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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    L_C, sorry you can't sleep. I suffer insomnia sometimes also. I am also chiming in that I miss you Isabella! And Phyllis, glad you are recovering well. And of course, Marybe, hoping the new chemo kicks cancer a$$.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    LC, no that was in front of a house yesterday, I stopped and snapped the picture..

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lisa, I can honestly say that that pic of the flower is the second best picture of yours ever!!!! The first one is that one that looked like a sea you remember the one? Anyway, I even made my DH come and look at your flower. I've been hooked on flowers this summer and have about 15 shots up and framed around the house, but thought your shot today deserved a look from DH!!!

    It is ABSOLUTELY a pefect shot!! Lighting, composition, background, balance....EVERYTHING!!! You must get that shot seen by someone. It almost looks like it should be a fabric!!!!

    (It's also a challenge to get a shot without a dead leaf, a bruised petal or a bug in the shot!!)

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Phyllis, so glad your surgery is over and the pain is improving.  Your final biopsy is much like mine and I haven't regretted the BMX.  It is difficult for a while during the "expansion" phase of the implants but having a later, second MX would be much worse. 

    BarbA, congrats!!  So happy you and DH.  

    Today I'm thinking of booking a cruise for next winter.  If we sail out of Miami it will be cheaper as we can fly there with frequent flyer miles.  Does anyone know anything about the Carribean?  What are good places to go?  Just wondering as we haven't done too much traveling. 

    Love and prayers to all,

    Dragon (Lynda)

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Barbara - Happy Anniversary and so happy for you!!

    Hi, L_C! I've been having trouble sleeping lately, too. As my ex-MIL would say, I've got my nights and days mixed up. I need to get a refill on my Ambien and try to force myself to sleep!

    Actually, Lisa, I almost commented on that flower shot, too. Something about it is especially outstanding!

    Kathy - my extended family has annual reunions just down the road from Holden Beach - we meet every year at Sunset Beach! We've been doing it for about 40 years. Now my generation are the "oldsters". Ooh, that's depressing - I don't feel old! 

    Still thinking about Monterey - the temperature here is 88 and muggy; in Monterey it's 64 and sunny! Ahhhh..... 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Barbe, glad you liked the picture...always nice to have a camera handy...I am sure yours are really lovely and framed too...wonderful...

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Re:  Monterey.  It's just too cold there for me.  It can be beautiful everywhere else and cold in the middle of the summer.  Silicon Valley--I like Cupertino.  San Jose is also a really nice city with some great neighborhoods.  My DD1 graduated from UC Santa Cruz!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Dragon, two of my sons also graduated from UC Santa Cruz, 1991, 1997

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Thanks, dragon! The closer to Silicon Valley, the better. I'm happy to know there are several nice little towns in the area south of San Francisco. I can't wait to visit them in person, but it will probably be about a year from now when he's closer to graduating.  Right now, while I'm burning up it's easy for me to say I like the cooler weather, but when it turns cold here in Atlanta, I'm the first one to say "I can't wait until spring." Nowadays, I think my comfort zone has a range of about 2 degrees!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    there are many nice towns there heart and is just cooler up there and  more rain...

  • justjudie
    justjudie Member Posts: 196


    I love the flower. Looks like I could possibly smell it!! lol. Nice job. It is a beauty.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    HeartNSoul, Capitola is a cute little town too, and more affordable!  Lisa, mine graduated in 1990!  Small world.  D

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, laying low a bit at the moment.  Almost like standing vigil waiting for news on Junie, a friend from the drinking thread. All prayers would be gratefully recieved for her.

    Hoping every one else is doing well and looking forward to a lovely weekend doing whatever makes you happy.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  •   Chrissy, Good news...they are going to try a few more procedures before they give up on there is still hope. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Chrissy and Marybe - Junie is still in my prayers.

    Hope everyone has plans for a good weekend with lots of rest and time with family and friends. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    We're packed and ready to leave for the beach in the morning, so I'll see y'all when we get back next Saturday. Each of you is always in my prayers and I've added Junie to the list, too.

    Hope everyone has a good week!  


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Kathy - have a great time and enjoy the beach and bing with family.   See you next week.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    well, im real behind..first, congrats on 10 yrs w/Marty, two are such a happy's for 10 more happy ones!

