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For Older People with Sense



  •   It's sort of like a jungle out there, Barb.....the plants all love the heat, except for the impatients....oh and the hydrangea need extra water also.   

  • Mona-Me
    Mona-Me Member Posts: 6

    Hi Chrissy:

    So nice to meet you on-line.  I am a two-year breast cancer survivor.  I am currently on the generic for Arimidex and so far I am doing well.  My breast cancer was found on routine yearly mammograms.  Neither myself or my doctors could even feel the lump.  Thank heavens for the routine checks.  I also had breast biopsy and then was scheduled for lumpectomy.  I also had 36 treatments of radiation.  For me they were a piece of cake.  No problems.  Love your picture; such a peaceful quiet picture.  The Lord has been my strength through all of this.  I praise him for each day he gives to me.  I still have regular checks with the radiation oncologist, as well as the medical oncologist.  I have had a great team of doctors.  :)


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Your garden is great Marybe, but please wear gloves..lots of fungi in the soil...

    here is a cool down

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Phyllis - lots of hugs and prayers for you. Do take it easy and don't try to do too much too soon. Time for you support system to step up and take care of you.  I makes them feel good so let them do it.  My daughters both said it made them feel like they were doing something to help and made them feel useful.  Of course I enjoyed the attention and still take advantage of it whenever I can.

    Marybe - your flowers are lovely.  Do get you some cotton gloves to go digging in the ground.  I get mind tomorrow and we both can join the white glove ladies!  (There is a southern joke there for those that know it.)  

    Lisa - thanks for the cool down picture.  It is wonderful.

    I am off to bed catch you all tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a good nights rest or a good day depending on where you are. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hello everyone.  Marybe, your garden is beautiful!  We've always had good luck with inpatiens, but this year with the heat they're having a rough time.  Watering every day.  Living in the shade doesn't help with the temp approaching 100 and not even a thunderstorm to cool things off.

    Phyllis, been thinking of you today with your surgery and hope all went well.  It sounds like your friends have really stepped up to help out and I urge you to accept their offers of dinners, etc.  The basket of goodies was so kind and they obviously care about you very much.  Hopefully from here on out it'll all be a downhill run.  You're in my prayers.

    Re bp meds, I've taken them for years and take 3 every day, including HCTZ.  I also have "white coat" hypertension, which surely doesn't help with office measurements!  Once I started taking amlodopine besylate, a generic for which I can't remember the brand name (maybe Norvasc?) the numbers got better.  Usually have a normal reading even in dr's offices now. My mother had a stroke at age 58 and died 5 years later, so I stay concerned about blood pressure.

    Hope all are doing well tonight, and hope those of us in the US can get some relief from this heat!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies.. still feeling badly; just got up: bc my legs are KILLLING me being in bed...lolRE:lasix.. i have a real problem with the spasms, also, marybe i take an herb called "marshmallow" no, not the fluff stuff!!! it really works well, but lately; the le and feet are quite swollen. a se of hypo; so, maybe itll pass.  day 5 of the synthyroid.. no change as yet..{{{{{{{{sigh}}}}{  they said it could take weeks, sometimes even months GROAN.. we'll just have to wait and see..

       im glad to hear that MAYBE some of the weight im gaining is water ankles /hands are so swollen, but my bodys' used to WAY more excersize, too.and im starving lately...    such is life...

       can you tell i've had about enuff? yet, when i compare this to the 2 yrs of active tx; this is almost as hard.. but, im hopeful things will change for the better soon....   im gonna shut up now....3jays

  • 3jays. Are you taking potassium with the lasix....I think you need to.  ALso drinking tonic water helps a lot because of the quinine in it. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I used to have the Hydrochlorothyazide mixed in with a BP med, but then it's usually 12.5 mgs. When I take it by iteself, I get the full 25 mgs. Don't pee a lot though, so I know I'm holding on to a ton of water weight...sigh.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Marybe, your garden looks wonderful.  I love columbines.  This year I planted an (old) packet of Cosmos seed - had never grown them before.  They're out by the fence in the sunshine and are such a cheerful flower that I'm hoping they'll self-seed. Wear your gloves - I'm trying to, too. ugh.

