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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    But what is fried mush?  I have had Sh!t on a shingle but not mush?

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Is mush similar to grits, or cornbread?  Some people do fry grits (after they're cooked normally, I think they're put in a loaf pan, refrigerated, then cut into slices and fried) and I remember my grandmother used to make these little fried cornbread patties in a cast iron skillet.  That was good!  No syrup, though.  And Marybe, I've eaten corned beef hash, but never had it growing up.  Don't think it's a "southern" thing! 


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Alyson, do not know how you cope with having your sister there all the time, when you have problems yourself, and DH has been ill with heart problems. I need to have the house to myself when I am not well, and not have anyone else to consider at all.

    I am just not a good person to share a house with !! I like my own way much too much, andI like to s-p-r-e-a-d. I like to have my own way with furnishings and colour schemes, and if someone buys me something I don't like I will NOT use it !!! Just funny that way, and love my own company. I have a fairly big old house, and use it all now my children are gone... it is heaven to be here alone...alone that is except for my dogs, I cannot live in a house without dogs !! humans, yes....dogs NO !!!

    I keep getting veiled hints that maybe I would have room for G/son and his G/F to move in here 'to keep me company'...but I WOULD NOT ! I do not want company ! DD has even hinted she could come live with me again, but I just change the subject ! I wouldn't see any of my family on the street, but would make, pretty damned clear, that it was only temporary. I have 5 bedrooms all to myself....but I use one in winter, one in summer (when its finished) one is a room for G/children to stay in, and one is a sewing room. My next project is to alter DHs bedroom into a room for my washer and dryer and my iron. It always seems stupid to me to take all my bed linen and clothes downstairs to wash and dry them, then bring them all the way back to put them away again, so will be getting on with that as soon as my bedroom is 100% finished.(STILL waiting for a window to appear !)

    Not had a good day today, my back is playing me is getting worse slowly, so I went and had a nice long soak in the bath, and crawled into bed for 3 hours during the afternoon. It was an absolutely beautiful day, too nice to be in bed, but I couldn't hardly stand up for long, so the best place for me was bed...I know when I am beat !! Got up about 6pm, and had a wander around the sheep, lambs and cows, who are all now outside. They were all pleased to see me, and came galloping up to 'talk' to me, nearly knocking me over. Course, then I smelled of cows, and was covered in fine hair, as they are all moulting, so ended up in the shower and a yet another change of clothes! All my animals are tame. I have brought all of them up myself, and most have been born here, so it is quite a sight to see 40-50 cows and calves coming careering across the fields when they hear me call. The sheep are a little more reserved, they come up, but always stand on the outside of the group.

    Hoping to get into town tomorrow, but whether I will or nor I don't know. I shalln't be able to walk far the state my back is in. I am looking for a fascinator. I was going to make myself one, but can't be bothered now. My G/daughter sent me some ostrich feathers, from her ostriches, and I had had a mind to set too and put them in some sort of hat for my gypsy wedding !...but then I don't want to stand out as I have no idea what it will be like, so am now hoping to buy one a little more simple than what I had in mind to make .

    Well, time to go and put the dogs to bed, and get myself back to bed. With all the time I have spent doing nothing today you'd think I would be up and away in the morning, but I won't be, I will still be staying in bed until 9am.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh, Isabella: i'm so sorry your back is up again.. id hoped when the weather started to change, it wouldn't ache quite so much.

       i think its' lovely the cows and sheep come to you. DH#1(darn, not dear) family raised horse, treained and showed them. we didn't start them from the beginning, but some were quite old, and still on the farm. we never got rid of the favs.. omny if they were ill tempered with kids, or other horses to a fault. many were just left to pasture in the summer... i hoped someone would do that for me, when i got old.. don't know >>>

       please, im so happy you are listening to your body, and resting as you need, weatherwise good, or not..

       its so good to have you here again! i look for your posts like a kid at Christmas!! will you be glued to the telly watching the royal wedding, as I will be?         3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    we never got the answer yet.. what IS fried MUS???? ya'll? 3jays

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    On the subject of "fried mush", I think it's identity depends on your ethnic and or regional origin.  It is generally some variety of left over cooked cereal grain spread out in a pan, chilled, cut into squares and fried.  For Italians it is polenta, In my family it was either cream of wheat or cream of rice.I think I once read that the British Islands has their own version but I don't remember the grain.  I would suspect that most cultures have some version and that most of them originated with the poor.  But whatever the background they are all good comfort food.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Connie07--don't know if you got an answer yet, but the term "radiculopathy" means you have pain radiating down either an arm or a leg.  It usually indicates some kind of situation where a vertebral disk is displaced in such a way that there is nerve compression and pain.  It can be lumbar or cervical.  That's what sciatica is.  We all have some degenerative disk disease as we age and it often causes back and other kinds of pain.  (End of medical minute, on to deep thoughts--below).

    On the subject of fried mush:  oh I would kill for a piece of that right now.  My mom would put either cream of wheat or grits in a tumbler in the fridge overnight then in the morning she would slice it and fry it in bacon grease.  We always saved our bacon grease as my mother considered it one of the food groups!  Another Irish Catholic Friday night special--frozen breaded shrimp fried crisp.  And of course a vegetable--fried potatoes! 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Ok, it is actually called Corn Meal Mush..............It comes in a block, and you slice it, and fry it in whatever you want........................Now if you want it to go straight to your arteries, you can use bacon grease, hahahaha............and Chabba is right in italian they call it Polenta, and what they do is put it on a big shallow pan, bake it in the oven, and put Italian gravy (sauce) to amedigans, and put little Italian flags to where you want the person to eat to.  Kind of like a challange to see who can go the fartherest in the pan..........but fried mush is an American thing, and yes I would love to have some right now, but since I am the only one who eats it, I'm not buying it for just me...........But I love the stuff.............Now does everyone understand what Fried Mush is now.............

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Ducky, oh that cornmeal mush--I think you could buy a block of that in the store when I was a kid!  God that was good.  Forgot about the cornmeal variety.  Tomorrow, making some cornmeal muffins!  Dragon

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Fried Mush:  cook cornmeal in a saucepan as you would cream of wheat/etc (water, salt, cornmeal).  Pour or spoon it into a bread pan (can line it with parchment) and let it sit overnight or until cool.  Turn out, slice with a piece of dental floss or string; fry in your choice of oils, eat.  I like it with maple syrup.

    I still make creamed tuna, but get the tuna from a cannery on the coast - (7 oz tuna steaks) - YUM!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    We make bubble and squeak - Isabella will know what I mean - fried potatoes and cabbage but we add other cooked veges and bacon as well. The Irish call it calcannon. Don't use a lot of cornmeal here. Talking of recipes, please, does anyone have the recipe for Shoo Fly pie?

    Silly me has forgotten to pay my vehicle taxes, will do so in the morning but now have to wait for DH to come home so we can go to the supermarket.

    Hope you have all had a good weekend

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    I make bubble and squeak, leftover mashed potato with white cabbage and white pepper, serve with fried eggs.  Our colcannon is mashed potato with scallions (spring onions or salad onions) and real butter served with boiled bacon and cabbage. Pure comfort food.  Makes me so hungry just thinking about it.  Had all my teeth out on saturday (reoccuring infections) had to be done before i can start the chemo.  This thread really cheers me up

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Morning gals! I am in Atlanta at a conference and they had the welcvome reception at the GA Aquarium. Here are a couple of pix.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    What are you doing up at this time Barbara?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I woke up at 4. Grrrrrrr.

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    Ok I just cannot get to sleep as usual but I have always been a nite person. My friends late mom use to get me to get the round mush for her and dble thick deli bacon. I cook so she would come up with stuff she had as a kid, but my grandparents raised me so I would make her homemade egg custards, strawberry (no milk) tapioca and citrus cheesecakes with the sweet sour cream on top. Now I am hungry ladies ...and I have no mush. My one uncle was from Savannah and cooked, so at my table you could get a combo of very Pa Dutch and southern foods. I do work with a guy that is my age(60) and acts like he is 80 and cannot ...I repeat cannot follow simple directions. My boss thought I was kidding until he gave him a very specific assignment and he just never did it in 3 days.

    Since I work and sometimes am too tired/lazy to cook I use the crock pot. I just cannot do chicken without it getting rubbery. Any ideas?

  • Wow, from the response on here, I think we should have a get together called mush loving mamas or something like that.  You can still buy it and I do if I feel like being totally not on a no longer comes in the block, at least I have not seen it that way, but in a roll like sausage.  If you find a person at the grocery who knows their stock, they can tell you where the corn meal mush is. They serve it at Bob Evan's.  I have to work for the other hygienist today so gotta run.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    BarbaraA, and everyone else, did you see that special on "Attack of the Jellyfish"?? It blew my mind!!! The pollution of our oceans is allowing only jellyfish to live there. They are getting bigger and aggressive and are replacing cockroaches as to what will be alive after the final shot is fired.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    Wondering what the jellyfish in the Pacific Ocean are going to look like!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    They are HUGE! Some weigh 400 pounds!!! The fishermen pull in their nets and they are filled with the jellyfish that have stung all the fish. Now the fish is no good and they have to throw it away!!

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    yum  - fried mush...


    On the subject of fried mush:  oh I would kill for a piece of that right now.  My mom would put either cream of wheat or grits in a tumbler in the fridge overnight then in the morning she would slice it and fry it in bacon grease.  We always saved our bacon grease as my mother considered it one of the food groups!  Another Irish Catholic Friday night special--frozen breaded shrimp fried crisp.  And of course a vegetable--fried potatoes! 

    What a great idea.. to put it in a tumbler overnite.

    also a big fan of fried potatoes (with lots of celery and garlic), bubble and squeak (our version is like sausage gravy and cabbage.. mashed potatoes on the side)

    I made the most wonderful dumplings a couple weeks ago from cream of wheat mixed with eggs (also a bit of broth, baking powder and salt).  They were easy and delish in a chicken soup.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    By tumbler, do you mean a glass? Do you grease the glass so the junk slips out and then cut it in circles? I couldn't figure out how to do it otherwise....

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Looks like I may have to try fried mush--so many comments about how good it is! 

    Bernie Ellen, glad to hear you're doing okay and are posting again.  Hugs!!!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi lovely ladies!  Sorry to be MIA for a couple of days but I had a social engagement to attend with my DH on Sunday, and today I have travelled to the city for a doctos apt. and to celebrate my DD2's birthday.  Tomorrow, Tuesday, I will be going to my brother's house to celebrate my nieces 1st birthday, (yes the little munchkin with me in my avatar). On Wednesday I will be taking DD2 to the hospital and waiting till she returns from theater.  She needs to have a dics repair done and is quite nervous about going to hospital as it will be the first time since she was born and she turned 38 today.  Not a bad record!   Please forgive me if I don't post for the next few days but I will definitely try to.  I'm going to make an appt at the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages while I'm in the city and get my birth certificate organised so I can get my passport done ready for my trip in September.  The weeks are passing quickly and it will be time before I know it so I'd best get organised!  Ducky, that Sour Cream Pound Cake sounds grest and I'm gonna give it a try when I get back hgome.....thanks for posting it.  Hope you girls are all doing okay!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    Sometimes the name is hard to get around. Love grits but they do not sound appetizing. Mush is the same idea. Although adding "fried" to any food item enhances it a great deal. 

    I would think you could pour the mush in an open can, then remove the bottom and push the chilled mush out to slice it. We used to bake banana bread in cans and remove it that way. But I would be afraid to cook anything in the modern cans that have that lining.  

    Is fried mush anything like a hush puppy? If so, I could get interested. By frying, do you mean saute' or do you mean deep fry?  

    DIL who is from Pennsylvania loves scrapple. She slices it and fries it in bacon grease. I haven't tried it. But the bacon grease has got to do a lot for the flavor. I add a spoon of bacon grease to my canola oil when drying catfish. Adds a lot of color and crispness to the fish.  

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    The mush gets pan fried, not deep fried...........and it is not like a hush puppy.............It is different..

    I am from a small town right outside of Philly but was born and raised there, and eventually migrated to the suburbs, and we love 'our scrapple..........We have a saying here...........Scrapple has everything from the pig in it, but the OINK...........Scrapple is a Philly thing, just like TastyKakes, soft pretzels, and hoagies, and have you ever had a Philly Cheesesteak..............Oh Lord if you haven't you have not lived..................'

    We dip our Scrapple in flour first, and then fry it in a good oil................Scrapple along will send you to the E.R. with an artery clog, bacon fat will send you directly to the funeral director......................But damn it is good...............You have to come to Philly and try our food...........Why do you think we won the "fattest city" for so many years......  hugs girls

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Bernie, so sorry you're going through this.  Wishing you the best with your chemo.  Chrissy good luck to DD2.  Re:  my DH--he decided to cut sugar and started eating agave (some kind of sugar substitute).  Bottom line, just had lab work done and he was borderline diabetic!  All he eats is health food but his lab work is worse than mine.  Moral of story:  eat well as often as possible but a little bubble and squeak doesn't hurt at all!  Last night--mac and cheese.  Today, fruit and veggies.  Are green M and M's a veggie? Dragon

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Dragon - Don't know about green M&M's but I'm sure coffee is.  After all it is made from beans.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks for clarifying it all, Chabba, and ladies.. anything fried "bites" me since chemo, but i eat so much cream of wheat, ill make extra, leave it in the fridge, and fry it. i love cornbread, so i may have to rty the cornmeal mush, also.. so manyrecioes, so little time!lol     3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Wow, it has taken 4 pages of reading for me to catch up with all of you ladies.  I never had fried mush of any kind before, we always had fried potatoe cakes that were made the same way. Leftover potatoes were smashed and mashed with butter andput in the fridge overnight then made into patties and fried for breakfast the next morning with some fried eggs.  Some mornings that was all we had, but it was always good and kept us full until lunch time. When it would be tomato sandwiches with bread'n'butter pickles.  If they were in season we would get strawberries or peaches for dessert.  Then supper would be more tomatoes, beans, blackeyed peas, potatoes cucumber salad and any fruit that was in season and if we had gone berry picking Granny would have made a berry pie or cobbler.  Meat was for Sunday dinner or some very special occassion.  It also depend on if someone had the time to go hunting or fishing and had any luck in doing so.  Boy those were the good days, and some people thought we were poor, but we had more than most and there was always room at our table for anyone that showed up.  Such was life in the Texas Piney Woods.

    How many of you are planning to go to Shell Knob, MO for the September reunion of this group? I know Chrissy, Marybe and I are going, but not sure who else is going.  Hope there are a lot of you that will be joining us as we have a great time together.  It will be the last week of September and you come for as many days as you can. For more information contact Marybe.

    Well I better run for not as it is supper time and a vegetable supper sound good for this summer kind of day.  Amy Jo