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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Phyllis, so glad you sailed through so easily. Best wishes on your recovery!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe 130 with Humidex....WOW!!!!   Now that's what I call HOT!

    YAY Phyllis!!!!  Good to gear that you are on the healing trail and everything went well with the surgery.  Hope you like what you see when the dressings come off and you manage to get a good sleep in soon.

    Lynda, a black hollyhock?   Oh my, could you post a pic?  I love hollyhock but have never seen a black one.  Hope you DH heals and gets rid of the catheter soon.  Goodluck with your pie!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Veggie gardens: Chrissy,  I wouldn't be able to do much without DH.  Last year and this are the first years he's had any time in a couple decades (and the equipment) to do the big work.  A few years ago we got him a Kubota with some implements, and then he fabricated several others.  So he makes compost now, and deerproof-fenced an area that he plows & amends the soil and we planted in a few "staple" veggies. 

    Today I am thrilled because I made a few pints of pickled beets yesterday from the garden - for the first time in over twenty years, and I tasted this a.m. and they turned out great - really zingy and not at all like the bland canned ones.  Anyway - I'd have to be satisfied with a few things in pots without his machines/etc.  He's sort of "legendary" in some circles for his mind and his building/fabricating/engineering abilities, and his work ethic.  I am truly blessed.

    And also by you ladies' friendship.  Hope you all have a good weekend; peace and love.

  • bkc
    bkc Member Posts: 31

    Hi ladies,

    Was just reading back through all the posts. So much going on in everyone's worlds. Hope things work out for all of you.

    I have a favor for anyone who may know.

    My eight year old Great Nephew was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor at the end of May right before school let out here. One day he was fine the next the school called to say he was not acting normal. My niece rushed him to the ER where at first they told her he had taken drugs and treated her as though she had done something criminal and finally the next day when he was doing no better they started testing for other causes.Within hours he was life flighted to Dell Childrens in Austin,Texas and had emergency surgery to remove fluid from the brain and diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytosis (I think that is correct spelling)  which we were told was inoperable, resistant to radiation and chemo and life expectancy was very short but they would try everything.He then started radiation treatments shortly after and will be finishing up next week. He will be traveling to Pittsburgh about 5 weeks to start a treatment study there that they have had some success with. It is called a wafer treatment(spelling) and he will be receiving shots of I guess chemo in each leg every three weeks for 2 years. That is really all I know.

    What I need to know is any information I can get on the Pittsburg area. Housing,jobs etc. My niece will be traveling there alone with her son and I am very concerned. Any info anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Yikes! What a horrid trial for your family to experience. I'm not trying to brush you off, but surely the hospital or a local Ronald McDonald House would have info on staying in the area. Or the ACC could advise them. Pull the cancer card everywhere you go for him, as there are resources all around the world to help children with cancer. Good luck! He is in my prayers....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    bkc, have they tried getting a caseworker with the American Cancer Society?

    I am sure the county or city has such an office

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    bkc - your Great Nephew and hie family are in my prayers. I am sorry I do not know anything about the Pittsburg area, but do check all the resources available throught the ACC.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    bkc, i will be praying for your family..what a horrid disease, and it stikes the most

       Allyson, im sorry, i never even said "sorry" about your DH..can't keep track reading, right now.. hope he's ok. ..............3jays..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    bkc, so sorry to hear the news about your great nephew.  Cancer is a terrible disease but when it strikes the young I find it hideous and so unfair.  Your family is in my prayers.

    Hoping all are having a lovely weekend!

    Love n hygs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    bkc, so sorry to hear the news about your great nephew.  Cancer is a terrible disease but when it strikes the young I find it hideous and so unfair.  Your family is in my prayers.

    Hoping all are having a lovely weekend!

    Love n hygs.  Chrissy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    bkc, so sorry to hear about the little boy.  It's so hard to watch a little child go through cancer treatment.  He's in my prayers.

    Will try to post a pic of the black hollyhock today!  I have this thing about flowers in strange colors.  Love anything that makes a green flower or a black flower.  Have you seen a green gladiola?  I also have a plant called black mambo, but right now it just looks like a weed in an oil slick.  It's supposed to bloom pink...

    Finally we have a warm sunny day and I want to celebrate by getting wet.  May get into my daughter's pool or just run through the sprinkler.  I had some fairly bad moments trying to buy a swimsuit and realizing how weird implants look under spandex.  Finally bought a black tank sort of thing from Land's End.  I will swim, implants or no!  Yesterday got two more mastectomy bras and had a great fitter who helped me so much.  These MX bras are so much more comfortable than regular bras.  I've never had a comfortable bra in my life--they either itch or ride up or do something awful.  Can't believe I had to have the girls removed before I found a nice, soft bra.

    Gotta go lie down, my back is a disaster!

    XOXO, Dragon

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Dragon - so sorry you back is giving you so much trouble.  Hope the rest gives you some relief.

  • bkc
    bkc Member Posts: 31

    Thanks ladies for the prayers for my Nephew and his family. Wanted to let everyone know that they are getting lots of help from the hospital, ACC and Ronald McDonald and Dell Children's has been awesome. My niece Susan is a brave Mama and has done and will do everything she can think of to get the help she needs for her son.

    I on the other hand am terrified of her going so far away without family or friends for support. Susan has three other children aged 12,9,6 that I have been taking care of while they are doing treatment in Austin. She is planning on possibly moving to Pittsburgh and taking her other children with her for at least the two years it will take to complete Glenn's treatments there. So that was why I asked the original question about the Pittsburgh area. We have done alot of research on the Internet about Pittsburgh  and the surrounding area but thought if someone knew the area or knew someone from there we could get a more accurate idea of what to expect.

     While Ronald McDonald and ACC have been great with setting up lodging for her and Glenn they could tell us next to nothing about schools in the area or the best areas to look for an apartment, what parts of the city to avoid, things like that. Basicly was just trying to get a feel for the city. Mostly to ease my mind I guess.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    anyone hear from ISABELLA? i know she was having a hard time getting acess here....anyone??? ISABELLA..where ARE you????......3jays

  • I heard from Isabella and she is trying to get it all worked out...the moderators are aware of the problem.  

    Hope you are feeling at least a little better 3Jays. 

    Re the Pittsburg area, I think you should start a thread and put anyone know Pittsburg in the topic.  I know there have to be women who live in that area on the board fact I remember a long time ago asking someone about Johnstown which was where my mom used to go for summers to visit her Aunt.  I do so hope everything turns out well for your nephew.  When things like this happen, it makes us stop and think we certainly don't have it as bad as least I always do. 

    If I go back and look at everyone's posts I will lose this.  I am off to work for the other hygienist today so good thing I decided to put off the SS for awhile....this will be a full work week, the lst I have done for a long time.

    Congrats to everyone on test results and those who had successful surgeries. 

    Thanks for the compliments on my garden....I was out there yesterday planting some more phlox.  We had some rain later in the day and I think it may finally be cooling off.

    I did find out in reading that there can be interractions with Xeloda and blood thinners and since I am anti-coagulated for life ( and it is a big fat PIA) that may be the reason my onco has been putting it off.....also found in looking up names (they were the technical ones, cap something and gemcidibine?)  both Navelbine and Gemzar were on the  MDA list so maybe my onco isn't as narrowminded as I think and both were on the same page, sort of. 

    Harley and I have to go for our walk.  Have a good day everyone.   Marybe

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    bkc I am sure a national realty company could give you those ...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    played tennis this hot and pooped

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Hot and pooped = me.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I volunteered at the library all afternoon,.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I haven't been around for a couple of days and there's so much to  catch up on!  Phyllis, I'm so glad the surgery went well and you're also doing so well now.  It sounds like you have plenty of help and support and that's wonderful.  Hope the drains will be gone soon, too. 

    bkc, so sorry to hear about your greatnephew.  Marybe's suggestion was excellent and I feel sure you'll get lots of response to a new Pittsburgh type thread.

    Marybe, I just knew you didn't want to retire and I'm glad that you're doing what you want to do, what makes you happy!  Is your onco back from vacation yet? 

    Hope your infection's still getting better Amyjo.  When is it you leave to meet new grandchild?  I do hope you got some of this wonderful rain we had here in Monroe last night and again now.  It cooled things off to about 92 today, which may not seem like much, but it's better than 100!

