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For Older People with Sense



  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Thanks guys for thinking of me. Well, today wAs uneventful. My gyno said he hadn't reviews my ultrasound tape/video/disc bit had read the report . He said that he would read the disc with the radiologist. Doc tried tofeel mass with his fingers. Couldn't find it. Ordered another ultrasound. Like is it going to go away!!!!!? And then said he would order the ultrasound for next Tuesday and then I will see the doc again next Friday. Are they kidding. Sets me out another week from chemo. I would have thoight that since this was an unusual thing having a mass in the wall of my vagina that he would have done some homework So another call to the insurance company. The local docs just are dragging their feet!!!!!!!agh!

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Thinking of you Marybe

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Good evening ladies - so much news I can barely keep up. CRS in full bloom.

    3Jays, congratulations on 2 years! Your spirit & spunk have been an inspiration to many.

    Marybe, good luck tomorrow; and in the days, months, and YEARS to come. Blessings on you.

    Isabella, so sorry about your dog; my condolences. Wear the plum. Aren't fascinators small hats with feathers & fluff & maybe a bit of netting about the face?

    I think we missed welcoming a new lady JudyLynn, yesterday... so if you're still here Judy, welcome... as you see, our sense is all relative, and we have been anxious to get Marybe's results, and to vicariously see Europe through Lisa's eyes, so we might have missed you... Anyway, we're here, in the club no one wants to join, and I'm sure you'll find other threads on BCO that will catch your interest.

    Lynn, glad about your DH.

    ChrissyB, your Easter sounds like a Norman Rockwell painting.

    BarbA thanks again for posting Lisa's pix. I'll be thinking of you next Tues. Next mammo, I'm bringing an ice pack with me for afterwards!

    Amyjo, I hope your community is recovering from the devastation.

    Cyborg; hope all's going well with you.

    QCA, you have a gift for finding the right thing to say.

    Annettek, how are you? do you have test results?

    Best wishes to all -

    It is a blessed time of year. Renewal, hope, cleansing.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh my, how things can change in the blink of an eye.  I had a phone call from Mareike's  (DD2) BF late last night to tell me that she is had just been re-admitted to hospital as she was in excruciating pain.  Not good!......the docs in the ER did a CT and found that the fragment of disc that was left as a cushion has moved and is now pressing on the nerve again.  News is that she now has to have the op all over again and of course it is Easter Friday here so she may not be able to get that done until Wednesday next week..........ugh!!!!.....hopefully, the surgeon can round up enough theatre staff to get it done ASAP.  The only good thing is, the pain can now be controlled.  I'm sitting waiting to hear if she wants me to go down to her and if so when.......oh I hate being in limbo.  I guess the house won't be full after all. 

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    I hope your daughter feels better soon

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    wow!!!ive had a bad today, and up most of last night, so just getting on now..

       First. Chrissy, im so sorry about Marrike's having to do surgery over!!! i hope they can round drs up; but, at least her pain will be controlled. sorry your Easter is not going to be as planned... will you go back out? i know its' selfish, but i sure do miss you, girl!! sending the best Easter wishes to all your beloved family..

        that goes for all of you, as well. Marybe, i will have you esp in my prayers tommorrow for your surgery. i have heard good things about halaven. don't make any decisions about work, till your'e on your way thru the chemo. i know it saves your mind, having work to go to; but; we gotta get those tumor markers down!!concentrate on feeling better, my friend...

      all the others, cyborg, lynda.. your in my thoughts and prayer. glad your DH is cath free, Lynda. thats' a gigsntic pain, had to do it for awhile, and hated every minute!!!

        yeas, Stanzie, no reflexes!!but, i have travelling patellas from the MS.. since he's confused as to what stage i am, he's in denial of that, also. enough that he didn't even want to look at my knees, till he does his tests..

         one question he had was if my thyroid isn't causing some of the havoc im experiencing, so, i'll know that when the blood results come in; or, in 6 weeks. when you start with a new dr., ya just don't know how they work.. i know most of my neuros' were very "distant" and ive not liked them. the one i did, no longer takes my ins. and i can't afford them w/out it, thats' for real!!!

