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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Mary I will also pray for your daughter. 

    Isabella, have you sporken to your daughter since she had the party that you didn't attend for a variety of good reasons? I am wondering if she is getting back at you by staying away. Is there someone in the family that could bring you two together. I hate to see you feeling lonely and wish it was different for you. That little one turning 4 needs to see you often!   

    News from here is that we were without power for 9 hours. The temps are in the low 40's so it wasn't too cold in the house. I wore a hat and that makes a big difference plus my robe has a hood and I put that up too. I lookled pretty funny.  Wouldn't you know I had taken a long and late nap and was just waking up when the power went out so I could not sleep through it one bit! 



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I took DGS home today and managed to stay for almost 2 hours holding baby Aiden (like I had to be persuaded!).  He now tops 10 lbs at 5 weeks old and DIL's nursing him, apparently abundantly.  I told DIL he would soon catch up with his dad who weighed 14 lbs at 2 months.  I promised to bring dinner to them tomorrow night so I'll be busy tomorrow cooking.

    Ginger, power outages are the worst and I hope ours stays on tonight.  We're having very high winds and are under tornado watch now.  I've never seen a tornado and have no desire to see one ever. 

    Isabella, I hope you've had some contact with the outside world by now and are feeling a bit better!

    Hugs to all, and let's start posting again!


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Mary, praying for your daughter.  I hope it turns out to be nothing.  It is a horrible feeling when our daughters go through these things at such a young age.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Kathy I envy you that long, long smell and softness of new baby is just so special and to feel their warmth in your arms is just so incredible. I love just watching them sleep as they pull such funny little faces.

    I'm sitting in my chair looking out through the door watching a flock of birds raiding the grape vine that clambers up a dead tree next door. They have been checking the fruit for ripeness these last couple of weeks but now, obviously they are just perfect as they are having a feast and squabbling over each There is more than enough to feed them and a whole lot more but I'm sure they think the one that their neighbour has is happens not just in our world but theirs also. Strange isn't it?

    Today I have also made some enquireries about a new dinosaur has de died its time to go to laptop It will certainly be nice to be able to download stuff at a fast pace than have to wait like I do right now. Technology sure has changed in the last seven

    Hoping everyone is doing well.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Getting a new laptop is like an adult gift from Santa!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Our computers are good ones but our connection is not so fast. We go to DD house to skype with family because our connection won't handle it.   I remember the days when it would take a minute or more for qapage to load in and now I complain when it is less that instant. lol 

    SOme of you know I have weird sleeping issues well here is a new one that shocked even me. After our blackout yesterday I had to restart my computer and load the pages I like open back in. As I went to history I saw three pages that jarred my memory. One sells spray on makeup, another sells face cream, and the last sells pearls.  With a weird realization I realized that Monday I bought a product online form each site. I almost never wear makeup but I remember the ad like a dream. I have a few face cream products but because I have oily skin, combination really, I don't use cream except maybe moisturizer, I remember that ad like a dream, finally I bought an 18" 9mm strand of cultured pearls even though I have pleanty of pearls as they are my birthstone and my favorite to wear since I wear virtually no jewelry, never have. I spent about $300 on these items and the skin cream is even a subscription type deal. 

    I sat my husband down, told him what I just told you and gave him my debit/charge card to our main household account. I am all anout fessing up right away if something strange happens because it keeps my life simpler but Good God this has me feeling like a real crazy person. Sleep spending, coma spending. I know I was very drowsy and drifted off sitting on the couch and waking up was weird. I have never ever done this before (I thin) and hope I will never do it again.    

    I went into our tv and removed the channel this all happened on. It was never on our usual menu for the tv I watch but my husband had switched them around for some reason. I am not blaming him but that is how the channel was even there for me to view. I do not like TV shopping channels on tv and try to never watch them.  This feels bad my friends.  I need to go back to the danged sleep doctor and do the all wired up test.  

    We each have our own quirks I feel really weireded out discovering this at 67 years old!   



  • ridergirl
    ridergirl Member Posts: 94

    Ginger I came over to read this cause you asked us to- i have heard of sleep-walking, sleep-eating, sleep-driving (now theres' a scary one) and afew othr things people have done in their sleep -shopping has never been one of them.  What an odd discovery thst must have been...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh wow Ginger!!! I can imagine how shocked you were although I'm sorry but I did giggle as I've heard of a whole heap of crazy things people do while sleeping but spending is not one of them.....guess I'll just have to add it to the list. Mind you, the pearls sound really nice.

    Lisa you are right, a new laptop is getting me excited just like a kid waiting for Santa! This one will be courtesy of my mum as it will be the money from her estate that will pay for it although DH is fronting me until it comes through. He had the road city to Akers what interest I was going to pay and I told him a kiss and a cuddle was all the interest he was going to get.........he just laughed and said that sounded fair I guess I got off lightly on that one.

    Hope your day is a good one all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Ginger -so sorry this happened to you, what drugs are you taking-----dear one,  you did the right thing by giving cards to DH. PM me

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Ginger sending big hugs. Have heard of such things happening, you must have been half asleep as you managed to get all the info down.

    chrissy so pleased yu are getting a new laptop so we can skype.

    Hugs to all

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    I have never slept-spent before but just the othernight I got up and ate 5! pieces of salami and a bowl of ice cream. didnt remember doing until I saw the dirty bowl in the sink. I take ambien for sleep and Ive heard that can do it, but that was the first time ive ever done anything like that.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Aly I have an iPad that we can Skype on anytime you want.

    Fortunately for me, I don't sleepwalk or sleep anything but I guess it's because I have such trouble getting to sleep that by the time I do I'm exhausted and just end up sleeping like a rock! DH says the only thing I do is snore that could be because a) I carry a little too much weight. b) my sinuses are conjested. Or none of the just do

    Love n hugs all. Chrissy

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962

    Ginger, Sounds to me like sleep deprivation. In college I studied all night for finals. During the final I wrote "or whether our mother put out the cook" and what woke me up was that I meant to write cat instead of cook. Fortunately, everyone interpreted the question wrong and the prof changed it. One of the soldiers in Desert Storm talked about driving thru the forests on the way to Baghdad. Ever so often he would stop and make sure they weren't real. So, yes maybe do the wired up test. I know a few people who use the CPap machine and they say they're a different person with the sleep.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Also, Ginger are you taking any sleep aids?  Some people have reported strange things they have done while under their influence. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Ginger, I've had two sleep studies and have used a bi-pap (like Cpap but lowers the pressure on the exhale) for 9 years.  It goes where I go whenever an overnight is involved, and it's my miracle machine.  But, you may not have sleep apnea.  There are many sleep disorders and you might want to consult with a sleep specialist to discern which, if any, you have.  Good luck!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    I figured the sleep shopping out.



    A news item was on about a local woman who was raped and the police did a drug screen to see if she was drugged and thus didn't remember. It showed that she tested positive for Lorazapam. That is what I had taken 2 mg of late the night before. I felt groggy but didn't consider it might actually make me forget.  How weird is that!    


    I still need to go back for the sleep test. I am so glad you found a solution. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh my goodness Ginger! I wonder if the docs prescribing these drugs for us actually know what all the SE's are!? and more to the point, the possible consequences of them. It's rather worrying over all to think that anything could happen and we wouldn't have a clue!

    The last few days have felt decidedly like late autumn........weird really as we are supposedly right in the height of summer. The heat that we had a couple of weeks ago seems like a bad dream right now as its been out with the slippers and warm dressing gown for the last few days. Top temp yesterday was 16 degrees Celsius and the even weirder thing is, that the forecasters are predicting temps up to 35 degrees Celsius by Tuesday! I hate this.......grrrr! .......I'm not sure what to have I. My wardrobe and I done have room for everything at once! Phew! That's my rant for the day, now to get on with

    Hoping you all a good day no matter what you are battling with.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Hey there all,  Sorry I have been MIA for a while, but I am trying to stay up with what all is going on with my DGD #1, Kendall.  This is turning into one big roller coaster ride for the whole family.  She will be 13 today, gee just looked at what time it is, and she is still in the hospital with the drain in her brain.

    Ginger - you are not alone with the crazy things while asleep. I also have some weird sleep activities, but my PCP that prescribed the Ambien for me told me to be careful and not try to do anything important or drive or even run my sewing machine until my system was used to it and not to take it unless I was unable to fall asleep on my own after about 15 minutes.  Normally, I fall asleep very quickly and sleep very soundly, but something has changed that and I was having real issues with insomnia so he prescribed the Ambien.  Anyway I have, gone outside and fed the birds in the rain, locked Daisy in the closet, put the milk in the oven (fortunately the oven was not on), put my water bottle in the washing machine and turned on the washer, deposited checks using the app on my phone, and talked to my daughter in Japan on the phone all while asleep on Ambien!  Fortunately for me my DH sleeps lightly and wakes up every time I get up and he follows me to see what I am doing.  He says sometime he will ask me what I am doing and I tell him exactly what I am doing!  Yet in the morning I have no clue what I did. I just wake up really tired like I did not get any sleep.  DH gets a laugh out of it but it is scary to me.  I am glad he is around to fix things, like put the milk back in the fridge and let Daisy out of the closet and turn off the washer.  Now I try not to take it at all and if I cannot fall asleep I get up and go do something until I can go to sleep on my own.  I would rather sleep late the next day than do things I won't remember doing.  My real memory is bad enough on its own!

