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For Older People with Sense



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - so sorry you family is acting so hateful and selfish.  Hope you can get some rest and at least enjoy being with your puppies.  Sending hugs and prayer to you.

    Chrissy - Sorry you DD is having so much pain, but glad you are able to go be with her.  Praying for her and your FIL.  When is rains it pours, but even flood waters soon go down.  Just keep breathing and know we are all sending lots of hugs and prayers. 

    Isabella - so sorry your fibro is acting up, but you take care of yourself and get some rest. Sending hugs and prayers to you too.

    Hope everyone has a blessed Easter. Shalom 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Chrissy, I'm sorry about your DD's pain and hope your presence will help.  Things seem to get better when Mama is there and I hope that will be the case.  And sorry about your FIL too.  I liked what Amyjo said about flood waters soon going down.  You have so much to cope with now--sending hugs to you, and you're in my prayers. 

    Isabella, sorry about the fibro and the hot flashes, and hope you'll be able to get some rest.  You always have so much to do with all your animals, both livestock and domestic, and you're a wonder to keep it up like you do.  I'm getting excited about the gypsy wedding!

     3jays, hope you and Murray have a peaceable Easter/Passover and that everybody calms down soon.

    I've been cooking all day and am worn out now, so I'm calling it an early night.  May everyone have a blessed Easter and Passover.


  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Happy holidays and Sunday to all.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I just wanted to stop by quickly on my way to bed to tell everyone how much I appreciate them & I hope you have a peaceful, beautiful Sunday.

    You are always in my prayers.

    Love & hugs to everyone.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Love to you all this blessed weekend.

    Plum jacket Isabella!!!

    I am having a surgical procedure on my bladder on Thursday and was taken off my Arthrotec for the week prior to surgery!! YIKES!!! Just have narcotics to get me through....sigh. Can you say consitpation? Cry

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi all, sure seems different being on European time...Now I know what Isabella faces

    don't have a clue about our down under friends, but so happy we can all come together

    at BCO, thinking of you Barbe and everyone. I have to wait til I get home on the 5th of May

    to read little on line time ...hugs all around..

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good to hear from you Lisa! We are all enjoying Holland thanks to you...keep up the good work.

  • HAPPY EASTER everyone....hope the bunny brings us all lots of chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and matzo(sp) ...did I cover all the bases?    I will be thinking of you on Thurs, Barbe. 

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    Hoping this day is a bright, sunny one for all of you.  Enjoy your families, friends and the day!

    take good care


  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Just wanted to wish all who celebrate today a Happy Easter!  For everyone, it's good to celebrate another day and I am fortunate today that it is bright and sunny here in PA and 3 of my 4 daughters will be here for dinner.  I love ham cause it's so easy to just heat and serve.  
    I had a crappy Friday that I'll fill everyone in on after the holiday since I need your expertise.

    Marybe, I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this or not but I had a lesion on my skull also.  It was on the skull (bone) not brain.  I also had one that wasn't attached to anything on the back of my head (lump) taken off right before Christmas.  I think the one on my skull has disappeared since starting on Herceptin for me. 


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe--hope the surgery goes well.  Hate  those narcotics for exactly the same reason as you!  3jays--hope you can have a peaceful day without all the disruption.  You certainly deserve one. 

    Happy Easter/Passover to all.  My daughter is cooking today; that means I DON"T HAVE TO COOK!  Kids will color eggs and go on an egg hunt and generally run all over the house.  Don't you remember when you were a kid and could run all over the house on holidays?  We used to hide and play cards until the preacher came to visit and then they had to be put away pronto.  No preacher coming today, just love and more of it.

    XOXO to all, Dragon

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Happy Easter, Hugs and Blessings, Nancy

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Happy Easter to all....tho' not religious at all, so just be happy !!

    Had a very quiet day today, took me to my bed, it was a beautiful day, I felt very guilty, so I got up again in 3 hours.

    I collected together all the plants I had bought and did most of my hanging baskets and now begins the evening ritual of watering the darned things ! I moan at this chore, but am compensated by the fact that when the baskets and tubs are in full bloom they transform the house. It always looks so bare in winter. Having just nicely had the house walls painted white, (I try and do it every 2/3 years )I have planted 6 more climbers around the base,Virginia Creeper, the variety with very small leaves. It will take them a few years to climb up and cover the walls, but the beautiful autumn colours will be worth it. I put 3 in last year, they are now 2' high, and sprouting away like mad.These last 6 plants have a long way to climb, as the house is 3 storys high where they have been planted.

