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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to hear from you, isabella. sounds like everything with the DD has calmed down.. did you ever go to a hotel for some sleep? i know what you mean, we have a plastic runner in our bedroom, for the traffic spots. we here click click click all morning, while DH gets ready for work.. my boy chiuahua wants to keep n eye on me in  bed, and an eye on him in the liv. rm. by the time DH returns him into the bed, after 1 1/2 hrs, im ready to strangle him.. he's too cute to stay mad at, though...

       well, off to Jay#1s house. 2mprrow is his 34th cake and ice cream tonight. my GS already called me to put in his order  for the type of icecream he wants!!for his dads, no less.. gotta go to Publix, and pick it up... take care of yourself, my dear...

       i'll be cking in on the resty of you ladies when we get home. want to try my new camera tonite!so, gotta put on some clothes a little better than the "gardening" ones i was tempted to wear....


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - hope the dogs settle down and don't cause too much mischief tonight.  And don't you feel guilty for one second about your DH and not visiting him in the hospital.  He needs to learn to depend on himself sometimes. 

    I need to repaint my front door as the sun has faded it over the last 11 years and my red door is looking more dark pink than red.  Think I will paint it a burgandy color this time.  Hope everyone has a restful evening.  Amy Jo 

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    I love a red door!  The darker the better.  Take it easy and work at a slower pace, girl

    Take good care,


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Green Shamrock Rhododendron; supposed to bloom on St. Patrick's Day but a little late.  Not real showy but I love a flower with green blossoms.  This is the only green rhody I've ever seen.  Fianlly I know how to post pics.  Dragon

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I have a red door, very dark red its great.

    Love the green rhododendron, haven't seen that. Must look out for it.

    Saw the rads onc today and he is not happy with the swelling on my chest wall so another scan tomorrow. I do hate this disease, it doesn't want to leave.

    Must get some work done.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Late "evenin" to all.  Had DGS today and actually took a nap before I came on tonight.  Thanks to everybody who commented on how cute he is (oh, yeah, he's a doll, we think) and Isabella, he'll be 2 at the end of May.  Now that I know how (thanks again to Marybe) I'll post more pics now and then.  I remember Marybe once wanted to see a pic of Bud, our bagell (bassett/beagle) and I'm trying to get a good one.  He just comes up to me whenever I try and a picture of just his nose isn't what I want!

    Many welcomes to you, Cynthia.  All of us have been, or are now, where you are, and we just share information on anything, bc related or not, and we all rejoice, commiserate, empathasize, whatever the case calls for.  I love this thread and these ladies.  It's like a lifeline for me, a place to go where people understand.  

    Dragon, I love the green rhododendron and have never seen one.   We have a purple one in the front yard, and most of those I've seen in the mountains of NC are that color.

    Amyjo, I also love a red door!  And Alyson, thinking of you for tomorrow.

    Hugs to all of you.  Hey 3jays.  Wonder if Lisa is there yet.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    A bit late, but wanted to tell you, Kathy, your little DGS is just the cutest! And, congrats on finally being able to post pics! Yay!

    Welcome Cynthia!

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    3jays I hear ya on not sleeping. I just checked out of the chat room cause I was tired and b4 I knew it I am wide awake again. I've switched times for taking meds etc but nothing seems to work. So it seems I'm on a schedule of sleeping from 3AM til about 10AM. I wish I was one of those morning people but I have never been like that.

    Welcome Cynthia

    Isabelle..Your "sausages" sound so sweet LOL. I just luv cats and dogs. I have 2 cats and a spoiled rotten toy poodle. That dog has started to get on the kitchen table of all places LOL.

    Hope all you ladies are doing well...HUgs, Mazy

  • Guess what's for breakfast today?  My boss told me he had never heard of fried mush so I told him I would fry some and take him some to heat up in the micorwave on my way to the hospital this AM to get my bone scan injection.  I did not read all the posts , but Mazy, Isabella's sausage dogs sweet?....ask her about how sweet they are, eh Isabella?  Hope you scan goes well, Alyson.  Later, Ladies. Have a good day.  
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Hi to everyone! Took me some time to catch up! You all have been posting away!

    Marybe, wishing you a great scan and  no progression!! Prayers up for you.

    I am back from my conference. I totally screwed up my plane/hotel reservation and had me leaving a day early. Tried to change the plane and they wanted $600!! Screw Delta. Never again. The flight is 56 minutes! I could get a round trip with AirTran for $300!! Just couldn't afford it so back I came. And, as usual, the plane was two hours late and I didn't get home until 10. HATE Atlanta and will try to NEVER go through there again nor ever use Delta. They suck. One of every two flight I have taken with them has been 1-2 hours late or cancelled.

