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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I went to Sunken Gardens today and they were having an orchid show. Wow, cool stuff.

    I bought this one.

    This is a 25 ft tall white bird of paradise.

    And bougainvilla.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe--love the tulip picture!  I've been to that place and it's beautiful.  BarbaraA--your orchid picture is really nice.  It looks like a phalenopsis, no?  I have one in bloom but limited photography skills.  Will try to share. 

    Not trying to be bitchy, DH has just told me the color of his urine for the fourth time.  He had a bladder BX done last Wed. and is just experiencing the normal aftereffects of a few clots, but blood in any form makes him faint.  My daughter told him it's a good thing he isn't a woman.  The BX was negative so I'm really glad of that.  I sent him out to sit in the sun with the dog and get his mind off cancer/blood/pee.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barb, what a beautiful orchid...I just love orchids, and have them all round the house. I have 2 in the bathroom, which have repeat flowered for nearly two and a half years, must be the steam !! As soon as one stem drops its flowers they start throwing up another stem. The strelitzia was unusual, never seen a white one before, and never seen one as tall as 25'. Making me envious as I couldn't make our flower show way could I walk round.

    Chrissy, sounds as if your DD had the same as I have. I have 3 of the damned things, driving me mad with pain. The only way I can get any relief is to sit down. Within about 30 seconds of sitting down the pain evaporates. BUT..can't live life sitting down. I WAS a very active person, and its killing me not to be able to do what I want. Today was a lovely day, I wanted to be off out to a flower show, but couldn't make it, so, silly me, decides I would hand weed a big island border which is full of perennials, but choking with weeds. No-one else here knows a weed from a plant, so I HAD to do it. I crawled on my hands and knees for most of the afternoon, all the way thru' the flippin' border. I am dead beat now, went for a very long soaking bath afterwards, did my hair and nails, and fell asleep on my bed for an hour.

    Lost Creek. My Alsation is coming along fine...she has ended up in the kitchen, but is growing like mad, she is twice as big as all my other dogs, and so bouncy. Can't walk her at all but she seems to be OK bumbling around the garden. I don't know if I will have the heart to put her outside, which is, after all, why I got her. The idea was that she'd follow me around on the farm all day, get used to the cats who live on the farm, then she would be left loose all night to let me know if anyone who shouldn't be was around....but I am not taking her onto the farm, as I can't get outside much myself now, so I shall feel mean if I push her out alone.

    Barbe, the tulip photo was lovely. I love tulips, all mine are in full bloom in my garden right now, and look really good.

    Going to TRY and get to town tomorrow. I can pull into a carpark which is above the main shopping centre, and go down in the lift to grab a shopping cart to get me around. It is my sons birthday this week, and I am looking for something for him...tho' goodness knows what ! I haven't seen him in  2 1/2 years, and get quite upset about it whenever I think of him. We parted on not quite so good terms. He wanted to borrow a very large sum of money from me to finance a new house. I refused. He has a very bad record of not paying back, and I did not want to lose such a big amount. He and his wife were not at all pleased at my refusal, and went to the wifes parents, who DID lend the money. As we all know now, but didn't at the time, the housing market crashed, and my DS is now in the position of being unable to pay back his inlaws, who ARE asking for their cash right NOW. They understood it would be a short term loan. I KNOW my son, and I don't think they will EVER see their cash again. My son is well into negative equity, and it will be years, if ever, before his house is back up to a decent level. Of course, he COULD sell up, and move into a much smaller property, and TRY and pay back his inlaws, but I know my son won't do that. He owes me lots and lots of cash, all borrowed in bits over the years, I shall never see it again, I know. He thinks I have forgotten all the times he was here asking for cash, so I had to draw the line when he wanted me to finance a house for him.  It caused a lot of illfeeling, me refusing to lend to him, and he has never been to see me since he moved away. Christmasses have been the worst, never spent a Christmas apart fron him until the last two. It has spoilt Christmas for all the family who are still here, and I have not seen his children for all that time as well. I know he visited his inlaws THREE times last year...they only live 20 miles from me, and have told me DS and family were staying with them, but he couldn't call in to see me.... AND he had to drive right past me, well, half a mile from me, to get to the inlaws !!!....uuurrrgghhh.... families.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh, isabella, i remember how upsetting christmastime was for you.. they ARE selfish buggers, aren't they? our children? at least, for some of us, anyway...

       we spent last night with our GKids, babysitting, had a wonderful evening..when my son came home, more than a little tipsy, he said over and over again, how we would go to get pics with the Easter Bunny w/kids today.. i told Mur, i won't get upset tommorrow, for we'll never hear from him.. and , we didn't. as long as i have no expectations, he lives up to them every time!!!!

       we did, however, spend some time at the rehab jay#2 is in. it was an allright time, he doesn't "get it" so the denial is a little hard to take, but we ate after, and a long nap took care of it. i woke up all itchy, i think allergies to meds, hope i didn't "catch" anything up there!!!

        it rained HARD here while we were gone, but nothing like N Caro.. glad you're ok AmyJo. the candlelit dinner sounded romantic, even out of neccessity!   later, ladies... 3jays

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Isabella and 3jays, I sympathize about your sons.  You'd think when you get them raised it'll be easier, but it isn't, and I've certainly learned that in my own life!

    Barb and Barbe, thanks so much for the pics--beautiful.

    It's been a busy week and weekend for us, with taxes (finally mailed the check yesterday, much to my sorrow), getting car inspections and tags for both cars, our anniversary, keeping DGS for 2 days and overnight Friday, and on top of everything else, 2 funerals.  We've been to more funerals lately than ever before, 4 in our church and 3 of DH's former co-workers. And I've always been an absolute wreck at funerals, just hate them.  

    Linda, Monroe is about 25 miles east of Charlotte, on Hwy 74.  I love Wilmington, but haven't been in a long time.  This summer we're going to Holden Beach on vacation and DH and I want to go to Wilmington then.  We like old cemeteries and want to go back to the one there, what is it?  Oakdale?  I just realized how weird this is---she who hates funerals but loves going to old cemeteries. Oh well.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - it was romantic and it did a lot to easy the uspet DH was having because all the storm preparations he thought he had made were not working.  He has made a new list of things to have on hand and be sure were working.  The plan is to get them all together and put them in a bag in the closet we go to during storms.  As for the picinic we will do that again on nice evenings. 

  • arlil
    arlil Member Posts: 5

    3jaysmom and Isabella, my son and grandson are supportive and caring but I have 2 daughters that are "estranged". Always felt the younger one and I were close, helped her with all kinds of financial and emotional support but anytime I dared to voice an opinion about anything she would go into a rage and scream awful things. I finally walked out on her one day and she hasn't spoken to me for 2 yrs. So time to move on and I moved to WA to be near sis and help out with Dad. Depresses me at times but do have to move on!

    Dad, sis (must learn the abreviations) and I drove out to a tiny community between here and the coast for a fund raising oyster feast at a Grange hall yesterday. Several motorcycle clubs meet there for the feast every year, hundreds of bikers! We had such a good time, the oysters were heavenly! "All you can eat", and we sure did that!  Been quite awhile since I've had such a wonderful day!

    Frost this morning, hope spring gets here someday, want to do some planting!


  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Marybe...Thx for the info on mac degen. I will be looking into it. Hugs, Mazy

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    annettek..You are so right. The little memories really bring back home.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Barb luv the pix

  •  You have to try this neighbor brought me a piece and it is decadent, more like fudge than cake.  After I tasted it, I asked her where she got it thinking maybe a local bakery was featuring it and she said she made it!  Wow, I was impressed since I never even knew she cooked. 

    This is Prince William's favorite cake and will be served as the grooms cake at the royal wedding.

    Chocolate Biscuit Cake

    No - Bake Cherry Chocolate Biscuit Cake

    By SusieQusie on December 20, 2007

    Prep Time: 20 mins

    Total Time: 3 1/2 hrs

    Servings: 12


    10 ounces bittersweet chocolate or 10 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped (a 12oz package of nestle choc chips)

    10 tablespoons unsalted butter

    1/4 cup whipping cream

    2 tablespoons golden syrup or 2 tablespoons mild light molasses

    1 (7 1/2 ounce) packages butter cookies, coarsely crumbled ( Le Petit Beurre biscuits)

        (almost any kind of cookies, I like to use coconut cookies)

    1 cup chopped walnuts

    1/3 cup raisins

    1/3 cup dried tart cherries


    1.     Line 9 x 5 x 2-inch metal loaf pan with plastic wrap, leaving overhang on both ends.

    2.     Stir chocolate and butter in heavy large saucepan over low heat until melted and smooth.  Remove from heat. Mix in cream and golden syrup. Stir in remaining ingredients.

    3.     Pour chocolate mixture into prepared pan. Smooth top. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set, at least 3 hours or overnight. (Cake can be prepared up to 3 days ahead. Keep refrigerated.).

    4.     Uncover pan. Place platter on pan. Invert cake onto platter. Peel off plastic wrap. Cut cake into slices and serve.

    5.     Nb - This is very rich and can be pretty crumbly when cutting. Keep cold for best results.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    arlil: sounds like you had a lovlely day!!! bikers and such! took it easy this evening, and heading back to bed to read soon. wanted to check on everyone first... Marybe; i'll be thinking of you and your tests tommorrow.. today, now, i guess!      3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I took some orchid pics once too!! I LOVE them! They are so sensual. Some I put black backgrounds to so if offsets the colours. Here's ones I had by my kitchen sink (I do think they like the steam!) But these were taken in a green house, garden centre! You can take pics of all the plants you love without buying them and this way they last forever!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    This is a weird one...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Here's those same orchids with their original background. What a difference, eh??

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    This is a hibiscus with a black sheet behind it to offset the colours...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I could go on and on!! I have my better shots on film though, so that breaks my heart!!! All my European shots are ones I can't easily post...sigh. Now I have the better camera and my body just can't travel anymore. I used a cane in Europe in 1998 and even spent one whole day in bed with my FM. My poor DH....sigh. We didn't even know what my ailment was, either, but it sure wasn't in my head. Who would waste a day in bed when the trip was only 2 weeks!!!

  • No one seems to be too impressed with that cake....I am telling you it's really good....figure if it's good enough for Prince William, it's good enough for me.  Very low cal, I am sure.  The orchids are beautiful, sure they stand a much better chance of growing in Florida than here in OH.  Barbe, there is some way you can transfer, film, slides and other venues to not sure how, but I know it can be done.  I have boxes and boxes of slides that I took when I was in Switzerland...had my Dad's Minolta that he gave me, not that I did anything great with it, but I did have a good camera.....and most of what I shot were slides.  Now they are all in these little Kodak boxes at my father's and he is always asking me What should I do with these slides?....Heck, I don't know, throw them away?  He's got all of these 33mm movies of my sister and I when we were little...some of them are even before that.  I always think pictures are a great idea at the time, but I have drawers full of them and never manage to get them into albums.  My mother was the one who knew who everyone was in pics and tried to put names on the back of pics, but we have some that go way back and they could be of the milkman for all we know.  I am always able to recognize my grandparents, but that is about as far back as I go.....oh and I have some of those old photos, what were they called daguerreotypes?....anyway, I have one with the original Marybe.....a very unattractive woman if I do say so myself, looked quite mean.   Well, it is about time for me to go start drinking my berry smoothie ReadiCat........Yum. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, love those pix! I really need to get a good photo editor program. Just too busy. Any suggestions?

    Marybe, fingers and toes crossed for your scans.

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Hello all, Just stumbled on this site and oooh I'd like calm and peace and a no bickering thread especially with all the amazing photos! How soothing to start the day. I adore orchids! They have an orchid house at the botanical gardens here and I could stay there all day except it gets too hot and steamy in there...

    Barb - really lovely pictures.

    The cake sounds yummy but without raisins  - never wanted to mess up my chocolate with raisins, cherres yes! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome Stanzie!! This is a fairly sensible, non-bickering group because we all have CRS disease. Heehehe.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Thanks so much for the advise on how to get my picture up.  I guess I mean the Avatar.  It helps me when I see everyone's face.  I'm a visual person and it makes me feel like I know all of you better. 

    I spent yesterday out in the garden and at Lowe's buying some more plants with my DH.  Today, I have to finish working on my daughter #3's baby shower, then put in plants, then, hopefully get that picture up.

    Hope all had a great weekend.


  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62


    Just read about your tests.  Good luck.  Am sending ((((hugs)))) your way.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Amyjo, thanks for the reminder to re-organize the "emergency bag." We don't have tornadoes, but earthquakes, forest fires, wind events... I read about the devastation around Raleigh, and am glad you are ok; and send sympathies.

    But all the Orchids are just beautiful and so serene - thank you all!  I love them, but am too inept to keep them alive.

    Marianne, nice picture; good job!

    Stanzie, good to see you here.

    Marybe, I'm sending {{MB}} and best wishes.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Thanks Lost_Creek.  This is a better photo that I keep so everyone thinks I look good.  In reality, I've gained about 20 lbs and cut my hair short but, I did figure out how to get the pic on after being told how to by these wonderful ladies.  Maybe I can lose those 20 lbs I keep blaming on the drugs.

    Now, how the heck do I add some more words (maybe some wisdom?) to the bottom of my posts?

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108


    To add a personalized note at the end of your posts: Go to MY HOME, Then click on EDIT MY PROFILE. Scroll down to the very last entry box titled Signature  and type in what you want to say.

    Should work. :) 

  • Mazie, I think, but am not positive about go to your profile which you can get to by clicking on your name by your avitar, click on edit and you can write something right after your signature (where it says this will show after your post) I said I "think", but someone else could tell you for sure. This afternoon I am going to change my avitar pic to a more recent one....if I can get the pic into photobucket. Believe me, I still have a lot to learn. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Marianne, put them in your signature at the bottom of your profile.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Lisa emailed some more pix. Here is one and the link has the rest!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Enjoying the pictures all!  Taking DH to bladder Dr. today to follow up after his cystoscopy.  Now I feel guilty for complaining about him.  We'll see what the Dr. says but I know he will be reluctant to do any cautery without anesthesia so this might mean a minor surgery.  Sure hope not.  My car knows the way to the hospital--will hardly have to drive!  Fortunately Dr. is nice guy from Israel and is VERY caring.  Just love his bedside manner with DH--he puts him totally at ease. 

    Welcome to all newbies!  Sorry for the reason you're here but glad to have you.  Finally some sun in Portland.  Thx for info re:  posting pics.  I'm going to try to make and avatar pic with my dog.