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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    good for you barbe

    she is in the middle on the left hand side

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I think that girl should maybe move a bit further inland - looks a bit dangerous there! and what a(nother) great photo.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!!!    Lisa, I saw the girl!   Those pics are amazing!  You sure do know that I just love water breakig on what a storm!

    I'm looking forward to tonight and meeting up with the NY/NJ girls for dinner........and I'm having such a wonderful time with Dotty.  She has made me feel so welcome.

    Syrmom, sorry to hear that you are facing surgery once really is a pain when the docs don't listen to us in the first place as more often than not we turn out to be right!  (((((((Hugs))))))) and good thoughts coming yourway so you can get it all done soon.

    Barb, everyday the gathering is getting closer and I can't wait!  I think I've been in a state of excited flux for weeks now and it doesn't seem to be disapating!

    Marianne, I sure hope that your chemo goes easy on you but hard on the cancer..........just remember to hydrate well before during and after, it does help.   Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers also.

    3jays, won't be long now!!!!

    Hauntie, I'll see you tonight!!!!!   YAY!!!!

    Love n hugs to all and if I've missed any new ladies to the thread, welcome!!!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marianne, glad you've narrowed it down to 'one battle' !!!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa - I saw the girl on the rock.  She does look to be putting herself in harms way.

    Marianne - [[[[[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]]]] hope the chemo is easier on you as you go along with the treatments.  Do remember to keep hydrated, it really does help.  Glad you have it narrowed down to "one battle" for now.

    Chrissy - I can hardly wait to see you on Friday!  Just 4 more days!!!  I am so excited I don't know what to do with myself.  Even Daisy the dog is catching up on the excitement around here.  She is getting groomed on Thursday so she will be a "pretty girl" when you get here.  I have a MRI Friday morning, but will be done with that long before you get here in the evening.  Have fun with Dotty and see you Friday. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    syrmom: sorry for all that.. drs just DONT listen. i had to fite for my bmx; and it, also showed "precancer" in it. im not stage iv they do it to everyone, i think!!

       Marianne, im glad its contained.. here's hoping all goes well with the tx.

       it won't be long now, at all, chrissy, till yer here. Good thing, too. im getting sicker by the day. i now have to wait 20 days to get the armour thyroid from cannada (customs) so i'll be ill; just hope this stinkin stuff works! can't get it in us anywhere i can find!....

     only a week or so now, we'll be together. im glad the trip is such a sucess for you!!!...3jays

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Hi Everyone!  I'm 71 years young and just starting this journey.  I'll be going to my doctor tomorrow to get her opinion on what I should do after two mammograms and an US had inconclusive results.  The radiologist was concerned enough to recommend a breast MRI, so I'm taking it seriously.

    I've been pretty fortunate so major illnesses, only a hysterectomy 20 years ago, so I'm in good health and take good care of myself...don't smoke, drink, or burn the candle at both ends (I sound boring) but all that and here I am looking at a possible diagnosis of BC.

    No reason to go off the deep end diagnosis yet, so I'm just reading all the information I can find on breast cancer so I will be informed as to all of the options.  Since I'm not having any symptoms and didn't find any lumps to the touch, I'm figuring it must be early stage, and the prognosis is very good for older women like myself in that stage.

    I have a trip coming up next week, a cruise to Canada/New England, and my boyfriend and I decided that we were going.  If the doctor wants further screening it can happen when I return

     Nice to be on this forum...very encouraging and inspiring.  All the best to everyone.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Welcome Kaara...I will be 69 in a few is good to get information on what you need to know..just don't get ahead of yourself and try to get a PHD in breast cancer in a couple of weeks..Let uis know how it goes for you...sending hugs, SoCal

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    good thoughts are coming your way Kaara....   {{{{{{{{Kaara}}}}}}}}

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Kaara - Enjoy your trip and there will be time enough to get other test and see where you are when you get back.  Sending good thoughts, prayers and hugs your way.  Keep us informed on what is going on when you get back.  We also like to see pictures of each others travels so take plenty to share when you get back.  

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    {{{Marianne}}} You'll do great with the chemo, I'm sure. Just hang in there.

    Lisa, you take the most amazing photos! You really have a great eye (and yes, I saw the girl, too!)