    I was wondering about Isabella so I'm glad you've been in touch with her, Marybe.  Hope all is well.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oops, meant to add this for Lisa--how hot is it in California?  The library sounds like a great place to spend the afternoon.  Hope you got some reading in, too!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Here's my black hollyhock.  I have to say I truly love this girl, and she blooms like a trooper!

    Oh dear that's a biiiig picture...

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    My "definitive diagnosis" anniversary coming up Aug. 11.  Boy I wish this had never happened.  It really seems like a bad dream.  I'm doing fine, but I have to admit I no longer feel "safe," and definitely feel a lot older than I did.  I'd love to have a day when the subject of cancer didn't come into my head!

    That's my complaint for the day!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Kathy - my infection is clearing up fine, in fact my ankles look normal again, but I still have a few days of the antiB left to take.  Then we will wait and be sure it is cleared up for good.  The culprit seems to be ants!  I tend to get ant bites when I go out in the yard and they think that is what caused this last time as well as this time.  So not I have to wear solid shoes when I am in the yard and use bug spray that will help repell the ants.  I have missed seeing you here.  How are you doing?  We did not get any rain yesterday, but did get a little tiny bit a few hours ago.  The rain always seem to either disappear or split and go around us.

    Dragon - my ''definitive diagnosis'' aniversary is coming up Aug. 23rd. I am feeling the same way you are.  I guess if that is our only complaint we are doing okay.  I love the black hollyhock. I have never seen one of those before.  Take care my friend. 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Amyjo, I'm glad you're doing better. Ants! Who'da thunk!

    Phlyllis, I'm glad the surgery is behind you and you're healing now.

    3jays, how are you? I hope things are going better. I worry about you.

    Isabella, I also worry about you. Do you know when your surgery will be? Are you gonna wrestle any calves before then? Dance with any gypsies? I so love your posts!

    So, for those of you who didn't see my rant on the Stage IV forum, here's what happened with my doc appts. PS is ready to schedule surgery though he would like me to consider implants since it's an easier surgery. Then the BS. First of all, she was talking as if I'm at death's door. Heck, with only one mets lesion (bone) I'm not even in the his neighborhood. Says there's no reason to remove my healthy breast at Stage IV and dismissed my fears of an ER- new primary (which would be a treatment nightmare) as "theoretical". Said if I really wanted to have recon on the other side for QOL reasons she supposes I could though she thought there was no reason to. So I'm living on borrowed time, my fears are unreasonable, and my QOL is not worthy of consideration. The doc appt from hell. She did say she would bring up my case at the weekly onc dept mtg Tues morning (I think because PS felt I could have the surgery) so we'll see what happens. I have no intention of giving up.

    Well, about my definitive diagnosis day, I have to tell you a family story first.  When we were kids my younger sister once said, "I'm not talking to Daddy on Nov.3. He did something one year on Nov 3 that got me mad and I don't remember what it was but I won't talk to him on Nov. 3". OK, fast forward a lot of years. A LOT of years. I get bc, strong family history is from my father's side, and I got my definitive diagnosis on - Nov.3. I think I'm not talking to Daddy on Nov. 3.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lynda, your black hollyhock is just stunning!!!!   I'll have to see if the seeds for them are available here in Aus as I would truly love to have that in my garden and as luck would have it, they grow very well here.

    Leah, how ironical that the dates coincide!  I hope you get good news when your case is presented to the panel. 

    Amyjo, ANTS?   OMG!   to think that such a little creature can cause such havock!  Just as well the anti-B has done it's work, you have to be a-ok before you visit that new bundle of love!

    Ladies, I have some granny bragging to do!   My 13yr old GS does Archery as a sport and is very good and last weekend he competed in the Indoor Tournament for State and National ranking.  Well to cut a long story short, he came in 2nd in the State and 6th in the Nation!!!!   The wonder of all of this is, this was his first tournament and he has only been shooting for about 12months!   I think he is aiming for the 2016 Olympics!  I sure do hope he makes it!

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Leah - what an absurd discussion you had to go through with your BS! I can't believe she can't wrap her head around your perfectly logical presentation of facts - sigh....I'm glad the PS is in your corner. Hope things go your way at next week's onc meeting, and if not, well, just keep on keeping on. I'm taking Tamoxifen, and I believe one of it's rare SEs is causing a tumor in the other breast to be triple negative - really, we shouldn't understand this more than they do!

    Dragon - I have never seen a black hollyhock before - that is SO beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I wonder if they grow in Georgia?

    AJ - glad to hear your infection is clearing up. Hard to believe we have to take so many precautions just to work outside - it's a PLEASURE to work in the yard and we have to go out covered from head to toe - and no hands in the dirt!!!  Maybe that will be more doable when the insects go back underground when it gets cold (oh, please get cold again....sorry!)

    3jays - hope you're noticing a difference with your little pill, if not now, SOON! You've got places to go and people to see, so tell your docs you ain't pussy-footing around any longer! 

    Hey, Kathy! Long time, no see! I think my cousin is coming to Atlanta for a concert soon - I think I'll take my mother and go see him, backstage if we can. I suppose I should get busy and check into it so that hopefully arrangements can be made.

    Chrissy - my mother's condo could sell a whole lot faster if my older brother didn't move in an unemployed friend of his -  rent-free. No utilities for him, either! As a realtor, I know that place needed to hit the market in prime condition, and this guy just throws styfofoam meat containers in the trash - PHEW!.  That's hardly the cookies baking/cinnamon scent we use to prep homes with. Can you imagine going to into an open house and it smells like rotten fish???

    AWESOME news about your grandson! He must have a real knack for archery since he just picked it up. 2016 sounds very promising!! 

    Okay, my sensible ladies, stay sensible.....well, do your best! 

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    The black hollyhock is so nice, mine are white or pink when the gardener doesnt cut them down- he does know weeds and floral stuff gets hacked too.

    Ants wont cross a line make of chalk, I seem to attract bugs so I use this citrusy lotion it seems to help. We are over run with spiders at work...I try to eat away from doors and windows and here comes this tiny reddish brown spider strolling across the table...not for long!

    Chrissy your grandson just needs lots of practice, it will all just be second nature by 2016, since he is this good now.He did really wonderful with only 12 months of practice. My friend Rita was 6 ft 2 in and did archery and dropped out to get married...she was on her way to the olympics yrs ago!

    I have lots of dragon flies, frogs and toads to keep my mosquitoes at bay but the hot wet stuff is causing a population explosion of beetles - any type any size and they are stuck to the fly paper. One of the really cut iridescent green ones got neighbors mulched in the spring lets talk wormy things, catepillars and mulch bugs. I will mulch this fall and the creepy things will be gone by spring!

    Leah I hope everything goes well with case study. My  case from day 1 went to case study, I just kept telling them it was my life, my boob and finally my decision. Sometimes we just have to stick to what we feel is in our best interest. I stopped seeing the BS caused she was pushing her dept views and we will not mention the hosp based onc she was fired by me!  only see my  onc and primary care. I told them  if I had beads for every time I flashed my boobs I wouldnt be able to get in the van with all the beads!

    Ever body stay focused and be positive!

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    Heartnsoul- I agree that the docs are so afraid to not follow dept guidelines they dont listen to us. I have so many allergies, plus Lupus, RA, COPD, ASTHMA and a rare skin disease from the tropics- my onc listens researches and tells the board ?I am right and takes great pleasure in telling why they are wrong! Maybe they need more education on what is out there in treatment options!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Leah; i hope all goes well tommorrow. speak up girl, its' 2011; and you have a RIGHT to chose what you want, no matter WHAT stage you're AT!!im flabbergasted. but, i don't trust any of em anymore. i cna be a little bully trying to get tx now..hahahthanks for keeping me in mind. in the last 2 days, i upped my dose myself, 1st by accident, today on purpose, and im coming around, i think.. like someone said (dragon??) i've ple to see, and places to go!!!


       , thats wonderful with your GS!!!he must be really good..

      Dragon, the hollyhock is gorgeous..i wanna see if i can find one here!!my hands are'nt good tonight for, im off to read.

      AJ; glad you talked to your dr. about that patch. Mur was quite sick from it also; and i'd let the pharm know they need to warn you for se's of your meds better...i get calls when i start something new, now, and i appreciate it...

      ps i also wear RUBBER gardening gloves.. no dirt, no ant bites, etc.........3jays