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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{GINGER}}}} We will be holding your cyberhand! YAY, deported!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, tell me why you can't have dogs in your kitchen where you live????? Hmmmm??? Who's bloody business is it WHAT you have in your kitchen????

    We have the last cat of 5 now. He talks to us all the time and it's so funny! Why didn't he say anything for the past 17 years? HE get's to sleep in our bed with us. We didn't want 5 cats on our bed before. He sleeps on a pillow on my lap while we watch TV just like a cat in a cartoon, all curled up on this pillow. Too cute! We are so afraid for when he passes. He's been the funnest cat. I bought him for my DH for his birthday one year. I rescued him from a shelter. He was such a tall kitten that when he sat, his head touched the top of the cage! When my DH came home, I said I had a surprise for his birthday. He said he hoped it was in my pants! I said, sort of..... Then he headed off to go upstairs to change and he met the kitten at the top and they both froze. I said "Happy Birthday"! We called him Bogie (one over par, he was the 4th cat at the time)

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Ginger and Cynthia good luck with procedures.  Alyson, please keep up posted on your scan.  Getting ready for Easter in spite of the worst weather imaginable--we even had hail yesterday.  Today it's penguin weather again, with a cold wind howliing.  DH's CT scan was negative!!!!  So happy.  Hoping we can steer clear of Drs. for a while anyway.  Still doing some PT but that's different and much less anxiety provoking than a trip to the old Dr.  Gonna go warm up with my dog, hot water bottle and a nice cup of tea.  Love and healing to all.  Dragon

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, hope DD is OK. Let us know!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barbe, the reason I am keeping my door locked is because the little Hitlers that drop in on me, who hold the 'yea' or 'nay' to my having a breeding and boarding licence will no doubt manage to call and catch me before I have time to manoever my 3 decrepit dogs out of sight...EVEN THO' any dogs over 9 years old do not count towards the licence in any way. I got 'caught' 20 years ago, again looking after a very old dog in its last weeks.  I had a swoop from a vet, the head honcho from Animal Welfare, who went through every animal I had on my premises. This was followed by a visit from our Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to  Animals.They could find nothing wrong at all, apart from this one little old dog. They took no action, but suggested I had the dog in question put down. I wouldn't do this.

    I could keep these very old dogs in a small room off the kitchen, where I am not around much....BUT.... I like them with me, so I can talk to them, and they can still feel part of the family, keep giving them titbits, and just be there with them to help them get out into the garden when they need to go. I don't want then shut away alone for the last few weeks/months of their lives. I worry now that the people who grant these licences, and I've had both my licences 44 years, that the next thing they'll come up with is that I am 'too old ' to have all the responsibilities I have with the dogs...maybe I am wrong, but I don't want to give them any ammunition !

    I nipped out to the supermarket today, mainly for some vinegar, and what did I come back without??? !!!  My memory is getting worse. I make notes, then lose them !

    I actually made it to the dentists surgery today, 2nd time I've tried. I never thought I would manage it, as I am scared to death of dentists....He looked at my teeth and shook his head, then laughed. I need lots of work, my teeth are crumbling thanks to Arimidex. Dentist said its 'bad stuff' for teeth. Don't know if I can go thru' with it, but I signed up for, and paid in advance for, the full course of treatment...but with the proviso IF I don't turn up for sceduled appointments I will pay the cost of the broken appointment, OR appointments as the case WILL be. !! The receptionist made me mad, she was bustling about trying to make my 1st appointment for me, all  'don't worry, there's nothing to be scared of ' Could have squashed her ! Dentist has booked me an appointment with a hypnotherapist, who will come to my home and 'talk ' to me.He specialises in nervous dental patients, and people who want to stop smoking. THEN he went and spoiled it for me at the back of his leaflet saying he did 'previous life regression'....hope he's not a mumbo jumbo man !! Anyway will see him before I get to the stage of dental treatment. If I mention previous life regression to DD she will be here as fast as she can to see him, she likes anything like that.

    It is the time of year for our Spring Flower Show, the 2nd biggest in UK, and only 35 miles from me, but, for the first time in 30-35 years I am not going to be able to walk around. I might make 30 minutes, but that'll be all, so it'll be a waste of the entrance fee for me to try and make it. The only way I might do it would be to take G/daughter, then I can lean on her stroller !! Nowadays she's not wanting to be sat in a stroller all day, and I can't chase her, so looks like its stay at home for me this year.Could always borrow the stroller, and put a doll in it, then I'll be getting myself locked up. hehe. is your daughter...sounds like she's having what I am waiting for, hope all went well.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Have to see the onc this afternoon to discuss scan results!!!???  I will be a nrevous wreck by that time. Had to change the appiontment I had made with the vet for Gus one of my cats. He gets an allergic reation to fleas and even though I dose him he is really bad and his back is so sore poor thing.

    Isabella I know the fear of dentists, luckily the one I go to now is wonderful and makes sure you have no pain which is wonderful. You GD sounds like mine, doesn't think she need the stroller but then wants to be carried because she is tired.

    How is your daughter Chrissy?

    Hope you are all having a good day.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Alyson - let us know what the results were when you get back.

    Chrissy - How is DD2 doing after her surgery?  Hope everything went well.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening.  Amy Jo 

  • Alyson,  I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you. I hope your onco is just being extra attentive and that you get a good report.

     I got a good of course mentions all the places I have it in my bones which I already knew, but the Impression part says  Stable widespread numerous bony diffuse metastatic disease with no significant worsening when compared to prior study Sept. 27, 2010.  And in another area it says no significant interval increase or decrease.   So that is good.   Now I just hope the MRI and CT Scan show no changes this stage of the game I am perfectly happy with no change.  If all is well with the other tests I am going to say stop doing the tumor markers since all they do is worry me and he will indeed be right about them not being accurate. They told me in the future I have to get the OK from my doc to pick up my rule.

    Isabella,  I am sorry about your little Yorkie. You are the sweetest person to love and care for your animals the way you do.  I am fascinated at how different things are here in the States from the UK both with animal laws and dentistry.  Previous would have been someone with a lot of spunk like maybe Calamity Jane or Bonnie Parker or Amelia Erhart (sp?)   How did things turn out with DD....did she fess up to her transgressions to DH? 

    Chrissy,  How is your daughter?  Wicked was one of my favorites....hope you enjoyed it.

    Dragon,  If you didn't have a lot of rain in Portland it would not be so green and beautiful.  I am always impressed by your flowers and the lush foliage when I visit my sis there. 

    Ginger, Did you get rid of the port? 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, you're right!  I should be happy things are so green.  It's supposed to warm up next week!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi ladies, been waiting to hear about Chirssys DD and Alyson.. may even try skype  again tonite, but the reception's been ba dlately...

      guess the last week has caught up with me.. Drs. appts; rehabe for son, and PT, then excesizes at home.. the knees have rotated 1/2 way round (the patellas) and thatss' really painful to walk.. tommorrow is the pt; the 1st time she'll see them so bad.. guess zumba is out for this week, eh girls?

       also saw the counselor (bc) today, and i can see the writing on the wall.. he's really busy now, and i think next month i'll get the "bums rush" funny, 'cause the onco's "HOT" for me to see him..

       im in a "mood" of late, don't really have the sense to care!

      i still have the eval  for MS changes the end of this month, and that may change everything..

       last week, i was full of piss and vinegar, and this week i feel beat up.. thats' life!!

       im dealing with 2 chronic ilnesses, more, if ya really coun t em, so im not doing so bad for an old lady!!

       Isabella, i know your pride won't allow, you, but ill put in my 2cents.. ive used a walker (4 wheels) with brakes, REAL fancy for years now. that would get you around to the flower show.. you wouldn't have to use it much, just for jaunts like that... i know you won't, but i had to mention it anyway...

        the pain specialist wrote an RX for an even fancier one yesterday, so if i get that one, its' even easier to use!and lighter to get in the car...

         this is an interesting time of the year for me. my church has some imp holidays sorrounding Easter, and Passover starts for Murs family Monday. i'm going to try to do dinner with them mon, and get to church thurs.. but miss the biggie on sunday.. too many ple., and i can watch it on thats' the plan. if my knees continue, i won't be doing anything IRL; but, we'll see.. they can "turn around " in a few days, if im lucky...

       i'll be cking in later, to see if there's any news from Chrissy, or Alyson.. Dragon, i always say 2 things when its' rainy season here, which'll start soon... its' good for the garden AND ya don't have to shovel rain hahaha       love ya all...    3jays

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    My goodness, we certainly are a chatty bunch! I'm not on for a few days and then it takes me over an hour to catch up!