    Kaara, welcome, and sorry you've had to join the club. Great group of women in this forum. I was in a similar situation in that, prior to my BC dx, I was healthy as a horse! I really think mine is all hormonally-driven -- I turned 50 in July, in the middle of my chemo treatments. You are doing everything right by educating yourself. Make sure you use reputable resources, though. I recommend everyone check out (NIH's website), and (American Cancer Society). I found both of these sites to be very informative. 

    Chrissy, have a marvelous time! 

    I had a great, long weekend, but did entirely too much. Embarassed On Saturday, I drove 2 hours to pick up 6 yo DGS #1, and then we went to a BBQ for the kick-off of the home college football season. On Sunday, the in-laws came over for brunch, and then I took DGS to the local natural history museum and to run a few errands. On Monday, I took DGS to pick up a few more things for school, then drove 2 hours and back again to take him home. DH flew out to Austin again for work, and won't return until Friday night. I fell into bed at 10:30 last night, and ended up staying home from work today to recover. Blech. On Friday I have my 6th and final chemo treatment. I will be *so* glad when this part of my treatment is over. Blech. Tongue out

    On the bright side, I got my new wig in the mail on Saturday, and the color is fabulous. I need to get the bangs trimmed, though. Unfortunately it's not any more comfortable than my other 2, so I just give up on the comfort issue...I guess these damned things just aren't going to be comfy! 

    Cheers, everyone!

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Barbe, no, he typically doesn't go with me. It takes so damned long, and he makes me crazy when he doesn't have anything to do. He drops me off and picks me up when he's in town. My last infusion is this Friday, and he will be out of town, again. I think it's more the boring/useless thing, rather than upsetting him. He's come to several of my doc appts with me, but that's dropped off, too.

    BarbaraA, wow, I think the hang-dog look thing would drive me crazy too. Has he never experienced anything like this before? I think DH was pretty rattled at first, but he recognizes that we are moving into middle age, and this just kind of goes with the territory. He was dx'd with type 2 diabetes himself just a few weeks ago, and has been focusing on that. He is not at all overweight, and takes reasonably good care of himself, so this is much more genetic. 

    Sweet dreams, ladies. It's the bewitching hour for me. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I having trouble with my web album

    trying out is Southern California

    I can't use my picasa web album for some reason...this is photobucket

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    and it is soooo out ouf focus from there..oh, my

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105


     Mattel had a Ken doll in 1981 called "All Star Ken".  He came with weights to lift and when you bent his arm, his muscles popped out!  I actually have that doll too!  I do have a very large collection of the family of Barbie dolls all the way back to the early 60's!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    In the early 60's, my sister and I took our Barbies to school. She had a really fancy carrying case. I probably had a brown bag. Anyway, I showed everyone my doll, but she wouldn't show anyone hers!!! It became a real mystery as to what her doll looked like and she ended up getting all the attention (we were a grade apart, her older). As it turned out, she got to school, opened her case and realized she'd left the Barbie at home!! She held the record for the most interesting mystery Barbie though.

    I remember one Valentines Day painstakingly writing out beautiful cards to all my very special friends, handing them out and then realizing I didn't sign my name....sigh.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Love the Barbie stories.  I thought I was too cool for dolls when they came out so although I never had one, each of my 4 daughters had quite a few.

    Thanks to all for the hugs, thoughts and prayers.  I'm doing okay and ready for the 2nd round this Friday.  I was a little out of sorts on Saturday and Sunday but not where I had to lay in bed so I'm hoping I do well.  Just have to hope I keep my white counts up and get this darn thing under control!

    Have a good day everyone,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Thanks ladies for all the hugs and good advice!  I head to the doctor at 11:30 this morning..starting to feel a little anxious, but that is normal for me since I'm not a fan of going to the doctor for even a checkup.  I'll fill you in later.

    Hope everyone is having a terrific day so far! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Kaara, welcome to our little family here on BCO.  Anything you need anytime you need it we are here. Enjoy your trip with your boyfriend!

    Amyjo, I will see you on Friday YAY!!!!!  I PM'd you with the details but it was from Dotty's computer under her login but I guess you'll work it all

    3jays, just one more week girl and I'll be on your door step!!!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kaara, welcome to the group.  Keep us posted on your Dr. appt.

