed away on 12/31/06 so only our 8 year old grandson has a faint memory of her.  But thanks to her great idea, they can get to "know" her!  The 8 year old was surprised to learn that there was no Pizza Hut in the little town where I was born (Magee, MS) and that to get money to spend at the store, we walked around town picking up "coke bottles" and sold them to the store for 2 cents each.  Of course, we got lots of treats for a few cents back then.

    We have our 2 oldest grands here today. Davis (8 yrs) and his sister, Alaura (5 yrs) spending today and tonite with us.  We getting ready to have dinner (lunch) and later today we are going to a local waterpark then to see Madagascar 3.  DH and I love those Madagascar movies as much as the kids.  The waterpark is small but big enough for our grands.  We'll be worn out by the time we leave there, lol.

    I hope y'all have a great weekend!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Ginger, I remember at my grandmother's we had dinner right after church, and the leftovers put on the table under a tablecloth.  I didn't start saying lunch until I was in school, and still say supper.  Unless we're going out, then it's dinner. 

    FL, that's such a good idea your mother had.  I wish I'd thought of it long before all our older relatives passed away.  Glad you're having such a good time with your grands.

    Anybody ever had a spray tan?  I'm thinking of getting a very light one for DD's wedding, just on these lily-white legs of mine.  All is vanity, you know.  One week from tomorrow, so the countdown's really begun now.

    Hugs to you all,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Kathy:  I got a spray tan for my DS's wedding...don't think I'll do it again though.  Make sure you stand very still and don't move or bend anything or the creases will show up white:)  I think it's for younger women who don't have too much sagging skin or!  I now use a self tanning from Victoria's Secret.  It even has a good smell to it, and it works quickly.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks for the info, Kaara.  I suspected spray tans might not be good on, shall we say, "mature" skin!  Think I'll just go with the tanning lotion I've used before and use it post-shower every day until the wedding.  I'd like to try the VS one, but there's not a close enough store.

    Made more bows today, then tonight we went to a 40th anniversary party for some friends.  Always good to get a night out with friends!

    Hope everyone had a good Saturday, and hugs to all.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Chrissy - so gladtheclot is gone and you by now have gotten your new Ahhhhhh chair. I have been busy and had too many pages to read tonigh so after this post I am off to bed as tomorrow will be busy at church all day.

    I did finally get DH to take me to the beach last Friday and had a very nice relaxing day. And today I have been so busy I did not even get dressed! Guess that makes getting ready for bed quicker.

    HUGSTo all. Catch you later, Amy Jo

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    AJ the chair is still in the van......boohoo!'s so heavy that DH can't lift it on his own and our friend from across the road is away for the weekend.  I just have to wait until Tuesday when another friend is coming to see DH so we will be able to finally get it inside!.....yay!!!

    Glad you enjoyed your day at the beach!  I'm with you on being in the jamies all oftren have those relaxing days, particularly when it's cold.

    Kathy I have never used those self tanning lotions or spray tans.  My eldest DD has in the past but everytime she had it done, she turned orange!  She finally gave up and now believes, like I do that white is  Hope the wedding goes well!

    Filterlady what a wonderful idea about getting the olds to be recorded.  I wonder if my mother would do that?  I have asked her many times to write down what she knows about the famiy history but so far nada.........she says she  I think I'll ask her.

    Today is a clear cold day, sun is out but there is no warmth to it.  Just as well I have the fire going.......mmmmm

    Love n hugs to all!     Chrissy 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Chrissy, why not do a recording session and make it a  nice afternoon or evening together with you interviewing her?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Chaba that sound like a good idea. I don't even have to get a recorder as I have a voice app on my iPhone! I never thought of that..... Lol.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey everyone, 

    I'm still not feeling great, but trying to get out and have some joyful moments everyday. I was taking a drive the other day and saw a sign at a restaurant that said "serving supper" that confused me ('re conversation about tea vs dinner above).  Maybe it meant all afternoon they served food. I never know what is going to remind me of you, ladies.

    I am turning into one of those drivers that tootles along at 30mph and has a long line of irate drivers behind her in a hurry to get somewhere. LOL Not too long ago I was the one in a big hurry!

    Ahhh, chrissy, I had you in the chair with your feet up already.

    Kathy, hope you continue to enjoy the excitment leading up to the wedding.  

    Kaara, enjoy the view off your deck. 

    Hope you all have a good nights rest! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  No view this morning...foggy and misty...but that in itself is beautiful.  I'm hoping it clears off because I wanted to play golf this afternoon; however, it is showing no signs of doing anything but the slow rain that we had all day yesterday.  Enough already!

    We took a drive yesterday out to an area that we love, and drove by a home that I saw online that I would love to buy...can't though because we already have the one we're in and things aren't an easy sell these days.  Oh well....I can dream!

    Today I clean house...I hate it, but it must be done.  My BF will help by vacuming the stairs and the lower level.  Once we get started it doesn't take very's just the getting started.  I think of a million excuses to put it off.

