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For Older People with Sense



  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    Leah - My friends would tell you, if I was there the docs might be heading for cover -in my book patients rights and their wishes have to be respected...I may not agree but I would make sure you got what you wanted. I absolutely think staging onc group dont feel that you are treated by stage but by path reports - they give you every possible option and side effect. Supplements - they are for them as long as they dont cause problems with chemo and they will tell you.

    I really protect my arm on the MX side - bosses think I am nuts. I wear heavy leather farm gloves in the wire production area. I know exactly what to expect in the other areas. The guys usually fill one barrell or time up bags so I do not have to do it. I do wear rubberized garden gloves. They are also clueless about I have to follow a routine or it is very hard to complete tasks. I come from an accounting backgrnd if that says anything!

    I fed the cats, had my one supplement, and I am off to bed at 5AM

    Everyone has a blessed and peaceful day!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Leah, I have everything crossed that your PS prevails. How stupid!

    AL, glad you are recovering. Those fire ants are nasty buggers. Is that what bit you? I hate them.

    AJ, I am praying for you, gal. I really hope the synthoid helps.

    Dragon, the hollyhock is gorgeous!

    HnS, good luck with the sale. Sounds daunting.

    Kathy, good to 'see' you!

    Isabella, missing you!

    Chrissy, how wonderful! You must be so proud!

    Hope today is a good day for all.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    ANTS!  I always knew those little buggers were up to no good!  Leah, I chose the bilateral MX just because I foresaw that for years thereafter I'd be waiting for them to find something in the good side.  I was sick of biopsies, mammos, needle pokes, ultrasounds and the general anxiety of waiting for more cancer to develop.  The final path report showed pre-cancerous developments in the "good" breast so--so much for saving it. 

    I hate to sound paranoid but I am a nurse and to me it seems that, as long as you have a breast around for them to "track" they can keep ordering MRIs, digital mammos, etc.  The hospital makes as much money off an MRI as they do a surgery in some cases. 

    Meanwhile, every time you go in for one of those appointments it takes a week or two out of your life--first you wait for the appointment, then go to it, then wait for results--all along dreading what they might say.  I went through that for years prior to the mastectomy while they tracked suspicious lesions.

    I chose the BMX for another, purely cosmetic reason.  You get better symmetry on the reconstruction if you're doing both at once.  I had implants and it was difficult for several months but now I'm pretty happy with the results.  It's also a relief to know that I have no breast left to develop anything.  You have enough put up with with the met--and yes, your situation is not only very treatable but your QOL will be a lot better without the anxiety of wondering what is growing in that other breast.

    Sorry to sound so opinionated but I worked in hospital and at a health plan for 30 years and the one thing I know above all else is that YOU have to make the decision that works for you.  None of this is fun to go through, but for me the anxiety of having that "time bomb" breast was a quality of life issue.  And remember, anxiety is not good for your healing process. 

    Sorry for the rant but this got me riled up!  I hate to see anyone edged into a decision that doesn't feel right.  Sometimes your insight about your own body is your best guide.

    Love to all,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Crissy, good for your grandson..

    We have a USA Olympic Training Center five minutes from my house and

    archery is one of the sports that trains there..I have been out there many times

    to watch them practice...very special

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    The hollyhock is interesting...

    Chrissy, good for your grandson, and your support of his interests. It sounds like he is a natural archer - what a great sport! 

    My great-GD turned 4 last week, and asked for books for her birthday. I was so pleased, and happy because that's what I'd already sent in her package...

    Cucumbers are ripening faster than I can give to the neighbors, so this evening there are some bread and butter pickles brining, and I'll make a few pints of pickles after the sun goes down and it cools off some.  

    So many good thoughts and best wishes go out to the ladies of the list --  all of you and those you love.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all

    Just finished some work I have been trying to do for ages. 

    Waiting on the electrician to come and check the wiring for the en suite and the things for the bathroom have arrived so my hall is full. Thankgoodness  I live in an old house with a 6ft 6in wide hallway so things can stay there until they are installed. Ensiute will be about 3 weeks away then they will start on the main bathroom.

    Actually not having a good day pain wise and my hands are now quite sore. Like lots of others I really think that chemo really has mucked up my whole system which was already not good from other problems.

    Looking forward to a trip to Australia in September and to seeing Chrissy on her way home.  But am also beginning to discuss a trip next year. Barb I really hope to get to Toronto and over to Nova Scotia - a great grandfather was born there, so will let you know if it happens. Just wish I could pack up and travel for a year. Don't have the money for that, nevermind.

    DH's head is coming right. Has to get dressing changed tomorrow. It has been a real joke with most people. He usually says I didn't get a chance to hit him as he was 400 miles away.

    Hope you have all had a good day.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Wow, there is so much going on that I cannot remember very much of it and if I go back you all know what will happen. 

    Leah - Stick by your guns and insist on what you feel is right for you.  I am so glad I did the BMX since the breast that they thought was not affected actually was worse than the one they were going to remove.  I don't know really why or how I knew the BMX would  be best for me, but it turned out to be the best.  My BS thought I was being silly, but agreed to do the surgery I wanted and afterward she flat out said the there was nothing more she could do and more surgery would be of no benifit.  She also said that I had made a good decision and wanted to know how I knew. All I could tell her was I just knew that was the right choice for me.

    BarbA - Cherie is the one on synthyroid not me.  I am just on antiB for the staff infection from the ant bites.

    Chrissy - congratulations on the accomplishments of your grandson.  He seems to be a natural with so little time and this being his frist competition.

    Isabella - missing you girl, hope you can get back to us soon. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hello all.  Leah, your BS needs some sensitivity training!  I'm glad PS is on your side with what you want to do.  It's your life and your decision, and you have every right to insist. Go for it.

    Lynda, the black hollyhock is gorgeous.  I'd never seen one before and it's so unusual.  Liked your rant--especially coming from someone who used to be "inside" as a nurse.  I wish now that I'd chosen BMX like you did,  as now I feel as if I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time and I don't like that feeling in the least.

    Granny brag away, Chrissy!  Who knows, you just might be the grandmother of a future gold medalist, after all.

    Hey to you too HnS!  Glad to see you again! 

    Alyson, I hope your DH continues to recover from his fall.  I 'm sure that was hard for you too with him being so far away when it happened.  You might have a mess in your house now, but the prize will be those grand new bathrooms!

    AmyJo, I had no idea that a staph infection could result from ant bites until it happened to you.  Glad the antibiotics are clearing it up so you'll be ready to meet that new grandbaby!

    Hi 3jays, glad to see that maybe you're turning the corner with the synthroid. You're right--you do have places to go and one is called Mecca!

    Anumacha, I didn't know that ants won't cross a chalk line, so I'll keep that in mind for future reference.  One year we had a big problem with ants getting inside the house.

    We're getting ready to go on vacation for a week this coming Saturday and wouldn't you just know, the dryer broke Saturday night.  Repairman is to come tomorrow, thank goodness.

    Phyllis, hope you're continuing to recover well.  Thinking of you.

    And Isabella, looking forward to your return, too.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi all, glad you're all getting better.. it looks like im sick again w' tummy virus; or as i choose to believe, the new meds are kicking my GI system back into synche!! anyway, can;t use the laptop in the bath, and i've been there all the time.. i know, TMIhahaha

       AJ: so glad you got the pain meds sx. out. it took awhile for uus to figure it all out. he takes pills, now. Can you? or do they give you tummy trouble?? he needs to have pain in control at work, patches just didn't cut it in the summer...

       yeah, Kathy, i wanna go to Mecca..they lowered my airfare, so its meant, im sure.. just gotta make sure this settles alittle..can't wait to SEE all the ladies..i have a wk here w/ chrissy before, and add all the others that week.. what a wonderful thing Marybe did, thinking of us all; and how nice is her family?

       im not good like kathy, remembering everyone, so plze excuse.. i MISS isabella. emailed her onFB..why don't you all? .............3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I miss Isabella, too. Hope she is doing OK. AJ, I did a typo, meant 3jays. Hand/brain connection not working.

  •     OK, I don't know what is going on with whom except on this page and am always afraid to go back a page for fear I will lose whatever I have been writing and in truth, well, I am always short on time.....big issue with me...too much to do and not enough time.  And  I sure as heck hope I don't live to regret my decision about SS disability.....want to LIVE, that's for sure, but hope not doing it now wasn't a mistake.....Oh well, as Scarlett said I will think about that tomorrow.             

    My oncologist is going to put me on Xeloda (which I wanted....I think...this will probably be like the I really want to do it?) but not just Xeloda.....he's going to do Ixempra with it.  I know nothing about Ixempra, but did find someone on the threads who just started the combo this month so PMed her.  And I am sure there are many who did it and I will hear success stories as well as horror stories. I guess I will finish losing my hair which is still hanging on, but very thin and I would rather it be gone that stay this hate the thought of no eyebrows and lashes again,but Oh well.  Also it says diarrhea....on both of, that would be a guess I will stock up on TP and get a new Rx for lomotil (I really think it is better than Imodium)...and it says muscle and joint pain which I don't like, but maybe I won't get that and mouth sores and all the usual stuff....LOSS OF APPETITE  is listed with both meds.   Hope springs eternal, but I doubt if I get that and for sure I would hate to lose my sense of taste and at least they don't list that.  Also I need to watch for edema and breathing problems and chest palpitations and all that crap, neuropathy, feeling weak, the usual.   Why he wants to do both, I don't know.  I would have been happy with Xeloda.  Oh, and he doesn't care that I am on warfarin...he just said we will monitor it very closely as we already do (once a week)....the doc at MDA told me I should take lovenox shots or fragmen while on it....Can you imagine the ins co picking up that tab!?!!?   I have mixed emotions about this, but am glad we are doing something.      

