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For Older People with Sense



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    We had a little picnic lunch with our little boat tied to a bush on the shoreline of a mountain lake.  We were the only boat on the lake.

    I sent you all thoughts of sunshine, light, and joy.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    now that is nice LC

  • No one feeling sensible today?   My father and I worked on the front lawn this afternoon....I edged it which I have been telling Tim I wanted done for a long time since all of the other yards on the street look so nice and ours looks like my Dad brought his edger....then miraculously Tim comes up with one that has been in a garage a Looooong time from the looks of all the dried up mud grass and cobwebs with dead bugs in them.  So I edged and my father swept and then he said really it was be good to give the grass a good watering, but we should cut it first. So I said I can't start the mower by myself and think that was how I mess my shoulder up several months ago, trying to pull that cord and he said well, he couldn't do it.  So I asked the neighbor when he came out, but he was on his way to work.  My father asked if Tim could start it and I said yes, but he would just groan if I asked him or say, leave it and I will do it tomorrow, but Daddy says And he won't do it tomorrow will he? and I said you got that right. So he said I will ask him to start it and I don't think he will groan so he did and he didn't.  But I ask you, if an 89 yr old man asked  you to start a lawn mower for you and you knew just your wife was helping him and she has cancer, wouldn't you say Oh, I will come out and do it?  Well maybe some husbands would, but not mine which is why he is in no way shape or form a DH.  Anyway we got it done and my father said he actually felt good getting some exercise since he didn't get to go to The Life Center yesterday because he was here.  However, I am afraid maybe someone will turn me in for elderly abuse if they saw him out there.   
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Men! Don't know if I mentioned it here, but a month or two ago I was at my DS's house. I thought the grass needed cutting, so I asked him where his mower was. He RAN to get it for me, started it and went back inside!!! I was shocked. Then he came out and I thought ahhh, he IS going to do it. But he'd just come out to give me runners to wear instead of my flip flops. Then when I was almost done the front, he came out and said to give him the mower so he could do the old man acros the street and then he'd give it back to me to do his backyard.

    Once I gave it up I told him that was enough.Just like his dad. Do stuff for other people so they think you're great, but do nothing at home!! Oh well, I was pleased he was taking care of the old guy. That took some extra break-through pain meds for me!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I am so fortunate and you all make me realize it more all the time. I truly have a dear, darling, delightful husband as well as 2 dear SILs. They will al do anything they can think of to make things easier for me and my my girls, their wives. Most of the time we don't even have to ask.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I have a DH who will do anything I ask, the only problem is I have to ask!!! for everything!!!!  Sometimes I wish that he would just see and do without me asking............but I guess after 42 years I should be used to it.

    Hoping everyone is enjoying their weekend!  Amyjo I sure hope you are giving that little bundle of love lots of cuddles!  See you soon!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    chrissy - I have a DH who was like yours for 40 years, about 5 years ago he changed.  Now he always takes out the garbage.  And since I told him the dangers of getting lympedema he won't let me carry in groceries.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Chabba, mine does that without asking but I still need to tell him to get the shopping out of the car, mow the lawns all that sort of thing even though it is blatently obvious it all needs doing he just some how doesn't see it.....oh well, I guess I shall just have to keep telling

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Hey Chrissy I haven't been an insomniac lately what with having houseguests for the past 3 weeks it's been all go go go.  I can imagine you're starting to get really excited about your trip.  I wanted to tell you a tip that I use when I travel, I always carry a lightweight duffle bag rolled up in my suitcase so that when I buy goodies I have a second case on hand and I use the duffle to put all my dirty clothes in and then use the suitcase for gifts and the duffle is light to carry and I strap it to my rolling case.  Also don't be afraid to ask any airline for a wheelchair if you don't feel like walking, at Heathrow from the plane to the customs hall is miles.  I'll pm you my phone number for when you get to the west coast so we can meet up, take care.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks for the tips Cheryl and I have already organised for aide getting to the different gates.  I did that when the travel agent booked the tickets so I've got that covered.  Thanks also for the numbers, much appreciated and I shall give you a ring when I get to LA.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Chrissy - I am so excited for you, I feel like I'm going on this trip as well!  The excitement has been building for so long, it's hard to believe it's almost here!  I hope you have a wonderful time, and can't wait to hear about all your adventures!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Girls, I know each and every one of you have been with me through all my planning and I will post a pictoral diary as my trip unfolds to keep you all informed.  The first one will be from the airport in Adelaide which is my departure point.  Stay tuned!!!!!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    No sense here, just work.  My DH is more of the I have to ask type; and he has an inflated sense of my superwoman capabilities - boy do I have him fooled, but I have to keep up the act sometimes.  And lately I have been saying "that's too much"... Sometimes he surprises me though.  He is a really dear and exceptional man, sort of like the absent-minded genius, and so I give him lots and lots of slack - I am truly fortunate to partner with the likes of him...He can make or build about anything, and does.

    BUT: the garden is hugely prolific right now. I'm about pickled out, have just about worn out the neighbors with cukes and zucchini; and now the tomatoes and peppers and corn are ripening by the minute.  I'll can tomatoes, and freeze peppers and corn.  Then will be green beans and that's about it for big preserving, except for the berries.  While we were on the lake, we scouted for blackberry bushes growing on the shoreline (huge, clean, organic berries).  In a few weeks we'll head out with the boat and some containers and go berry-picking on the lake.  So, a lot of my days are taken up with food right now.  We are eating fresh every day - Yummmmy.  Next year the fruit trees should start bearing fruit, and I hope to have apples, pears, apricots and peaches, as well as the berries he planted here this year should really start to produce next year.  

    It counts as my exercise.  That's my story and I'm sticky to it. (pickle syrup)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    My DH basically does nothing if it means getting up off the chair....he does put

    the garbage pails in and out..whoppdeedoo..

  •   It is now just a little over 5 weeks until our get together on Table Rock Lake in Shell Knob, MO so I am checking to see if there is anyone else who wants to join of now I think we are going to be 9 in number( including the founder of this thread.....drum roll.....ChrissyB on her coast to coast tour of the USA)  and not everyone will be staying a full week.  There are plenty of beds.  It's a nice relaxing atmosphere, but there are places not far that we can go visit like Branson and Eureka Springs as well as a local animal shelter which is huge that I have always wanted to visit and local restaurants.  Most everyone is flying into the Branson airport and a few Springfield....both are equal distance from Shell Knob.  If interested, just let me know.  Marybe
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    wish I could

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    so do I, if only I could overcome my fear of flying.  I used to enjoy it. Cry
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hello, we might get snow here today. Evidently the last time it snowed was in 1939. The country has been hit by a real polar blast. Yesterday we went out to the west coast to watch the sea - great fun but very cold. Had late lunch then came back to a very cold house.

    Miss Bea has just arrived so I had better get myself ready to take her to music this morning.

    Also wish I could be there but will see Chrissy on her way home.

    Have been MIA for a few days what with a lecture series to attend, as well as going to a Breast Cancer charity auction and fashion parade with some frends and coping with a real LE problem at present.

    Will read back later but have little girl on my knee wanting me to do things for her.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Hi!  I am new to here.  I was diagnosed July 1st of this year.  I am just looking for I do not know what right now.  If that makes any sense.  I am in sort of a limbo state.  My mastectomy and breast reconstruction is not until the end of September because of coordinating schedules of both surgeons.  I have lots of time to think.

     Chrissy your lovely picture drew me right in and made me decide to post here.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    LynMichel, you are welcome here though the reason is not one any of us wants!

    Barbara, when you told us about today's get-together and "chocolate toast" to Konakat I said I would join you from my end of the world (9:30PM here). I had forgotten that I would be at a wedding and I was thinking of her all evening. I figured you guys would be together for more than a few minutes so I would find a way to join you. So.... dessert was served and I was given a choice of ice cream with strudel or -

    chocolate cake.

    Guess which I took. And the best part - dessert was served at 9:40 PM.

    So I did join you, had my chocolate cake toast to Konakat's memory and shed a few tears, too.

    I miss her so much.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325


    Welcome and so sorry about your diagnosis.  Jump right in and ask any questions you might have.  I have had bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with implants so I know a few things about that.  Many here have varied and valuable experiences/advice.  Waiting is the worst!  Hope you're finding things to keep your mind off the surgery and to relax.

    Been painting all weekend--a great transformation of the master bedroom from dark red to lighter teal.  Managed to wreck my back and do something to one of my implants by carrying stuff.  Hopefully it'll all resolve without a trip to the doctor.

    Haven't been keeping up too well so I'm outta the loop but hope all are well both physically and mentally.  As well as we can be!!!

    XOXO Dragon

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Welcome LynMichel, glad you found us. We are a diverse bunch of seasoned ladies who just get on so well. It is nice to have cyber friends who have gone right thru' this whole experience, and who are all here for one another. You still have a way to go in your journey. Right now your family and friends will be close up to you, but gradually they begin to tire of any problems you encounter, and many fall by the wayside. This is where we come in ....we listen to one anothers moans and groans..check on one and then shake one another up. Just jump in with us and we'll be here for you.

    Quite tired tonight. I have found 6 of my dogs have got mange..luckily the good sort, and not the bad sort. BUT it means I have done a mammoth 2 days dog bathing/ dog bedding washing/ kennel power washing/dog bed scrubbing. Just this one w/end when G/son is off to a car show, and I could really have done with him !! Never mind. I feel as if I have run a marathon, and my hands are red raw but have gotten thru 16 dogs, plus 3 puppies who live in the house. I am hoping NOT to have to start bathing the dogs who live outside, been thru' them all with a fine toothcomb, and can't see any problems, so just hoping. The stuff I've been using is pretty potent, and stinks like loo cleaner. I've had it ages, so hoping it still works as it costs a mint! If the smell is anything to go by all dogs will be completely clear by now. The whole house has an air of smelly old public toilets !!  I've even removed cobwebs and cleaned all kennel windows...everywhere is sparkling...and I am pooped ! When I regain my strength I will collect myself and quickly splash some nice crisp white paint wherever I can the kennels, no good doing half a job.

    DH managed to call up in the middle of all my dog bathing, no offers of any help forthcoming...that would be too much like hard work. He came to tell me he has had his car stolen, then found 3 days later. He was on his way to the bank, with £2,000... $3,255... on the passenger seat, called in to see a friend of his, left the car unlocked and the bl**dy keys in the ignition, and then came out of his friends house to find his car stolen. I had to send him on his way before I drowned him in all the smelly dog water ! I find words very hard in situations like this. WHO in their right mind leaves an unlocked car, pots of money on the seat, and expects to find it right there waiting for them when they return???? He had really turned up to see if I would drive him to the pound to collect his car.  What? Now? right in the middle of my marathon bathing session ?? Yes sir !!!! IF he'd offered to help me finish up, then I would have, but 'you scratch my back I'll scratch yours ' !!!!!! Best of it was, he had another 'friend' sat there in a car with him, yet he turns up here expecting me to drop everything and send his friend off home !!! Men never cease to amaze me.

    I am off to bed right now. A nice long hot shower is on the cards, 2nd today, to get the smell out from my hair, and off my hands and arms. I haven't had time to read back tonight, I am craving my bed !! so hugs to all.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Oh Isabella, I can relate to the mange thing.  One of our old Alsatians (GSD) had mange as a pup.  What a hassle.  Got rid of it, though.

  • Beetlebum
    Beetlebum Member Posts: 26

    My son's Pit Bull had it as a puppy (big puppy, lol) but we used a potent shampoo to kill the little buggers and she's 6 yrs old now.  What a loveable dog she is.  No one every told her she was supposed to be menacing.  I have 2 toy terriers and they all get along.  When the terriers start to eat her food, she just walks away. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Alyson, I just received this email from my friend near Kaiapoi

    "Just to let you know, wehave another white
    out. Started during the night, suppose to last 3 days this time. The snow is not
    as deep as the one a couple weeks ago. Everything is closed. I can't ever
    remember getting two snow storms in one season, we rarely get snow around this
    area. Wellington our capital in the North Island has snow, first time in 40

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Lisa, we have actually had snow here but it didn't stay. Looks like it will snow again soon. I can remember the snow in Wellington - was a student there in those days. My MiL says it snowed during the war in Auckland so this is incredible weather for us. They say the snow is going to last longer than the July storm in the south. Real problem is its now lambing season down there.

    Have just got back from a LE massage so must get some things done as darling GD pulled out things from the toy box and didn't get to put them back.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    missing you all... ISABELLA.. i cannot believe  the cheeck your ex has!!!glad you didn;t help him.. wish id seen the car. the  $$$ alone would be enoough! the car theives were greedy  buggers... so sorry, you once again, had oodles to do with the dogs. i hope the inside ones are ok...

       hey everyone else. your'e unusually catty this weekend.

       ALLYSON: i don;t know why, but you've been on my mind, even MORE than usual. i think id read you're having LE issues. hope your getting them sorted out.. be well, everyone......3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!!! and a big welcome to LynMichael!!  Glad you joined us but sorry you need to.  Whatever is on your mind, if it's bothering you, here is a great place to share.  Some of us have been around for quite a few years so there is heaps of experience to draw from.  Jump in anytime and thanks for the compliment on the pic.

    Isabella, I can't believe that your Ex is still doing that sort of thing! and on a day when you were elbow deep bathing puppies and cleaning kennels!!  The gall of the man!!!   Sure hope you get a good rest and the bathing and washing has gotten rid of the little blighters!

    Ooo Alison!  It must be absolutely freezing over there at the moment!  Hope you get the LE sorted as it really is a pain, literally.

    Well, I'm in the city again for the last time before I leave on the trip.  Saw my doc for a check up and all is good........well almost calcium totals are running a bit high again so I need another blood test the result of which I will get at the end of next week but regardless what it says, nothing will be changed until I return.  I have an appointment with the doc on the day after I get back to go over them and decide what needs to be changed if anything.  This truly is the gift that just keeps on giving but thankfully, this little hicup is just that, a hicup and a change or an addition of my sups can sort it out.  When I'd finished with him, I made my way down to get my International Licence which is now sitting proudly in my handbag.  It took all of 10 minutes to fill in the forms, supply the little photo of my ugly mug, pay the expected fee and have it issued...........YAY!!!!!   14 days to go!!!!!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, your Ex treats you more like a bud or a sister!!! He is absolutely CLUELESS!! What an idiot? Wouldn't his new girl drive him to get his car? Or did your ex expect you to pay for the car too?????

    Chrissy you made me panic when you said 14 days as I haven't bought my ticket yet! I forget that you are going all around places....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sorry've got a couple of days in London, England, a quick stop over in Singapore and a 29hr flight before I even land in the USA then I've got almost three weeks of travels before I even get to Shell Knob so you have enough time to get that ticket without panicing!.......can't wait for to all to start!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy