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For Older People with Sense



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy what a peach of a DH you have!  I am so excited for you.  You have made so many friends here in the US, maybe they'll just declare a holiday in your honor. Enjoy every moment, eat it up! Make sure you get your rest this week, because you'll want some "reserve" --having so much fun can be exhausting!Wink

    Lisa I am sorry to hear about your friends in Christchurch - how awful.  Our news is so generic and sensational, we miss the followup and the real story. 

    All the travelling stories make me want to go somewhere.  One of these years I'll get to see our east coast. I know the west and midwest, but zippo "east."  My dog doesn't travel well though, nor does he board well --  

    Oh, BarbA, I read that your work is funky right now - know that I am sending you my best hopes for some new and meaningful and exciting path for you. Meanwhile, (((  )))  I hope you have a great time with your friends.

    To all, best wishes for something good today.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Lost_Creek thanks for the tip.  I found where the abbreviations are.

    Barbe me and my DH also have wondered about developing BC at an injury site. A couple of years ago I was in a car accident with my daughter and broke my ribs on the left side where I have BC.  And last year I ran into an old fashioned towel rack metal end and had a big bruise on my left breast.  I told my BS about it.  But he said that didn't cause it.  But  I think maybe all those things did play a part contrary to what he said.  There seems to be quite a few of us here that got BC after an injury. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    just a fly by to say hi...with the thyroid messing up; meds complicating everything, life is a challenge... now. we're looking out for Irene.

       according to some plan, we'll get it head on wed. or thurs. if not, really high winds, and flooding. here's hoping we're here for chrissy to visit. weather has been so strange everywhere, im nervous. we went to Daytona for Andrew; came back to devestation all around us, but it missed our (then) house. this will be the 1st one we're alone in a house. my son was def. zNOT welcoming us to be with him for the storm.. here's hoping the chart # 2 is correct!!................3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi ya 3jays, oh man!  is there anything else that can cause trouble for you?  First the meds and now the weather!!!  Those sort of storms are indeed scary.  I remember batoning down for one back in 1982 when I was living in the tropics here...........very noisy! and the rain?  man foes that ever come down hard.  Praying that you are safe and the storm passes you by.

    L_C, I think I'm going to need a holiday to get over my I'm sure looking forward to catching up with as many of the girls over there as possible!  I am truly blessed to have made so many friends.

    Half the house got a good clean today, the other half comes tomorrow.  At least when I leave the whole house will be sparkling but I'm not sure how much sparkle it will have when I get  Oh well, at least I don't have to look at it until then and with a whole lot of luck, DH will see when the bathroom needs to be cleaned and his bed needs to be changed.

    Counting down!!!

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138

    3jays I will be praying that this storm passes you by.  They are so scary. I have family in Louisiana and worry every time I see one forming.  Take care of yourself and I hope your thyroid gets straightened out soon.  Big hugs.

    Chrissy I will be waiting to hear all about your trip.  Was hoping to go to the cabin in Sept. but with the new stuff going on that isn't going to happen, plus I think my sister and niece are coming out here around the first so I will be busy with them.

    Love to all,   Darla

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, hoping this mean storm changes course before it gets to you!  You certainly don't need that on top of everything else!  Those thyroid meds are hard to adjust.  It took my daughter a few months to get hers right.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I have recently heard that many of the thyroid medications are unreliable and that is why so many people are having problems regulating them

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    3jays, I hope both your meds and the weather start to cooperate with you!

    Went to a WONDERFUL wedding last night. My son-in-law's brother got married. He's been living in Israel for about 6 years (parents are in the States) so we've gotten close to him during that tiime. I did a lot of dancing and boy am I feeling it now. Well, I'm not letting Femara or bc stand in the way of what I want to do.

    One of the other brothers who lives in the States didn't have time off from college (some sort of unusual program) so he flew in yesterday morning and flew back home on a 5AM flight after the wedding. All that why? Because he loves his brother. The rest of the family that lives there came for 10 days.