        So this means I will be bald at Shell Knob.  BUT I am going to Shell Knob to be hostess and reminded him of this....said I will be gone at least a week, maybe two and he was just nodding his head.  

         Something I don't know if you are all aware of unless you read the drinking thread....Junie who lives in AK and was going to meet us at Uncle Bill's and also have us over for drinks and sent me a bunch of info on shows in Branson and things to see in Eureka, is in a coma in ICU.  Her friend Wahine let me know and she will be posting updates on that thread.   So everyone please pray, light your candles, whatever for Junie.  She is a great person.

         3Jays,,,,sure do hope the tummy trouble is a sign the synthroid is working for you.  AmyJo re your decision to have the bilateral....were you lobular...if so wasn't your onco lax in not telling you to do that herself?  Mine was IDC and I just had the left implant is still fine after 21 yrs, but alas the natural breast is hanging low....TG, I am not that big to begin with or finding a bra would be more of a chore than it already is!!   Lisa, Playing tennis?...the being in a cool library sounds a lot better to me....although where you are is probably a lot more comfortable than the midwest right now.  Dragon, that hollyhock is beautiful and I am going to check and see if I can get one here to mix in with my pink and burgundy and fuchsia ones, but I know they are biennials so it probably wouldn't see it next year yet if I got one, right?  and not to be nitpicky, but I am....sort of anal actually I guess, but isn't the color actually more like an eggplant?...or is that the light?  Whatever, it is beautiful.  Anu,  I need to try the chalk line for ants....finally got rid of them for now with taro, but they were inside and driving me nuts.  Husband of course was oblivious to them and did not seem to mind finding them in the sugar for his coffee.  QCA, always happy to see you .  LostCreek,  I lOVE mother used to make me cucumber sandwiches with just a little butter on the bread and salt and pepper....YUM.   Alyson, So glad your migraine finally went away...did you check out those super flush toilets I told you about...they are great, always a clean bowl....just the thing for my Dad's house.  I am going there this weekend to fill him in on my new treatment...also want to see how much damage he did to his cars.  The man should NOT be driving.   Have a good day  each and every one of you.  I must go water now and then run a few errands since I don't work til 1:30 today....this is our late day.  I am working every day this week since I subbed on Monday for the other hygienist.  Yipeee, my last hooray before I change my life again next week.   Heck of a way to live, but it sure does beat the alternative.  Rock on.   



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alyson, did you check on the higher seat toilets??? They are WONDERFUL as you age and get hip/knee issues. I'm excited for you. Can you post pics????

    Chrissy, are you kidding me!!!!??? An Olympiad in the family possibly.??? How proud you must be!

    Here is a pic of my son a couple of years ago using his thingy:

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Here is a picture of some gal who is with the Olympic Training Team here

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It's not as easy as you might think!!! Requires extremely strong upper body strength, some of which I probably lost with surgery. Add to that endurance and accuracy!!! I think it's a GREAT sport.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Smile me too

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Lisa, that would be so neat watching the Olympic hopefuls practicing. San Diego sounds like a great place to retire - lots of stuff to do. I am totally unfamiliar with California. My son will probably end up with a job in Silicon Valley. Do you know of any good places to live/work and possibly retire around there?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    That is way up North from us...about 500 miles or so....we lived in Monterey for a while and liked it, but I like San Diego because I like the sun and not alot of rain.

    Saw this about an hour ago

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Yes, I know it can be chilly and rainy there, hmmmm......but I want to be near my son so I can be near future grandchildren. Talk about projecting!

    Just did a quick check on Monterey - looks like what I would like. Now to check real estate prices - *shiver* 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    heartnsoul - My oldest daughter and her Army husband live in Monterey and they love it there.  They will be moving back to the east coast in Dec.  Their next duty station is Washington D.C.  We will be going out there on Aug 6th to see our newest grandchild that is due Aug. 2nd.  We always have a great time when we go out there, besides seeing grandchildren there is a lot to go do and see.  The weather is nice almost all year round too.