    At least it's fun - expecially Kathy's grandson's picture.

    I am super busy now - Passover starts Monday night. We don't have ANY leavened products AT ALL, and clean all of it out of the house. That means EVERY CRUMB. So the house is turned inside out and upside down and the kitchen is scrubbed and cleaned like you wouldn't believe. It's worth it once the holiday starts but not easy! This year the timing is good for me. I've been having dizziness (vertigo) so the onc sent me for a CT scan of my head. I had it March 31, and he told me he was leaving for the U.S. that day for 10 days. Since I don't want to call for the results (I'd rather hear it, good or bad, from him) I figured the beginning of this week I'd know. So I called to find out he's been delayed and won't be back until Sunday. The word "stress" doesn't begin to describe it. However, since I've been so busy with the cleaning/preparations I don't spend a lot of time worrying.

    Whatever the results, I'll call Sunday. At least I'll know whatever it is before the holiday.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Hope your passover is wonderful Leah!! it'll be good to hear sunday, no matter what: but i'm glad you'll have the reults for the night... good luck with the cleaning. my mil has her girls do it, the past few years.. we will be joining them Mon night, also...     3jays

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Good to see you again, Leah.  Thanks for the nice comment re my GS.  He's a hoot and the light of our lives.  It sounds like this is a good time for you to be busy, waiting for results.  Praying for good ones for you, and Alyson, and waiting to hear about Chrissy's daughter too.

    Dragon, that's great news about your DH's scan!  

    3jays, hope your knees improve soon and life can return to your normal!  The new walker sounds like it'll be better and easier to transport, too, if you can get it.

    Today was our 31st anniversary and it was a good day.  Went to a produce place in SC and got more strawberries and had planned to go out for steaks tonight, but after having a wonderful lunch at a country buffet where we majored in fried chicken and homemade biscuits, decided we'd just eat those strawberries.  Worked out especially well because DD stopped by with cheesecake and we had something to go under those strawberries!

    Checking back later to see if Alyson found out anything.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    yummy,Kathy!!congrats on the anniversarry>>> CHRISSY< ALYSON    where are you???   3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Wow!  Thanks, 3jays.  That was so nice! 

    And I want to hear from Chrissy and Alyson too. We all wait and worry together, don't we?  Guess that's because we all care about each other.


  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Isabelle, I had a Pomeranian who lived 13 yrs but she had a stroke 3 yrs b4 she died. She still knew everyone but she couldnt move anything but her head. I felt so sorry for her but she seemed content. I did not have her put down. I did have to put down my Irish setter/ beagle mix and that haunts me to this day even tho it simply had to be done. I'm sure those old dogs are happy to be with you. 

    My tomatoe plants are about 14 inches tall and all look great. Now to sweet talk hubby into tilling up enuff area so I can plant some cukes and radishes.

    Oh for those who didnt see my post about my PET results............................................................. .I am a NERD. No Evidence of Recurrent Disease. I was told that NED and NERD are friends. For the first time in my life..I am glad to be called a NERD LOLOL.Hugs , Mazy

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661

    I can't believe how busy this thread is!!  Lots of great reading - you are a great bunch of gals :-)

    Tomato soup - I made it on the weekend thanks so much Chrissy for sending the recipe.  It was delicious!

    Winter has arrived in Canberra, I think I'll be pulling the tomato plants out this weekend and making Green Tomato Chutney with all the ones that haven't ripened.  We have had a couple of frosts out our way this week already.  But our Dahlias are still flowering like mad, it's really weird.  We've started lighting the fire, as the nights are especially chilly.  I do like the winter though - hate the hot weather.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend - it's Friday afternoon here and I'm starting to look forward to going home from work.