    Happy Monday everyone! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi ladies, i thought i'd check in.. having a wonderful visit with marybe; at least, from my end..

       i feel bad, cause im sleeping really late in the day; but she's enjoying sitting out on the patio, reading, and getting some rays.. she's gotten a nice little tan going!

     we went to the boarwalk sat night, had dinner, and there was a band.. unfortunately, we can't get the pics to work on my comouter, yet, but im working on t.. i have one or two, so i'll post them.. one is funny: i have such hot flash issues, and she doesn't; so, i got a hat, and a shawl for her to sit up with me, and watch tv.. late at night.

      the weather has cooperated, and except for my time scheduale, its been wonderful!!!!   i'll post pics as i can.. we had her famous stromboli sunday night at the oldest Jays' and the grands put on a dance show for her.. fun!!! more to come..3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    arriving at ft lauderdale..
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    heres marybe freezing at nite..and one more of the stromboli..
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    it was delish!!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    finley was giving her a "high ten" for the stromboli...3jays
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jays:  Looks like you and Marybe are having an awesome time!  That's what it's all about...friendship!  Keep it up.  Grands are adorable!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 look like you're having a pleased for you both.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy one foot on front of the other will always propell you forward bet it slow or fast. I prefer slow as then I can really see everything. Hope things get better for you.

    3jays and Marybe, sure sounds like you are having fun! Wish I was there with you.

    Have been a little quiet but my hands have been very I have almost completed both the back and front of the new sweater I am knitting for DH.

    Gosh I wish I was still as strong as I used to be because I would be sitting in my new chair already. Oh well, another couple of days so I'm told and I will have it out of the van and into my lounge....... lol

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Marybe, 3Jays, wow you are having a super time there!  Shows put on by the Grands are simply the best!  Sitting up watching late night TV, with a girl friend to kibbitz with, also rates high on my hit parade.   Enjoy! 

    Hugs Ginger       

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Yay 3jays!  I've been wanting to see pictures and you and Marybe both look great--the good time you're having just shows!  Thanks for posting these.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - so glad you and Marybe are having a good visit. Hugs to both of you.

    Amy Jo

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    We have now been on the road for four weeks,

    I am dragging and now can't wait to set the GPS to "home"

    We have to wait til Monday to start the long trip back to San Diego..over 3,000 miles after Sunday..

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello all, 

    The pics are great 3jays, good to see and heartwarming to think of you guys enjoying time together and making memories.

    Chrissy, you are one wise woman. One step at a time and I will get through. I had another chest xray today. And we are upping the dose once again, but it is my full time job now, this taking care of myself. I am picturing you in the chair with legs up knitting up a storm.

    Lisa,  good luck with the travels. There always comes a point when there is no place like home. Are you going a different route on the way back?

    Kathy, thinking of you as the wedding is approaching,  Hope for clear skies and calm hearts.

    My brain is fading.

    Good Night! 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lisa, sounds like you're at the point where you'd like to be magically airlifted to home!  It surely seems to be a great trip, though, and I'm enjoying seeing all the pictures. 

    Thanks for the good wishes, Mac.  The weather forecast sounds almost ideal--rain-free and a high in the very low 80's, which sure beats the 90's. The cake icing and my everybody's make-up shouldn't melt!  And, taking care of  yourself is just what you should be doing right now!  I hope the increased dose will help.

    Hugs to all, 


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    3jays just loved the pictures. Would so love to be able to come over and visit with you.

    I have a kidney infection which is making me feel so awful. Have anti Bs and of course I have to have a scan just to check things out. I also feel really out of sorts with RA and Fibro but I know why. Went round cousin's farm on the back of his quad bike and it was really rough country climbing up to 2000ft. Lucky it was last week as the snow is now down to about that level. I don't think my posterior is ever going to be the same again but it did shake up the joints rather badly.

    Must think about what to have for dinner, won't say tea or that will confuse folks.

    Big hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe Alyson sure hope that kidney infection disappears quickly with the aid of the anti-B's.  You were on the back of a quad?  What were you thinking?  As long as the views were well worth the pain.  Take care you.

    Nancy sure hope the extra meds help get you back to feeling more like yourself.  Your job right now is looking after you, the other jobs are not going anywhere and will still be there when you are well.

    Kathy hoping everything goes well on the day.  Once the madness is over you will wonder why you were panicing and thoroughly enjoy the celebrations.

    Well both the back and front of DH's new sweater is complete and I am about to begin the sleeves.  This is the bit I dislike as her has such long arms I feel like I'm knitting a scarf! twice!  The chair will be placed inside with my butt on it tomorrow.......I hope!  Got a friend coming over, was going to come yesterday but was waylaid, so I'm keeping everything crossed that can be crossed that it happens.  This has been the longest week......knowing that my beautiful comfy new chair is so close and yet so far......pure torture!

    Love n hugs all!   Chrissy