    Taking deep breaths.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Caerus, it is cornmeal. Marybe & others found it at the market, I think in the refrigerator section. We've had a bit of discussion during past couple of days about our comfort foods, and fried mush in its various incarnations was familiar to several of us.  I like mine with maple syrup, and we always made our own. Similar to cream of wheat - cornmeal, water & salt: Cook. Pour or spoon into a can, glass, or loaf pan and chill.  Turn it out of the container, slice, dredge in flour & fry.  Easier recipe is to buy it at the store: slice, fry, eat.

    Tomorrow is my 1-yr mammo.  Can't help but think of all the rest of us who are waiting on tests, results, etc.  Best wishes to everyone.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{{L_C}}}} I am holding your Cyberhand!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Thanks Barb! (Sorry about your flights.)

    I was just thinking the same to Marybe! I guess it's the BC version of Hands Across the World...

    Strength, Courage, Peace, Love, and a big dose of laughter to you all.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    I just got home from my 2 year post-BC DX mammogram. I've been having them every 6 months since this mess began. Last time there was something suspicious in my "good" breast so mammogram turned in to ultra sound. Finally told nothing to worry about. But, of course, I was afraid something would show up today. Well, HOORAY, just a mammogram and nothing suspicious today. What a feeling a relief :)

    I am hoping I will go back to a once a year schedule now. How often to you ladies have routine mammos post lumectomy? Also hope that my appts with the medical oncologist will morph over to every six months. I am tired of feeling like a sick person :)

    Wishing good news for everyone undergoing tests. Good luck, Lost Ceek. BTW, I stopped on my way home and bought a really cute pair of shoes to celebrate. You know how it is, you can always shop for shoes.  I recommend it. :)

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Dragon - congratulations on learning how to post pics.  It is good that everyone is learning, even if we don't post that much, except for Marybe Wink

    Alyson,  Hoding your cyber hand until you are done with your scan tomorrow and have the results.

    Mazy1959 - Isabella saussage dogs can create a big stir when they all get together.  Sometime sweet and sometime not so much.

    pj123 - congrats on the good news. Know what you mean about tired of feeling like a sick person.  And I highly recommend shopping therapy for anyone anytime.

    Hope everyone is having a good afternoon.  Amy Jo 

    Marybe - Let us know how your scan turns out.  Sending lots of {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} and hand holding. 

    L_C -  Holding your hand too. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} 

    Barbara - I don''t think the flight troubles are limited to Delta,  I will not ever fly Southwest again, I will drive before taking one of their flights again.  At least with Delta you eventually get where you were headed.  Gald you are safely home.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Wow!  A busy thread!  Marybe and all waiting on scans, love and hugs.  My DH is a two-time cancer survivor and just had a negative CAT scan.  He does have a small lesion in his bladder that looks benign (waiting for results).  Meanwhile, everybody in Portland is pining for spring and today it's overcast again.  GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Because of that I had a dark chocolate almond thing for lunch.  Love that picture of the cornmeal mush.  In the interest of cleaning up my act I'm making healthy bread today (it's good and you can hardly taste the flax seeds...)  It has olive oil in it and should taste great.  Hugs to all, Dragon

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    PS--Got some new glasses today and they're purple and brown.  As an old woman I think I can wear those two colors together, right?  Last night went to the music thing as GD's school.  The teacher had white hair with purple highlights.  She's a BC survivor and looked really good.  There's hope.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    ((((PJ)))) hugs to you gal!!

    AJ, I have NEVER had any issues on Southwest. I always try to fly them and I do Business Select and they fall over backward to help you. No change fees on flights either. Yes I had a flight cancelled but they notified me in plenty of time to go to another airport AND even offered to book me there so I took them up on it. Should have been more expensive but they did not charge me extra.

    MaryBe - hugs and prayers to you!!!

    And Alyson - you too!!!

    Dragon sending you some FL sunshine!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Forgot to tell you guys: I finally got an appointment with a lymphedema therapist. My breast has been swollen since October and the BS has given me 3 rounds of anti-b's (only took 2 rounds) to see if it would go down. Nope. So I started reading about truncal LE and think that is what I have.

    Too bad the appointment isn't until 5/2 but in between now and then I have the dreaded one year mammo and the dreaded Onc appointment. I hate the next two weks but I REALLY hate Friday (tax day) because I have not even started doing my taxes. Yell

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Dragon...that is just about the best excuse ever for eating something you shouldn't.... 'overcast again....because of that I had a dark chocolate almond thing for lunch' LOL.

    Pam, glad your mammo didn't throw up any nasties..and your excuse for buying shoes was MUCH more credible than Dragons chocolate excuse !!! I am a great big believer in new shoes at every verse end.

    Mazy, my Sausages are a trial to me, always scrapping or digging, but I woudn't swap them !!

    I have had a little old (18) Yorkie have a stroke today. She normally lives in the outside kennels, (she is really dirty in the house) This morning I went to let her out and she came out like a little S bend.Her neck has contorted down over her chest, then off to the right hand side. She's walking along sideways. She still knew me, so I have had to bring her into the house, need to watch what she's doing now. I have bathed her, which she absolutely loved, popped her a little furry coat on, as she's very short on hair, its been dropping out for the last year....and now she has to live in the kitchen. This means I now have 3 very old dogs on 'the home straight' The other 2 are just SO decrepit, but still know me and still eating their meals. So while they remain this way I will continue to care for them. I am NOT a believer in having dogs put down just because they are old and smelly. If they were in any pain, or didn't recognise me I might consider it. It also means I always have keep my door locked, to give me enough time to whip them into an indoor kennel before someone sees them and I'm in trouble.  I have a licence to breed and board dogs, and the people who issue these licences, plus the area vet. can drop on me any time they wish. Somehow I don't think they would take kindly to my very old, smelly dogs !!I had a couple of slightly 'off' comments this morning, from my joiner, he is NOT a dog lover. Much more from him and he won't be doing much more joinering here either.

    I also have to whip the very old dogs away whenever I am going outside, even if I am only going into the garden for 10 minutes, I just cannot trust my Sausage dogs not to attack them. Life is never dull when there are dogs about. I live in great fear of forgetting to lock up the oldies. With my bad memory this can very easily happen.

    Lovely day here today, my garden could do with a downpour right now. I have been planting small annual plants in and around my borders. They need water, I always used to water them in for a few days, but now do as little as possible that involves carrying buckets of water around...too heavy now ! My water pipe will not reach everything, so I suppose that means I should go buy a much longer pipe.

    I am just so tired tonight I have just fallen asleep over my pc. Time, I think, to head upstairs and pop in and out the shower.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, so sorry about your little Yorkie!  I had one for 16 years who died in 2009.  I agree about not putting them down unless they're in pain.  We nursed her for several years until she did finally have a lot of pain and was put to sleep.  But it was rewarding taking care of her and giving her the best life she could have.  Hope your little one will get some peace in "the kitchens."  Alyson, hoping the scan was negative.  You're in my thoughts.  Dragon

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all, rather late checking in today. Home from scan and LE massage. Now have to wait on results I am sure it will be fine bt I really did get uptight yesterday. I just hate this disease, its always there, you can't ever put it right out of your mind and it sure knows how to jump up and give you a real fright. They had trouble finding a vein today and so I now have monster bruise on my hand. Thanks for all the messages, I really do appreciate it cause I know you understand.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    One of our sisters on here has the following as her signature: "Having had breast cancer is like crossing the mafia. The rest of your life you are always looking over your shoulder." (paraphrased) 

    It seems to me that when I am really nervous about some test the news is good. And when I think  the test or exam is no big deal, I get blindsided! How do you prepare yourself for that?

    Wishing you a good report, Alyson.  

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Alyson - sorry for the bruising. Maybe we should not have been holding your had so tight so they could have found the vein.  Still praying for good results.

    pj - with every new test or scan I tell myself, "You've come this far, so you can handle anything as long as you know what you are dealing with and this test (scan) will tell you."  That is the only way I can get through them sometimes.  We all have our ways of coping and I just have to give myself that courage talk.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening. 

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    I am getting hungry reading about food! Saw the onc today for the first time. Chemo for four sessions . Meds to quell the side effects and the radiation but nome of this starts until they learn what the mass in my vajayjay is. Yeah --- found out about that mass after my breast surgery. Saw the picture of the little baby boy... How cute is he!!! I have time off and u ladies sound like u are getting things done. I feel like I am spinning.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    cyborg/cynthia so sorry you have so many things hitting you at once.. you're doing the right thing, though...taking them one thing at a time.. my thoughts are with you...3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella, i agree with you, about the gals in the kitchen...they give us their best years to love us, and we have the resp. in the end, to give them our best. until they're in pain. then, its our responsibilty too.. i have had some i had to "assist" at the vet.. my nearest, dearest, died in my arms a few years back. she'd cry, until i would talk to her. she trusted if i was nearby, she was ok, and she was....      3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Tomorrow, thursday, is my big "Port-be-Gone" day!  

    I am a little bit anxious to have any sort of surgery and I am also anxious to have this thing gone!  

    I'll check in tomorrow night. I don't have surgery until 1:30 or later. Long time to fast. 

    Hugs to everybody. 

    Love Ginger


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Big hugs for tomorrow. Its so good to have it gone.