INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Yikes! How did I let myself get so behind? Welcome to the new ladies.

    Kath, I am ok. Just fell in the rabbit hole for a bit. Thank you for thinking about me. Hug

    Cute Grand kids!!!

    Ms. Sas, it was good chatting with you and as usual, my right ear was red afterwards. No pressure sores tho. Hah!

    BBL.....hopefully. Hello to my other Sisters.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,948

    Happy Mother's Day to all who are or were in the trenches.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Loverly, I love the beater meme. The odd time when for some reason beaters sprayed every where. What a mess.. So glad your ear is okay. You make it sound like I talk a lot. Hmmmmm, I do. Yakitty yak. Are you crawling out of the rabbit hole? Is the worry about DD1, the reason. I know it's the scary unknown. Easier to deal with the known. Much easier. HUgs

    Kathy, your son is so handsome as is his wife and the kids are beautiful. I think it 's the first time I've seen a pic of him. He must be looked upon as a giant in Japan. Were the girls able to get together with him too?

    Stephen got me a throw(50x80). Donnie laid it the length of the couch when we got home. We turned around and Shats had it curled up under her. We all met in Celebration Florida. Wonderful dinner at Columbia. Fine restaurant with great traditions and impeccable service.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    LOL Lover. That meme is priceless

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241



    Good to see you’re back. I love that Mom’s post. Very witty.👍👍


    Adorable picture of Kirby. How have you been feeling? Also, what’s going on with that fool who caused the wreck a few months ago?


    Thanks for sharing your kitty story. Also, great pics of your son, and his family. I know you’re proud of them.😀😀

    At some point, I’ve got to learn to download pics, and posts. I’m soooo tired of being way behind in our world of technology. My daughter had to teach me to text five years ago!!!!! On a flip phone!!!!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I do have an IPad air2 and IPhone 8 Plus, and only know a third of what it does.

    Well, now having three kitties is a little more than I bargained for. Our new addition loves to sleep under my gown!!!!! WTH????? His little paws hurt, so declawing is coming soon.

    Oh, I would love to know from you women who love cats like me think of declawing? I know vets are not keen on it. We’ve always had previous, and current cats declawed. They are fine. But, I would love to hear honesty on what you think.

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241

    Shep and Capecodgirl

    Thanks for sharing your pics as well. I loooove looking at pictures, and the story behind it.
  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Member Posts: 406

    Jaymeb I had my cat declawed as a kitten. I had an older cat at the time who was declawed. When they played, he drew blood. So I talked to the vet and we decided that for the safety of my older cat that he should be declawed. It broke my heart to do it. But he did fine and he actually lets me hold his paws and seems to have no ill emotional effects from it (it has been a few years). He is 3 now, I had him declawed and fixed at the same time.

    I normally would not want to declaw, but for the safety and peace of mind for my other cat I did.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,948

    I haven't ever declawed a cat because it's like cutting your finger at the first joint. Some are fine with no ill effects and some become biters. We're always a little careful at the shelter with a new cat who's declawed because they can't give us the warning whack. I do trim the cat's claws. I've done it myself in the past, but am paying the vet to do it with my current cat (he said he'd bite my hand to the bone). Especially with kittens, you should play with their paws and get them used to trimming early. Just taking the really sharp point off is enough although they can be cut farther back. I can see doing it to protect an older cat who's at risk. They make false glue on claws in colors. Imagine fluorescent blue on a white cat.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    I can't believe DS has lived in Japan for 19 years now. Went over the year he got his BA with intentions of staying for a year. Sas, girls live here in DC so they got in some good visits. The younguns did a cookout and we did the baseball game together. Hubby and I had the grandchildren for three nights. DD and her husband had the children the fourth night (they looked exhausted when they brought the kids back over here, LOL) so David and Toko got to have some quiet evenings together which was nice as they will celebrate being married 15 years in August. When they were in San Antonio, friends from the airbase David works at live there now so Toko and the children were able to get to see a few sights while he was at the conference.

    Junie, thank you for asking about DH. All the activity from the visit took a toll on him. He is still very tired from it and they left a week ago. He wants to go out to lunch this week but I'm so gun shy now with his falling that I really don't want to take him anywhere other than to doctor appointments. If he would get out and walk up and down the block some each day, I might consider it.