       Isabella, there's quite a stir here for the royal wedding, so i've recently learned what a fascinator is.. let us know how it all works out. i agree, the purple will be the most colorful; ans it seems that would be suiting for a gypsy wedding.. they are a strange group of ple; but, fascinating...and loyal, if they like you!!!

        im in a funk the last week or so. added to my neoepinephine, hoping to pick up my energy, and mood. all ive accomplished is making the hot flashes worse!!!hahaha

          anyway, Mur was a dear: brought enough flowers we thought a funeral was here!!! cut flowers, and 2 rose bushes, the climbing tyoe, which i love... and a very new calladium, the colors ive never seen.

        we did nothing for our anniversary, ate cereal at 10 pm; both of us are worn out. im sure, if we find somewhere we want to go to, we will this wkend...

         yesterday, technically, bc of the time, was Maunday thursday; and its; a day of fasting and prayer for me, so it was odd, since our anniversary fell then, also.

       today being good friday, we haven't made our minds up what we're doing, either... his being Jewish, me being christian makes for strange times this time of the year.

          i had hoped for an invite to spend Easter with my son and GKids, but it doesn't look like it'll be forthcoming. i don't know why i even look for it, as ive only spent one year with them... years ago, when Fish was born.. he's a strange little fellow, my oldest Jay...

         we are gooing to see my jay #2 in rehab; sat.. so i will be bringing meat lasagna; his request, with some garlic rolls. so, on sunday, we'll chill out.

        tonight, at the church i go to most reg.; they had a combination sedar; communion, and i chose NOT to go... they messed about so much with the sedar part of it last year; i felt it was an insult to my husbands beliefs. it didn't upset him, but it did me. so i chose not to participate this year...

        so, everything continues to be in flux for me, my one thought is to bathe all you wonderful ladies in the Easter love, to remember WHY there is n Easter!!!

       you really do replace the dissappointment of my own family, for me. thanks for that!      3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks 3jays, still waiting to her what she wants me to do and when.  I have a feeling that I will be heading back to the city tomorrow but as yet not's just a feeling.  If I don't hear from her shortly I wil take the initiative and ring her.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella, so sorry your yorkie is fading. Hugs. I know you will have a great time at the wedding. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  • I'm back from surgery and all went well.....had a nurse who found a vein the very lst time, but I could tell I had her nervous telling her about my veins....she started to use my wrist and I said Oh, you aren't going to use my wrist are you? and she asked why and I said well, I knew someone who had problems there so she did one right in the bend of my arm and Bingo, all was good.  The surgery was sort of watching a psychedelic movie....they only sedate you since you have to move your eye to help and I had to take a tylenol after because those bright lights actually gave me a little headache and I never get headaches.  She asked on a scale of 1 to 10 and I said oh, it's probably only a two.  And now it is better.  I only have to wear the patch when I sleep and they gave me some new drops to use along with the ones I had to used the week before and I go to his office tomorrow to have the eye checked.  Things are still a little blurry and it itches, but no pain at all.  Then next week, I will get the other one done.  My friend's husband came to get me so I took him to breakfast....she is always volunteering him for things since he is retired and she will say things like Oh, Don can do it...poor guy.  I had Cincinnati Chii because I was hungry,  A three way...that is chili, spaghetti and cheese for those of you who don't know it....4 way has onion and 3 way beans.

    Cyborg,  Waiting is the pits.  Hope all goes well

    Oh Chrissy, that is terrible about your daughter.

    I am tired so am not going to go back and read the previous page so sorry if I missed anything.  Thanks for all your really is easier going through these things when we have so much supports.  I am going to take a nap now before my father gets here. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Marybe, so glad to hear that you are home and everything has gone well with the surgery.  It's quite amazing how quickly the eye heals.  Have a good rest and enjoy the time with your dad.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella, im so sorry about your yorkie: has she gone onto the rainbow bridge; or are you still tending to her? its' so hearbreaking, but they do know its' us, and trust us, till the end..     3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, so sorry about the little dog.  That was the most difficult loss of my life when mine died.  Marybe, so glad your nurse found a vein!  That's one of my biggest issues as I used to be an IV nurse.  I'm sure the nurses hate to see me coming because I always tell them what to do.

    Okay, here's the funny story of the day:  went to PS yesterday (the one who's name is unofficially Mr. Spock).  I asked him about lifting restrictions.  He asked me what I wanted to lift and I told him my dog, 15 lbs.  Then he asked me with a perfectly straight face why I would want to lift my dog!!!  The first answer that came out was "Because he's my baby!!"  He looked at me like I was an absolute nut case.  Does this guy need help or what!   He looks to me like a man who badly needs a dog!  Don't have to see him now for 6 weeks; whew...

    Superficial news alert:  I got 2 mastectomy bras and now have 2 bras that are actually comfortable.  Boy BC women reallly know how to design bras.  Next week going to PT for my aching back...

    DH is happy again and playing outdoors.  He took the lawnmower apart--always a good sign.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all.

    Ate far too many hot cross buns yesterday, never mind they will get finished today. Went to Church in the morning - Good Friday is a holiday here as is Monday. It was a lovely quiet reflective service. Really refreshing.

    Afterwards went to see DD2 and family. We had been called out the night before as they were taking baby GS to the hospital. He had a cyst on his chest turned out to be a milk cyst under the nipple but while examining him it was discovered he has a bit of a heart murmur. So now he will have to see the pediatric cardiologist in a couple of weeks. He will probably grow out of it.

