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For Older People with Sense



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, I was kind of figuring that with your FIL, you must have been too, right? My prayers for you all during this very painful time...Godspeed and God Bless your FIL.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Barbe, yeah, you are right, my mind went that way as soon as I heard that it was advanced but it's a hard thing to tell the DH as his relationship with his dad has not always been easy.  We know that he will be blessed as he spent a lot of his life as a Presbyterian Minister and a very good one.  Overall, a very caring man.  Thanks once again for your thoughts and prayers.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, my prayers are with you and your family.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy, add my prayers for you and your family. {{{ CB }}}

    Mazie and Barb, you too! Hope all goes well for you both this week.

    BarbA if you're still here - you might consider an ice pack to use for the first hour or so after the mammo... I wish I had thought to bring one, but 'old too soon, smart too late....'

    Best to all,

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, I hope your FIL's remaining time is pain-free and as easy as such a time can be.

    I'm glad your DD has her surgery soon, and hope all goes smoothly this time.

    Barbe, I'm joining Chrissy in wishing you luck for your surgical procedure. Um, I think I missed something since I don't remember what it was or when.....

    BarbaraA, you should be having your mammo about now. Best of luck - I hope the results are boring.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    They are going into my bladder with a scope. There is something desperately wrong in my pelvic area. I am not nauseous, but in extreme pain. We can only think bladder or ovary as my kidneys are unusually high up my back and if stomach or appendix was involved I'd be vomitting. The pain has broken through all my narcotics which has brought this issue up to the forefront. My urologist thinks my meds have masked a problem until now.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Barbe, extra special hugs, prayers and best wishes. Not knowing the cause adds another dimension and level to pain, I think.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Sorry barbe, gentle hugs.   You have more than your share of issues.   Hugs for all others also, a smily face and blessings for a good day and rest of the week.    Nancy

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Barbe, gentle hugs from me too.

    Chrissy, sorry about your FIL.

    Also, love the pictures!  I think I might see if I can copy and put it as my wallpaper on my computer (is that what they call it?)

    Thank you for all your kind thoughts for this Thursday.  I don't think anything will happen until the appt May 5.  Gee, I hope that doesn't mean another colonoscopy (not sure how to spell it)


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Barbe, I hope whatever is wrong is not too serious and easily fixable.

    Sending love.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, so sorry you are dealing with pain. That really stinks.

    ALL CLEAR!! Whew. Thanks for the well wishes gals. I am able to breathe now for another 6 months.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbara - so glad you got the all clear and can relax a little now.

    Chrissy - so sorry about your FIL. Sending you lots of hug and prayers for you and your whole family.  This will be a rough time for everyone.

    Hope everyone else has great success with their upcoming surgerys and tests.  Know that I am praying for you all. 

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Barbe, sorry to hear about your pain. Praying for relief and a simple solution to the problem. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe and Chrissy, hugs to you both at this difficult time.  Things are calming down here at Vicodin central.  My DH can pee, and my sciatica is improving.  Still have the upper back pain which I now think is post-mastectomy-pain-syndrome.  The PS told me it was referred pain from having so many nerves cut.  Going to PT tomorrow.  Really being careful with the narcotics, not because I'm afraid of being addicted but because I really want to be able to poop.  Sorry--too much info I'm sure.  Love to all; it's my nap and chocolate time.  Dragon

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    I was scoped in my bladder and it isn't fun but it will give the docs and you some answers.

    BarbaraA good newS re your 6 month check up

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Cyborg, was it really that bad? The anesthetist said he was worried about controlling my pain afterwards as I am so used to narcotics! What did they find with yours????

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Duh on me! The hospital just called me because I hadn't called them to find out about the time to be there TOMORROW!! I said NO! it's not until the 27th. She was able to assure me that tomorrow was the 27th!! So I'll accept your good wishes one day early please! Embarassed
  • Momlee
    Momlee Member Posts: 1

    Is there anyone out there who has gone thru xeloda treatment?  It's a form of chemo and at 74 I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the side effects.  I was diagnosed last July and have been taking zometa and herceptin infusions.  Just had breast surgery to clean out an ulserated area and remove 14 lymphnodes.  Didn't ask any questions but lost half my breast.  I'm trying to stay positive but after the pet scan I took last week things are getting worse. Pain meds are helpful to get me thru the day and have been totally independent.  I haven't heard about this xeloda and was told for this prescription the cost is $3,000+.  If I didn't have medicare and bluecross I'd be broke in no time.  If you did experience this treatment please get back to me.  Thanks

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    If you are able take something to help I check out of your head. They shot litocaine and some kind of fluid into my bladder and then scoped me. A little uncomfortable. Afterward I had some urethral cramping. Filled my script of vicodin but ended up not taking it. Wished I had taken something for my head (emotionally) before bit I didn't. My scope was an emergency on the spot deal

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Cont. And the dr said that cause I was already in pain it would be more painful for me. He also said that if I had ever gone through labor that the scope would not have hurt ( in comparison?). I definately wax glad I had a ride home cause of the cramping. Other people may have experienced this differently.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe, my DH has had a bunch of those bladder scopes for bladder CA.  He always takes vicodin before and some later on for cramping.  Don't hesitate to take an anti anxiety pill--that also helps the muscles to relax.  Thinking about you.  Momlee and Cyborg, hugs to you.  Dragon

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barbe...thinking about you for 27th. It IS the 27th here, just after midnight. I wish for you a pain free experience ...Ha.

    Chrissy sorry about your least your DD will be getting some help soon. I am following her progress with interest.

    Welcome Momlee...don't have any experience of xeloda, but someone will surely be able to help you. There are other topics dealing specifically with chemo, and various treatments. Try the Forum Index right at the top of this page, on the left. If I go off and start looking exactly what might help you I will lose all my post !! Just a warning, if you are in the middle of a post, and want to pop back a page or two to check something you will come back to find your post has vanished. When you have gotten some ideas about your chemo come back and chat to us.

    Barb, scanxiety is the worst...but at least you get them. Over here we just get some young doc feel us up each year. We are told scans are totally unnecessary unless there are signs of trouble...they omit to say it could be a bit late by then. Actually, I would have been signed off completely 3 years ago if I weren't on Arimidex ! I am coming up to 8 years out in a fortnight. I was going thru' some old papers yesterday, and came across the dreaded 'Please make an appointment to see us, unfortunately your mammo wasn't too clear, and we need to re-do it. Don't worry at all, it will more than likely be nothing at all' letter... made my blood run cold.


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Isabella, there is a lot of debate in the medical community about scans for women Stage 0-3 following active treatment. Some docs do them, others don't. Apparently the prognosis for long-term survival in Stage IV is unchanged if no scans are done until there are symptoms.

    My onc had said that my protocol would be yearly mammo & U/S plus blood tests and exam by him every 3-4 months while on tamox/AI. He's concerned about the amount of radiation in repeat scans for years.

    So here comes the ironic part. I completely agreed with him about limiting the radiation exposure and knew that the statistics backed up what he said about the scans not changing prognosis. So I was scheduled for prophy mast on the non-cancer side plus  bilat DIEP. As lead-up to the surgery I was sent for a breast MRI and a PET/CT scan. So the mets were found then(one lesion in my sacrum).

    How do I feel about it now? Actually I'm not sure. I was already having a little bit of soreness/achiness in that part of my back so it was only a matter of not too much time before it would have been painful enough for me to do something. So - on the one hand I'm glad we found it when we did. On the other hand, it probably didn't really make any difference since in all likelihood pain would have sent me for a scan only a few months later.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Barbe and Mazie, my prayers are with you both for tomorrow and Thursday.  Prayers also for Mareike and your whole family, Chrissy.  I'm so sorry about your FIL.

    Barbara, thanks for posting those incredible photos Lisa takes.  She has such a gift.

    We're keeping GS again, and I shall soon go lie down.  I wonder if there's anything as exhausting as keeping up with a two-year-old! 


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Barbe: you've gotten really good advise ie:meds pre scope. ive been scoped many times, and i didn't find the pain as bad as some of the fibro ms pain, so i think you'll be covered with your meds. they did add a muscle relaxant shot in the room, that helps with the cramping.. i will be praying for you, girlfriend. maybe they;ll find out whats going on, now...  

        Chrissy; im praying for your family. im so sorry that its come to that with your FIL.. can't be easy for your DH.. where is your FIL located?? ill be praying for that trip. mine with my dad, near the end, was a wonderful closure.  but, its so very hard...  prayers all round ...     3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks for the advice ladies, I think the muscle relaxant is a good idea. The weird thing is I'm allowed to take my own pain meds while I'm waiting for the procedure! The anaesthetist wrote in my chart for the nurses to allow me to take my Oxycontin IRs (instant release). Wouldn't you think that they would want to be the ones giving me the drugs?

    I'm ready to get this done and am glad it's happening a whole day earlier!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Barbe; they do the same for me in the hospital... make sure you can take an anti anxiety before you go to the hospital. that'll keep the b.p down for "white coat anxiety..

        they don't even have the insulin i take in the hosp. here, so it comes with, also. i think its better. switching,  like hosp pharmacies do isn't good... am praying all goes well...     3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, just popping to keep you updated.  Marieke is in surgery as I type (I've hijacked her computer) and I will be glad when she makes it back to the room.  

    Had a sad phone call from BIL about 1.00pm this afternoon to tell us that FIL had just passed.  A bit of a shock as we thought we had a few more days but that wasn't to be.  I did manage to get DH and DD1 on a flight first thing in the morning but it will be for a funeral and not a face to face.  These things happen and it's not for us to question.........for everything there is a reason even if we do not understand it. 

    Please forgive me if my visits are spasmodic for a while but I'm sure most of you know how I am feeling at the moment.  Once agin thank you for your kind thoughts and your prayers they are much appreciated.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Barbe I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Those antianxiety meds are good things.

    Chrissy sorry you are going though so much all at one time.



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    im sorry i missed you, Chrissy.. so sorry about your FIL..when it rains it pours.. my prayers continue with you all. hope your DD will be feeling better soon...     3jays