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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Mazy, congratulations on the NERD!  Alyson and Marybe, congrats on the results.  Feelin' pretty good--my back isn't hurting and it's supposed to warm up next week.  Boy is this a busy time of year with kids' dance recitals, fund raising, several birthdays, and last, but not least, my husband's long, extensive bird feeder project.  Don't tell anybody but I snuck out and went to brekkie by myself again just for a moment of silence.  Oh boy there's something about scrambled eggs and toast that acts just like Prozac!  Dragon

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((SUSGUL))) thinking of you!

    Dragon, I have slightly high cholesterol and have been taking red yeast rice. I LOVE eggs but have been only having them maybe once a month. Sigh.

  • ILMBeaches
    ILMBeaches Member Posts: 6
    I have hardly posted at all since joining in 2009.  Stopping by today to say HI. 64 years young and still kicking Laughing
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    3Jays and Barbe...thanks for the mention of walkers !! I know it'd help, but I don't want to admit I have difficulty getting around...its a pride thing !!! At least when I am pushing a shopping cart I look as if I'm shopping, and no-one gives me a second glance !  It's been bad enough graduating to a walking stick, I really dread bumping into someone I might know and looking OLD. Shall be so pleased when I get my back op. I know its not a 100% guarantee, and I know the longer I am on the list the odds go down, what riles me the most is the Drs know I need the op. yet I am STILL in the queue 19 months down the line. 

    Chrissy, was your DDs op. as bad as she thought ? I have what sounds like the same thing, but I have 3 slipped discs. Hoping to get it done while we will be getting better weather (maybe?) I can spend my convalescence in the garden ( getting extra itchy feet watching the weeds growing ) How much is she restricted in her walking ability ? Was she straight out of bed into physio ?

    Well, today I tried a new computer usual one has let me down, no explanation, just never available, and I hate to keep going on at him. I have been limping along going on 3 weeks now, couldn't access my emails, couldn't message anyone. Some of 'my favourites' were just blank, its been a nightmare ! You don't realise just how much a part of your life the computer becomes. To make matters a hundred times worse my laptop 'froze' about the same time this pc went wonky. ( I had a Trojan virus on my pc) New guy was a cutie. He looked about 16, and a typical nerd. Long hair, centre parting,  big brown framed specs, old fashioned flared jeans (well, maybe they weren't old fashioned, maybe I am !!) I thought OMG he'll not be able to sort the pc's out, but he did, and very quickly. He charged me about half of what I normally pay, AND he set my new TV up. I bought myself a bigger TV in September last year, and it was still there, in its box, this morning ( seven months, MUST be a record ) Now I have it set up its beyond me to remember how to use it ....that's how hopeless I am with anything electrical. I will have to get G/son to sit with me and show me how to change channels!! Can't believe I just wrote that ! I did try tonight, and it went blank on me, so I had to come into the kitchen to watch a gardening programe I like to see on a Friday night.  I'm not exactly a big TV fan, just have about a dozen programes I follow, mostly I record what I like and watch in bed on a night, so I don't really know why I got a bigger TV. Well, suppose Christmas was on the horizon, when I bought the new TV. I do most of my TV watching on a little old 15" at the side of my bed.

    I am going early tonight. I have loads of things I want to catch up with. Also I have my sound back, that has been missing for months, and I had no idea how to get it back on again. I was willing G/son to eat up his tea and go home tonight, so I could get onto the virus free pc again. He wanted to talk.... aarrgghh !!!

    Have a good weekend everyone.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Hi Linda. Nice to 'meet' you. Where've you been for 2 years !!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Hi Linda and welcome to the sensible (well maybe some of the time) ladies thread. This is a fun group and very supportive. Isabella needs to write a book about life in rural England (and she does here on our thread). Chrissy is quite the photographer and our SoCalLisa is on a cruise through the tulip fields in Holland so we will have some GREAT shots when she gets back.

    Read back some pages and get to know us. We have a good time and it is cool having cyber friends.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Evening, ladies - WELCOME to all who've joined this good group. I'm afraid if I back up, I'll lose my post - but welcome. These are some nice women, with some interesting stories and experiences; we are glad to have you with us.

    And congratulations, collective sighs of relief, and joy at any and all good news -- the last couple pages had enough good news all "at once" to bring me real joy.

    It is a good time of year. Leah, it makes sense to me to do such a cleansing at this time of year. I'll be thinking of you. - Ginger, it was good to hear from you. Marybe, your news really warmed my heart. Alyson, ditto.