    Lover, sorry to hear you were in the rabbit hole. Hope you continue to do better. I miss you and your wonderful sense of humor when you go quiet. Hope your DD is doing better and the doctor can figure out what is going on.

    Jaymeb, we didn't declaw our cats when we had them. One use to like to snuggle and knead me on my breast, go figure. I would put a pillow or some other padding between him and me when he did that. More and more vets are refusing to do it. Visit for a very good article on the subject.

    Waving hi to those I missed. Good night ladies, good morning Feline.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Morning Kath. Nerdy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Feline, they're some suggestions on posting pics etc. on page 508 &509 0f Warm & Fuzzies

    Kathy, sounds like it was a great visit. Sorry DH is doing so poorly

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Kath, I tripped and fell in the rabbit hole because I lost my focus. I should know better the scheme of the Enemy. I am sorry about DH's situation and completely understand your concerns and fear. I wake up a few times in the middle of the night just to check on DD to make sure she is in bed rather than the floor passing out. I jump and yell out for her at any thump in our house. It's exhausting. I am hoping it was just a freak reaction to the Allegra she took at the time we had the scare. It's not supposed to cause dysthymia like Seldane per the maker, but you never know. She is getting an echocardiogram next week. She is losing weight without even trying. Sigh

    I hope the doc can figure out what's wrong with your DH so that they can help him. Hopefully, he will help himself also. Very frustrating when our love ones don't listen. My mom is one.

    Not a cat person so never knew what declawing involved. Yikes!

    Here is a video I saw that made me laugh so hysterically at the reactions of the cats to durian. Remember the durian fruit and the story I shared awhile back? DD called me at work one day to tell me that she smelled gas in our garage and for me to check as soon as I get home. I freaked out because there were a few gas leak leading to explosions in California a few years prior. While PG & E guy was investigating, I found the culprit:


    My DH's favorite fruit....taste like heaven and smells like #*%.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Here are the reactions of the two Americans trying durian for the first time:

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Ms.Sas, what belongs to you belongs to Shats. SillyHeart

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,948

    The cat's reaction video was hysterical.

  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    Loverly - I sure hope you are able to figure out what caused your DD's fainting spell, and losing weight without trying is also very scary. Praying!

    The video of the cats was very funny, however in your post you said that the Durian smells awful, but tastes like heaven. Based of the video of the Americans trying Durian, I am seriously confused, since they both were gagging at the taste. What is your definition of "heavenly"?

    Kathindc - Does your DH have a walker to help him navigate? 2 wheel or 4 wheel?

    Well I have my appt. with the colon surgeon in the morning. Not sure what she'll suggest.

    Last Sunday evening I was sitting on my patio reading a book and Kirby was sitting on the patio table watching the neighborhood. After a bit we came inside and I noticed that my lower legs were itching like crazy and thought how odd it was that the mosquito's bit me there this time rather than like they normally do on my back, shoulders, backside, etc. Well on Monday I was telling this to an acquaintance and he said "Those aren't mosquito bites, they're flea bites" Never in my life have I had a flea bite. Kirby has zero fleas, thankfully. Anyway, I went to the farm supply today and bought "Diatomaceous Earth" to sprinkle in my yard to kill the fleas. DE is an all natural, non-toxic way to kill pests in your home, on animals and in the yard. It is used by organic gardeners as well. This is all new to me! I swear if there is something to get into I manage to find it without even trying! Loopy

    Sas - I apologize, I told you I'd call on Saturday and I got side-tracked and forgot. I will try to call this coming weekend. I have stuff all week this week. I hope you're doing well.

    Okay, I guess that's all for now. I hope everyone is able have a peaceful sleep tonight.

    Good morning Feline!

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Night Junie Winking (morning here)

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Junie, keep us posted on what your surgeon has to say. Will keep you in my prayers.

    DH has a walker with two wheels. Wish he would take short walks on the block to build up his strength. I have chariot duty in the morning. Have to get hubby to a doctor’s appointment. I think he wants to do lunch afterwards. I’m so leery about taking him anywhere now. Hmm, will have to look into the DE. There are some community cats in my neighborhood. I feed three and a neighbor feeds about four different ones. Hers will go into her kitchen to eat or for short visits. May not hurt to try and treat them. I say they are community cats because they will come around those they are familiar with and look for attention. Its been very interesting to watch them

    Morning Feline. Nite, nite ladies.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Going back in history to the Plague. Cats were perceived as "something" And killied. That allowed rodents to multiply.They carried the -----bugs that carried the plague

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Cat's are totally benificial to society

    As is Opposums, as ugly as they are. Qpossoms eat about 5000 ticks a year. Only learned that in 2016. God's gift , if we recognize it

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Ah, we have opossums as well that live in the neighborhood. Was talking to a neighbor the other day. He has seen a raccoon. Haven't seen in it for a long time. Peregrine falcons nest at the Bascilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a ten minute walk from my house. They are magnificent birds 🦅 to see in action. It’s interesting that the city has such wildlife. More so now than when I grew up (on the same block).

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,948

    Seattle has peregrine falcons that nest downtown. They build on the top of one building and they train cameras from another building so we can all see the progress. I've never seen their mating ritual but I hear it's some spectacular flying.

  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    At my appt. with the colon surgeon yesterday she explained that the present day consensus (her words) among doctors today is that Diverticulitis is not caused by seeds getting lodged in the pouches in the colon, but rather due to our refined/processed foods, Obesity and NSAID use. Then after looking at my overall medical history, the amount of adhesion's I have from previous abdominal surgeries, etc. she described the actual procedure she'd perform if needed. Then she presented the risks & possible complications, such as ending up with an Iliostomy or colostomy (most likely temporary). After all of that I came away feeling that skipping surgery for this issue is what I will do for now. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of another surgery anyway. However, the idea of another attack scares the jeebers out of me too. I find it interesting though that this last bout was preceded by me eating a half of a piece of "Dave's Killer Bread" which is full of seeds.

    On another note, it seems that after 2 injections of Xgeva, my vertebrae are hurting less, but I will talk with the neurosurgeon before I make a decision on that.

    Ok, I need to get in the shower so I can get going and volunteer today. So have a great day everyone and a nice evening Feline!

    Bye for now!

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474

    Junie - I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis shortly after treatments were completed. They suspected it was from NASAID use for shoulder pain. Because of weight issues and wanting to get in shape I explored ever single diet going, all with very little results in weight or the UC. In desperation I went Paleo/Primal, no wheat, grains, legumes, processed food or white sugar. The weight fell off, and the best SE of all.... complete remission of the UC. It's been 3 years now and I’m still in complete my last colonoscopy my gastro said 'colon normal, whatever you're doing, keep it up'. I had completely healed. It might not have been the seeds but the wheat in the bread that caused your flare. It could be worth a shot dropping wheat and grains for a few weeks to see if it makes a diff. They are definitely inflammatories.I have several articles if you’re interested. Best of luck either way you decide! I’m sorry you’re having to make this decision, tummy issues suck!

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    Hey Ladies

    What’s the latest updates on Patty, and Mags? Are they ok?


    Please forgive me, can you tell me what happened to your hubby? My short term memory is awful, and I just want cry!!!!!!!! I know you explained what happened in earlier posts. Are things getting worse with his legs? Is he able to walk, or will he be in a wheelchair indefinitely? Oh, I just saw he’s using a walker with wheels? How does that work, I’ve never seen one. Also, can you tell me what started this. Sorry to bombard you.
  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241

    That kitty video is funny. I know you’re a dog lover, so I appreciate you sharing with us. By the way, how’s your daughter doing? What a scare. I know you said she fainted, and loosing weight. What had her doctor’s said? Again, I know you posted, how did this all start? Is she ok?

    I know when it comes to our kids, we can be mother bears!!!!! I always worry, and the teenage years are challenging. Is your daughter ok now? Please keep us posted. I love your sense of humor, wit, and compassion for others.😀😀😀

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241


    You have gone through so much. You're a positive person. Oh, what is going on with that idiot who caused the wreck when you toppled over? Did you get any compensation? Did they put that guy in jail?

    I know Kirby watches out for you. With my three kitties, never a dull moment. And I would not change it. Actually, how long have you had Kirby?

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241


    You’re right about cats are beneficial to society. I’ve had cats all my life. Do you have any? I swear, when Reece goes to college in three years, I’ll be the typical cat lady, By the way, there’s jokes on old cat ladies. Does anybody know about the stereotype of single women with cats? Hope I’m making sense.

    I’m groggy, well go figure, it’s 4:00am.

    Good Night, or Good Morning Ladies. Have a great day😀😀😀😀