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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh dear, what a thing to ever have to say on the phone! My heart goes out to the family left behind!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Have been MIA for a couple of days, moved over into the slow lane this week.

    Just been concentrating on my dogs, and letting others take the strain on the farm. I was just pushing myself too much, my walking has become pretty bad, very painful. My ribs, from my bad fall 2 weeks ago are p-r-e-t-t-y painful as well, so if I walk I need my walking stick, and if I lean forwards I yelp !! Got myself one of those 'pick-up' stick things from the hospital, because I cannot get anything from the floor if its flat down! Just finding it a bit difficult to pick up the odd dog poop with this contraption !!!!! I have a big stone flagged terrace outside my front door, and the dogs are devils for pooping on this, instead of going off into the long grass. Normally I am out 2-3 times a day cleaning up to keep it clean so near the house, but am afraid I cannot keep up with it at the moment.

    I did manage to get out today to get my Arimidex, funnily enough driving wasn't any bother, so decided to call at the supermarket and do a bit of ready meal shopping ! So that's about it for me, I went back to bed yesterday afternoon to listen to a radio programe, and promptly fell asleep. I am starting to hibernate early this year !

    G/son is my lifeline, I wait to hear his car each t/time. I don't let on to him how I hurt, but he must notice I am asking a bit more of him each night. Am hoping by the w/end I can get back to doing a few jobs to take the strain from him.  Just when I could do with DDs help she seems to have gone to ground, I haven't seen her in 2 weeks.  According to FB she is living it up as usual !! I showed her my bruises when they were at their worst, but she hasn't even picked up the 'phone, nor offered to acompany me to my hospital visit. Just carries on in her own merry little way !!

    I actually had DH ring me to see if I wanted any help, don't know how he'd heard I wasn't myself....but thanked him and left it at that, told him I will ring if I need anything. 

    Chrissy and AJ.  You really are living the life....could just do with a trip like you're having. Just love all the pictures you are posting. Enjoy Florida.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella... i've missed you, dear  one.. chrissy got in safely tonight, i'll watch; when we do something, other than laugh it up, as we did, tonite..she'll let yyou all know.

       i had some surprise company this week, a real treasure. so, it's been go go go for a few (?) days now. after sat lunch; im taking the time out and rest i need. Just sit around and talk a bit...

      i'm so glad you're resting, Isabella.. any news when they're doing surgery yet?? let  us know........3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I, too, was wondering when the back surgery is due, Isabella???

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Pre op appointment Sept 26th, got to be done within 6 weeks of that. I have only been on the list 23 months !!!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - so glad to hear from you.  Sorry you are having such a time of things, but glad you are letting others do some of the work around.  Galg you are finally going to get your surgery done, it has been a vrey long wait.

    3jays - Enjoy your time with our Chrissy.  She is such a treasure and I miss her very much.  The only thing that made it any easier ti out her on the plane to you was that I will see her again soon.

    Chrissy - I found some wonderful shops here that have on-line stores and will ship to Australia!  They are amazing, I have never seen so much fabric in one place in all my life!  Guess it is a good thing you were not still here, you would have need my mammoth suitcase to even get ti ejays!  I will bring you the cards with all their information when I see you next time.

    Called the doc today and they gave me a stronger antibiotic and scheduled an appointment with the dermatologist for Monday. Maybe I will finally find out what is making my feet swell and what is causing the red hot rash.  I have spent most of the day playing with my new sewing/embroidery machine and keeping my feet up. This machine is so cool you do not even have to use the pressure foot, It has a start/stop button and it sews almost completely by itself!  I see a lot of fabric in my immediate future! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Amyjo I just knew you would be doing that!.......she says with green  Hope you enjoy your new machine, they really are fabulous!  Those shops sound great and I can't wait to check them out on line and yes, it's just as well that you found them after I left as it could have been a disaster for my suitcases and my budget!

    Isabella, I so pleased to hear that your back op will finally be done soon.....I'm betting that you are looking forward to having it done and being well on the way to recovery.   Good luck with the preop visit!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Lyn Michelle:  My heart goes out to you with all you and your family are going thru.  It is hard enought to loss a parent, but to watch them  ---- well, poor kids.  In the early 80's, I had a boss who was raising his 2 neices.  They had watched as their father first shot and killed their mother and then shot himself.  He did get them counselling.  I guess parent's who do this kind of thing in front of their children are really sick and certainly not thinking!  Will pray for you and the kids.

    Isabella:  Sorry to hear you are hurting.  And this latest story about your Ex --- well, he is the worst kind of loser!  Sounds a bit like my father!

    Chrissy:  Sounds like you are having a wonderful time on your trip and the girls are taking good care of you!

    Amy Jo:  What kind of sewing machine did you get?  I just got a new Huskavarna/Viking embroidery machine.  I haven't started using it yet, but am getting it set up in my sewing room.  I kept the other machine (which is a Singer and only a couple of years old) and am teaching my daughter and her girlfriend to sew using it.