    We have a custom that dinners to honor the bride and groom are given for a week after the wedding. My daughter is hosting the ones for Sabbath so I'm helping her with that. I'm also taking her 2 older kids (6 1/2 and 3 1/2) for a few days so she can get more done. All this while I make 2 quiches, 2 casseroles and a cake or two. This is the kind of busy I like.


    edited for typos. Again.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Oh Leah I'd love to be there for that cake!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm in a big rush to get myself to bed to watch the 'new' season Grays Anatomy, starting in about 15 mins. I'm sure this new season will be well and truly over in your part of the world !! One of my favourite programs.....I thought they had forgotton used to be very greatly 'hyped' for weeks in advance with the last 4 series, but not a teeny tiny mention this time, just saw 2 hours ago whilst browsing the listings that it was back. I do wish 'they' would inform me when my favourites will be back !!

    Rain, rain, rain today. have been clearing out shelves and cupboards full of junk, stashed there 15-20 years ago. I am always convinced things will come in, but now its in the bin, after all that time shut in a cupboard I have to admit I will never use it !! I will have to have a bonfire I have so much. My bin men will refuse to take more than 1 bag per week ( unless of course Christmas is coming up, and all thru' December they get very chatty, and will take as much rubbish away as I can put out for them !! ) They can be as chatty as they like this year, I am stopping all tips.

    G/children have got half the money from me they normally get since May when I decided to cut down.  I VERY rarely get thankyou notes from them, I'm ready for them if they suddenly decide to ring and ask after my health 3-4 days after their birthdays....but so far none of them have dared ( and I've cut down on 3 of them this year ) Sick of handing out cash to one and all !! No-one, well, only 2 of my children and g/children ever remember it's my birthday !!!!! 

    Right TV is calling me


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    A quick fly by - no damage from the earthquake - center was 80 miles away.   My family, friends and I are fine.   Nancy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thank God Nancy, Thanks for letting us know....

    Isabella, I don't give out gifts unless I see the niece, nephew, or child in person. I've sent huge boxes home for Christmas to my step-daughter and her boyfriend and never heard a word. And of course, if they don't see us, they feel no need for Christmases or birthday gifts to us either!! I gotta see the whites of their eyes.....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Glad to hear you are OK Nancy, earthquakes are always scary to everyone...even if we get used to them..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I am with you Barbe.

    GramE, so glad all is well. My BFF in MD said it was very freaky.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    My mother has always said that if someone can't take the time to thank you, then you can't take the time to send them any thing else

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I am so fortunate that my DDs insist on their children writting Thank You note to everyone that geive them a gift or does something nice for them.  Even before they can write I would get pictures they drew about the gift.  I also get phone calls every week and FaceTime or Skype with them every once in a while.  Oldest GD likes to Skype when she gets done with her school work.  She is old enought to do it by herself and then she lets her 2 younger sisters talk too.  My sister sent Micah a stuffed bear and she was surprised to get a Thank You note from my DD#1.  I told her I did not know why she should be surprised and that was the normal for my girls.  I am truly blessed and I guess it pays to have been a mean mother.  At least I heard "Mom, you are so mean" a lot when they were growing up.   Now I don't thing they still think I was so mean after all.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I did too AJ with my boys, but I am afraid it has not been carried on by them...

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I insisted my children write thank you notes also and DD still writes them.  DS, on the other hand, doesn't.  I do think females tend to keep up with this nicety more than males!