    - Hooray for all the NEDs and NERDs among us!

    Chrissy, so glad your daughter's surgery went well. Your biggest problem will be her patience with recovery time - she'll "feel" great before she is. I hear great things about Wicked. Maybe I'll add it to my to do list...

    3Jays, I sure hope you get some relief!

    I'm not sure about the "more sense" part because I just told DH that I spend my life cleaning up dog hair and "tree hair" (leaves/etc). There has to be more to life than dog hair.... Oh, that's right, there are the dogs! My Gus just watched the house, and took care of things, for two days by himself. The neighbors came over to feed him & let him out to run awhile; but he porched during the day, and stayed in the house by himself (with the bird) at night. NOTHING is out of place, dog cookies and the bin of dry food left untouched on countertops and all. I am so proud of him! He is such a good boy! I fear I do better with dogs than people - everyone remarks on my dog skills, but not so much my people skills...

    Anyway, we had a 'quick' overnight jaunt to the coast to get my 1-yr mammo & see my surgeon. (It's about 275 mi.) The drive over was like a wildlife safari; first we saw about ten thousand geese migrating - hundreds of Vs of geese filling the sky - it was amazing! Then we had to stop along the canyon/river road for a large flock of wild turkeys to cross the road right in front of us. Then we saw three deer crossing the river, and stopped the car to get out and watch awhile.

    Got there. Had lunch. Had the mammo - OUCH!, but basically got results - all OK! - before I left the facility, so the pain was worth it. Saw BS this a.m. and she says I'm progressing well, and was really pleased that the Arimidex (generic) is tolerable for me (at 95% ER+, I went into these meds with a very willing heart). She mentioned that her previous pt had much difficulty with AIs, and she was making the necessary referrals. (Just saying so you don't think I think everyone has it as "easy" as, so far, my AI experience has been)...

    I got my beach walk and seafood dinner yesterday...Found a wonderful green and white agate just the right size and texture for a worry stone.

    Then the drive home today was great because coming up the highway towards us was a huge number of classic cars headed to some show in NorCal - I guess we saw a couple hundred classics in thirty miles -- just as we turned off, we saw a Corvette club, there were probably twenty or so, headed up by 3 red classic 'Vettes. OMG! DH and I were just howling. The next couple hours passed easy as we discussed "cars we have known."

    So, I wish you all peace, joy, and comfort. And maybe some fun along the way.

    I love spring. For our southern hemisphere sisters I also love autumn... but right now, I love spring. The world is in bloom. But we still light a fire in the woodstove at night.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi gals, not staying long. had to take one of the bigger pain pills, tonight. it seems i've OVER excersized my legs..not me, can you say o  bsessive) and have whacked it out of place myself!!!! the pt did  massage on my legs, and we spent sometime today looking for a light rolling pin. yup, murs gonna ROLL the side of my legs right above the knee, and loosen it.. ah well, im just too good a patient, i guess.. (more like im my own worst enemy!!)

       i found out i missed a few phone calls tonite, i went out with the meds., and im sure, will again..

       i ehco all that Barb said, Dragon, Alyson, Chrissy, and Marybe.. we were talking about how you could be ned, and stage 4 last night, Marybe.. now we know you're a NERD!!not dancing with NED.. thats' all great news , Ladies.. lets keep on rollin...    3jays

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    Hi Barbe1958... I started using a walker in 1996 after a major car accident where I was crushed, so I was 45. I have kept one since I am an accident about to happen with crutches. I have a doc's order for a new one and I want one with a seat. You have to stay mobile...yep I do the grocer cart and right now with the 4 broken vertebrae I like to do the go cart ones at the stores. Have you ladies noticed that stores go on forever! After Walmart or my local chain grocery store I feel like I have done a marathon...but I do better in the mobility dept than friends who just want to veg and a short trip to a small/tiny store is too much for them, I hate to see them in 10 yrs. I keep a cane in the car and need to pick out a new walker before I need it. My job I am either moving carts or machinery and do 5 to7 miles a night walking. God bless all of is my bedtime per the cat now sitting on my hip!

  • arlil
    arlil Member Posts: 5

    Well, I thought I posted this but don't see it, hope it doesn't post twice

    Hello all:

    I am so happy to have finally found this forum, I lurked on the old “Other” and was so disappointed at what happened.