    Well it is sleepy time for me so I am off to bed with NO Ambien tonight, thank you very much!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    AJ thank you for telling me of your late night escapades.  Your husband sounds like a good helper. 

    I have never tried Ambien and wonder if I would wind up on the 10 o'clock news if I did!  

    I used to ALWAYS fall asleep once I turned onto my side in bed. Less than 10 minutes I think. Now with no hormones I have sleep issues. I try hard to get into a sleep cycle I can maintain but it has so far always slipped beck to being awake at night and asleep in the day.  I love early morning very much and am happier and more productive when I am in a normal sleep cycle.    wHEN i worked in Haiti we went to bed at 10 PM and awaoke at about 6 AM naturally every day. My sleep was the best ever there. We are on the water there so I could hear the waves change as they went through the tides.Not much of tides there but I still could hear them. I should get back out my sound machine maybe there would help? 

    Thank you for your comments it is good to know I am not alone.   


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962

    Hate to pass this on, but scientists are saying that computer screens give off a blue spectrum light that interferes with melatonin production. So we might all sleep better if we cut off the computer earlier in the evening. I take an old antidepressant called Trazodone to help with sleep. It seems to make me sleepy about 2 hrs after I take it and I stay asleep better. Now don't ask if I follow the advice to turn off the computer....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I toook an ambien er to adjust to 9 hour time change, I fell out of bed, hit my head on the night stand and had a black eye...I did not remember any of it..that was the one and only time I ever took a sleeping pill.I do take melatonin before I go to bed.

  • hightide1
    hightide1 Member Posts: 46

    Ambien can be really weird. I took one, made a cup of hot chocolate and sat down to look at the weather report. This was a total of 20 minutes. I woke up 4 hours later still sitting upright on the couch holding the remote. There was no sense of getting sleepy.

    Got to bed and then dreamed about a talking dog who would not shut up. What he said was definitely not Disney material.

    Very creepy.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    I have awful sleep problems...just cannot sleep without sleeping tabs..equally so I can never get up and get started early on a morning. I forget what I take each night, but I have to sign the poisons register each month when I pick up my prescription. Its a very well know one, but it is upstairs at the moment and I am not climbing up and down right now !....Temazepam is what I take ! My memory !!

    AJ, I don't have the sleep walking escapades you do!!!! Temazepam just knocks me out cold in about 20 mins.

    My walking is bad at the moment. I had a sort of argument with my consultant about my back problems quite heated. As you know I am waiting for spinal surgery. Waiting is the operative word. Its been about 2 years now! I last rang appointment department in mid November to see what was going on. Was told to expect an appointment 'in December'  December came and went...nothing again. I rang about 2 weeks into January, to say where was my appointment . They told me I had had THREE letters sent to me, and had not replied to any of them (????) Was transferred thru' to neurosurgery dept. and was told by a Dr that I had been thrown off the list because I hadn't kept my appointment for surgery, nor answered any of their letters. I had an appointment in about September, for 3 hours, a pre op...meaning I was to expect surgery within 4 weeks. Then all went dead, no more communication.

    Yesterday went to see my heart consultant, a professor, usually a fantastic appointment, very nice man...and he started tearing a strip off me! I was a bit taken aback getting 'wasting peoples time, wasting hospital resources, other people could be treated while you are messing us about' Really it was NOT his concern at all, but he'd seen copies of letters in my file ( Which I HAD NOT) and was giving me a dressing down ! He even asked me did I think my dogs had eaten the hospital letters!! Funny, as all other letters seem to be getting thru', how would the dogs know to eat the 6 neurosurgery letters, and leave all other post alone...don't think they are THAT clever! ( we get a letter for the appointment, then a letter 1 week before the appointment to remind us to come in!!!)  I could tell he just did not believe me when I said I had had no letters.  I really don't think they would make this up to defer my op...normally they say 'due to an emergency, or 'unforseen circumstances' if they need to cancel, so I don't know what is going on. I do know my back is becoming unbearable. I can hardly cross the kitchen now without pain if there is nothing to lean on . I have yet to sort out with my GP next week what my next move is...if she disbelieves me I am sunk!!

    I have a couple more issues to try and sort out. I have made 1 appointment with her for next week. We now can only have 8 minutes per appointment. We are told now we can only discuss 1 problem per appointment, we cannot make a 3x appointment, so I can TRY and sort out the 2 other things that are bothering me. I have to now make 2 more separate appointments, which is beyond ridiculous. 20-25 mins, one visit would sort me out...but, no, things don't work like that anymore. It is such a hassle getting tidied up 3 times, arguing for an afternoon appointment ( I can't walk safely on a morning) finding a parking space, and sitting in a never ending queue.

    My BP was 203/ 118 on Friday  BEFORE the Dr had had a go at me, so I have that to try and sort out as well! He did put me on a new BP tablet 4 months ago. I had a very bad reaction to it, had to get an emergency Dr who told me to stop this drug immediatly, and drop back onto my old BP meds. I didn't do it off my own back, but yesterday Dr got at me and said' DO NOT just stop tablets because YOU think you should, stick with them or  take half dose', which no-one had suggested to me, and I am NOT a Dr so I don't know this ! ( I was  so dizzy and nauseous, unable to stand up straight, unable to drive, was sick, feeling as if I had flu, sweating like a pig, and my heart was racing) I took the emergency Drs advice, and stopped this drug, wasn't just because I was being soft. Seems it was 'Get at me day' yesterday!!!! Came home with my tail between my legs...not like me. I will usually stand and fight, but could feel this disbelief all around me and knew I was going to get nowhere standing arguing. After this little altercation about 'stopping drugs that I had been told to take, just because I felt that way out' the bl**dy man went and represcribed me this drug that I had had such a bad reaction to, and told me to 'have another go, and stick with it this time ' As he is a professor, top gun so to speak, I don't know who to sort this problem out with now !!!

    This last week, in the press, it says the reason we British are just about at the bottom of the cancer survival league tables ( we are about 26 out of 28 countries in Europe) is that we don't like to speak up for ourselves...NOT the fact that we are being denied vital drugs because of the cost. We can speak up as much as we like, but they won't pay for life extending drugs if they are expensive, or if we are over 75 !!!!!!!!!!!This rubbish is being spewed out in the press, and unless you have an interest or slight knowledge of any of these drugs you're not likely to get them at all.


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Oh Isabella, I'm so sorry to hear of all this happening to you.  You definitely didn't deserve any of it.  I don't do well with doctors who act like that.  I took a hard stand years back that I pay their salary and it makes a world of difference with what I'll put up with when it comes to them giving me attitude.  I hope you get this all straightened out.  You're in my prayers.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Isabella..I guess you need to call every week once or twice...that should get their attention..or maybe every day

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - that was so unprofessional to say the least for them to treat you that way. Did any of them try to verify they had the correct address for you since you said you did not get the letters?  They should have.  I think I would be calling them every other day and saying you want to verify that they have the right address   and make them read the address they have for you and make them spell everything.  I sometimes do not get my post because they up an s on the end of one of the words in the street name or they put the wrong zip code on the letter.  Even when they say they have it correct I would call in a few days and go through the same thing again.  You might ask them what address the letters were sent to that you were supposed to have gotten.  

    It is getting late and I am getting sleepy and still have to get the roast ready to put in the oven in the morning before we go to church.  Have a good nights rest everyone.  AJ

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962

    Isabella, has DH been around? Seems like other things get messed up when he's there. Does your mailbox lock? If not, it might be a good purchase. You probably couldn't get away with saying you need phone calls because you don't see well enough to read letters lol.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Isabella maybe you could ask them to email your letters to you, that way you would be sure to receive them and be able to read them without the possibility of outside interference. It sound awfully suspicious that you are not receiving them.........could it be someone is intercepting your mail? Gosh I sure hope you can get all this sorted as you deserve to be able to be pain free.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella is your mail delievered to a central area. We have rural mail pick up with about 12 mailboxes all together. We have a locking mailbox but some of our neighbos don't.   I am just wondering about your criminal neighbor?    

    Cpuld you go see social services at the hospital to get their assistance in straightening this out?   They could do the double checking for you. Social workers aren't just for therapy. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Hi. All my mail is delivered straight to my house via postman. He pushes all post thru' letterbox and it drops onto my utility room floor, the door is kept locked most of the time, I don't let just anyone just come and go into my house. I know approx. time my delivery is and will watch out for it...never gets just left on floor.