    I went back to work on Monday.  I made it through the week, but have been extremely tired.  I have been able to ease into things a little bit, but did work full days.  This seemed almost like part time because my usual mo is to work about 9 to 12 hrs per day.  7 to 8 hours felt like part time!  Everyone was so happy to see me, so it was good.

    Now, I still have 2 drains in.  The one on the right is low enough that it might come out on Monday, but that stinkin' left drain that has been their since the beginning (now 8.5 weeks!) still is not ready to come out.  Maybe next week!  I also have had a few expansions and now have 655cc's on the left side and 705 on the right.  They are so uncomfortable!  Exchange surgery is planned for October 26 assuming no more complications.  The PS also offered to do a tummy tuck at the same time as the exchange.  This would be at a greatly reduced price (of course, it is not covered by my insurance!).  He says this will greatly improve my results.  I had made a crack to him when we decided on the implants and not tram flap -- "Darn, and I really wanted a free tummy tuck!". 

    Hugs to all,


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    momoftwo - I have a Baby Lock Sophia2 and I love it so far.  I got it to do some embroidery and have also made it into quilt making since there are some great quilting stitches built in the machine.  It took me a little while to learn how to get the bobbin in just right and get the tension set the first time, but I have it down now and am loving it.  It also does regular sewing so I do not need to keep my old machine.

    Chrissy - There are a couple of more shops that I am going to go check out this week so there may be even more places for you to order from that will ship to Australia.  Counting the days to Mecca.  I am sorry Barb cannot make it, but I understand those that have to work don't get to do everything and I definitely understand why she hates her job.  Hope the new one comes through for her so that she will not have to travel so much. 

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    momoftwo and amyjo I have 2 left thumbs when it comes to sewing.  But I know these new machines are so much better than my old Sears one.  What do you make with your new machines?

     Hope your back will be better with surgery Isabella.

    My BC and reconstruction surgery date is getting closer.  It's September 26th.  I've been waiting so long it seems so strange that I am actually having surgery now.  And wouldn't you know it, I feel like I am geeting a cold or a sinus infection.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just popping by to say hi and that we had a great holiday.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Alyson!   You're home?  Already?  That went quickly as is mine so I'll be seeing you

    Amyjo - this week like all the others is just flying by so it won't be long and I'll see you in Atlanta!

    Isabella - hope everything went okay with the preop visit to the doc.  Is there any definitive date yet?

    LynMichel - Hope you're not getting an infection as that could possible delay surgery so keeping my fingers crossed for you that it is just a bit of allergy.  You will find this whole journey a bit surreal as most times you actually feel okay and it seems that its the treatments that make you feel bad.  Hoping you are one of the lucky ones that have no side effects!

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I've been missing for a couple of days, trying to rest some over this weekend to prepare for GS next week.  Three hours of "preschool" on Tues and Thurs mornings helps out a lot!

    Chrissy, sounds like you are having the trip of a lifetime and that makes me so happy for you!  And happy that you're meeting some of the fine ladies on the board too!  You and 3jays still laughing it up?  I love the pictures you've been posting.

    Amyjo, i'm lucky to sew on a button, and when I very occasionally try to hem a pair of pants, I get knots in the thread or the thread slips out of the needle eye. Sewing is just not my talent and I admire those who can do it!  

    Phyllis, I'm hoping you can at least get one drain out tomorrow.  Will be thinking of you and hoping it's ready.

    LynMichel, hope you aren't getting some kind of infection just now.  You've waited a long time and hopefully whatever it is will pass quickly!  It could be allergies, like Chrissy said.  I know I have them in the fall.

    Isabella, you've had such a bad time lately and I hope your soreness is improving a bit.  Perhaps when you go for your pre-op appointment you'll get a definite date to get the back surgery done.  I do hope so.

    Glad you're back from your trip and you had a good time, Alyson.  

    I have an appointment with the onco week after next and he wants my decision about having a reclast infusion, so that's really on my mind now.  I have osteopenia found in my last bone scan, and while I'm told some drs do not treat osteopenia, mine wants to.   There're so many issues with this drug and the side effects (eventually) are frightening.  So, my decision has yet to be made.  It's a real "catch 22" situation.  I think I'm like Scarlet--I'll think about it "tomorrow".

    Marybe, hope all continues to go well in Missouri, and Barb, I'm so disappointed and sorry!


  • Starak
    Starak Member Posts: 311

    Isabella4:  You mentioned difficulty picking up poo. Would a pooper scooper help you?

    This is the style I like.  Just to show you what to look for.  I do NOT know anything about this vendor.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Starak...tried these, just can't get on with them !! OK for the odd mistake, but when I have to clear up the mess from the number of dogs I have I find awkward in use !!!! Always say when I retire I will make a very good ladies room attendant....had years and years of practice !

    Where is everyone ??? Its sooo quiet. I suppose its just lack of news. Must admit I am devoid of happennings and scandal right now. Not seen the family for going on 3 weeks. Unusual... and much as I like my own company, I am missing them all. Really could do with a visit from DD. I am going quietly crazy trying to do some advertising. I just cannot sort out how to post pics of the puppies I have left to sell. They are growing bigger by the day, should have been on the site 3 weeks ago, but I cannot manage to get the puppy pics found, then put onto my ad. I used to be able to do it, but WHEN I manage to find the puppy pics I can't bring up the site I need to put them on. And when I get my site, and do all my wording, no way can I get the pics back again. Just doing something wrong somewhere. I am sitting here with 'Photography for Dummies' propped up in front of me, but no go.

    I had to make another emergency appointment with Dr yesterday. My heart was doing a merry jig all over the w/end. I was getting worried. As soon as I had seen the Dr. it immediately started to beat as normal. Dr tells me I was 'stressed'  Stressed my behind ! the only stress I was getting was my inability to sort out my pics, I have been sat at my pc for 2 and 3 hour stretches, for 3 days straight, with steam coming out of my ears tying myself in knots with it . Anyway Dr is making me an appointment with my cardiologist, just for another check...but, not holding my breath, could be Christmas before I get to see him. Must admit I had hardly eaten a thing over the w/end, just sat staring at the bl**dy computer screen all the time. I was determined NOT to let it beat me, but it did. 

    I have to go to a public meeting tomorrow about my neighbours goings on. I have never got along with this man, and never will. He has the next farm to me. As things in farming are not too good he is always trying mad schemes to keep his head above water. The latest one is to use his farmyard to store very large trucks and 56 of the damned things EACH DAY last week ...each coming in at evening then going out again anywhere between 5 am and 9am. He has been bringing them in and out thru' a housing estate, unsuprisingly upsetting lots of people. After numerous complaints he started bringing them in and out down MY, I was hopping mad. He has been warned NOT to use my lane, but will not listen. I went up 2 nights and chained and locked my lane, but both times these were broken off. Police cannot do a thing, as it is private land, and they will not get involved in private disputes. I hear on the grapevine that the residents who are upset are banding together and asking that the local highway authority gets involved and stops them being disturbed...BUT RE-ROUTES THE TRAFFIC DOWN MY LANE. I 'm certainly NOT agreeing to this, and if needs be I will tip a load of bricks to stop this (also stopping myself !!!) So I have to go into the lions den tomorrow and face off all the angry people ! I have a 3/4 mile private lane to my farm, and its staying that way . There is 2 ways to look at this. People who live in little villages, in houses that are newly built, in a mainly farming area should learn to live with farm traffic....after all we were all here years and years before they were. But, also they should NOT have to put up with excessive traffic like it is at the moment, and certainly should NOT have to live with non-agricultural traffic at its present volume. MY neighbour is well out of order here, but he will fight to the end to get what he wants. I have had so many run ins with him that I really don't want anymore dealings at all. So I shall be a lone voice against don't know how many villagers !!!! It could be an interesting evening.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - how is your neighbor supposed to access his property?  The other people in the new subdivision have not right to insist traffic re-route down your private drive.  Good luck at your meeting with them.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Isabella, any news on your back op yet?  Have they set a date?  All I can say about that neighbour and the villagers is WATCH OUT!!!!!!   Isabella is on the war path!  You go get 'em girl, guve 'em what for!  Oh, I best say good luck to you as well and hope that you do manage to knck some sence into all of them.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Amyjo, not long till Thursday now!  How much sewing have you got done?  You'll have to tell me all about it when I see you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    I seem to be doing better with my sinus condition.  I went to my FP and she gave me an antibiotic and some cough medicine with codeine to sleep at night.  I do not want to be coughing after my surgery.  It does not feel good now.  I can't imagine how it would feel after.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


    Isabella, good luck at the meeting. It is not right that the police won't get involved in trespassing and vandalism (destroying your chain and lock). Not right at all.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, put up an arbour like they do in ranches. Then hang your lucky horseshoe on it. The trucks can't get under it!!!!!

    Or, if you do the load of bricks trick, open an alley only wide enough for your vehicle. A truck wouldn't try it!!

    You could also just sink a post in the middle of your laneway. Enough for a car on either side, but not for a truck. I'd LOVE to be ther to help you!!!!! Get your GS out to help you.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - how did your meeting go?  We were all cheering for you.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    One of my best friends has just had massive blood clots pass through her heart to her

    lungs..she is all hooked up to everything in the hospital...please send some warm thoughts for her..

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    warm light and thoughts sent her way, from so fla..lisa. hope she does allright.....3jays

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Lisa, prayers have been sent for your friend.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lisa, I do like to be 'name-specific', what is your friends name? She is in my prayers as Jane Doe right now.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Lisa, warm hugs and my prayers are with your friend.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Healing thoughts to your friend, Lisa.