    A bit of history:  I am 75 (where did the time go, hard to believe). First dx’ed, right breast, in 1997, lumpectomy, radiation and CMF chemo.  Left breast dx’ed in 2002, bilat mast and AC chemo, 5 years on Aromasin (right side was er/pr neg so no Als or Tomx) .
    Tumor markers shot up in 2009, ct scan showed lung nodules and onc put me on Femara, markers promptly went down! Bone scan last summer showed bone spots and  onc added monthly Zometa infusions.  She was very pleased with my bone scan earlier this month.  We are now waiting for CT scan results.

    I was a high school secretary in Torrance CA until retirement in 1998.  Moved to Overton NV in 2006 and Feb 2010 moved to Rochester WA to be caregiver for my 96 yr old father. He was becoming increasingly unstable on his feet and shouldn’t be living alone. We share a mobile home next to my sister’s home.  Works out well for all of us.  He does keep me and DS busy, still sharp as a tack, hard to keep him in reading material and until a month ago he still spent time in his elaborate wood shop building rocking horses!

    I may not post much but can’t tell you all how much I enjoy reading how things are going with everybody!  And the pictures are fantastic!


  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Alyson...wonderful newsssss

    Anumacha..glad elavil is working for u glad ur dd is okay. She is lucky to have u helping her.

    Marybe.LOL. You are correct. My onc's nurse told me that technically I will never be NED. She explained when she called that I am NERD cause there is no evidence of "recurrent" disease. There will always be evidence of my old tumor even if theres no cancer there. Most ppl still call it NED tho LOL. Either way its great. Hope you eye surgery goes well. I have mac degen in one eye from chemo and really need to go get exam and new glasses.

    Everyone...I hope you all have a happy saturday !!!        Hugs, Mazy

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Hey I've been dealing with insurance stiff all day. The phone calls were not long but the after effects were. So complicated to go into detail but I am still going to fight for my care.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Arlie..nice to meet you. You are so blessed to have a 96 yr old father and still u r able to care for him when ur 75. I hope u get great results on ur ct scan. HUgs, Mazy

  • ILMBeaches
    ILMBeaches Member Posts: 6
    I had been with an online BC support group on Weight Watchers's Women's Health message board for around 2 years following my diagnosis. Rediscovered these message boards yesterday Wink
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Arlie, welcome and glad you found us. Prayers for you on your CT scan. I hate scans.

    LInda, glad you found us again.

    I tried to call Alyson last evening on Skype. No dice. Tried 3jays and Marybe. No dice. I did get Still Verticle (MJ) though. She is breathing much better with the allegra but felt yucky yesterday and stayed in bed. Oh well. One of these days I will get to talk on Skype.

  • ILMBe,  WW....I am a lifetime member, not that I should be since it is a continuous YoYo cycle for me....take it off, put it back....we are only talking about 10 lbs here, but it is amazing how much difference that makes when you are 5'2"....I need to go back so I can get into my summer pants and actually like being on the program because I need organization in my life, BUT it's that getting started that is so difficult to do.  Nice to see you here. I am fixing the last of my corn meal mush this morning which is not part of WW, but maybe you will inspire me and I will get back to it tomorrow.  Tomorrow is another that line. 

    Arlie, Yes, it is great that your father is still doing so well.  My father is going to be 89 in May and everyone says how great he is, but they aren't around him as much as I am. For sure he needs to stop driving!! He is  very stubborn old German stock. He is still living on his own, but the plan is that one day my husband and I will be moving into his house after I get done with all my remodeling projects there.  I am not sure which one I will find it more difficult to live with and think really I would just like to find a little place of my own an live with the pets, but don't think that is going to happen. Aromasin did wonders for me.  I hope your CT scan results are as good as your bone scan was.

    Mazy,  Who would have thought people would want to be NERDs, but I am proud to be.   I am sure you probably already know this, but Avastin does wonders for mac degeneration....when my opthalmologist heard I was on it several years ago while going over my med history,he stopped and asked Avastin? and I said yes, and he said Amazing, we use that for macular degeneration and it's been very successful.....don't know which came lst, but I guess it stops progression of the disease just as it stops cancer tumors....sort of like the chicken and the egg question, but I am sure the medical profession has the answer for this one.

    Cyborg,  Keep on companies I think are trained to deny things, but eventually will pay if you can prove the need for something....are your doctors helping you out with this?

    AMW,  What is your job....sounds pretty physical.  I also have a walker I keep on hand just in case and have used it many times when I have had different foot surgeries as well as knee replacement...crutches really are the pits, they caused my to hurt so the only reason I kept those is in case I ever have the Dickens theme party I have always wanted to have and someone can be Tiny Tim.

    Lost....I'm with you on the hair.  When (which is seldom) I wipe up the floor I always get a huge amount of hair, mostly from the cat, but also from the short haired dogs.  I used to dream of cooking for others and maybe even selling baked goods, but the board of health would shut down my kitchen in a second since the cat sits on a countertop and watches me and the one dog comes running whenever he hears the mixer. Black is my favorite color so I have to carry a lint brush with me to get the hair off before I go into a place since it's in the car also. 

    3Jays, Don't overdo it!! 

     Isabella, get your GS to move that new tv into your new can kick back and watch your car racing and garden shows.

     All the rest of you, have a great day.  I am headed to a bowling alley, if you can believe that going for lunch, but I think it might be fun to bowl since the last time I did that was in college when I flunked it...but for some reason I always liked the shoes.   

    Barb,  You missed me on Skype because I seldom have it cuts in and out too much.  Am really glad you talked to SV as I have been missing her. 

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    It's so nice reading all these pleasant posts.  I'm absolutely loving it.  Sometimes I think we get so tied up with our health issues that we don't talk about all the good that is going on around us and also happening to us.

    Going to pregnant #1 daughter's home this morning to help get the baby room complete than might just relax most of the afternoon.

    Hope all have a great day!


  • Marianne,  As they say, Life goes on and I am a firm believer that we need to make the most of it.  You have a great day also.   Do you know where Benezet is?....somewhere near DuBois.....I went there with my mom once when she was looking up these long lost relatives....probably the only time I was even in PA, other than a riverboat trip to Pittsburg. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    About the walkers, Isabella, I also have an electric scooter which is not currently charged or in my car. I have had it for a lot longer than the walker. It is the GoGo model made by a company called PRIDE!!!! It is bright blue. I haven't used it since we lived in a condo and it was so far to walk to the car!

    Yesterday I was so chored out that by the time we got to WalMart, I was too tired to use the electric scooter there! I had my DH push me in a wheelchair. Then I just got to sit there and be a dumping ground for what we needed. Now that's tired!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    OK, Lisa sent me some pix. I added the link to Photobucket where I created an album for her pix.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ooooh, thanks for the link! There's a great pic of a dog sitting looking out a window that is TOO cute!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    You are right, Barbe, that pic is great so here it is.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Thanks Barbara, for some reason I can't post from this netbook...can't figure it out...

    so glad you are so savvy...loving Bruges

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Lisa, the pix are awesome. So lad you are having a great time!!

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    I'm not sure if I qualify as an older lady and I KNOW I don't have any sense.......but I just had to say I LOVE that pic of the doggie looking out the window!!!!! TOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you're having a wondermous time Lisa!!!!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    what a great eye you have Lisa! Thanks for providing all of us with a vicarious trip.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Thank you Lisa and Barb!!!!!!!! This may be the closest I get to Bruges, but Lisa, you capture the essence of what you see. Thank you so much!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Welcome coonie, Arlie and Linda.  This is a very congenial thread and you will love it.  Even if I don't post I read it every day just because it brings my mood up!  We also have great photographers here who post relaxing, beautiful things.  This thread is inspiring as it's about more than just cancer and shows me that you can really keep living your life even if you have or have had cancer. 

    Saw Dr. yesterday and she told me to stop dieting.  That is probably the sweetest advice I've ever heard.  It's so bleeping cold and rainy out that I'm gonna bake today. 

    Does anyone find that they still take a nap every day in spite of being "down the road" from treatment?  I just give out about 2 pm, then I feel guilty like I should be doing something.  Not vacuuming though...or laundry...

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Oh Dragon, you are not alone - and you're not so far down the road to be feeling guilty!  I guess depending on the individual, and the invasiveness of the procedures, it can take quite awhile to feel up to par.  It took nearly a year after my ooph - 8 yrs ago.  I was warned this time that rads can be fatiguing long after they're "done", and experienced that.  SO grateful I have the luxury of napping.  Sleep can be healing. Are you eating well enough so that your blood sugar stays stable? Sounds like you're active enough to warrant extra sleep time; take advantage of the rainy weather and follow your doc's good advice. How fun!