    One of the tracks for Irene has it coming in over Charleston, and wasn't that the way Hugo came in?  That was the worst thing I've ever been through, weather wise, and I surely don't want to experience anything like that again.   I'll start stocking up on water and batteries so we'll have them if needed.  Also thinking of you gals in Florida and hoping you avoid this one too!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Last track I saw said it may or may not hit land until it reaches the Outer Banks or possibly Atlantic City NJ and then again it may not hit land at all, but there will still be effects that will hit us all on the east coast.  At least I am far enough inland not to have to worry about evacuation.  Called SV and told her to come here dogs and all should she need to get out of there.  Her Dad and brother will probably go to a cousin's house that lives in Kinston so she could come here.  She has never evacuated before so we will see if she will come see me this time.  Anyone else needing a place to evacuate to I have lots of room and you are welcome to head this way.  PM me and I will send you my address and phone info.  Hope all stay safe and well.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow girls, now an earthquake?  I'm so glad everyone is okay and no damage.  I haven't heard anything on that storm so pardon my questions, but has it hit yet?  Is everyone okay?

    I just love it when you see your children teaching their children the values you instilled in them when they were children................and because of the changes in society, start new values and instill them in their children that reflect the times we live in.  Facinating!

    Stay well and safe all!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sorry Amyjo and Kathy, we  Thanks for the info on that storm girls.   Hoping all are safe!

    Love n hugs,  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thank you ladies for all your lovingkindness towards me. so far, the storm cone has moved a little out to sea. we are going to get the beader bands, and wind, but much less than they predicted earlier... sorry; chrissy, your room was looking good. it now has 5 cases of water in the mifddle of it!( don't worry, we'll move it bf you get here!) AND we did get another battery operated fan , so if/when we lose electric, we'll have a breeze...we tend to lose electric at the drop of a hat, but they did a big redo after Wilma; so we might get a pleasant surprise!! if im not on, you'll know the electric is out. wifi won't work...

       as for the meds... the fools that manf. the thyroid med i was on, use acai plants as filler... a well known cause of hayfever! ad me, allergic to antihistimaimes. by oct. by the time i see the "real" docs.i'll have gotten the right ones. Not quick enuff for shell knob, im afrsaid, tho. found a compoounding pharmacy in Miami that makes synthetic meds that might work.. no fillers but get this tapioca white something instead of chemicals!!! and acidophilis as binders. heres hoping it works. for now, the dose has to be so low, im down for the count, most of the day..grrrr prayer works wonders, i'm hoping it will here..........3jays

       Leah; what a wonderful custom! my DH fsmily are Jewish. i thought i'd heard them all. is that just in Isreal; or because they're reformed???............anyway, i think its wonderful.. im irish, we only do that with funerals. how lovely to do it for a happy occasion!! i't sounds like they're very much loved, for his brother to come for a one day trip.  enjoy, but try not to overdo too much. the dancing sounds like it was a joy. im so happy bc didn't stop you, girl!!!.........3jays

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    It has been a while since I have posted.  I have tried to catch up with everyone.  Leah, my PS also said that TRAM or DIEP flap surgery would probably be too much for me.  I am doing the implants with TE's now.  I was set back a little bit with an infection.  Thursday will be 5 weeks post op for me and I STILL have 1 drain on the right side.  The output is above 100, so it won't come out this week either.  I asked PS if having it in this long was of any concern and he said yes, but that the risk of taking it out too early were of a greater concern.  This is the side that had the infection (left side), and it was at 255 10 days ago, so at least I am making progress.  On the right side, the second drain sort of came out early on its own.  I must have leaned on it in my sleep and pulled it out to a large extent.  It was still draining for a while, but kept sliding down until it eventually was no longer having any out put and they told me to go ahead and pull it out. Since the output prior to this was still about 75 or 80, it was probably too early and now I have a large bulge on that side which is very likely to be fluid. They don't want to asperate it since the PS is afraid he would hit the expander and cause it to leak too.  I go back in on Thursday for another expansion, so will see what he has to say then, since the bulge is larger now. He still has me on the antibiotics.

    I am supposed to go back to work on September 1st, but not at all sure if I am ready, but I will probably go since I need to get back to full salary!  I have had so many issue with the disability payments -- I was without anything for a month.  It was a nightmare dealing with those people! I finally got my payment last week. I am afraid of trying to extend it.

