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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies!!good to get on sat morn and find you all!!

       lots of choices here this wkend to do.. the onr i really wanted to do, i "got punished: and cant do. jays #1 took wonderboy to the 9:45 movie to see Rio. which i begged him to call me to join him..

       currently, bc "i CANT get up early, im not invited.." 8am i can't do, so he won't call me for two hrs almost later...

       to h***with him, im gonna take fish to see it again, if he liked it, by myself this week!!if not, im going alone!

      Murs parents are doing passover on Mon, nite, but the MS eval is in miami Tues early in the morn; so im sending him by himsellf. having his mom sick, and me in pain, will only cause Cirrus, anyway, so its' a pass for me....

     im so pleased for Marybe that she's holding her own, and for Marianne, as well. they can be NERDS: but im calling them NED!!!they can dance their life with the stable boy, God willing!!

       mazy, you are so right.. this is such a pleasant place to come since we moved! i just can't abide with sniping, etc...woulkd rather talk to myself...LOL

       Alyson, im sure part of my pain in the sternum was adhesions,, as well. twice, they dug in there, and in the beg. it  was where the tumor started, and was at its biggest! so, stretches help, (ir ya don't over due like i did) and, every little twinge serves to remind me its' GONE!!!

      i don't use my skype much, either, but i do try first.. then, i use the phone...  weird, reception is better all the way to Aust, than to Marybe. but we'll hook up, Barbara, and see. im so medicated (for me) that right now, im sleeping more, but that won't last, im trying the time released  meatonin this wkend. i hate not seeing mornings most days. i hate to miss any of life that i now have to enjoy..

       Barbe, i have a hoveround, which is /was wondrful.. the truck we had to take it with us broke down permanently, and our little Honda won't carry the trailer behind, it'll flip the car...

        we're now searching for a used van.. i'll need the prayers to get one cheap enough, but then, my world will open up...Mur and i were tsalking last night, and he wants to look up your walker.. what make and model is it? im so glad  im not the only "gimp" in the crowd!!!

        have a greatwkend ladies, ill be checking in tonight...         its beautiful out, and i want to get to my garden today. gonna put lights in that blew out over the winter!!         3jays 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    for all our newbies.. Mazy, ILMBeaches,Arli, Ananumacho.. and anyone i missed!!!3jays
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays, the brand name is Pride and the model is GoGo. It's a smaller version and folds into a regular trunk. I am very strong (go figure!) and can lift it in and out myself. They say it's for indoor, but I use it for malls and stores, not all terrain riding! heheehehehehe

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks, barbe!what we were really interested  in the walker.. that sounded interesting.. we're  looking  for a used go go now, to fit in my trunk!!!       3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lost_Creek, thanks for the input!  It is a luxury to be able to nap.  My DH and I chose early retirement and poverty over working longer and dropping dead on the job.  He got cancer at only 53 so we both had that "life is so short" awakening that you get.  Baking bread with olive oil and oatmeal and flax in it.  We'll see how it tastes!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all just flying in to say hi before we go to church.I t is now Sunday here.

    Barbara I tried to skype you back but got no reply, never mind will try again later if I see you on.

    Welcome to the newbies I will remember your names in time.

    Big hugs

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    You got me on this one Marybe.  I've lived in PA all my life and never heard of that one.  I'll look it up.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    As I was going through the posts today and all the other days, I think it's really great that you can post your picture.  Help? I don't know how and if one of you ladies could lead me through it, I'd really appreciate it.



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays, the only thing I know for sure is it's NOT Nexxus. The Nexxus ones don't allow you to stand within the frame, it has to be pushed in front of you. I liked the security of being IN it. Make sure you are comfortable. Brakes, basket, seat, etc. I LOVE my walker. Now how dumb does that sound??

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Lisa just ROCKS!! I live vicariously through her!!

  • Oh, the pictures are wonderful and I want to go there.  And thanks so much for adding food pics, Lisa.  I love Europe and always have.  I am going to fill out the papers to get a new passport now that I am inspired....they have been sitting here forever and it's like the story of my life, I put off until the last minute.  Finally went to get my tax returns back from the friend who did them this afternoon.....someone said, boy you really cut it to the wire don't you? and I said what do you mean, we have until the 18th this year and that means I am ahead of schedule. My friend and her husband work for the dept of taxation and he tells me every year, Marybe, if you are getting money back they don't care when you file.  They like to hang on to your money and use it for as long as you let them.   I honestly do not know if this is true or not and I do cut it close, but am never late. 