    I am starting to look for my next building project, always like to have something going on....can't decide what to do !! I have a lovely old 3 bay stone built barn, just standing there, quite big...about  30yards x 15 yards, 2 storys high. I don't expect to get planning consent to alter it in any way, on the outside, but can do as I like inside. We are supposed to get permission to build anything extra, but there is a way around this. You just go ahead and build, and if you can keep it away from the planning people for 4 years then they can't touch you. I use the second option ! ...but.... don't do any exterior changes, so's not to draw attention to myself ! An old barn looks like an old barn looks like an old barn !! All anyone ever sees is a new roof going on, and that's no great attention thing. A local farmer built this way, but covered the whole exterior of the barn/house he was LIVING in, with big bales of straw (it must have been pitch black inside ) Unfortunately he was too near to a busy road, and someone saw what he had done, so he was made to pull the whole lot down ! Oh, we can have lots of fun and games with our planning department !!! They have absolutely NO idea of when a building was changed into something else anyway, so its very easy to fox them with the wrong dates. As the barn I'm interested in at the moment is joined on to the house I will be able to knock thru' and add to the footprint of the original house ( wherever that might be, it changes shape every 2/3 years!! ) Anyway, no harm in starting to think what to do , can't do a lot until I am clear from my hospital op ( if ever ) so it will more than likely be this next winter.

    My latest project was finished this week, had most of the interior doors changed. They look nice now, they all match at long last !! Now all I have to do is paint the things. At the moment I can't bend enough to do this, plus the nice weather must be taken advantage of. We very rarely get long stretches of good weather, and there's sure to be some cold rainy stuff not too far off, so will make a start painting doors when I can't get outside. Can't do a lot of gardening at the moment, but I can sit out in the sun and read, and watch the weeds grow !

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    its so nice to sit here, and "catch up" with you ladies.. im sure i'll miss some of you, so forgive ahead of time, ok...

        for me, it was a strange day. all my well laid plans, of course, changed, and my body wasn't cooperating in the least!

        so, as it ends up: jay #2 in rehab DID have visitation today, so i snuggled with the two furbabies most of yesterday...

       Jay#1 and i had a row early on last night.. he asked us to come in the early morning for Easter brkfst.. i dont go to bed usuallly till 5-6am, so i said no, we'll do monday or tues.. he yelled, made a fuss, and we finally agreed to dinner at 5:$% on Easter..

       on the way there, DIL calls, says she'll open the door...jays' gone, kids asleep.. so, when we get there, we bring in the baskets, and try to leave. as we're walking out, she gets Fischer up from his nap(hes' crying, ) he's been partying for the wkend.. and Jay comes in with food from BarB Que place...

        so, mur went outside, brought the food i TOLD them we were bringing.. Ceasar Salad, as per Jay, whos on a diet(???)

        it was an awful mess; and we left very shortly thereafter.

       for sure, we're NOT doing holidays this way!!

       its gonna be a bear trying to figure it out, but we

    will change our part in it...

        they had already eaten Easter Dinner at her mothers bff's "cause her family isn't close" WTH!!!

        my DILs comment.. ive always gott BSAIT she's throwing out.. we call it "chummin" when we fish. now, i just gotta be smart, and not bite any of it.

         i don't know whats flown up her skirt, we've always got along... i just need to not bite.. thats' hard for me, but an old dog CAN learn new tricks, im finding out...

       i hope everyine had a Blessed and Happy Easter. i went to church on TV; in texas, the minute maid stadium. and then , to sleep for awhike. def. enjoyed it. not some preacher i watch that often. had an Easter extravaganza...

       we had a last sedar visit with Murs parents sat. so all got taken care of.

       talking about taking care of, Isabella, i just don't know HOW you do all that you do! im so glad you got some rest tonight... but, the flowers you planted sound absolutely lovely. we plan on planting next wkend.. same thing, they'll be trailing up by next year. saw some lovely climbing roses to out in the back of the shade house here. we have so little space "allowed" you;d go mad for sure!!!

       Chrissy, i hope your Easter at the hospital went well!and that Mariekke will be in surgery forthright to fix her up!! i miss my mom, im sure its' a wonderful thing to have you at her side!!

       one more year: one more holiday WE SURVIVED!!!   Marybe.. did you find the chocalate you were after?    right.. back to the book im reading. hands are too sore for typing tonight...    3jays  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    3jays, glad you can manage to NOT let her bait you.

    Isabella, you must get GS to show you how to upload pictures to Facebook, then youo can copy them and paste them here. Love to see your farm and the flowers.

    Hugs back at you Nancy!

    Marianne, hugs for you, too. We are happy to help in anyway.

    Dragon, glad you didn't hace to cook and Tek - bigs hugs for you,too gal!

    Marybe, I hope you are recovering from the surgery OK.

    Barbe - will be holding your hand on Thursday.

    Kathy, AmyJo, Val, Alyson, Lisa and Cyborg - bigs hugs for you gals, too.

    OK, as I predicted, scanxiety creeps in. One year Mammo at 10 AM tomorrow. UGH!

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    I am hoping that everyone had a great Easter!

    I've been spending time on the internet (I don't know why I keep doing that) looking up the latest malady I could have.  I had a upper GI on Friday and they found that my small intestin is abnormal with edema throughout.  Of course, I had to do this to myself two days before Easter but today, made an appt. with a gastro dr. to find out what this might be.  I wanted the test done to see if I could find out why I had those two episodes of 4 day vomiting so I can only blame myself.  I go to the gastro dr on 5/5 but will be with my onc this Thursday and am taking the CD with me for the rad dr at Hopkins to look at.  I'm hoping it's just something to do with old age and nothing else. 

    BarbaraA thank you for the hugs. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Maizie, good luck on Thursday to you too! Smart to have the CD for them to look at, but it might not mean anything to them, whereas the doct at your appointment May 5th should be able to look at it and tell you what's goin on. Ain't it great growing old???

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Mazie--thinking about you on Thurs.  Hoping all is well.  Hope all had a happy Easter.  Ours was good, with much chocolate and other good foods and wild children running.  Dragon

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    More Lisa pix.

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    how incredibly beautiful

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    As usual, our Lisa manages to capture just perfect pictures.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barb - Thanks for posting all of Lisa's pictures.  They are beautiful.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Barbara, thanks for posting the pictures.

    Barbe, you're right about  the growing old. It's one of those "great - sigh" kind of things. But - consider  the alternative!

    Leah (who wants to grow VERY VERYold)

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    When I grow up, I want to be an old woman.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Beautiful tulip pictures!  Wish I was there...Dragon

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Great tulip photos. I love the blue in front of the yellow. So beautiful!

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192


    YES. Me too.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Me, too, Leah, L_C and Cyborg. I wanna be OLD, too.

    2 hours to 1 year mammo. Frown

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, hope your Easter break was a good one.

    Good luck Barb with your mamo, hope the news is all clear!

    3jays, take care of your self and just sit back and relax.  Books are good! Families can be a pain but overall they can also bring the greatest blessings.

    Good luck Barbe with your surgical procedure, hope all goes well and recovery is fast!

    Mazie, hope all goes well with you at your appt. on Thursday and you get the answers you need.

    Lisa, what can I say but beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!  You have captures the true essence of what you see.

    Lost Creek, I just love your comment on growing up!

    Isabella, I like the idea of your purple jacket and I can just imagine the fascinator that you have made.  Do try to get a photo so we can all share the day.....have loads of fun!!!

    You will be pleased to hear that Mareike finally is scheduled for surgery at 6.00pm tomorrow evening.......all I can say is YAY!!!! It's about time!  She has been kept very well under the influence of morphine since Thursday last and the last two days it has caused her to be nauseous and very groggy aside from the usual constipation caused by this drug.  She has slept most of the time which of course has meant that she has felt no pain but we are of like mind about the surgery and she is counting down the hours!

    Not good news regarding FIL.  SIL rang late today to say that he is back in hospital for pain management and the consensus from the medical staff is that he will stay there until the end which will be sooner rather than later according to them.  I will be on the phone tomorrow booking a flight for DH so he can go and say goodbye.  God I hate this disease!!!  The only merciful thing is that he is not terribly aware.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs to all.   Chrissy