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For Older People with Sense



  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Hi ladies, hope everyone is humming along well!

    Ducky, I know what you mean about the dread of taking that first pill! I was the same with Tamoxifen - you see it everyday with the newbies on the Tamoxifen thread. I think, I went through chemo - what is it about this stupid little pill that bothers me so much?? The onc told me to start around Dec. 28th, so I decided I would start on Jan. 1st. So, by the time the day arrived, I just took it and waited all day long for something to happen - which of course, nothing did.

    Now, I have a different mindset like the other ladies said - I put a positive spin on it because it's keeping the cancer away, and I trivialize the SEs because there's not much I can do about them anyway. In fact, I don't feel like I have much choice about any of this, so I just make the best of a bad situation.  Oh, crap - now the "why me?" thought went flitting through my head. I don't think that often, but really!

    I never had the pleasure of talking to Junie, but I have been keeping up with it and it makes me so sad. She sounds like she was quite a vivacious gal, and my condolences to all her friends on this thread. Everyone we lose feels like they've left a huge, gaping wound.... 

    L_C - the concert sounds like it was amazing. Skeeters are a scourge on society!! They always go for me, too, but don't even bother my brother or ex-DH (damn husband). 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    am soo sorry to hear about junie..marybe has been keeping me informed.. thats' the HARD part of this site. the good part; is the support and love we find here...............3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, love the daisy!  Got a new dhalia opening up here, finally. 

    Sorry to hear about Junie.  Her family is in my prayers.

    Putting off doing cleaning.  This is more interesting.  Why do I have so much paper?  I thought we were going to paperless.  If a fire ever starts in this house it will go up immediately as soon as it reaches the dining room table.

    XOXO to all.  I'm picking up the vacuum...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    hi one way I have cut down on paper is digital photos..I make a collage of many and put it in an album...if I ever want to print an enlargement, I know where it is..(hopefully)

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Hi there, one and all, at long last I am back in the land of BCO. 

    Somehow I was unable to get on about 2 weeks ago. I tried all I knew, as I could read, and send PMs, my knowledge is VERY limited, so of course, I got no-where. The mods and the techies were very helpful and eventually got me back to normal....but then I just couldn't think of much to say, so I stayed in silent mode !

    I cannot remember all I have read, but I HAVE read all your news, good and bad.

    The biggest exitement for me recently ( if you could call it that ) was actually getting myself to the dentist and having EIGHT teeth out. I was in an awful state for 10 days before I went. I'd had 3 dummy runs where I had just not dared to go in the door, but I just had to sit myself down give myself a good talking to, and fill myself up with diazepam, and just do it. It was a terrible ordeal, one I hope never to repeat, but the dentist was VERY quick and understanding. To make matters worse I lost my appointment card, with the correct time on. I knew if I rang and talked to the receptionist I wouldn't go, so I turned up at what I thought was the correct time, but it wasn't. it was half an hour early !!! I had to sit it out in the waiting room for threequarters of an hour before I went in. The receptionist started her 'there, there, nothing to be worried about' speil. I was very rude and told her 'Just DO NOT say one word to me' and then turned my back on her....I apologised later !

    Somehow, 6 days later, I have 1 x 1" graze on my forehead, a smallish bruise near one of my eyes, and a bigger bruise on my cheek, and I KNOW the dentist never touched any of these places. I look a wreck ! and am sucking ice lollypops as if they are going out of fashion, as my mouth is still sore. I was MUCH more frightened of this dental op. than I was for a double mastectomy. I have been hibernating, just doing essential animal feeding, then off for a shower and spend the afternoon in bed listening to the radio....well 10 mins radio... 2 hours sleep.

    DD moved into her new house this last w/end, I just couldn't get myself up and off to help her, but she seems to have managed it OK. She is coming tomorrow to fill up my big box van with furniture. She MUST be maturing as she doesn't want any 'funky' stuff about anymore. I have absolutely loads of furniture that is quite old ( she is NOT getting any of my good antique pieces at all, not 'til she stops smoking anyway) I have 2 store rooms of old stuff, things I just never could part with, things from grandmothers' houses, things I just bought because I liked them, and was always going to re-upholster, and never did! I can see us coming to blows as she is fancying a very old bleached walnut bedroom suite, that belonged to MY gg/mother, I have always taken very great care of this, but as DD has a 2 1/2 year old and a 15 yr old who is a little rip and always fills the house with millions of his friends she is just NOT getting it !!  