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all. Doing a little happy dance. Swelling in chest fibrous adhesions, no wonder my shoulder and collar bone get so sore and are hard to move. So Mazy I am a NERD as well.

    Going to make Shoo Fly Pie this weekend. Have several recipes so will have to see which one I can do. Had it in PA last year when we visited my Aunt. 

    Don't know what we will be having for dinner tonight. I have been too uptight all day to think about it.

    Trisha my dahlias are still flowering but must start cleaning up the garden over the next couple of weeks.

    Thanks for all the hand holding its great to know that there are people thinking about you from so far away.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Allyson, I'm so glad to hear this news!

    And, of course, am waiting for you to post the Shoo Fly Pie recipe that is succcessful.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    So happy to read everyone's news. It's so nice to share....

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Anniversary, Kathy, My DH & I will celebrate our 38th in May. I can't remember living at home, it seems like eons ago. I had so much fun with my Mom, she would have turned 78 this last Tuesday. She's been gone 33 yrs now, and I still miss her terribly.

    Enough of the past, I need to look ahead!

    Cleaning my house extremely well, from the baseboards to swiffering the floors, to ceiling dust bunnies. My DD#2, her DH & my 2 beautiful G-children are coming this Saturday for 8 days! I had to laugh, Isabella, at a previous post of yours where you talked about having to go to bed earlier to get up earlier because your G-DD gets up early. Me, too! They are up between 6-7 so I have to be up early to get my shower done before they want breakfast & to play. Won't be able to be on the computer as late as usual, darn!

    dragon ~ Very good news re: your DH's scan. That is wonderful!

    Chrissy ~ Hope your DD is doing well.

    Well, I didn't expect to be so chatty. Hope I didn't bore anyone! Undecided

    Marybe ~ Hugs ♥

    Hi to Barbara, Maryjo, 3jays, Alyson, Barbe, & everyone!

    Cyborg ~ I know your head is spinning, we'll all be here when it settles down. And, believe me, it will settle down. Ring-around-the-rosie doesn't last forever, it just seems that way.

    Marybe, ♥

    Hugs to everyone!

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    This is just an FYI, I have the chest wall swelling and pain from my mastectomy. I was talking to my buddy at Veterans Hosp...they were researching and use ELAVIL low dose to deal with pain due to injuries resulting in nerve damage and post adhesions which are extremely painful for some of us. It works and I can move relatively pain free except reaching over my head and pulling, but I do one dose a day - I actually do not need pain pills now. I am a triple d on one side and they used fat to build the "boobette" on the rt since I was not a candidate for reconstruction due to allergies to any foreign bodies drains, ports etc.  I do not seem to have the swelling any more except maybe for a day every 6 wks.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!!!!  Thanks for the concern re DD2 (Mareike by name) it is appreciated.  Op was performed on Wednesday 13th by Proffessor Stone.  I went the the hospital with her and sat and chatted to keep her mind occupied and off the op and then waited until she was bought back to her room.  Her surgeon rang me from the recovery room to tell me what he found and what he did as well as how she was during.  His report was that he found the herniation much larger than he thought but he was still able to clear the area that was pressing on the spinal nerve and after healing time (six weeks) she should have no lasting effects from it at all. Yay!!!  such good news for her.  I have been spending my days with her making sure she rests as she is a high energy girl, being a PT, and it's hard to keep her still sometimes.  She will be released tomorrow morning so I will pick her up and then get her settled at home and stay with her until her BF gets there later in the day.  He has taken the next week off work so he can look after her, then the following weekend is Easter and they will be at my place for four days.......phew!......I'll be glad to get home for a break before they all arrive!  Glad that it's all over and she has no more pain.  There are restrictions on what she can do for the next few weeks but after that, as long as she builds slowly there is nothing she cannot do.  Good result in my opinion!!!

    Tomorrow night (Saturday) and I'm off to the theatre!  Yes, it will be time to go and see Wicked with DD1 (Camille by name) and I am soooo looking forward to it!  I'll let you all know what I think.

    Alyson, yay great news for you!  You can breathe and out!....Oh, just thought you might need a refresher on how it's  I'm sure you felt like you were holding it.

    Happy belated Anniversary Kathy!  Hope you had a great time!

    Valjean, enjoy your family while they are their with you!

    Mazy!  A NERD!  Yahoo for you girl!  Doing a Happy Dance!!!

    Leah, have a good Passover! I hope the results of your MRI are something that is easily fixed.

    3jays, oh my! your poor knees! and I thought mine were bad, but they haver nothing on yours....UGH!!!  I shudder at the thought of the amount of pain you must have been in!

    Isabelle hope the powers that be don't come for many months at least that would give the four legged oldies time to pass peacefully.  Good on you for giving them the opportunity to have a natural passing.

    To all that I have not answered personally, I hope you are all doing well and having happy days.  (((((HUGS))))))) to all....Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Mazy - NERD!!! How wonderful!!!

    Alyson - YAY - how great to have a good result.

    3jays - miss you!

    dragon - Great news!

    Marybe - STABLE! Stable is good. No more worries about TM's.

    Chrissy - enjoy Wicked. It is a great play.

    Valjean - have a great time with your family. Isn't it funny how we clean before company comes then they destroy the house?

    Isabella - it is hard when our pets edge closer to death. All we can do is love them.

    And to anyone else I missed - HUGS!!

  • Mazy,  So glad you posted that about NERD.  There are often women who post and say they are NED, women who are Stage lV with bone mets and I always wonder how they can be NED when I was told a long time ago once you have bone mets it always shows up in the scans because it takes years and years for a bone to heal and even a healed fracture still shows in an xray or I am thinking if it shows, even if it is not active, that is evidence which is he E part of NED, right?  But NERD which means no evidence of recurrent makes sense.  See, you are never too old and I learned something this morning.  Well, I am off to work and this afternoon I go to the cataract specialist to have my eye measured since my left eye is scheduled to be done next Friday.  Hope all you gals have a wonderful day....the sun is shining here so far, but rain is on the horizon.  It certainly is going to be a green Spring!!  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, so whoever did the list above, I second it!

    Isabella, I am only 53, but bought a walker last year (used-$40!) that the seat folds up so I can walk "within it" if you know what I mean, My arms are straight down, so my weight is truly being held. I watch old people whipping around with the walker in front of them and figure they just like the portable chair part. It took a lot to get to the walker part, but I was at an Orthopaedic surgeon getting my hips checked out and I cried as they moved my legs. It wasn't my hip, but by what they saw, a walker would be better stability for me. I use a cane for a quickie run, but it hurts my arm/hand!!!! The walker distributes the weight nicely. I put coloured shiny smiley faces all over mine so people wouldn't feel sorry for me! Laughing

    I still think you should be allowed to have dogs in your kitchen. Move to Canada, no one will care!

    Glad DDs back got fixed! Wished like hell they would do mine, but I've been to 2 surgeons and they have both said they can't guarantee I'd be pain free afterwards so they don't want to do the surgery!! WTF??? I guess I would blow their good record if it wasn't successful. What an insult!!! It's like saying to a guy "I don't want to have sex with you because I'm not sure I'll get the pleasure I want!"

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Ah, yet another thread that I never picked up on before.  Like most, I don't think of my age as old since I'm middle aged (I'm only 60 so I guess I'm living to 120).

    Chrissy, I loved the picture.  It reminded me of summer.  So you can know a little bit about me, I've been married to my DH for 35 years.  We have 4 daughters aged 23,25, 26 and 28.  Two were married last year (the middle ones) and they are both expecting girls this coming May and August.  I don't get on too often but do appreciate a group to talk to or maybe just share things.  Thank you for starting this.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Marianne, glad you can join us. welcome! I always say that age is a state of mind not of being so I agree with you, 60 is still young but old enough to have learned a lot of wisdom.  Congrats on your upcoming grandparenthood!  Two little grand daughters.......fabulous!  Do keep us up to date with the progress please. 


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    I am so jealous with all the talk of tomatoes and strawberries!  It is still so cool and rainy here that it's hard to believe we might ever be able to grow any.  Congratulations to all those with such good test results.  Leah, will be thinking of you and praying for good results.  I don't post too much as I'm having trouble with my hands due to Arimidex.  Always read, though.  A good day to all!