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Leah - sorry to hear of your rough time with your BS.  I am surprised at the attitude.  I just got my pathology report today and it totally supports my decision to have both breasts removed.  To be honest, after the surgery, I was second guessing my decision because of the pain and my current appearance.  The pathology reports shows "atypical lobular and ductal hyperplasia in both the "good" breast and in the remaining tissue of the one with the cancer.  I asked what this meant and the Dr. said, that this was precancerous and while it could have taken a while to develop into cancer, he was glad that I made the decision for the BMX. I know as things progress, I will feel better about it, but --- well I think you all know what I am saying!Pain is better today, but the drains are still too full to take them out.  Hopefully, I can have one removed when I see the PS tomorrow. Personally, I think I will do better once the drains are removed.  Hannah has been a trooper and has helped me with everything!  She helps me with the drains, with my showers and getting dressed.  She is only 11 and she was the one having such a hard time pre-op.  On the other hand, Alyssa does all she can to avoid me.  She is 15 and is obviously scared. Right now, I have to focus on getting through it myself. The girls will be getting support too, from the Cancer center when I am feeling up to it.

    The little boy across the street has a reoccurance of 2 new tumors (brain cancer) and he had surgery today. His mom called to see how I was doing!

    With God, I know I will get through this. Hugs to all my BC sisters!


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    So glad to see you Phyllis, and learn that you're doing well, considering.  I'm glad Hannah's helping you, and I do think Alyssa will come around.  My experience both with being 15 and also from having had a 15 year old daughter was that it's a hard row for both the mother and the child.  This has certainly rocked her boat, and it's good that you recognize her fear of losing you.  She'll be okay.  Hope you can get at least the one drain out soon.

    Marybe, I said on the other thread that I hope this treatment will kick cancer's butt, but be kind to you.  Hope you find all is well with your father, and you're right, he probably shouldn't be driving.  When my dad was about 89  DH took him (at Daddy's insistence) to get his license renewed. He'd already had 2 minor accidents and was virtually blind from macular degeneration, and when they asked him first thing to sign in the "box", he couldn't even see the box.  So, no license.   We'd been trying for 2 years to get him to quit driving, but it took the state to tell him he couldn't for him to listen. 

    AmyJo, you'll be going to Monterey the same day we get back from our vacation.  We're leaving this Saturday.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    AmyJo, so glad to hear that! It looks very nice from what I can tell by googling it, and I didn't faint like I thought I would when I saw the home prices - whew! Boy, after this stifling summer heat, the weather in Monterey sounds delightful. 

    He's my only child, so his kids will be my only grandchildren - I don't want to be 3000 miles away! I know you will be glad to have your daughter and her DH (and the grandchildren!) back on this side of the country. I find myself looking forward to your trip to Monterey, AND I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!

    Kathy - where are you going on vacation? 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    HnS, we're going to Holden Beach NC.  It's the "family vacation" thing--me and DH, DD, DS, DIL, 2 year old grandson, and DIL's mother.  Plus DD's boyfriend will be there for the first weekend.  Gonna have a good time!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Kathy, have a great time on vacation. Mine isn't until 10/30. Going on another cruise. Can't wait. Today is my 4th anniversary. DH's band is playing tonight so those on FB will see some videos later. Hope everyone has a great day!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy Anniversary Barb!!!!!!!!

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195

    Barbara a,

    I would love to see the video,How do I get to your FB page?Happy Anniversary:)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Thanks, gals. Can't believe we have been together for 10 years.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Congratulations BarbA! Time flies when you're having fun! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Yikes, L_C what on earth are you doing up at 5:30?

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    It's 4:30 and I've been up for an hour - insomnia I guess. Last couple of days have been "off" any semblance of sleep-schedule.

    Was just thinking of you to add to my congrats on your anniversary: my condolences for your job-hate right now.  I do hope you can find something more suitable for your personal situation.  I hated hating a job, and fortunately kept my working life to jobs rather than career, which makes a lot of difference.  Jobs you can leave, careers can be so tricky... or something like that.

     While I'm here, best wishes to all. Phyllis, I am glad you are doing ok, and wish you well. 3jays I hope your new meds are helping.  Marybe, good luck with your new tx, and good news about your flowers .  Alyson, I hope your DH is better. AJ, that your antibiotics are working well, and your pain meds also.  Isabella, if you can read this, we are all sending you best thoughts and good wishes. We miss you.  Kathy, have a great vacation.  H&S, glad to see you here.  To all the new ladies, welcome.

    edited to add, SoCal, that's about the most beautiful flower I've seen in awhile.  Do you live near a botanical garden?