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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    You guys crack me up!  Boy, DH can stand for much more than "dear!"  Mine is pretty dear most of the time but gets outta line now and then!!

    Okay, now I'm steamed.  The BS looked at me like I was a big pain in the @%% after I talked about my back.  She said she had nothing to offer as it was so rare and just never came up.  I just can't believe that--I've talked to too many women on the post-mastectomy pain site to think it never happens.  Mine is much different than some but still limits daily activity!  Grrrrrrr! 

    I guess I'm supposed to ease into "geezer-hood" and just quit bothering the doctor.  Now I'm going to get ugly until somebody offers some suggestions for treatment.  My next move, I'm going to try this doctor my PCP recommended who's a chiro and an osteopath.  I hope he can handle an angry old woman!!!


  • Don't you just hate it when they dismiss something and act likes it no big deal....or as my onco is so fond of doing, he just looks at me over his glasses with this Are you really bothering me with something as petty as this look.  I am still upset over the PA leaving because I really liked her, could talk to her and she listened. the tree....why is it dying?  Your guess is as good as mine, but it looks bad....leaves are already brown and falling off.  I am going to call a tree specialist to see if it can be saved.  It isn't a huge tree, but it's big and probably at least 60 years old.  It's a maple I think....the largest tree is an oak.  The problem is we had two really dry summers in a row....this year hasn't been great and it's been very hot, but not as dry as is was in 2009 and general things are still green, but those years everyone's lawn was browned out by July.  It just makes me sick to think of it dying....I know it is crazy but it upsets me more than anything else has all year and that includes my health, doing income taxes and my husband.

      LynMichel,   Everyone on here knows the D is not for darling when it comes to my husband....that's something you can place a bet on. 

    PJ, I always think your avitar should be on a in that movie where the English ladies made the calendar....or were they Irish?....I cant even remember now, but I loved the movie. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I can't understand why the recent study showed men put in equal amounts of work at home..what a crock...even if they spent the hours, it doesn't say how much work they actually did in those hours...I know I can work  at least ten times faster than my DH and do so much more in those hours...shame on the study authors..

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,139

    LostCreek, I sure wish you were my neighbor!  My DH and I have been travelling in Alaska all summer in an rv, and I have missed the fresh veggies.  And good fruit in the supermarket.  The few times we visited farmers markets, the prices were exorbitant as in $10 a lb for green beans.  That's a small zip lock bag.  We would have had to buy two bags!  I bought tomatoes for $5 a lb, and they still didn't taste like Louisiana home-grown tomatoes.  Several times I bought peaches in supermarkets but they never ripened or tasted like peaches.  I buy bananas for $1 a lb or more. 

    On the other hand, there's fresh salmon and halibut in the fish markets.  The latter is expensive even here in Alaska.  The cheapest I saw was $16.50 a lb in Valdez.  I bought salmon for $7 a lb.  Alaskans pay a lot for their groceries that they buy in the supermarket, which is understandable.  Everything has to arrive by boat or plane. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I don't bother worrying about whether DH helps or not. He does stuff I hate doing like taking out the garbage, grocery shopping, washing bed linens and making the bed. Those are enough for me to be happy. And can I add, I have a housekeeper. I am done with all the years of cleaning. Life is too short.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Time keeps flying by with the 2 new granddaughters so sorry I haven't been catching up with everyone.  I'll try and get some more pictures up soon. 

    Marybe, you are in my prayers.  I am wishing you all the best.

    To the new members, welcome.  This group of ladies is awesome!

    I'm off to the hospital soon for my latest PET/CT scan so please pray for me that I get good results.  The tumor on my jaw has changed and is now purple so I'm really worried.  I'm going to bug them more to remove it whether they think I can handle the stress or not.  I don't think the Herceptin is working on the parotid gland which is why it's changing.

    DH and I are going to Washington DC tomorrow for a Phillies game and Wednesday night he took me to the American Idol concert in Philadelphia.  They were such a group of talented kids.  It was a great show.

    I'll try and catch up again soon.  Have a great day everyone.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Mazie1121, isn't it funny, I had never heard of the parotid gland until two weeks ago and now I have heard it twice since then. 

    I sat down here as I usually do after tea each evening, reading my forums etc., and when I went to bed, I had a huge lump under my left ear.

    I didn't even feel it until I lay down on that side and was amazed that it had grown so quickly without terrible pain when swallowing, chewing or cleaning of teeth.  It hadn't gone the next morning so I went to see my GP who said he didn't know what it was but thought it might be the PAROTID gland! He also showed me some pics on his laptop which horrified me.

    He gave me two scripts for anti-biotics which seem to have worked some, but there is definitely still some swelling and tenderness yet.  I looked up the P gland myself and got the same page as the GP but I don't think my lump is in the same place as most are.  I went to see my Onc yesterday and totally forgot to mention it to her.  I guess being told you have progression will do that to you, huh?


