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For Older People with Sense



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    All this talk of cooking gets to me. I am no cook. I will not cook anything at all, unless I'm having a brainstorm !

    I managed to get to the shops today, and came back with a lovely big platter of paella, and 2 complete fish dinners, a cod and a salmon. This lot will do me 4 days, and the only effort from me will be switching on the microwave. !!! Think of all the time I am saving. All I need now is a bottle of wine and that's me all week !

    I had a trip out last week, was treated to dinner. Had tiger prawns, followed by grilled chicken breast with fresh spring vegs, with a very fattening chocolate cake to, even tho' I never pick up a pan, or turn on a cooker I eat very well. When I don't get out to the shops I live on sardines on toast and fresh fruit !

    I had to buy myself a new blood pressure machine today, I was mad, but it usually happens this way for me. The Drs surgery rang me and asked me to take my bp daily, for a month. The last time I had to do this I spent a bit on an expensive model, thinking it would last me a lifetime. It would have IF DH had not decided he would start and use it, even tho' I told him not to. He had a devil may care attitude to things, and he ruined the machine, staining it with spilt coffee 2 or 3 times. He would also use it with dirty hands, even tho' he was asked to wash them before he  touched it.( I was being 'fussy' when I asked him to keep it clean ) I just could not put this stained, grubby cuff on my arm, and try as I could , even contacting the manufacturer, I was unable to find a replacement cuff that fitted, so I had to go out and buy again today.

    I had to have a shout at my postman today. He has been asked repeatedly to come into the farmyard at a reasonable speed. I have two 5mph signs up as vehicles approach, as sometimes there are sheepdogs running free, and always there are cats wandering around....last week I had my little G/daughter here. I am always with her, but the postman didn't know that, so my temper got the better of me this morning. I am having to keep the gate shut all the time now, just to stop the postman shooting into the yard, which is an inconvenience at the best of times, as one or the other of us is always in and out thru' the day, going about the normal running of the place. This morning I left it open by mistake, and the postman just shot in. He went out a damned sight slower when I had got it off my chest !!! I shall be waiting ready to ambush him in the morning to see if I got thru' to him or not.

    Having a quiet day tomorrow, I have a joiner coming to start and replace most of the downstairs  internal doors. I don't know how long it will take him, a week or so I expect, so will be wandering around watching what he is doing, and hoping he is careful and not knocking doors into furniture. I did have him do me some work last year, and he was reasonably 'housetrained'....can't do with people who come and bash things around and leave lots of messes behind them !! After my little spat with the postman, he'd better watch out.

    Right, shower, bed and a bit of TV to put me to sleep.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella, your rural life is like a TV series. You need to find an agent!!! Yikes!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - good for you on slowing down the postman.  They should be more careful around animals and kids.  Hope you do have a quiet day tomorrow, you need one after all that has been going on with your family.

    Wound up with Pizza for supper and DH and I both were too tired to fix anything so Domino's to the rescue.  DH got his pepperoni and hot peppers and I got my ham and pineapple.  Everyone happy.  Now we will watch some old movies then off to bed.  

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Amyjo, love that Domino's thin crust pizza.  Try it--it's crunchy.  Okay, I'm laughing myself silly over Isabella's "housetrained joiner!"  If only all men could be trained to shed their shoes BEFORE they walk through the door.  I'm sure the divorce rate would go down.  Chabba, yes I agree.  Coffee beans are a complete protein and definitely part of the food groups. 

    My upper back is killing me since the BMX--I wonder if it's because the pectoral muscles have to support the implants and it shifts weight to your back?  It feels like I've been carrying a backpack full of potatoes around all day.  I think wine is the cure for stuff like that, at least I will soon put that theory to the test. 

    I got all cranky today--went to my quilting group and there is a really nice woman there who is older than I am who mentioned that she has NEVER had a health problem.  I always see her eating junk food so she's no health nut.  I can't be mean to her 'cause she's so nice so I just kicked the car door. 

    I can't believe Hilary Clinton is my age and jetting all over the world being secretary of state.  Meanwhile I'm sitting around becomming useless to society.  Tomorrow I'm going to sew even if it kills me (DH will lift things for me and I'll just pace myself).  Good thing my dog is a couch potato/foot warmer type breed.

    Signed, she of many complaints, Dragon 

  • Just to show I am not all talk and no action a pic of my dinner tonight.  Fried Cornmeal Mush!!!  Very yummy and I was happy to find that it is still very an entire roll of it for just $1.49
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Oh my heavens........potato cakes...............did someone say potato them, love them, love my house no one ever threw out leftover mashed potatoes..............My daughters all make them for their families too......My husband (God rest his soul) was the happiest man in the world when he came home and saw them frying in the pan.........We would add an egg yolk, italian grated cheese, and roll them in flour........yum, yum, now I live alone so I don't get them anymore unless I'm at the girls house and they make them.............brought back memories.......thanks ladies

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604


     ISABELLA; even before bc; with the ms , i lost track of what i was doing, and set my kitchen on fire 2xs. Now, i don't cook, except if DH is here to "supervise" and Marybe wonders if she's got Alalzheimers! i can't keep track for sure, with chemo brain on top of ms fugue.. but, i passed all the memory tests! its not short term, they ck, marybe... love ya, just jokin you as my GS says...

       we now preety much microwave whatever we order in, or we get the preprepared meals, and heat them up!

