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For Older People with Sense



  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138

    Singapore sounds soooo exotic.  With you there in spirit Chrissy.  Darla

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Hey everyone,  Sorry I have been MIA for a few days.  It has taken me awhile to read everything to catch up and now I am not sure if I can remember everything.  

    Martha - the emotional bursts are part and parcel of the bc and yes fatigue does play a major part of it at least for me.  I still have outbreaks at unexpected times and also depression is a problem for me too.  That partly explains why I have been MIA for a few days.  I am feeling a little better now, but still struggle occasionally.

    SV's interview was very short, but she did a good job with it.  If you go to, the iReporters, her screen name is Islandgirl23 and she submitted 7 photos the CNN will use of has used in the reports on Irene.  I was a little disappointed that she did not come see me during the storm, but we all know how she is and that she probably would not leave the Outer Banks for a Cat 1 storm.

    I had my Aredia treatment yesterday and got the results of the Circulating Tumor Marker Count that they did 3 weeks ago and the count is now down to 1.  So, my onco and I both were happy with that.  My CA 27/29 is still at 27 so everything looks good there. Also my cellulitius has finally cleared up, but my onco is still concerned that I am anemic.  He is starting to look at reasons for that since I have been taking my vitamins and eating like I am supposed to like a good girl. He is scheduling an MRI since I have not have one in a year so I guess all the tests will wind up on the schedule in the next month or so.  My biggest obvious problem is the pain in all my joints which is always worst for about 3 days after my treatments. 

    Chrissy - so glad you are on your way, I can hardly wait to see you.  I have your room ready and waiting for you. 

    Well it is getting late and I need to get to bed soon and still have a couple of other threads to catch up on.  Hope everyone gets a good nights rest. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Amy Jo: thanks for the info on SV..we all know how stubburn that girl is about pics!!I'll check it out when i get off...

     im thrilled to hear the TMs' are down to 1, now, whats the anemia about??? its all a crap shoot; but er "winning" use a popular wphrase... love ya gals....3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Can`t remember if I mentioned it or not, but the dove (or the female baby!) had another 2 eggs laid in the planter at our front door!! They are big enough that they look ready to fledge. Probably today, as we are going to get flooring down and the noise will send them away!! She had to peck on her eggs too. I wonder if that`s the wake-up call for the babies to get the heck up!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    AJ, so glad about the test results - good luck on the upcoming...

    Barbe, you must be a really "safe place" if these birds keep building nests on your front door!

    Glad SV weathered the storm, and glad she got some publicity for her photos, too!

    Marybe, hoping George is better; it's so hard to have sick fur-babies. (or feathered ones! - 

    McBird, it was good to "see" you, I had been wondering how you were.

    Things go ok here, trying to keep up with the garden's bounty - and am so enjoying being able to eat fresh and freeze surplus. It looks so pretty and colorful in the freezer right now.  Am just about to start canning tomatoes, and the green beans are ripening and are easy to blanch and freeze.  DH nursed some grapevines back into production and we will get a couple of jars of jelly from that.  We are eating a few raspberries every day from vines planted two months ago! YUM.  

    Saturday is our friend's funeral.  I'll bring some flowers from the garden + some I bought today when we had to go to town; and tomorrow I'll do some cooking for the meal that follows the service.  There's a real sense of community and circle-of-life that happens with this ritual. We celebrate births and birthdays, life and death.  Good thing any puritan ancestors are long gone, they wouldn't be too happy with so much celebrating; or understand the memorializing...

    Anyway, we have to keep the thread active while our fearless leader ChrissyB is on her great ADVENTURE~~ sending best thoughts your way Chrissy.

    All of you going to Shell Knob, have a great time! 

    Wishing you all well.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, L_C, yes!!!!!!! we need to keep the ChissyB journey alive!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Not exactly sure where Chrissy is now, but she will be in Raleigh on the 9th and in Duck, if the road is passable to the hotel, the 10th to the 13th, then back to Raleigh and on to see 3jays.  I will let everyone know when she get to Raleigh.  I am so excited I can hardly wait, I have the cleaning bug to be sure everything is in ship shape when she gets here.

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Well, I made it through yesterday!  Started out the day taking my oldest DD for her high school orientation.  She's in the 10th grade, but in our district, they go to the jr. high for 9th grade, so 10th is the first year for high school.  It started at 7:45 am and it was very unorganized.  Lines were unruly and horrific and kids were cutting in front and everything.  They had a group of Jrs. and Srs. that were student mentors, but many of them used very foul language when talking to the group, saying things like "shut the f___ up" and so on.  I will probably write a letter or something because these kids are supposed to be the leaders!  She got her schedule for the year, found her locker and got her school pictures taken. We didn't have time to find all her classes since we had to leave early because of my surgery.  We got home and I got cleaned up and ready to go.  Got to the hospital around noon, and into the surgical prep at about 12:20pm, but surgery didn't start until about 3:30pm.  This was because of the surgery the PS had before mine.  The team told me they were sorry, but they loved Dr. Williams because he takes the time to make sure every detail is done correctly to give the patient the best outcome.  Since I know he will do the same for me, I didn't mind waiting.  My procedure took about an hour, and with recover and everything, I got out at about 5:30 and left the hospital at 6 pm.  My friend who took me in stopped a bought us a rotisary chicken, salad and fruit for dinner.  Mind you, since I didn't have anything to each since the night before, I was pretty hungry, but I ate light and fell asleep by 8:00.  I took Vicadin before going to bed, so I slept pretty good.

    The procedure went pretty well.  He drained about 200 CCs from the seroma and put in the second drain. So now I have 2 drains in.  I still have one in on the left side from the original surgery that is still above 100 cc's a day. He also expanded me a bit more, so I now have some bumps!  They are very hard though, so I feel like the old "Grow Up Skipper" doll (Barbie's little sister) from the late 60's.  If any of you remember her, you twisted her arm all the way around and she got taller and her boobs popped out!  If only it were that easy! Wink

    LynMichel: I know exactly how you feel. My diagnosis was on May 17 and I had my surgery on July 21st. Part of it was because I did a lot of research before decided what I was going to do, and then talking to Plastic surgeons and so on.  Since I worked right up to the day before surgery, I kept busy getting caught up on work, preparing instructions for the person covering for me and getting my house cleaned up, stocking up on food and getting things I would need for post op. We even took a vacation beforehand so we could have a little fun before surgery.

    Marybe:  I hope your cat is doing OK.  I know how hard it is when they age.  That is one thing that is hard about having pets, but I will always have some!  We always seem to have two cats and two dogs.  I always say I won't get another when they are gone, but I end up needing to fill that void and we have another within a couple of months.

    Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend (US holiday of course!)


  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Phyllis - so glad your seroma surgery went well. After much bitching, moaning and demanding, I just had my last drain removed today, from a PMX done August 17th. I can't imagine having to have one in as long as you have and then getting another one.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Phyllis, I'm off to bed very soon but I just wanted to say hello.

    Have a very restful sleep & I'll "see ya" tomorrow.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    phylhang in there... AJ; since chrissys' here after you: can you send the "cleaning bug " here bf she gets DH needs it badly! hahahalis; so glad all went well for you. the drains are just a PIA...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    AJ, Are you going to Duck with Chrissy? Please give Mel a big hug from me!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    anyone hear from Chrissy since singapore?    3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Phyllis, if you turned MY arm all the way around I'd probably pop out boobs too!!! Silly concept, eh??? And yes, we do celebrate Labour Day up here, but we add the 'u' just to be special!

  • AliciaNicole
    AliciaNicole Member Posts: 1

     Hi Everyone, I wondered if i could ask for some advice.  I just turned 31 and i have cancer in my left breast and decided to have a mascetomy, i am est+/prof+/ and her-2+.  I am considering taking off both breast and just wanted to see what other people thought?  If they did that, if they wish they did, if they wish they didn't and maybe y?  I also wondered if anyone had any bad side effects from surgery or reconstruction (i do know the risks)be any ongoing pain, loss of ability that kind of stuff?  And lastly Iim bummed about having to lose my nipple particually the feeling to my nipple, is there anything out there that can be done about that?

    Thank you for sharing and posting your different stories!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alicia, you've come to the right place, just the wrong thread. Nothing can be done about your nipple sensations...sorry!! I did ask my surgeon that if the nerves had to be cut, where did they retract to? My ass????

    Anyway, check out the surgery forums and you will find a TON of threads with ALL the questions you are asking. There is just too much info to pass on in a regular thread like this one. Good luck!!

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195


    Welcome, and sorry you have had to join this club. Listen to Barbe -- she's an ol' salt around these parts and will point you in the right direction. 

    It sounds like everyone is doing well around here. LOL @ Phyllis! I had a Skipper doll, but I don't think she did that! Mattel sure came up with some wild stuff...I wonder why they never did anything like that with Ken??? Wink (evil wink) And I would definitely file a complaint with the school. That is highly inappropriate behavior coming from the "mentors." They don't deserve to be in those leadership positions if they are going to speak that way. 

    I stayed home from work yesterday with a low-grade fever and just overall fatigue/achiness. Boy I'll be glad when the chemo is over. I'm tired of being tired all the time, dagnabit! 

    DGS#1 is coming to stay with us for the long weekend, all by himself! This is the first time, and I'm really looking forward to it.

    DH has to go out of town again for work on Monday. While I understand it, I'm getting really tired of his work travel schedule. He's been gone for about half of my chemo treatments. I think part of the reason is because he doesn't tell/talk about my situation at work. His boss knows, and a few close work friends, but that's about it. He makes no allowances for it whatsoever. On one hand, I understand -- he wants to maintain the status quo. But on the other hand, sometimes it really irks me because I don't feel like he's here for me as much as I need him to be. I don't tell him that (e.g. complain) because what's he supposed to do? He still has to travel, and I guess there's no point making him feel badly about it. 

    Okay, that's my venting for today. Everyone who gets the long weekend, enjoy! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    And such a well-deserved vent too!!! Does he go with you when he is in town? Does it upset him or bore him? I bet he feels pretty useless while he's there....

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Martha, I have the totally opposite thing. My DH is devastated and drives me nuts with his hangdog look. Try sitting him down and and having a 'come to J meeting'.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!!  Just a quick pop in to see what's been happening and to let you know that I am alive and well and in New Jersey!  Just did an update on my Journey thread so if you want to know what I've been up to, check it out.

    Hoping everyone enjoys their Labor Day weekend!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    ok chrissy, now i gotta go look for it, had no idear...see you soon...

      hello to thre older but wiser gals.....3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    wow, you are in the good old great...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

     Here is effect  a storm in New Zealand can have on our shoreline in Southern Cal.

    who can find the girl in the photo??

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    This is what it usually looks like

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Wow, Lisa.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I saw the girl!!! Really puts the rocks into perspective! Wow!

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    I wanted to wish everyone a great Labor day especially if you don't have to work.  I really had to concentrate but I saw the girl too! 

    I've had a shaky weekend from my first bout of chemo on Friday but am doing much better and don't have to worry again until Friday.

    I'm off the Aromasin now and on Navelbine (like Taxol) since the bc in my paroted gland progressed but am happy that it has stayed contained and not spread further so I'm only fighting one battle.

    I hope all are well and enjoy the day.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{Marianne}}} Hugs, pal. Hoping eberyone has a great day today. Can't wait to meet you, Chrissy!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    What girl? There's a girl! I think I see her. Lisa, would you give us a hint.

    Marianne - Have a restful rest of the week, until your next round. Hang in there.

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575


    Just a quick note to say I was stage 4 from the start; requested a double mast. last Dec., but surgeon refused.  Said it would put me through too much, only did affected side (some surgeons won't do it at all at stage 4, but a second opinion supported it).  Well, now problems on the other side and I have to have the other one done.  Haven't been able to do it yet because of work issues.  Very frustrating &  depressing; I could have had that part of the process behind me..