    We are eating cukes & squash & beets now.  Am going to pick most of the beets today and make a batch of pickled beets.  We'll see if I just re-plant that area in more beets.  Corn is tasseling, tomatoes are getting a shine & a little color; peas are almost done.

    Today I go to PCP for checkup. Mostly an ear problem I've had for quite awhile now - a year or so. Just about the last thing PCP told me in March was "it could be brain mets" and I just figured my blood work was good, I'd just had a good eye exam with no "pressure" behind the eye; and I just didn't want to mess with it until after my birthday (and Medicare).  We agreed it could wait.  So, I am somewhat anxious, and sort of assume this is the beginning of some big testing &/or specialists.  Some other symptoms sort of worrisome, but I just keep pushing it to the back of my mind. 

    On a high note, while my very DD was here last week we had a wonderful time, great visits -

    Counteracting that was DH's niece, who is not my favorite person (self-centered, selfish, cruel, and mean-spirited), lives in another state & was not invited, and she threw such a hissy fit that she now says she never wants to see any of us again.  A couple weeks ago she couldn't care less about us, just got ticked to be "excluded." (not one word from her during my dx/tx)  No big loss for me, but DH "expected" better and I'm sorry he's disappointed...

    Hope you all are staying cool, and well. Phyllis I hope you're recovering.  3jays, I hope the meds start working.

    Our temps are climbing - it might get to 90 today up here, and 100 in the valley.  Time to pull out the new little boat and spending time at the lakes. (we took the maiden voyage Monday, rowed around Lost Lake - sweet)

    Amyjo, where are you going to be in CA?

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, your garden looks beautiful!  This is a truly magical time of the year in Oregon but we've lost some of our summer.  Temps keep hovering around 75, which is pretty low for us in July.  Car still in the car hospital.  We call him truckasaurous and he has 100,000 miles.  He's a big clunky GMC--you drive down the highway and just ooze testosterone!  I like to drive it to Dr. appts. just to feel all that power!

    Love to all,


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((L_C))) Fingers crossed for good tests!!

    Hi Dragon!

    Maybe, I used to have a couple dozen purple coneflower plants and they are stunning. Pix, when they come in.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    L_C - I will be going to Monterey, CA.  My sweet SIL is in the Army and is in graduate school there. They will be done with school and moving to D.C. area for their next duty station in December.  That will definately put them a lot closer to us and we will get to see them a lot more often.  I can hardly wait to find out if this next grandchild is a girl or boy.  Parents did not want to know so noone knows.

    I am looking forward to my September travels too! First to the beach with Chrissy to see Mel then to Mecca in the Ozarks!  Barb and I are getting the play toys, planes and bubbles, for the trip.  Should be a blast.  Next time more people should come.  Wonder where it will be???? 

  •    It's official, I have no sense.   I cancelled my appt at the SS office.  I talked to my boss today after we finished and I honestly do not want to stop working.....I LOVE MY JOB.  Am I nuts?  Maybe.  I am going to continue to work a light schedule and he said I can always call in one of the subs if I don't feel like working so as long as I am able to take off IF the opportunity for travel is there, I will keep on least a day or two.  I thought about it and thought about it and it just made me really sad to think of not being there taking care of my patients.  I don't want to work until I fall off my stool, but I am far from there in spite of the liver acting up, so I am going to hang in there awhile longer.  I am keeping my appt with the investment counselor and am going to start taking some money out each month to make up for the days I am no longer working and also am going to start putting some of it in savings for future trips.  Whew, that is a big weight off my mind. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    It is a lovely day here after an awful one yesterday.

    Phyllis hope all went well sending hugs and prayers.L-C, 3jays and AMyJo hope you are all feeling better. And Barbe you must do somethying about the fluid. Have a small problem with it at times but don't usually take anything usually a herb mix which helps a bit.

    DH is away at a church meeting in Wellington. Last night got a phone call about 7 to say he was on the way to hospital as he had fallen on the stairs and cracked his head open. He is on warfarin so he really did bleed. They patched him up and sent him on his way once they had done a scan. As he said he hadn't even had a drink, they were actually on their way to a pub to watch the rugby so he did disrupt the evening. Not sure how he is getting home tonight as he is not allowed to drive and I am baby sitting the grandchildren.

    Marybe your garden is beautiful.

    Big hugs to all.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Thanks BarbA for the good wishes - they must've helped. Doc says my ear is better and as for the rest I'm just getting old, and we'll revisit things in a month.  He can get away with "old" remark, since we have been "together" since he got out of med school & we are near the same age...

    Amyjo, I just love the Monterey area - What a beautiful place to have a baby! You will enjoy the cool climate too, but I know having them closer after December will mean a lot. Hope you have a great trip this time though.

    We both love it around Monterey Bay and sailed there often when we were in the SF Bay area & had bigger boats.  It's about 6+ hrs' drive from here.  The company DH works for has built several homes on the famed Pebble Beach golf course nearby - great views. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    Marybe - You can still work a few days a week and still get your full Social Security Disability!  Didn't anyone tellyou that?!?!?!  Surprised  Go ahead and start getting your disabilty checks.  You have earned them and you can still work if you want to.  The extra income  from the SSD helps pay for the trips. Smile
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    AmyJo. we used to live in Monterey when my husband was going through Defense Language School there...I loved it.( of course this was 40 years ago now).have a great time..

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i agree with AJ, Marybe.. at least do the paperwork on your days're not fooling ME: you just didn't want to do the forms..hahaha i told her, too, ?AJ to work, and collect, so she knows...

       tyhats' the best of both worlds, MB.. you finished the taxes, you CAN do the forms, even tho i know its a lot of work! Consider it your NEW 2nd job!!!

      I loved the pics of the garden..used to have a "wild" one, too. now, i have a patio garden, we can't plant more than that here.

       Lynda; glad the tests came out ok

      as you can see, not sleeping at nite still, still feel crappy, but it CAN take months, so im just continuing on.. there's a crack in my solid foundation today, so SICK and TIRED of being sick and tired; i've been cryin all day..but, thaat, in itself means nothing here. its' also a side effect of hypo' another zanaN do this ( I haf to , anyways..).................3jays

  •   Not in my field, AmyJo....if I still worked as a hygienist, I would not be considered disabled. And to tell you the truth, I do not feel disabled anyway.  I have breast cancer, but I am healthy as a horse other than that.  I could find other things to do and could work (that ticket to work deal)  if I didnt earn over a certain amount, but I like cleaning teeth and hygienists made a very good salary so I would not be able to work much, but that isn't even an option because if I do the disability I can NOT work in the dental field.  I can start collecting my regular SS when I turn 62 which is not that far off and can then still work up to a certain $ amount, and I think I will do that, but am not sure.  There is a very nice lawyer on here who has a wife with BC and he's been answering my questions re this.  And you are right 3jays, I do not want to do all that paperwork ( it makes me crazy) although SS assured me that they get the majority of the info from the doctors and since my onco was encouraging it and my orthopedic doc said he would go to bat for me and he actually does the exams for SS on Fridays, it is always an option in the future.   I talked to my father today and he said, I have been talking to a few people and they said they feel you should go for the SS disability and I said Well,too bad, I canceled my appt and I am going to keep on working.  So that is the way it is right now.  Both of my bosses are very understanding and flexible about my hours.....this week I only worked 5 hrs at the one office and 11 at the since they are willing to go along with this and there are plenty of subs to work for me, I am going to work when I feel like it , At the one office I put $150 per month in the profit sharing plan and he matches this so it's a heck of a lot better than interest on a savings bond or investing in the stock market. I really do appreciate all your advise and thinking of what is best for me, but I just don't want to quit. I had a nice talk with my boss today and he said he will go along with whatever I decide, but he thinks working is good for me and I agree....also he said on his selfish part he wants me to stay and that so do my patients. are up and I should probably call you, but I am going back to bed. I am so so sorry you are having such a rough time of it.

      I was out watering and walking Harley a few mins ago. He loves out middle of the night walks. It is just unbelievably hot. My neighbor and I are going plant shopping early in the AM and then I have to decide if I am going to go see my Dad or not....I feel like I should, but just don't know if I want to. He had a little accident as he put it which is going to cost him his $1000 deductible. The man should not be driving!! I said consider this a sign Daddy, an omen!

    Had my INR checked today and now it is 1.2....that's from 5.2 on can that be if it takes awhile for the stuff to get in and out of your system. Because I am on this stupid blood thinner I will never be elegible for any clinical trial.  I think that should be my next project, find a doc who will do surgery on me to get rid of that blockage in my pulmonary artery. 

    Well, guess I will go back to bed and see if I can fall asleep.   Hope you are sleeping, 3jays. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Marybe, you do what you feel you need to do. Alyson, your poor DH. I hope someone picked him up. Church meetings can be dangerous. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

  • Sorry ALyson, I didn't even read back and see about your hubby.  I hope he did not get a concussion.  Any cut on the head bleeds like mad anyway because of all the little veins and arteries, but bet it was a real blood bath with him being on a blood thinner. 

    Off to the plant store with my neighbor now.  I am done buying, I think, but she wants day lilies and everything is on sale now. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Alyson, so sorry about your DH falling - hope all's well now.

    Marybe, good on you for choosing your own path.  If you really want to keep working, then it's probably healthier for you to work than not!  Anyone who has you for a hygienist  is a fortunate patient, and your 'bosses' should be just thrilled -so, that's my 2cents even though you didn't ask. I bet your patients just love you ...

    3jays, so sorry you are feeling badly - I keep you in my prayers and hope today is better.

    Where's Isabella?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Marybe it was me who wanted pics of your garden and I think it is beautiful!!!  You can sure see that you spend a lot of time tending it.

    Hi Mona and welcome!  Pull up a chair and join in when ever the mood takes you.  We are a great bunch of girls and we always love to make new friends!  I'm so glad that you are doing well on the Arimidex. Keep an eye on the pic at the top of the page as I do change them periodically and you never know just what might pop up!

    Oooo Lisa, what a lovely cooling pic, those boats are beautiful!

    Phyllis, I sure hope you are feeling okay and on the mend.  Sending warm ((((hugs)))).

    Amyjo, thanks for the PM and the arrangements are perfect, thank you.

    Kathy, on the odd occasion I have forgotten to get my Px for hypertension and I sure know if I've missed the meds and I know when they are no longer strong head feels like it is fit to burst!!!!

    Awe 3jays, chin up girl the hugging fool will soon arrive on your doorstep....for now one of these (((((hugs))))) will have to do.  Sure hope those meds kick in soon!!!! Barbe, I don't take potassium but I guess I should ask the doc if I should......sigh!.....add another to the smorgasboard of pills I already

    L_C eating from your own garden is the best thing and it's something I miss terribly.  I nolonger have the oomph to get out and do heavy work in the garden and my DH is no gardener so I'm afrain I have to get my fruit and veg from the Supermarket and sometimes if I'm in the city, I can fluke it and get lovely fresh veg from the growers market.  So glad that the report from your doc is all good....I heard your sigh of relief from here!

    Dragon here's hoping you get your truck back soon!

    Marybe, I'm happy that you had a talk with your Boss and sorted out the work thing with him.  He sounds like a great guy and a very understanding Boss.  It's always nice to know that we are appreciated no matter what we do.

    Alyson, I didn't think a person could get into strife by going to church!  Gosh I sure hope your DH is feeling okay now but I'm sure he is going to have a sore head for a little while.

    BarbA,  we need to talk, could you PM me your ph.# and I'll give you a call.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    L_C, no-one has heard from her for a few days....I'm just wondering if maybe her back has given out and she may be in hospital.   I sure wish there was a way to contact her.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Marybe - my friend is a dental hygienist and she just loved her patients and her dentists, so I know how you feel about not wanting to leave. She LOVED going to work, and then about 2 years ago she had an accident at work.  It was near the end of the day and she had a tray of instruments and things in her hand and was walking back to the autoclave. She pushed open the door, and the floor had just been mopped. She slipped and landed on her right hand (she's right-handed) and broke her hand in 5 places! She's hasn't been able to work as a hygienist since then, and her heart is broken. I think you and your dentist know how good that job is for you - as long as you get subs to fill in for you, you can have your cake and travel, too! I know my friend would not have given up her job if there was ANY way she could have kept it, plus you get to push those SSDI forms away from you! That's just my 2 cents, too, but I totally understand all your thinking on this. You and I are the same about taxes - you could lock me in a room for a week with nothing but my tax stuff, and I still couldn't do it! Talk about a mental block - I don't get it, I'm so efficient with other stuff, but I just freeze when it comes to doing my taxes!

    Get your onc on that Xeloda! Since MDA onc has recommended it for a while now, I don't see how your onc could say no, so I bet you will be on it soon and get those TM's turning around. Good luck twisting his arm!

    3jays - I almost always get a dumb burst of energy at 11:00 pm. I hate it! I can barely stay awake if we're watching a movie or something, then 11:00 rolls around, and I'm raring to go!  I'm thinking it might be related to the adrenal glands or something - for sure, it's some freaking hormone running amouck!  Hope your synthroid kicks in soon, then maybe your sleeping hours will adjust. I bet you vacuum in the middle of the night - I know I do! haha, who cares? I like the drone of the vacuum cleaner!

    Off to work on my mother's condo - we're trying to sell it in THIS market!  It's really ridiculous - this particular style condo has been in such demand for the last 20 years (it's been owned by my father and then my mother for the last 23 years), and now no one is even looking at it. Used to be just a whisper of the possibility of putting it on the market would bring buyers!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    H&S hope you manage to get some buyers for your mom's condo!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, totally funny!! I read your post where you're sure you're going to keep working and I'm sitting here nodding my head, saying good for you! You've finally decided!!! Then I read all the posts after that and I'm sitting here nodding my head, saying "she's right, Marybe hates paperwork!" hehehehehehe and then I read you post where you say NO!!! You are staying put and I can congratulate you!!! There were a lot of devil advocates and you hung on to your thinking, so you should feel GREAT!!!!!

    I do want to see better pics of your garden though, for all your efforts you have to show more proportion of size, like have a tree or a paver in the pic so we know the size of everything.

    Alyson, I was thinking about how much a head will bleed normally, too, so was imagining that your DH got quite the attention at the Casualty!!! It must have totally freaked out his buds...ehhehehehehehe. I trust he is okay today. Will he get black eyes out of the deal??

    To all - keep cool. We got up to 130 on Thursday!!! (with the Humidex)

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Hi all!  My surgery went well.  Both BS and PS said the surgery was "textbook".  I came home yesterday afternoon.  It has been great having my DB and SIL here.  They have been great support.  I am feeling pretty good.  We are going to go the mall today to walk a little and to get my hair washed.  My hair dresser offered to wash it for me for the first couple of times.  I was sent home with the new thing (at least the said it was new) in pain management.  They put these wires in my back (kind of like acupuncture) and I have nerve numbing meds being fed to that.  I've got these little balls of medicine hanging down.  These will be used up by the end of today.  One thing I have noticed with these, is that my other joint pain in my hands, back and hips is almost non-existent.  I have a harder time laying down than sitting up, so we arranged my bed pillows into a wedge and that is working better.  I haven't been sleeping all that well, so I am getting a few hours of rest at various intervals.  I haven't looked at my self yet, but since the dressing comes off this afternoon, I will do that today.  The drains are a bit of a nuisance.  But I am coping and will put the pink pocket in the top I wear today.

    Overall, I am doing better than expected!  I am a tough "young" bird!  Thank you all for your prayers and support.

    I will touch bases with you later!


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, I'm glad you're able to keep working and are doing something you love.  That will do you a lot of good.  My husband did the same thing during his colon cancer--kept working at his business through chemo, rads, and then went back a month after his surgery.  He loved all his clients and didn't want their yards to get overgrown!  My favorite thing is to hang out at home and quilt so I would take the SS!! 

    Finally the sun is out today and my black hollyhock is blooming.  Dahlias coming in as well.  Just want to go sit outdoors and sip a good Portland coffee!

    DH ended up having to have a foley cath. for the weekend due to a urethral stricture but so far he has no pain.  In order to speed his recovery I'm going to try to make a strawberry/rhubarb pie.  If I don't mention it again you'll know it didn't turn out!

    XOXO to all,

    Dragon (Lynda) 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Mom of two, thanks for letting us know..I hope your discomfort will be short lived and I am happy to hear you have such a good support behind and recover...