       Marybe, im gonna look for the roll kinda cornmeal stuff.. that looks great!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    ok, so today has been one day forr my computers!!and my memory!!

       i have a tabletop that wont use internet explorer, and freezes if you try to get into  my picture libary.. so, this afternoon, i try to send a pic to Lisa, who's leaving for europe tommorrow. only, im not on the laptop, which is where i CAN get pics on..

        2hours later, i go to a place we hang out for dinner. i see my computer guy, he gives me ideas, i get home, try, THEN remembers i need to use the laptop, which is working perfectly!

        in our conversation, Dan, the computer man, tells me to ck the lights that are backlit... so, w/out thinking, i hit a blue key on my computer that im not familiar with... no internet...

        so, i call the ISP server, comcast, bc  of course CRS has started, and i forget i turned that light off... DH is on for 2 hrs, they can't figure it out, and they make an appt for 3 days from now. i go to bedroom, he calls me in.. he was  cking some systems, hits that button thats' now red, (for off) and it turns blue (for on) its the internet connection. i didn't know this laptop had any such troubleshoot thiingy!!!so, what 4 hours for lousy memory!!!thankfully, DH is used to my forgetting everything. i now have a big sign that says f12 light must be blue, not read over my computer!!! thats' my screw up for today... onward!     3jays

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Just stopping in to wish Lisa Bon Voyage, have a wonderful time and we look forward to seeing your holidays pics.  3jays I had one of those weekends, spent hours on the phone with the cable company and the router company - you know the good old run around and the it's not us madam it's them, grrrrrr.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    well, this time, it was DEF me, but the last 6 times..!!!!****  them*******    3jays

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Trying again

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Look what I did!!!   This is DGS.  I know it's too big, but hey, it posted.  Finally, finally, success!  Oh, I am SO HAPPY!..

    Thanks Marybe!  Just look at this!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    WOWEEE!!!SHAZAMMM!!! he's gorgeous Kathy.. ya did it!!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    yeah Kathy.. mickeys happy, also...
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks, 3jays!  You helped Marybe, and she passed it on to me.  I have Firefox, but did this through Internet Explorer and photobucket, like Marybe said, and sure enough---


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Kathy, for firefox, you have to get an add on "allow something clipboard" but, as long as your explorer is working, your'e good to go!! chrissy b showed me, she's the "grandma" of a lot of us posting picks..

       now, the deal is, chrissy helped me, i helped Marybe, and she's the self proclaimed PPF on the site... Picture Posting Fool!!!hahaha

       lets see who you'll be the one to teach the "new gal" who asks how to do it next!!!!     3jays

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    My name is Cynthia and I was diagnosed 2/23/11. Anyway, had surgery 3/17/11 and will meet med onc on 4/28/11 and then a treatment plan will be made. Like the peaceful invitation at the top of the thread. I am old enough at age 49. My birthday was in March.

  • ((((((KATHY))))))) YOU DID IT!!   Isn't it a wonderful feeling!?  Cynthia, are NOT old, but you are welcome here.  3jays, we need to catch up.  Off to work now....groan....I am starting to rethink this early start day....should probably give it to the young hygienist.   Have a good one, everyone. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    YAY KATHY!! You DID it and how adorable!

    Welcome, cynthia. We are a fun group of older ladies with some sense...or maybe not sometimes, tee hee.

    LISA, Bon Voyage!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Great job Kathy!!! He is adorable.

     Cynthia - Welcome to our group.  We have a lot of fun and share some silly stuff and some serious stuff.  Feel free to share anything you are feeling or going through or ask any question.  Most of us have been through or are going through the same things and there is always someone around to share, encourage, provide information and lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}.

    Lisa - Have a great trip.

    3jays - I hope you can make it to Uncle Bill's. I would like to meet you too. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Oh Kathy, congratulations on the pix-posting, but mostly congrats on such an adorable little boy! He has an infectious smile! 

    Welcome Cynthia!

    To all, I wish you the best today.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, I want to replace all my interior doors too! I want cool ones. Why are you doing yours? Is it expensive? Do I just need the replacement doors, not the pre-hung ones? I'm excited for you! I want to get frosted glass ones for the bedrooms to let light travel. I've already changed the knobs to pewter levers, it would give me a chance to change the hinges to pewter too.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!!!   and a big WELCOME to Cynthia, sorry you need to be here but so glad you decided to join us.  As Amyjo said, feel free to express anything and everything you are feeling and ask any question that crosses your mind.  There will always be someone around to give you a hug and an answer.

    I am in the middle of a very busy week culminating on Saturday evening when I go to see Wicked with my DD1 and I'm so looking forward to that!  Tomorrow, I take DD2 to the hospital for her back op and she is sooooo nervous.  I've promised that I'll wait until they take her to theatre as well as being there when she wakes up so first thing in the morning I'll be tucking a good book and my knitting into a larger handbag so I have something to help pass the time!

    Hoping all who are in active treatment are doing well, those who have completed are finding their new normal and all are living life to the fullest........((((((hugs))))).....Chrissy

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    What a cutie , Kathy! Amazing how a grandchild can motivate us to do things we would not otherwise bother with. What a sweet smile !

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Awww, I posted early to catch Isabella's post, and now I see the little guy. There's innocent trouble, eh!??? heheheheheheh How old is he??

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Kathy, what a did it...yipee

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kathy, a real cutie.  They are such a joy.  Marybe, I'm envying your fried mush and am looking for some when I go to the store.  Cynthia, welcome to the group.  Sorry about your diagnosis--here you can find other people who can offer advice you might not hear at the Drs. office--like how to deal with some of the side effects, etc.  I'm almost finished with the whole thing for a while, having mostly healed from reconstruction.  There are many here who know a lot about how to get through chemo and radiation.  The other purpose of the group is to have fun.  It's also a place where no one will get upset if you complain!!  XOXO, Dragon (chronic complainer).

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey guys.. welcome cyborg.. we're glad you're here, if ya gotta be at this site...

     Chrissy.. i miss you! Marybe, you too.. we'll do some serious catchug up next week , Chrissy.. and Wicked was great here, my son and DIL went and loved it. from such a sifferent perspective than the wizard of OZ...

     a while ago, the question was asked.. who was your fav. charecter in WOF OZ? its' suppossed to say a lot about you.... i icked one that incredibly rar to ick (which said a lot !!) how 'bout you lafies...?

       Marybe; when you're free call me, and i'll call you back. you're the one buzzing about... we need a serious "girl talk" i miss you! and my minutes are free!!!

       i wish isabella would learn to do pics! all her projects sound wonderful!!

      id love to get a peek at the closets, too, im a clothes horse.. not as bad as before the BMX; and LE, but i have stuff for when/ if it "gets betteer"

       a big hug to anyone and everyone feeling "challenged" today, including me... m{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}}       3jays


  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Hey, Chrissy.

    Hope your daughter is doing well .

    Ladies, I am still off for a couple more weeks from work. Now that I have the appointments lined up, I feel like I can relax some.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Welcome Cynthia,nice to hear from you.

    Kathy...that is one lovely little cutie, how old ?? no doubt you'll have said somewhere, but I am NOT going back.

    Barbe. Replacing my downstairs internal doors, because the ones on now don't exactly match one another, I am buying 'off the shelf' , plain pine with 8 panels of bevelled glass...PLUS all new door frames, again 'off the shelf' (dogs get a bit carried away, scratching sometimes !!) My joiner rips the whole lot , right down to the brick, from the wall, and adjusts the frame to fit, then hangs the doors....well. ONE door today. I hope he is getting into second gear tomorrow, or I will go mad, he keeps trying to talk to me as I go by him, WRONG thing to do with me, I like to get on with what I am doing and not stand nattering to people ! WHEN all doors are on I am painting them white satin finish paint. I can just about manage to paint, as I can sit on a stool, and don't have to move far.

    3jays, I haven't a cat in hells chance of posting pics on here. I did try some years ago, but made a big fool of myself, and never went any further.I was going to join a class on digital photography this last winter, but 'stuff' (DHs DDs,and just anyone else generally who got in my way, plus a bad back !!!) stopped me. I feel like I am coming out of a bit of a tunnel this Spring.

    I got a call from DH today, he is in hospital for a frozen shoulder release, and he was feeling sorry for himself, not one of his relatives had bothered to go see him. I think he was after me dropping everything and going in to visit, but I said VERY brightly..'Oh, don't worry, you'll be home tomorrow, and then you can get together with your mates ' When I KNEW he wanted me to ask 'Do you want me to drive in and see you' ....Then I felt very guilty !!! He isn't like me, he's very gregarious, and does not like his own company, whereas I get to climbing up the walls if I get smothered with people ! I can always get lost in a book or switch on my radio when I am in hospital, and have to tell DD and G/kids not to come in so much to visit !!!

    I did my good deed for this year a month ago, when I took DH to hospital for his carpal tunnel surgery. I agreed to drive him because the hospital was only a couple of miles away, and because I was ONLY supposed to be dropping him off. I got involved, went up to the ward with him, and ended up staying at the hospital while he had his surgery. ...turned into a one day event, and drove me mad. The hospital DH is in this visit is about 12 miles thru' town, so that put me off, and as he managed to ring at 5.30 this evening, and traffic would have been queueing nose to tail right then.

    I am going to get my dogs to bed, they are scrabbling around tonight, just won't settle somehow, don't know what they are getting ready to do !!!  So better be safe than sorry, when they get uneasy there's usually trouble brewing, and I don't want any fighting at this time of night,   I have one little Sausage dog sat on my feet fast asleep, she gets her back up against the computer, and keeps warm, another Sausage keeps wandering up to me and making stupid noises, no idea what she wants, and all the time in the background theres tap, tap, tap going on as they're all walking up and down the kitchen. Better get the clippers out tomorrow, and check all toenails.