    Dragon, Love that advice of your doctor to stop dieting.  Marianne, are you talking about the avitar pic or posting pics in general?  To do an avitar, go to your settings when you set up your profile...for the others it is easiest if you put your pics in photobucket.  Which do you want to do?...we can talk you through it. 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    So, 3jays, you're passing over Passover this year.....

    Lisa, the pictures are beautiful.

    It's 3:30 AM here so I'm off to bed. Had a long nap today but then did some baking tonight for Passover (2 chocolate cakes and 4 trays of brownies). Yum


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Yum, Leah. Hope you have a great passover. My DH is Jewish and not religious but we are having a modified seder Monday. Love all my sisters!!

  • tcam3472
    tcam3472 Member Posts: 8

    Hi Christie,

    I'm only 43 but I'm new to this forum and wasn't even aware that there is

    Funny thing is that when I write something its always in the back of my mind how people will interpret it..would never want to offend anyone.  This is a great forum to support each other and that is what I hope it will be for me as well.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Tammy, welcome. This is the no bickering thread. We all love each other. Welcome.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Looks like everyone is having a good weekend.  I have been mostly resting today as I kind of over did it yesterday with running errands and then 3 hours roaming the garden center and then coming home to plant the trees in the big pots by the front door.  The plan was to paint the front door today, but I was just too tired.  I guess it was just as well since we have had rain and wind all day then this afternoon we had tornados!  Spent 2 hours in the downstairs closet, lost electricity until around 8 pm, but everything missed us so we are fine.  I can alway repaint the front door next week.

    Lisa - the pictures are beautiful.  Thanks for sharing them with us Barb.

    Welcome to all the new ladies - you will enjoy this bunch of ladies.  We have a lot of good things to share and encouragement to give. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    First, welcome to all you "newbies"--Marianne, ILM Be., Anumacha, Arlie, Tammy, and anyone else I failed to mention.  It really doesn't take long to get to know everybody and we all look forward to getting to know you too!

    Amyjo, I'm glad you, DH, and Daisy are all right and made it through the storm.  I just watched the news and didn't even know about Raleigh until just now, and thought of you immediately.  So glad to see you'd already posted!  We'll have to meet each other the next time I'm in Raleigh, so I'll let you know when the next retirement luncheon comes up.  Several former co-workers could go at any time if they'd just do it!

    We had high winds last night and all through today with tornado warnings until just a little while ago.   Clouds gone now and I saw that the moon's almost full just now when I took Bud The Dog out.  

    Lisa, we knew you'd get gorgeous pics and we're loving them!!  Thanks to Barb for being the poster, too!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Have just seen the images of the twisters on our news. Pleased to hear you are OK Amyjo. It must be so frightening. Hope everyone else if fine.

    Been a lovely day here but getting a bit cooler. (The news says there will be snow in the south) Took GD to the park for a while which she enjoyed. Then have done the supermarket shopping, so now must get something for dinner, well its going to be pasta, the water is boiling. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi everyone..glad you like the pix..they don't do this place justice.

    It is hard to get on line I will just say hello and send hugs

    all around..

  • ILMBeaches
    ILMBeaches Member Posts: 6
    QCA...where is Monroe NC?  We are in Wilmington and under tornado watch last night.  Raleigh/Apex got hit hard.
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls and a big welcome to all the newbies to the thread!!!!  I'm so glad you are joining us.

    Mazie you asked about posting your you mean you avatar?  if so, just go to My Home and then on the laft you will see Add Photo, click and a page will open that allows you to browse your photo files to choose a pic.  Click on the pic you choose and then on open.  Your pic will appear as your avatar.  Hope this helps.  If you want more info just PM me.

    Well I have finally arrived home after a very busy week in the city.  I did some bulk food shopping before leaving today so I have just spent the last two hours re-arranging my pantry and freezers so I can fit it all having to shop in the first place so I'm always pleased to see it disappear behind the cupboard doors.  I think tomorrow will be a rest and recover day for me before the rush of baking etc for the Easter break when all the family plus grandies descend on me for the whole break.

    Isabelle, Mareike (DD2) had a bulging disc which herniated and some of the debris was compressing a nerve which beside giving her back pain, was also giving her major leg and foot pain as well.  The surgeon has removed the debris and trimmed what was left of the disc which now allows the nerve to heal.  The thing that has amazed her the most is that there was immediated pain relief.  The healing process is supposed to take about six weeks before she can fully get back to work but she is allowed to gradually ease her way in after the initial two weeks.  I sure hope yours works as well.  Is it the same thing for you? and how much longer before yours will be attended to?

    Lisa, thanks for sharing your trip with the rest of us, it is much appreciated.

    Tammy, we don't mind what age you as are this thread is all about friendship and support in a peaceful atmosphere.
    I do hope that the girls and their families in the way of the tornadoes are doing well and are safe.  Thoughts and prayers are with you.
    To all, I hope you are having a pleasant weekend doing the thing that you love with the people you love most.
    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  Chrissy
  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    Good Morning everyone....i lost this thread (part of my CRS condition) but found it again today and marked as a favorite. What a relaxing beautiful train of thought you all have going here...wonderful way to start a Sunday...I read through most of the pages and come away with a thought or two...

    whoever had their doctor tell them to stop dieting- I will try not to bear a grudge:)

    ditto for BarbaraA and her 102 lbs....:)

    bubble and squeak! I just had when I was in New York...waiter suggested it at PJ Clarkes- I like mush anything as long as it has a crisp to the outside. When I was little every once in awhile my dad would make breakfast on Saturdays and when he did- it was corn beef hash and eggss..oh my goodnessm I am not sure if it tasted so good just because he made it and t was always a little treat when dad cooked...but thanks for stirring the memories...

    I have been thinking so much about dad who passed in 1988, so, the other day I bought a tin of sardines. I put them with a big slice of raw onion on a piece of toast and inhaled it-so wonderful. Growing up I thought that was the most disgusting thing I had ever heard of-eating dead little fish with bones in em-ugh...but dad said- the oil in the fish is good for you and with the onion, it just tastes GOOD. ..well, turns out he was right (again). Mom has told me that one of her favorite memories from very early on in their marriage when it was just the two of them and they were living in Toronoto was listening to the radio eating sardines/onions on toast and a bottle of cold beer....

    i think we sometimes forget how the simplest things can make for the most enduring memories...since Mom is 84 and she is talking about well over 60 years ago...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Here is a pic my sister took in Oregon at a tulip "farm". It was my favourite one. A rainy day there, of course, but still beauty is found...

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    thank you Barbe-it is beautiful

  • Barbe,  Wow, your sister almost rivals Lisa with her photos....Almost.  I am anxious to see more of Europe when she next posts her pics.  Annette, right there with you on simple memories.  I think about my mother a lot, just her little sayings and food always stirs up memories for me....Sunday pot roast at my grandmother's, city chicken (did you guys ever have that?...that is something my cousins always bring up) think it is actually pork cubes on a stick breaded, fried potatoes made out of the ones left over from a roast.  Heck, I just like food...looking at it, preparing it, remembering it and eating it!!  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, beautiful!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My sister's business IS photography. She is a web site designer and does flyers, brochures, etc, etc.  She has incredible equipment and it does make a difference. We both attended a one week class in Missoula, Montana at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography. That is the course that finally made me go digital. It was years ago, but only 2 of us out of 18 had film cameras! She is constantly taking courses and classes, even in Italy!! I am quite envious of her financial ability to do these classes. She paid for mine while we were in Montana. I am still leery of that "perfect" shot as Photoshop can erase so many mistakes! She even took a Photoshop course in Vegas and as they say "What happens in Vegas, is Photoshopped in Vegas!"

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    That's funny Barbe.

    DH photoshopped our (only visit) Vegas pix last year; we all look better!

    Glad to hear news that you NC ladies had weathered the tornadoes - what a mess, and such destruction.

    Today promises to be mostly sunny here; I spent yesterday outside with DH doing spring yard work, setting out hoses, pruning limbs & chopping brush, raking leaves and pine needles. Today is bonfires. So I think about the "Bonfire" thread on BCO, and mentally throw in things or attitudes that need destruction - I don't know if it works, but it's a sort of mental housework. Raking and burning is a kind of mindless yoga, healthy work, and I mostly enjoy it, and am grateful for my health. DH has built a 6' rake to pull behind his little garden tractor, so he can do the big stuff, and the job is much easier than in the past, but still takes time. We had such storms this winter, there's a lot of damage and although we are mostly down to the smaller stuff, we have some big piles to deal with later today and a couple more days' work too. (last year I wasn't able to do some of the detail stuff he lets go)

    Last week he planted boysenberries and thornless blackberries. We're on the hunt for loganberry plants, and have raspberries coming from a friend. Pies and jams next summer!

    Have a good day all, filled with your favorite things, people, and experiences.

    Isabella, I'd never be able to manage so many creatures as you do; and so many dogs! You never cease to amaze me. How's your Alsatian?