    At least she has a lot more space in this new house. She has has to put a bell on her dogs collar so that she knows just where it is in the place ! She had the most gorgeous hairless Chinese Crested little bitch. It is completely bare except for a big tuft of hair on its head, and some small tufts on its toes. DD has a full wardrobe of the most absolutely stupid little dresses and coats for this dog, she even has a dressing gown for it !! I mean, a dog with a DRESSING GOWN ????( I actually knitted it a coat this last winter !!) I wouldn't mind one myself sometime they are very pretty ( or quirky, depending how you look at it !) little things.

    Right, back to my bed...its going up 1 am and I am starting to fall asleep. Just let the dogs out for their 'last trips' and there was SUCH a commotion. Of course, no torch to be found anywhere, so had to go out into the blackness to see what all the exitement was. The sausage dogs had only got a hedgehog, and quite a big one too, and were trying to unfurl it. I hope they got lots of prickles on their noses. I didn't half have to shout at them to get them to come away, good job I have no neighbours. managed to get the little thing, and pop it over the fence where it scuttled off very sharpish. Sausage dogs VERY indignant, and went off to their kennel all excited, wuffing and 'talking' to me  ( probably swearing in German at me !!)


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - It is soooooo good to hear from you again.  Glad you are back and not in silent mode anymore.  Sorry you hava had such a terrible time with all the dental work.  Hope you heal soon and feel better.  For now enjoy the rest.  Good to hear that you DD is finally maybe growing up to be somewhat sensible.  How she continues to make better choices for herself and her family.  Love you girlfriend.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, welcome back!  Hope you're feeling well.  Poor baby, all those teeth!  That's the worst!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Isabella, welcome back!  Good on you for getting on with getting your teeth done, I know you dreaded it like the dickens.  Hope you heal quickly, and easily. Hope your GS & others are taking some of your load.  Glad your DD is moved.   Rest when you can, and again, I'm glad to hear from you.  Your teeth was much less dramatic than my imagination had taken me, although I did wonder if you'd just gone off the deep end with the shots & all.  I wondered if you'd run off with a gypsy prince, bonked some incompetent nurse in the head and got arrested, or just what...

    The Missouri crew must be getting excited.  I read that Chrissy has her itinerary all set up.  Are you all packed yet?  3jays, I'm keeping your recovery in my best thoughts so you can join... 

    I made another 6 1/2 qts of b&b pickles this week; and have been giving cukes to just about anybody who will take them.  We're surely enjoying the fresh food - tonight's dinner was a simple pasta, served with all home-grown snap peas, carrots, 2 kinds of squash, carrots & basil.Yummy!

    Have a good week, all.  

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369
    Lost-Creek - I ate dinner a long time ago and you just made my mouth water.Wink
  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Isabella, so good to hear from you again! You are every kind of hero for going to the dentist and dealing with SO MUCH.

    Thanks everyone for the info on the red yeast rice. Not sure what I'll do about getting it since I wouldn't really have any way of knowing if it was the authentic thing or not.

    So the BS did bring my case to the onc dept mtg. The consensus was that I don't need the surgery. The nurse who called was careful to use the words "don't need" and didn't say "we will not do it" and advisded me to see the PS so that's what I'll do. I've also set up a consult with the BS who did my mast when I got my original dx. I really like him and wouldn't have hesitated to have him do this one also but he's not in the same hospital as the PS. I do want his input since the BS I saw claimed that "no BS in the country would do a prophy mast for a Stage IV patient". We'll just have to see what happens.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!!  hope everyone is doing well and having a great day!

    Lisa that Gerbera is beautiful and you have captured it beautifully as usual!

    Isabelle!!!!   So nice to see you piosting again....we missed you!!!!!   Oh my, eight teeth out and sitting in the chair!!! need a medal of honour for that one, cudos to you for your gutsiness!!!!  Hopefully you will be feeling a whole lot better soon.

    L_C I'd love to try a jar of your pickles!!!!........I love homemade pickles of any sort and to have enough produce to make it?  Wow!!!!!!

    Leah I sure hope you get some answers soon on having the prophy.  That attitude just stinks!!!   I just wish these male docs could walk a mile in our shoes just to realise the problems having one causes.  I with you girl all the way as I'm seriously considering the same thing.  Goodluck!!!!!

    Passport approved, ticket booked everything I need to do for the trip is in I have to sort out what clothes still fit and what I need to replace......ugh!!!.....I hate clothes shopping but I'm willing to make the sacrifice so I don't get arrested............Is there excitement here?  Oh yeah, there's excitement here!!!!....hahahahahaha!!!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, I bet you're counting the hours already! I'm just regretting that I don't have a trip to the States planned for the same time!

    The interesting thing about the male doc/female doc thing is that in the past I've generally chosen femal docs because I'm more comfortable with them. The came BC. The first surgeon I saw (female) was pushing lump for me and saw no reason to even talk about mast even though it was my first choice. Ended up with a male BS who is very kind and understanding, gave me reasons to consider on lump but knew I wanted mast and gave me no trouble. After the surgery he told me that according to the path report the mast was a very good idea. I also have a male onc who is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met, treats me with respect and does what he can to make me feel as good as I can. This piece-of-work BS is female and I sometimes wonder what the heck she's doing in the field of med she chose. My pcp, a female, probably saved my life when I found the lump since she said, "I don't think it's anything but we don't take a chance. I want you to have a mammo and an US to check." If she hadn't sent me for the US I don't know what would have happened since the mammo was clear. Also, with the socialized med system here she's the one who officially coordinates all my care and she's always saying, "Anything you need from me just tell me."


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Leah, have you seen her on this subject yet?

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to "see" all you ladies here... ISABELLA.. girl; you were missed! i, actually was very worried, but marybe told me about the snafu w/bco.. i can't believe you got to the dentist, and had all 8 removed!!! BRAVA!!! ( i KNOW i don't have THAT kind of courage!) i actually ducked out for 3 weeks, and had one fixed  today. fort., it wasn't the root canal we thought it might be.. put  temp on, now have to amkre paymts till i can afford the cap... next!!!anyway, im so glad youre on...don't leave so long...EVER!!my little heart can't take the worry!!

       im going to the 2nd opinion endo today, and we'll see. Mur doesn't like this one, but time is of the essense, so we'll see. i want to up the  dose, where it was, but diff. pills. i felt better at 50mcg than i do at 25.. but, will i have allergic reaction again? well, if i get to see this guy more often, im going to him.. and, i want him to address the fatigued adrenals before oct; also... if it doesn't work, at least it'll be a 2nd opinion. i believe in those!!

       Leah, i hope all goes well for you; you def. need to talk to another person. i don't think stage has anything to do with it!!!some of my beloved frineds have been stage IV for many, many, shoukd you also have back problems, while you're fighting bc?? i don't think so!!!   wwell, this was suppossed to be a bathroom break, but i just HAD to sneak a look inhahaha gotta go early today...............3jays

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Oh, how I hate these @#%&*@ drains! All 4 are still in.  The 2 with the lowest output are running below 100 cc's finally.  The highest one is running between 140 to 170 cc's. They say they want them below 30 cc's per day before removing them. 

    When I woke up after a nap yesterday, my chest was so tight, I could barely breathe and I could not bend my left elbow for a while.  Maybe that is the arthritis. 

    Sunday and Monday had been really good days pain wise.  I took my first shower completely on my own on Monday.  That was a good feeling.  I did dishes, folded laundry and even did a little dusting.   I went down the basement and helped Alyssa get the sewing room set up so she could sew. I was careful and did not lift anything heavy, but I felt pretty good. However, I seem to have paid for those couple of days as I felt lousy yesterday and am feeling kind of bad today, I just took pain meds, and now I feel kind of spaced out, so I will come back later today to finish this!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Yep sweetie, you over did it! Cry That's why we warn everyone not to do what they think they can! We know it feels good psychologically, but it hurts you physically.....ergo, the drains!! Now get on that couch and act like a Queen!!!
  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Phyllis, please take it easy.  The mind is willing but the body is weakened by its recent trauma.  Give yourself time.  Find a good book or chick flick, take a nap, paint your nails or .... just take it easy.  This is the Voice of Experience (read hard-headed, impulsive....) speaking.

    Leah, I surely hope you get some good and definitive answers.  I HATE being patronized, by male or female!  I'm glad you have a great PCP! 

    Lisa I loved the gerbera - we put one in the new flower bed, and it's really an eye-catcher.  

    Chrissy if I could figure out how to mail you a pint of pickles intact, I would do it!  I've had trouble before, with breakage. 

    DH did all the heavy stuff in the garden this year, or I wouldn't be pickling anything; but I do enjoy it so much. We were "back to basics" people 30-40 years ago, and I did huge amounts of canning & preserving for about 20 years, then we switched life-tracks for awhile, but are now getting back into growing our own while we're still able.  I realized this week when I pulled out my big, old enamel canning kettle that  I'd actually worn it out - the enamel finally gave out on a spot that must have gotten dinged many years ago.  There's some chemical reaction with the metal underneath and I don't want to use it.  I had an old enamel un-dinged washbasin I was able to use this week, but today when we go to town (ugh) I'm going to look for a new kettle. I doubt I'll wear this one out, but it will be fun to have new.  The old one may turn into a planter...

    Take care, all.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Phyllis, you've already heard this but here it is again:  I officially give you permission to do NOTHING and be a couch potato!  I also did too much too soon and had complications because of it.  Women don't get many chances to veg out so go ahead and do it. 

    Leah, so sorry you have to go through this and can't get them to listen.  We're behind you here.   Can you appeal their decision?  You might as well do it if you can.

    Re:  the supplements--my PCP told me if it has the "USP" certified seal on it then you can trust the ingredients.  I go with that as a guideline.


    Lynda (Dragon)

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    So, what's happening next is lots of consultations. When the nurse called after the onc dept mtg she said the decision was that I "didn't need the surgery" but not that no one would do it. She also said I should make an appt with the PS (who feels it's fine to do it). So I have an appt with the PS on Aug 11, then a consult with my former BS on the 18th plus an onc appt on the 25th. So, 3 Thursdays in a row to deal with this (are Thursdays Boobdays now?). We'll see what happens then. I very much hope a different BS in the hospital where the PS is will be willing to do the mast since the PS is excellent - he's the best in the country for DIEP and is probably the best in the country for other recons, too. If there is no way then I'll have to look elsewhere. I've already been very strongly advised NOT to do the recon at the hospital where I had my first mast and do my chemo. So we'll just have to see.

    I don't give up easily.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Leah, sounds like your PS is your best advocate.  Hope he can somehow help you to get what you want.  I so relate to this issue, and am hoping for the best for you.  There is no reason that stage IV should be a reason for a denial.  I know several people who are stage IV and have done well for years. 

    Love to you,


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    Isabella, so good to hear from you.  The board wasn't the same without you.  Glad you were able to get yourself to the dentist.  Have you heard anything on your back, yet? 
  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Hey Dragon - Another Lynda with a Y. There doesn't seem to be too many of us. Linda was a very popular name when I was born. One of my aunts thought it looked prettier when it was written with a y instead of an i. I have a long, hard to pronounce last name, so I've always have to spell both my first and last name. How did you end up with your Y?

    I always joke with people, when they comment on the Y, that only the most intelligent people with our name spell it with a Y.

    (Hauntie) Lynda

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lynda, that's true!  We are more intelligent!  Actually I got my Y in the second grade.  I wanted to change my name to one of my own choice and had dreamed up the name "Siskave."  My mom didn't think that was a very good choice (I can't imagine why?) so she suggested I just spell my name differently.  There were so many Linda's when I was a kid if they called my name I didn't even turn around!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    You would be surprised at how many people misspell my name.  Seriously how hard is it to spell Amy!  Here are a few of the misspellings: Amie, Ammie, Aimie, Aimye, Aime, Ahmi.  I wanted to change my name when I was in the 3rd grade, but my Dad said no because my name meant something (Beloved) and that is what I was.  So I just started going by both names. Now I go by AJ or Amy Jo since there seems to be so many Amy's around now.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    My name is Elisabeth with an S not a Z...It is always an "issue"

  •     My visit today with the PA went well.  I am starting Xeloda tomorrow and next week herceptin.  That blood test Dr.Cody did on me which he said was a long shot showed that I am now receptive to herceptin after being negative all those years.  So this opens up a few more treatment options for me and I can put off the Ixempra.  I know herceptin has SEs also, but one of my chemo buddies at the office has been on it for 8 years and she said it saved her life and she hasnt had any problems with it at all.   So once again, hope springs eternal!! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays what was the verdict from the new guy?   Anything good?  I've got my fngers crossed!!!

    Phyllis, you certainly did over do it!!  You really have to do nothing for the time recommended so you heal properly even when you feel 'fine'.  I know it can be boring but hey, it's not forever!  Take care of yourself and be a couch potato!

    Leah what a run around! I sure hope the PS really goes to bat for you and you finally the the yes nod at the end of all those appointments!

    Wow Marybe!   Who would have thought?   Hope the Herceptin does good things for you!  Missourri is getting closer and I can't wait to see everyone!!!

    Loven hugs.  Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marybe, her2+ isn't always good news but in your case it certainly is! I'm glad more treatment options have opened up for you.

    It always amuses me to see how many ways the same name can be spelled. When I was in high school my sister and I belonged to a synagogue youth group. My sister is Randy and 2 of the other girls were Randi and Randye.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Marybe, that is great news for you! Here's hoping herceptin is the bullet for you!