    I live in a site condominium community. I had notified them that I had surgery and would not be able to do things like pulling my weeds,etc for a while. Next thing I know, they send me a letter with a "violation" and a $50 fine if I don't get them pulled within 30 days. Such understanding people! And if I don't get it done, they will hire somebody to do it and then charge me for it on top of the fine. So, I and my girls have been outside doing as much as we can. I know I overdid it and it feels like I pulled a muscle. My 15 year old daughter left them a message written in chalk at the end of the driveway :  "My Mom has frickin' CANCER, how do you expect her to pull weeds?  From her daughters who are trying to do it for her."  I didn't say anything to her about it because I believe it was something she needed to say. She has been so burdened with a lot - helping with housework and laundry and now this.  Anyway, we are doing the best we can.

    Ready for some good news!  I got the test results back from my surgery.  No cancer in the lymph nodes.  The remaining breast tissue in the cancer breast and the prophylatic breast both had precancerous cells and lobular and ductal hyperplasia.  For me, this just proved that I made the right decision in getting the bilateral mastectomy.  The oncologist said I wouldn't need chemo!  I was very happy about that.  Just monitoring every 3 months and finishing the recon.  I am so happy and lucky that they caught this at such an early stage.  My onc said that she was amazed that with lobular cancer, that mine was caught so early as she usually sees it much more advanced.  I thank God for that every day!

    I hope all is well with all of you.  Crissy, have a wonderful trip.  Marybe, 3jays, Leah and Isabella, you guys are in my prayers.  Even if I haven't posted much, I think of you guys often.


  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138

    3jays, I have a friend who went through the thyroid removal and was having a difficult time getting her meds regulated.  She went to  a new doc and she told her to never take generic thyroid if that is all the thyroid you are getting.  I guess if it's just low the generic isn't that big a deal but if the meds are your only source it is important to take a name brand that is better regulated.  Darla

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!!!  Question, have any of you put something away for safe keeping and you put it away so well that you can't find it cause you can't remember where you put it?    Yup, that's what I have done with my extra set of glasses!  I have spent quite a few hours today going through cupboards and draws looking for those elusive glasses...........I was going to pack them just in case I broke my others while on the trip.....well I guess I'm just going to have to take extra care that I don't break the ones on my face!.....Grrrrrr!

    Oh Phyllis I sure hope that swelling will resolve without too much trouble.  I had a very similar thing after my Mx but it eventually was reabsorbed and the swelling went down on it's own.  I am amazed at some of the ignorance of some of the so called community when it comes to BC and all that it entails.  Did you put your notification to them in writing? and keep a copy of it?  Anyway, I applaud your DD's notice on the drive way....good for her for sticking up for you!

    Oh 3jays, I sure hope they get a handle on all this stuff soon!

    Leah, that celebration for the young couple is a wonderful tradition!  and even better that they make the time to observe it!

    Well it's back to the searching for those glasses but this is the last time I'm going to look!  Packing almost complete! 5 days to go!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy: Did you check your suitcase or toiletry case pockets? Could you have been so efficient you already packed your spare glasses?  I've been known to do things like that... Hope you find them.  Don't forget to eat and sleep during the next 5 days!

    add: Phyllis, hope you're feeling better by the hour!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    One time when we were is Alaska, we were in a place where the closest store was over an hour of the gals working there broke her glasses and I had an extra reading pair I picked up at the drugstore before we left...real cheapies..anyhow I gave them to her ..I don't know who was happier, her or her boss who had been inputing her data into the computers....

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    PS. I also had a pair of glasses two prescriptions ago I keep in my toiletry bag..

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, check your underwear drawer. Under everything...even the industrial ones you don't wear anymore because you don't have a period. Or your sock drawer. Those are my go-to places. I hope one of them is yours!!! (night table with drawer?)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I have a drawer for all my travel stuff...but I keep finding stuff I didn't end up putting there.