    Other wise very quiet day other than buns and coffee.

    Tomorrow we are having the family for luch and I have made a shoo fly pie, hope its OK

    Must go and get another cup of tea.

    Big hugs to all. Hope all is well with your daughter Chrissy and that you get a good rest Marybe.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Oh my gosh this turned out huge--this is a princess Irene tulip.  Finally in bloom!  Happy Easter.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    What a beautiful lady, Dragon.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Dragon, what a lovely tulip. I have made a note of its name, and will look out for it this autumn when buying bulbs. My tulips are JUST at their peak this week, next week will see them start to drop I am sure. I haven't got very many yellow ones, I mainly have reds and pinks. Come autumn and I will never remember what colour I need to buy !!

    Kathy, a fascinator is a smallish 'headpiece' for want of a better description. just a bit of net, a few feathers, or a flower, all stitched onto a haircomb or an alice band. I asked my gypsy friend, Elvis, if any of the ladies would be wearing hats. Silly question for a man really !! He had no idea at all, so I am only making a small fascinator so I won't stand out if no-one else is wearing anything on their heads.

    Alyson. I've also got some hot cross buns. I love them, but they'll vanish as soon as the G/children arrive. Sorry about your G/son. Hope the problem will resolve . I know its not the same, but sometimes I get a puppy with a small hole in its heart, and by about 8/9 months it will have closed up on its own. Other than that how's he doing, and has there been any jealousy problems with Bea?  The oldest of my G/sons is called Benjamin...and he ALWAYS gets Bee. He has it embroidered on his works Tshirts and overalls. No-one has ever called him his full name at all. I don't like the name, never have. Even DD says she wished she hadn't called him it all those years ago...he is 22. I love the name Bee. I try and pick out birthday cards with a bee on, and if I can't find one I draw one on the card.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Dragon, The tulip is georgous.  Our tulips probably won't bloom for another week or so.  I'll try to get some pictures to post when they bloom.

    Alyson - hope everything goes fine with your GS.  I had a hole in the inner wall of my heart when I was born, but by the time I was 7 it had closed up on its own completely.  

    Hope everyone has a blessed Easter weekend. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    dragon>>>a beautiful tulip to us for Easter!!!thanks.....Alyson, i hope GS heart will heal on its on, as they mostly do.. will say prayers ...Isabella, what color is the fascintor?? did ya make a georgeous fushia one to match the skirt? i think it would do nicely!!!      Lots of Ruckus here again. i shouldv'e known ... went to lunch with DIL and the munchkins, but we she decided to dredge up each and every holiday; and of course, this past christmas was such a mess!!! threats were made on both our sides. i don't know how it will sort itself out. we were "UN" invited for Easter, don't you know her family will be here, unexpectedly, and Murs at his parents... so, the dear kids (dogs) and i will be watching tv that day... im poed, but will have to get over it. not exactly the Norman Rockwell /easter i might dream of {{{sigh}}} it is what it is. am not sure where i'll be going with this, but a move has to be made my me , to stick up for myself, or i will go mad!!!!

       im making meat lasagna to bring to Jay #2 in rehab tonight, so don't know if i'll be back tonight.. ptobably, though... later   3jays

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Dragon ! That tulip is fantAstic!

    Hope you are having a good time of it Marybe.

    All of you girls are wonderful.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Dragon, what an eye catching tulip!  Stunning color and thanks for sharing.

    Mareike (DD2) called this morning and I'm back off to the city in the morning.  She has requested my presence at her hospital bed so the whole family will be in her room celebrating Easter together and of course she has asked that I bring home made lasagne for lunch and the chocolate treats that I made for afters.  Don't know what the hospital staff will think and I don't really care but they are so lovely, they will probably want to join  She is having such a hard time getting the pain under control and they are really giving her a few different combinations in the hope that they can get the level down and they are, just not enough.  I really hate hearing her cry on the phone, it just breaks my heart. I know she is a grown woman, but she is still my baby no matter how old she is and I just want her hurt to go away. 

     Sorry girls, just a bit down today as I also got a call from my SIL whom I'm very close to (a 30 year survivor) to tell us that my DH's father who has altzheimers has just been Dx'd with advanced stomach cancer.  It never rains but it pours................deep breaths, let it all out.

    Hope you all have a truly blessed Easter, Passover holiday.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Dragon..luv that story. Some docs just lack that compassion for animal thing LOL. I hav a 11 lb poodle and I would probly lift him no matter what just cause he needs my loving and is spolied rotten. LOL.

    Chrissy, I'll keep you dd2 in my prayers. That is such an unreal pain.

    3jays..I'm so sorry bout ur DIL. People who UNinvite you do not cherish family much. I'm glad u will have someone to watch tv with.

    I am making Easter dinner here tomorrow night..well saturday night..cause my grandson goes to his mom's on Easter sunday. Nothing real fancy but I want to have something. I have a hard time standing long periods of time so hours standing over the oven isnt good. My hubby is gonna help me and we r gonna put some stuff in crockpots so I can make it earlier in the day and kinda spread the work out. This will be my first Easter without my Mom. She usually is the one who makes Easter dinner and I dont think my food tastes as good as hers but we will enjoy it anyway I hope.

    Happy Easter to all of you if I dont make it on here tomorow night. Hugs and Luvs, Mazy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    chrissy, you just keep going on, dontcha, girl. of course your daughter wants you with her, and vice versa. im glad you've worked it out, so you can go, and bring Easter to her!!!i am so sorry to here about your FIL. you will all be in my prayers...

        Mazy, the first year is the hardest, believe you me, i know... but i bet yours will be great! next year, start some of your own traditions to go along with hers!!!  

                        wishing you all wonderful Easter, and Pesach!     3jays 


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Dragon, gorgeous tulip!

    Chrissy, so sorry about your FIL. Prayers going up. And enjoy your time with DD2. Just you being there will help with her pain.

    Mazy, good luck with dinner. My mother was a terrible cook which is why I learned to cook.

    3jays, she baited you. Ugh. Families are so complex. Mine is small so I can avoid controversy by limiting contact.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    So much pain and grief on this thread today!!! Hugs to all.....Innocent
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks girls for your hugs, payers and well wishes for my daughter and FIL, they are much appreciated.

    Love n hugs back at ya!  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    What Barbe said.  {{{ to all }}}

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Happy Easter/Passover!!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Barbara; it hurts me to admit it, but you're SO right!!! im such a strait shooter, i don't understand subterfuge, and don't "get" why others have to hurt others.. but, i yeild to your wisdom. i WAS baited, i DID bite, and now, im gonna have to get disengaged, yet again!!!!

        we're alredy switching plans around, and changing stratagies i really appreciate the " clearer" heads who have talked to me today.... Happy Easter?Pesach to alll..     3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just quickly sending Easter blessings. Hope everyone has a peaceful day and you find comfort what ever your faith.

    Must get ready for church. the family are coming  for luch so have a bit too do.  Am so tired had a bad night because joint very bad.

    Chrissy sending big hugs, have a great day with your daughter. 3jays hope you have a restful day.

    Big hugs.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    3jays sorry your DIL is turning out so mean...I hate meeting up with DIL alone, I never have anyone else to back me up on the sneaky little things she you say... 'bait' .Sorry you'll miss out on G/kids Easter. One day....karma !!!! At least you and the dogs get some snuggle time, but its not the same as your G/kids is it ?

    I've had 4 of my G/kids down to see me, DD and 2 more expected tomorrow, but I could very well be locked up and in my bed. Just feeling a bit sick of feeling a bit sick ! My Fibro is flaring, and I can't seem to get a handle on the pain. I don't have very much in the way of painkillers at the moment, and, would you believe, the Drs surgery is closed until Tuesday. I am also having another day of hot flashes, so that's not helping me... never gone on 2 days before....always a first time ! This means a trip to ER if I think I need some stronger pain meds. AND a 4 hour wait so, thanks but no thanks. I will take to my bed. I resent the long wait, and cannot do a 4 hour sit on a hard chair with my spine. I resent having to set too and reel off my history to a complete stranger, and I resent having to be asked personal questions by a Triage nurse bawling across a desk for all to hear. ( actually I WON'T do this , I ask for some privacy and put up with the sour looks )

    I aim on getting up at 9am, nipping outside to see all is well and tell my helper I am going back to bed, all in my dressing gown, then quickly sorting out who wants feeding, dog and cat wise...there won't be the usual line up, no niceties, no individual portions... I shall throw half a bucket of complete food across the kitchen for the dogs, and a jugful outside for the cats, feed the puppies and THEN vanish...can't EVER make a meal of being poorly here ! It usually takes me an hour before I can sign myself off sick. Then I shall have a lovely long soak in the bath, and proceed to my bed, and STAY there until teatime. The 'phone will be off the hook, and the doorbell switched off. ....I shall probably get DD throwing stones at my bedroom window about 3 pm, and I might or might not get up for her.

    We had an almighty thunderstorm this afternoon, really banging and crashing right above me. The accompanying rain was very welcome. I was flapping around watching my cows running up and down their field. The young calves were scared stiff, and I was afraid they were going to break thru' the fences and end up in the garden. I really don't know what I would do IF this happened and I was here alone. No way could I get them back in on my own. G/son who helps me has been to the coast today for some sea fishing so he wouldn't have been available...just pleased it was a very short sharp storm. 

    I shall have to go, I am having the hot flash to end all hot flashes, my eyes are smarting from the sweat running down in to my eyes, and my clean shirt is wet thru down the back...shower here I come.