    Fires here in Portland, on Mt. Hood--air quality is pretty bad in some places.  Woke up with asthma.  Good news, we're finally having a summer with weather in the 90's this week.  According to my crystal ball, many Portlanders will play hookie!

    Marianne, hang in there.  You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thanks to all for listening to me complain about my back.  Finally went to the lympedema forum and then web site and the PS agrees that I could have a lot of fluid build up in the trunk area.  Am taking the suggestions I've gotten so far and feeling better.  Thank God for BCO as many doctors and even physical therpists know little about this.  My DCIS was multifocal and they took a lot of tissue out so that may be why its worse on the "cancer" side. 

    To all, a good, symptom-free day!

    love to all,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Back from my Dr. appointment...PCP was not too concerned, but suggested that I do further follow up screening when we get back to Florida.  She gave me the reports and I will get copies of mammograms from the breast center here in N. Carolina where I have my regular screenings done every year.  She suggested I make the appointment with the breast center in Florida now, so I won't have to wait when I return, which makes sense.  I'm going to make my appointment, and then we're going on our trip to Canada/New England as planned next Wednesday.

    Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and I wish you all the best! 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I thought I saw the girl. I thought I saw the girl. I did see the girl.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Kaara - have fun on your trip. Where in NC do you have your regular screenings done.  Maybe we could meet sometime if you are close to Raleigh/Druham area.

    Chrissy - I am so excited about seeing you on Friday.  I can hardly wait to get to spend some time with you.  See you soon. Safe travels.

    I have been so excited that I have not been sleeping too well and tonight I can hardly stay awake so I am headed to bed.  I have an 8:00 a.m. appointment in the morning to have a doppler done on my feet and ankles.  Now I just have to figure out how to find the Heart Center at the Main WakeMed hospital in Raleigh,  It is huge and I get lost in there everytime I go.  Night all. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Amyjo49:  South of Asheville in Hendersonville.  I have a dear friend from Florida who just relocated to the Raleigh/Durham area.  Her son lives there and she wanted to be closer to him.  I'm sure I'll be visiting her in the future.  Good luck with your appointment.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Welcome Kaara!

    Chrissie I think it is so cool you are going to get to meet so many of our friends while yu are here. Have a great time!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Tomorrow is the day Chrissy gets here to Raleigh, NC!!! I am so hyped-up.  I have the Doppler done today and everything went very well and they did not find and blockages or clots, Everything lookes good and veins look all clear with good blood flow.  Tomorrow morning I have a MRI and they called this evening to confirm the appointment and ask a bunch of preliminary questions.  They said I was to have a mammogram and a MRI and I told her it was just an MRI and she said they always did a mammogram first.  I told her that would be interesting since I had a BMX and had saline implants!  She went ahead and asked all the questions and some of them were so silly under the circumstances that even she was laughing.  I will get them straightened out when I get there in the morning.

    I am supposed to call the onco tomorrow and let them know how my ankles are doing on the antibiotic.  I think they are a little better, but I still have the rash and the swelling.  The rash is not as warm as it was and not as red either.  It is more pink now and covers a smaller area, so I guess that means it is getting better.  I still have the dermatologist appointment on the 15th and they will do a culture to see if I need to be on a stronger of different kind of antibiotic to get it completely gone so it won't return in a few weeks.

    Daisy Dog got groomed today and she is so soft and pretty now, just for Chrissy to come see her.  Silly baby know she looks pretty and is prancing around just so we will tell her she is a pretty baby.  Ok I am starting to ramble so I will go check out some other threads.  Hope everyone has a restful evening.  AJ 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Can't wait to see you and Chrissy, Amy Jo. Looks like I will be driving to MO from Tulsa.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barb,  Sorry you have to do so  much driving.  Will you be flying back with me from Branson? Can't wait to be able to spend some time with you too.  See you soon.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Yes, AJ, I will be flying back from Branson. But still not 100% yet, more like 90% I will be driving.

  • Starak
    Starak Member Posts: 311

    Branson?  When are you all are going to be in Branson?  That would be sooo tempting though a bit of drive up and back from Oklahoma City.  Still....