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I just heard from my friend in New Zealand..not good news

    Just to let you know snow is almost gone, has
    been wet and cold all week, Yesterday we were told all the houses in our area
    have been moved into the red zone, which means the land is to damaged to repair
    and all our houses will be demolished. We have received a form to fill out, send
    that into the govt and then they will send out a price that they will pay for
    our house and land. If we accept then we are on the move to find another place,
    the only thing they have already done this with over five thousand homes in
    christchurch so they are all ahead of us out here and are taking everything that
    is available.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Welcome to all the new people.  Ask any questions you may have and you will be gently answered!  Mazie, so sorry about the swellling and hope you can get someone to listen.  That's very important in this journey--it's hard to advocate for yourself when you're feeling so vulnerable and fragile but I try to remember that they can't read my mind. 

    Re:  the dying tree.  I asked my DH, who seems to know everything about plants, and he said the most common cause of tree death is overwatering.  That seems impossible when it's so dry in some regions but when it's dry you tend to water more and the tree gets the benefit, or the detriment, whichever. 

    Love to all who are waiting for surgeries, waiting for test results, or waiting for chemo to work.  Women are good at patience, but enough is enough!  Waiting is the worst part of this disease.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I took this yesterday in the front of my son's house

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    thanks Joyce..we are headed up your way next June..well, in NH DH's 50th college reunion..

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62


    I didn't know anything about the Parotid gland either until they found my bc there.  I originally had Lobular in 99 and found out that type tends to go to weird places.

    I had my scan today and of course came home and put the cd in and can't understand it so I just put it away for now.  I meet with my onc on the 25th with cd in hand.  I don't think the Herceptin is working on this and am going to push to get something done.  My scan was great in March so I'm not sure how I could have gone so downhill but that could be more in my brain so I'll have to wait and see.

    I was missdiagnosed for a year while this was growing.  I was being treated for Bell's Palsy since it had made my face change.  Talk to your onc and get a biopsy if needed.

    Let me know how you make out and I'll do the same.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

     Hi Girls!!!  Just a quick stop in to check and see how everyone is doing.

    Lisa, lovely pick as usual.

    Isabella, I would love to have some of your energy....any chance of bottling me some?

    Marianne, goodluck with your visit to the doc and I hope the scans a clearer than you think.

    Joy, I love your new avatar!!

    Marybe, keeping my fingers crossed that this new treatment is doing good things for you.   Four weeks to go and I'll be seeing you at Shell Knob!!!!!!

    Leah, any word on having the proffy and recon?   Sure hope it's going your way.....good luck!!!!

    Hey PJ, nice to see you!!!  Pop in more often, we love to see you!!!

    LynMichael, did you fine the thread with all the short hand?   It takes a little getting used to but once you do, you use it without even thinking.

    Hey Aussie, how you doing overall?  Haven't seen you around for a while so was just wondering.

    Lynda, you always crack me up with your feistiness!   You go girl!!!

    Well I'm on my final count down before leaving on a jet plane for destinations over seas!!!    8 days more and it's go, go, go!!!!!!!!!

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    I finally have some of my old energy back, but teh darn cat wrestling has to stop. I heard a snap thought it was the cat...nope I broke the base of the thumb at the wrist. Typing is hard, ER sent me home withe the wrong splint so my gp and I came up with a solution. Radiologist wasnt sure but said if there is no pain when I immobilize it- yep it is broken. Gee, medicine leaps forward now I am back in early 1800s.

    My friends church understands my days and nites are wacko so they adopted me anyway. I send all my plus size clothes to the women there plus I always liked good mens shirts so they benefit too. It is so bad here a few of our thrift shops are even gone! 

    Digital mammos - here let me velcro it off so you can flatten hurts and I expect bruising! I did this because why...oh yeah I developed breast cancer at an injury site! Sis met me so I took her to breakfast. My neice got a box of our favorite KASHI and Benadryl Stick for bug bites...we look like an ad for  some awful skin disease. Sis got a cotton dress I shrank and lots of natural tears for her and her dog.

    Hope everyone is well 

    Chrissy sounds like you are having a great vacation.

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    Isabelle - I have kept my garden intact by as my late uncle would say you just gotta work a little smarter. I have 90% of my yard is gardens, but they got covered with screening, plastic and lots of mulch. I do not weed much ( uncle used newspaper and wood shavings...I irrigation tubes I attach a liter or 2 liter bottle to it. I had a couple guys from the college screen and put in mulch for like $120 about 5 yrs ago. I grow veggies, mint,and ferns plus the raspberries have encroached everywhere! I have RA and Lupus so sometimes I am too tired to do much, but even 10 or 20 min a day - I still enjoy the garden with very little fussing.

    I am now trying some hydrophonic house plants...only one is alive- the cats ate them!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Crikey Maizie, I didn't notice you had ILC too.  I am just coming up to 3 yrs since mets dx and Onc has changed my Arimidex to Aromasin, says it's not working for me any more.

    Chrissy, I have been in some type of Limbo for the last few weeks, waiting to hear from Onc re the MRI results, car shopping to get me into a more accessible vehicle than our 4WD, when not being attacked by the other drivers.

    Onc says I have progression in my lower lumbar area and will need to have rads (palliative) to the am currently waiting for the plans to be set in motion for that session when DH finishes his next tour of tugging barges around in Gladstone.  Will be in October sometime so far.

    I can't imagine how excited you are getting at this stage Chrissy, do you lie awake at night going over all the details you have to remember or nod off as soon as your head hits the pillow?


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Shiela, sorry to hear about the progression but you will notice a big difference in the pain levels after the worked wonders for me.  What sort of car are you looking at?  I've got a Subaru Forrester and find the height is just perfect for getting in and out with ease and it's a nice car to drive too.  Good luck with your search!

    Yes, the excitement is building and building and the time I leave I will be ready to burst so my guess is when the plane takes off, I'm going to bawl my eyes out!!!!!!   I am sleeping pretty well, probably the head hit the pillow and out like a light   Mind you, the head is so full of details and I keep going over them just to make sure I don't forget anything it's a wonder I do sleep at all!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    OH Chrissy, I can't wait to meet you!

    Marianne, when I had my PET scan right after diagnosis, my parotid lit up so they did a biopsy and it was benign (Thank God) but I must say that biopsy was WAY worse than any other biopsy I ever had. Yikes!.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    anumacha you said something very interesting that I've been wondering about....developing cancer at an injury site. I think my cancer developed due to a breast reduction and subsequent healing right at the underwire part at the base of my breast. Hmmmm. There is another sister waiting to find out if a spot on her sternum that was previous hit by a canoe has become mets. Very interesting!
  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    BarbaraA I agree about the biopsy on my parotid being the worse one.  I had to have it done twice and the first dr hit the nerve and I almost hit the ceiling.

    The second one was much better.  They all think it's weird that my BC ended up there but soft tissue is soft tissue I guess.  It had shown some improvement but in the past two months has started getting bigger so I am worried but am going to push for rads or cyberknife or a stronger chemo to get it to shrink.  I have a lymph node that is sticking out so I always see it. 

    I'll let you know how it comes out. 


  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Wow I just read what you said Barbe about getting cancer after a breast reduction.  I had a breast reduction at 28 and developed BC the first time at 48 on the scar!

    I'm wondering how many more of us are out there.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Shit Marianne...I didn't realize that mine is ON THE SCAR of course!!!!!! Wow!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Hey ladies.............not sure about all this crap with unusual, procedures, bumps, bruises........and so on..........but you might find this interesting.

    about 1 year before I was diagnosed I was running the sweeper.......(Electrolux)..........that brand has a very long I was pushing it around I accidentally stepped on the cord, but the body kept "moving forward"..................the handle hit my right breast so hard it sent shockwaves through my entire body..............I thought.........stupid bit-h, but kept on going, and never checked the spot............just rubbed it...............................about 1 week later I was preparing for a shower, and happened to see the right boob in the massive mirror (hate it) that I had in the bathroom.

    Well Holy Sh-t, you should have seen the bruise on my was massive, with a big lump underneath............I thought "that can't be good".....................end of story.

    when I was diagnosed I told the BS about the incident................of course he said "no", but guess what...................the tumor was right at the same spot as where the handle hit me......................still think that was a factor.........maybe I'm goofy.........

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hmmm.....maybe we're on to something! I know another girl here that her dog/cat really hurt her breast and she developed bc right there!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Well, I developed mine in the right breast in the same place as I had a huge breast infection twice when I was nursing!  One site was lower left quadrant and the other two were upper right and left, all high grade.  Those were the exact places my infections were.  At the time I remember reading something that said women who had breast infections were more likely to develop BC but when I ran it by the BS she looked at me like I was off my gourd.  That's the thing that's so hard--when doctors don't show any respect at all for your information or informed opinions.  Every time I asked my PS an itelligent question he gave me that "there, there" look, like he was really sorry I was fretting about all this so much.  Decided it was better just to say nothing as that was pretty much what he expected me to know!

    Signed, Crabby old Bag


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I had breast infections three times in my right breast while nursing babies, once for each of the three of them.  Then I got cancer in my left breast. Twice.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    just a fly by to say hello; and wish everyone with tests, new challenges well. Marianne, your in my thoughts. hope the onc will have news thats' good. i had a reduction, too, but mine was unrelated... can'''t help ya there, barbe... hope springs eternal, but the new meds were worse!so, Marybe told me to do the little engine who could, so i am... i think i can, i think i can.. if i get enough strength just to get there, even if i sleep late, i can still catch the ladies later...... looking forward to the visit. Chrissy........3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    It's getting closer everyday 3jays!!!  Not long now!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Joyce for your good wishes.  I will be able to post as I'm taking the lap top with me so I can also download some pics as well.   This truly is a small world and you never know when you are going to bump into someone you know..........and it's really wonderful when it happens.  Hope you made the most of your lunch!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    An easy week for me this week as DH has volunteered to do all the cooking so he can practice before I leave.  The days are going fast but seem to go slow at the same time but I guess that's because of the excitement.  Cut and coloured my hair today so I can look smick when I arrive and it will be easy to care for while I'm all I have to do in that department is the legs!  Now that's going to be fun......not!!!!  Oh well, that's another thing to cross off the list.

    Hoping everyone is having a great day and those who are going through treatment, I hope it is treating you gently and those who have just finished, I hope you recover well.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy