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For Older People with Sense



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    {{{{{{{{{Marybe}}}}}}}}}}  There is a new treatment for liver mets here at Duke. They send radiation ''seeds'' directly into the leasons and they have had some really good success with it,  I don't exactly what they call it, but I am sure we could find out more, if you think it might be an option for you.  Take care of yourself and remember you are in my prayers my friend.
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Marybe, it was good news about your head (know you'd been worried about Alzheimer's) but I'm so sorry for the news about the liver.  Good that you got a consultation at MDA scheduled already.  I've heard of what AmyJo was talking about and maybe you can ask the dr. there about it.  The success I've read about is very promising.  You're in my thoughts and prayers, and a lot of other people's too.



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    ((((((Marybe))))))  prayers, love and hugs for you.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Hi everyone,

    3Jay...I havent had reflexes since I was 19 yrs old (52 now). Even before breast cancer they did a variety of tests and never did figure out why. After breast cancer they decided they were gonna look into it again but all the specialists etc have yet to diagnose it. It doesnt bother me at all. I am keeping you in my prayers.

    Marybe..You are in my prayers and I so hope everything is okay.

    Hi Judylynn..Hi and I hope you will like it here.

    Amy..I once knew a girl who had radon seeds placed in her nose.  I dont recall why but this was in 1965. I wonder if its the same thing as you are talking about for liver mets.

    Tomorrow night my grandsons and I are going to decorate Easter eggs. We are having Easter dinner on saturday instead of sunday because one of the boys has to go to his Mom's house on sunday. The boys were worried that the bunny wouldnt have anything here for them a day early so I told them that I called the Easter Bunny for an early delivery and they were relieved. LOL.

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrow..HUgs, Mazy


  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    I read your post. Hugs to you.

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    I read your post. Hugs to you.

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    I am so scared to go to gyno tomorrow. I am going to check on a vaginal mass and if it can be biopsied or WHAT. Also, I will be getting an endometrial biopsy. I have a feeling it won't be fun ... But a mass in my vagina???!!! I have to get it together. This glitch in my vagina needs to be dx and taken care of before I can start chemo. Yeah. I am bummed.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    ((((((Cyborg)))))) I will be with you in thought at you gyno appt. holding your hand.  Hope it all goes well and you get some answers.  Chrissy

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    Thank you !!!!!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Cyborg ~ I'll be with you as well tomorrow. ♥

    Marybe ~ Sending love & hugs. ♥♥

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Someone PMed me with a request for a photo of me. I think it was for my crazy hair color. It is bright white. This is the only one I could find that was on another site just now. 

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    Awesome bright hair!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Aw cyborg, I have had an edometrial biopsy and it was not nearly so much as I thought it was going to be.  What ever they find I strongly suggest you go get a second opinion. Your hormone levels need to be taken into account before anyone diagnosis you as having hyperplasia. I was misdiagnosed and wound up having an uneeded complete hysterectomy and then was put on unopposed estrogen for more than twelve years. I was so scared when I was told I had hyperplasia and that it could go to cancer quickly and I needed a complete hysterectomy immediately that I had the hysterectomy half a week later.

    I am really with you tomorrow. I send up prayers for you.

    Love Ginger

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Cyborg...You have every right to be scared. But remember that many of us will be there in spirit. I hope they find nothng bad at all.

    Ginger luv the hair..Hugs, Mazy

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Thanks u guys. I may have an Ativan in my purse if I need to.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{MARYBE}}} So glad you don't have Alzheimers but sorry yoiu have CRS. I am praying for you that you find the right tx. I am so glad you are having the consult with the MDA onc. Please let us know how the meeting goes.

    (((CYBORG)))) holding your cyber hand. Scary stuff. I hate doctors. Prayers going up for you.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    {{{{{Cyborg}}}}} hugs and prayers for you.  Know we are all with you.

    {{{{Marybe}}}}} hugs and prayers fo you too.  Call me if you are interested in the proceedure at Duke.  You know you can stay with me if you come here.  Take care my friend. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chabba, thanks for the feedback on the website. It's not my sisters material, she is just the web designer. Has anyone else had a chance to check it out? It's

    Marybe, mixed emotions......I don't know what to say! You tell it like it is, so we understand what's going on and all, but I just don't have experience with the drugs. Halaven and the e-one do have thier own threads, though, as those names are familiar. Hugs to you sweetie!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    barbe- I check the website and as a former web designer it looks pretty good as far as the design goes.  The content is not something that would be of interest to me as I do not agree with the message they are promoting,  The cause is excellent, just the method is questionable. I also know that designers don't control the content, but the design has to work with the content and your sister did a great job with that.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108


    It is easy to understand your desire to try to keep your life as normal as possible. No, it's not denial, it's just not wanting to be a cancer patient 100% of the time. Any chance your drs could let you work the desk, even on a part time basis? Even if you did it as a "volunteer" if you actually went on disability, I think it would be a positive thing in your life. We all need a reason to get up, dress up, and keep moving. Or - is this the time to get it in high gear to finish all the work on your dad's house? Now that could be a full time job! I've never understood... how far from where you live is it to your dad's? If you move there can you still have your same drs and same circle of friends? That would be important.

    You sound so strong in spite of a big mountain to climb. If anyone can do it, YOU CAN!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marybe, I'm sorry to hear about the liver. Somewhere in the Stage IV forum there's a  thread about Halaven called "Halaven day 1" which will probably be helpful for you.

    Probably one of the hardest parts of this Stage IV thing is trying to live a normal life with an abnormal situation.

    Sending love.


  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Marybe- Gosh I'm so sorry - what a tremendous amount of just thinking and planing you are dealing with right now. I'm glad everything with your brain is alright and it sounds like this doctor has a good handle on everything but always wise to get another opinion! I know you are not happy with the upcoming treatments and such but your attitude sounds very good and thank goodness you have understanding bosses - you are right they don't totally know how this will affect you as everyone is so different but sounds like you are thinking very clearly and getting everything into place. I'm so so sorry you have to deal with all this and again the hair loss! I hope you get your questions answered.  ((( Hugs)))

    3jays - really no reflexes??? My reflexes are so over the top I have to worry if I accedently hit the top of my knee I'll kick someone and hard. Or when driving don't want to hit the acceleorator. when my neuro does the reflex test he moves clear out of the way. I thought that was part of MS. But I guess everyone is different...

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Cyborg...I will be thinking of you tomorrow..uuurrgghh I just hate having anything done in 'that' department !!!!

    ((((Marybe))))  sorry that treatment looms again. No words are able to describe how you must be feeling, having to start all over again.Get Tim to step up to the plate RIGHT NOW...he needs to be there for your support. OK I know he won't be much good, but its sure better than going it alone. Let us know as soon as you can how things went.

    Well, I got a 'sort of'' wedding invite today. My Gypsy wedding is coming up pretty soon. Brides father pops in to see me today, and announces that the wedding is on for a week on Tuesday. He told me where the ceremony will be, but wouldn't tell me where the reception strange... but, apparently this is how gypsies work !! I go to the church, then will be transported to the reception, and brought home again at night. All cloak and dagger !!  Its not as if I will be spilling the beans about the venue. If asked I will keep a secret. He said he had spent 'thousands' and had had to sell some of his horses to pay for it all. He gave me a tatty little piece of paper with the words 'Invited to a wedding' hand written across the top, and then it said Please come to Rose and Patricks wedding. Not a thing about where it would take place, nor what time...its all such a BIG secret !!!! The reputation for trouble at these do's is immense, bare knuckle fighting being top of the list, and food fights at the bottom, so that leaves pretty much anything else in between !! And, just WHAT do you buy for 2 young gypsy people ?? Oh, it will be a damned great hoot I am sure.

    I have my outfit, a pale dusky pink balloon skirt, and 2 jackets one white, one plum...can't decide which I will wear yet. I liked both jackets equally, so bought them both. They are exactly the same, and am half way to making my fascinator. Apparently all the gypsys go completely over the top, so whatever I wear will fade into the background. The weddings I have seen on TV , the ladies don't seem to wear hats, so am making a very subdued fascinator. I can always whip it off if I feel its stupid. Its mainly to try and hide my hair, its got a bit overgrown and I haven't time to get to the hairdressers. Its at the stage that its a bit too long to be called short hair, and a bit too short to look anything but a spikey mess if I try and put it up !! I need a good cut, and I have a 6 week wait to get an appointment with a good stylist ( with a 6 week price as well !!)

    DH called up today and wanted to know did I want him to come with me NO, I DO NOT, THANKYOU. I am going to enjoy this 'do' on my own !

    My little Yorkie is fading very fast. I don't think she will see the weekend. Suddenly took a turn for the worse today, and cannot stand up now. I am hand feeding her, not a lot, mainly drinks of milk, her favorite, to keep her hydrated. I won't be suprised if I find her dead in the morning. I hate  coming down and finding a dog dead, something that really upsets me. Also hate it when I lose a dog in Spring. Everything is so nice and green, and I have to go out and dig a grave. Doesn't seem so bad in winter in the pouring rain.

    Right, off to feed my puppies, have a shower and get to bed. We are having absolutely lovely weather, nice and warm and everything is green and new, and smells so nice. I have been standing in the garden 'talking' to my cows tonight. I was sat out having a drink, and they all came galloping up, hanging over the fence to get my attention. I have to go and talk to them or they'll weigh down on the fence and snap wood, and bend wire if they don't get attention.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - sounds like the wedding will be the event of the year!  Hope you have lots of fun and stay out of the fist fights. Wink  So sorry to hear about your little Yorkie.  Hope she does not suffer any as I know that will be really hard on you.  The mental picture of you and your pet cows makes me laugh!   You are a precious lady.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Isabella, you're planning on wearing a pale pink skirt and possibly a white jacket to a wedding where there is a good likelihood of a food fight????? Maybe you want to rethink that choice.

    Remember - this is a thread for older people with MORE sense.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Isabella, you may want to wear the plum jacket in the event of food fights!  lol

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, Cyborg--you're in my thoughts.  Went to my PS today and finally I don't have to come back for 6 weeks!!!!  That's the longest I've gone without a Dr. appt. in 2 years.  Also got two mastectomy bras compliments of the insurance company.  He said my back pain is referred pain from the front.  At any rate, whatever it is I'm not getting any x-ray or anything else at this point. 

    DH is doing well now and finally has his catheter out.  He's sitting out in the sun with the dog enjoying being catheter-free.  Oh the joys of old age!! Lynda

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lynda - so glad DH is doing better.  I know that makes things a little easier for you too.

    Marybe - where are you and what has the MDA dr. said?  Missing you my friend. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hello, all you great gals!  Trying to get ready for Easter around here, buying groceries and such, so I'm glad to sit down for a while.  Cyborg, sorry I didn't read last night about your procedure today, but sending hugs now.  Let us know how everything went, please.

    Lynda, glad your DH is better and catheter free!  I've never had one, but my dad lived with one for the last few months of his life and it was very difficult for him.  Also, yay for you and your first respite from doctor appts!

    Ginger, I LOVE the hair!  That was something else and gives me second thoughts.  I keep coloring mine because it's not gray, it's white.  And for a long time, I've been wanting to be done with the coloring.  Still wavering on it though.

    Isabella, we've all told you over and over you should just write a book.  Your writing is so descriptive and downright funny!  I can't wait to hear your tale after you have been to this gypsy wedding!  Now, I'll ask the question for all us gals here in the colonies---what is a fascinator?  I gather it's some kind of hat, but what? I'm so sorry about your little Yorkie, too.  No matter how many times we've been through it, it's always hard.  I sometimes think that if it weren't hard, we shouldn't have animals at all.  

    Marybe, please let us know how today went. We all love you!


  • Oh Isabella, I am so sad about the little dog....I hope she goes peacefully.   The wedding sounds like so much fun...I am pictures dancing around, drinking wine out of leather pouches (what are those things.  Botas?) and a big fire.  Wear the purple.

    Thank you for all your kind thoughts and hugs and prayers, Ladies.  I really don't know why I even went to see the onco again....Oh there has been some confusion and I don't know if it was the way I posted or what, but I did not go back to MDA.  I did go there several years ago and the onco I saw if just a super guy and always answers my emails right away and I have been asking his opinions on chemos and had my reports sent to him as I usually do, BUT I was not going back to see him..When I asked him if Xeloda would work on both my bone and liver mets, he said Absolutely.   It was my onco I went back to see today, with a list of questions and also info on both halaven and xeloda from the message boards.  He really did not listen too much to the good reports I had on Xeloda, but did say he feels sure that it is one of the ones I will be doing at sometime or other, just feels that havalen is the way to go now so that is what we are doing. I did at least get him to put off the starting date to a week from Wed. instead of starting next Wed.  I said what if, and it's pretty unlikely since this has never happened to me so far, but what if I really do have nausea and am puking, what am I supposed to do since they say not to bend from the waist down after my cataract surgery and he said well, I guess you would have a real problem there.  I asked is a week going to make that much difference and he said no, so we set the starting date up as May 4, for my lst treatment, and then I will get it again on the 11th and be off the next week and then it will follow the same pattern. two weeks in a row and then off.  I asked when we will find out if it's working and he said we will be able to tell after 6 weeks and I asked how and he says with the tumor markers, if they go down it's working!!!  With my tumor markers....the same markers we have watched go up up up to 2,177 and he is saying the entire time they aren't that accurate, don't worry about them!   I just don't get it.  Oh and when I asked about waiting he said as long as you don't wait too long because the cancer is not going to wait.  Doctors!!  Don't ya just love them.  I asked Tim what he thought and he said well, he made sense with what he said and he seems to know his chemo treatments.  If he was surprised to see me back so soon, he didn't show it.  I said you asked me if my husband knows what is going on so I brought him with me so he will. He did say today that he is not sure I will get fatigue and bad side effects and that he knows I like to work and that it is probably good for me, but he said he just thinks I should maybe look further into the disability since it is time for me to start looking out for me and not the job so much.  His wife is a hygienist, but she doesn't work.....then again I am sure she doesn't need to.  And I don't really need to, I just want to.  So we shall see and hopefully it will work and I won't feel too bad.  Another good thing about waiting til the 4th, for sure I will have hair for the wedding I am going to on the 7th.  One woman on the Haloven thread said she was totally bald in 8 days....Wow.  I didn't even start losing any hair on abraxane until 29 days.  Anyway, I am getting a haircut next Tues evening before some of the gals and I go to see a play at the local playhouse so I guess that will be my last haircut for awhile. 

    Thanks for the offer AmyJo, but I think since my cancer is systemic the rad seeds to the liver would not work for me.

    Thanks again to all of you for your warm support....I am really lucky to have so many friends....wish the ones around here would quit calling, but I know it is just because they want to know what is going on.  The dentist I work for and his staff got me a really nice card and I found it stuck in my purse when I was looking for my keys when I left the onco's office.  He wrote they love me even if I do have memory issues...I NEVER leave the office without forgetting my cell phone or keys or something. 

    Well, Tomorrow I have to be at the hospital at 5 AM so I am turning in early.  Good Night All.