      Kathy, enjoy your family on family vaca.. My son (who is in denial of how sick i am right now) told me tonight if i want to see Fish for his b.Day in Aug. i had to go to disney..well, thats so not happening.. its' 98* now, and august is worse, and, i can't gett outta bed..duh!! so, we'll have a cake and presents for him before they leave is all....

        i'm glad they're gonna try some more on Junie. Just hoping it doesn't hurt her praying every morning for her, and many of you ladies, you, of course, marybe...

       no other news here. trying new dose, diff color pill tommorrow. found out, miss 2 doses, and back to bed, exhausted. hope we find something soon... i hate "remote" control, but this dr. won't give me any appt to see him, so no choice. guess he's God, or something akin in thehosp system... grrrrr....hang in this weekend, ladies, and try to enjoy life while we got it!...............3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    3Jays ------any reason you can't see the doc? Is he the only one in your region. I know that can happen. But he is the person with the MD/DO after his name. I suggest changing if possible. It's not right.

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    3 jays - I agree with sas you might need another doc - someone not in that hosp system. or find a good internist that will look at your meds and find a solution. My family doc and ONC work together and she looks for any and all interactions before she prescribes anything.

    I am back to drinking lots of 100% juice, my nuts and fresh veggies! I had a friut filled  oatmeal cookie - not for long the cats ate it! The alpha male still crying at the frig and patting it - hoping it will give him a can of food. All his toys are in the bed - at least he cannot drag the frig in here!

    I need some motivation to get the bedroom walls painted and papered. 2009 I was still in the living room with a broken foot; 2010 still on restricked activities until spring 2011, now with the Als - I have 0 energy.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend...maybe I will doze off soon!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Hi Chrissy - I just discovered this thread. This is great. Seeing some other familiar names here, too. I just added it to my favorites. It will be a good place to chat when I'm not up in the wee hours of the morning. That's really going to have to stop when I go back to work in September. Going to get stuff ready for the beach. Looks like I'll be the first one there. Cool

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Good morning, ladies! I stumbled across this thread a couple of days ago and it sounds right up my alley. I'm all for less stress, normalcy, drama-free support and recovery! And since I've turned 50 (right smack dab in the middle of my chemo treatments) I think I qualify for "older" at least in some sense. (Although I still feel 17 on the inside! Wink)

    Several of you have mentioned having insomnia. I had that quite a bit before my dx, mostly due to night sweats. My med onc gave me an Rx for low dose (1 mg) Lorazapam (Valuim) to use for insomnia and anxiety. I take one at night about 30 minutes before I go to be, and it really helps me sleep. I also take one on the days I go in for an infusion.  You might want to ask your docs for the same or something similar. I know sleep had a tremendous effect on my attitude (e.g. good sleep = great attitude; poor sleep = defeatist attitude). 

    Yesterday I finished cycle 4 of 6 of my TC treatments. Yay! 

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Sending good thoughts for Junie. 3jays, Marybe, all who are in tx, recovering, toughing it out - my best wishes.  Each of you provides such inspiration. What a bunch of nice ladies.  Welcome Marthah, and yay for 4 of 6!

    We're having a bit of a heat wave, so any outside work has to get done in the little time between morning mosquitos and baking heat, or between the afternoon scorch and evening mosquitos. (hot here is about 95) Mosquitos love me, and I react badly so mostly stay away from where they are.  My flowers, such as they are, are doing well.  If I can keep the mums alive they will be prolific in a couple of months.  The veggies are such a delight - and the garden looks real healthy - one zucchini plant is so big it looks like a jungle.  This week I made another batch of pickled beets, and put up about a gallon of bread and butter pickles.  I'm convinced a little vinegar is "good medicine." We won't talk about the sugar.  We'll have corn next week, and tomatoes soon after. DHs grapes are coming on real prolific after he rescued the pre-existing vines here that I thought were beyond hope.

    Fire season has started in earnest around here and will last until rains come in mid to late October - the slightest smell of fresh woodsmoke and neighbors are calling each other "did you smell...?" or turning on their emergency scanners. So far so good but I need to go over our evac kits and lists which we try to keep current, just in case. ("going over the evac kits" makes me glum because it means I need to declutter and re-organize the garage shelving where they live... the garage is a mess since I didn't get it done last year...) ugh.

    Enjoy your weekend!  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome Martha and Hauntie!  L_C, I hear you about fires. FL has serious fire issues usually in the winter, as that is our rainy season. And then, of course, we have our rainy season which is June-Nov. The best thing I can say about hurricanes is that we have advance warning, unlike earthquakes and tornados.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Welcome Martha and Hauntie!  Sorry for your diagnoses but glad to see you here.  There is a variety of experience with treatment modalities here and I have found it helpful.  Just about any question you can think of somebody knows the answer!  I've been lucky enough to avoid chemo and rads by choosing a "surgical cure" BMX.  So sometimes I feel guilty as others are going through so much.  Prayers to all.

    Babysitting for the grands today and am setting up playdough outside for them.  The thing is, I also enjoy playdough so it will be a fun day for all.  Yesterday was the back pain day from hell so I called my Dr. and renewed the muscle relaxants.  Afraid to ask for more Vicodin as I don't want to appear a druggie.  I so far can take 30 a month.  My exercises are on hold while I get my back straightened out. 

    Has anyone been to one of those pain specialists?  Has anyone ever taken lyrica?  They're using that for post-mastectomy pain syndrome.  (Will go to that thread for info as well).  I don't want to take something that's too "zombie."  When I was taking all that post-op stuff I was like a zombie crossed with a really cranky teen-aged girl.  Don't wanna put my friends through that again!

    Love and hope to all,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi all

    dragon, I take one vicodin a day around one..because the chemo fried my liver

    I can't take any NSAIDS at all so I can have 2 grams of tylenol a day . I have to

    count the tylenol in vicodin to as part of the 2 liver specialist have

    all said  most

    people even other types of doctors don't realize that tylenol is the med of choice

    for liver patients but it is dose sensitive for under the 2 grams...I have been taking

    that one pill now for 8 years.

    I also take Lyrica for permanent neuropathy in my deals with nerve pain.

    I had to try amytripiline and neurontin first before the Navy would authorize the

    lyrica because it is very expensive. But it literally saved my sanity as now I can

    walk without much pain and even play two hours of non competitive tennis. When

    I had a hip problem, I saw a pain specialist from hell who insisted that he didn't

    deal with such non difficult pain but rather the type that needed surgery..anyhow

    my son who is a famlity practice MD in LA gave me a shot ot cortisone to fix that...

    But I still take my 3 500 mg tylenol plus the vicodin and the lyrica..and have for over

    five years now..

    I hope you find a good pain specialist..I am going to try to find one too..

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Thank you for the lovely welcome, folks!

    We here in Iowa have been having a heat wave too, but it's been more about the humidity than the heat. We finally had some rain last week, but my flower garden is about fried. I was finally able to get out an do some weeding this morning, and man, were they BIG!!! I don't worry too much about the mosquitos after I've had an infusion. I figure my blood it pretty toxic and they are going to fly off somewhere and die. Aw :::insert sarcastic sympathy here!:::

    I've been reasonably lucky with the pain issue -- mostly neuropathy in my finger tips, especially my right hand. My scalp is very sensitive too. I have hydrocodone/tylenol 5/500 mg that I can take every 4 hours if I need, but manage to get by with 3 to 4 a day. I think my med onc is concerned about permanent neuropathy like you are experiencing, SoCalLisa, so I'm hoping to avoid that. I have a desk job, so you could say I make my living with my finger tips. 

    Going to head north to stay with 3 of my 4 grandsons overnight on Monday while my son and his wife celebrate their anniversary. Will need to take an extra day of my steriods to make it through as I usually hit the wall on Tuesday after my Friday infusions, but it will be worth it to hang out with the little men for a while!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, thanks so much for the info.  Does the Lyrica make you "loopy?"  I'm loopy enough as it is!  I'm sure my ins. doesn't cover it but I might be able to get them to change their minds!  I used to work for a health plan and believe me, so many of their decisions are arbitrary.  If anything could make it so I could sew again I would be happy.

    Your should ask your son about your tylenol dosage--it seems high to me but I could be wrong.

    Love to you and thanks for the beautiful roses!


  • justjudie
    justjudie Member Posts: 196

    She is in my prayers then too, Chrissy.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls! and welcome Hauntie and Marthah hope you feel right at home here!

    Yay Martha for 4 of 6!!!!!!   Well done!  Sounds like you are really daring those mozzies to bite!

    Hauntie, hope your walk on the beach wasn't too lonely!

    Still wishing and hoping and praying for Junie.....thank girls for the prayers you are saying for her.

    Take care all and have a great weekend!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy