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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    PHilly :), wish I had hot chocolate too, schapps and pot. That sounds like a could combo LOL. Hope you like those books as much as I did. When you get to practicing them then it gets real interesting.

    Tang and GG---that's the first time I've heard that about the sense of smell, Smell would be nice, sniffer doesn't work either------except when I was prego, and the first couple of months after the move from upnorth----with the move I figured it was allergies, and it just took time to develop more allergies

    Chit the damn crickets are louder by the hour. Phooey

    Maddy HUGS and have a toddy. 

    NO more soap boxing here by me re:genetics, I moved all to the 2d6 thread. It's intense, I have to be so serious, and think so hard.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning Ladies---I slept OK, up a little early, my SIL and I were talking about the WEATHER OMG, it's starting all over again like 2 weeks ago and into March==In like a lion out like a lamb--We'll see.

    Phyloshnapps, that makes hot chocolate sound so good, now I want that, even in the morning OK 2 people have colds on here--did either of u tell u'r Dr? I think u'd better so they can check u out. Oh and I forgot to mention when u starting chemo use plastic utensils instead of regular.

    Oh I was talking to my sister last night for our usual hr And I mentioned something on here and again she said isn't that so depressing to read about everybody and all the stories, maybe I should stop for a while. Well, I told her. Remember she has never been in any kind of group on line, Even tho there are sad stories and u feel sad about so many things everyone has an attitude of optimism and if they don't that's what u'r here for and they start feeling better and it's great and u say things and tell things to all these people anything and u feel friendship and love and u get silly and we laugh and have fun and I said all the fun about Chevy's hip, (sorry Chevy)  but that boulder was hysterical. Well anyway u all know what I mean, I guess it's hard to understand unless u've been here. I know I haven't been on as much lately, ut I've tried  to slow down a bit at nite and I notice I sleep better usually cuz I'm unwinding but sometimes I lile to see what's going on--so I've cut down my time a little and plus my silly job has me going during the day--I think it's the weather too cuz things seem to happen with this horrid cold.Well anyway just thought I'd share.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So okay WHAT?  My little Grasshopper, what I think you mean is, sometimes when we tell people what we do on here, and with WHOM, they just think we are contributing to sorrowful stories...... and don't understand we are all family.  I mean when I went to the stupid hospital, I realized OH FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!  How can I talk to you guys?   I wanted to stay connected with you, and my one little Daughter's stupider phone, would NOT let me get on here, so when my Orlando Daughter called, I gave her directions on how to get into my AOL contacts book, get Cammi & Sass's phone numbers, and I could CALL! 

    Sounds pretty insignificant right now, but I felt LOST not knowing how to "talk" to you guys!   And I know a lot of you have a LOT harder time than I do, but we just all hang around, and try and help each other...  sometines with information, sometimes with just being silly. 

    Man, I slept like shit last night!  Sorry, but it was just a rough night!   It's like whatever you  eat, upsets the inner-workings, and then you either can, or can't GO~! 

    So Sass is talking about her crickets!  I would just LOVE to hear a cricket!  We got snow again....  This whole Winter is wearing extremely thin....  pissing me off, is what it is doing.    There is not a cricket within a thousand miles.  I DO have little mices running by my fence though... I can see them in the sun...  Maybe it's Meeces...  We set food out for them, the squirrels, and the birds.... even Raccoons!   I think they have their own food chain going on out there!

    And you all got colds!  Been hanging around MY Husband?  He caught it too!   A broken hip is NOTHING to a husband getting the sniffles.   I've got my nurses hat on, and trying to be compassionate, and soulful, but ......  you know how it is.

    Oh Phylly has her paint-ball gun armed and ready..... Who's a dick-head?  See, for those of you newer gals, SHE has that ankle monitor, because of all these carryings-on! She is trying to avoid the big-house again with ole' big-Alice, but she is SURELY headed that way again......  We try, but..........

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Insomniacs- my cold was raging last night so only 4 hours of sleep. Will get more rest today as I am laying low once again. I took a hot shower middle of the night to clear my head and relax my body and it helped. I notice today I have no taste for anything. Ate a bit of yogurt and also drinking some hibiscus tea and neither has a flavor too it! I have my six month mammo check up on Friday and must drag my butt to that.

    It is hard for everyone to understand that we need a community of people to talk to from diagnosis through the years of follow up. I don't know about you, but most people in my world have no concept of the whole process. I have had everything from people who act like I had the flu and everything is done, to those who have their commentary about the anxiety that goes with the follow up process. There are people in these threads with all kinds of challenges around their medical care, family life, relationships, energy, you name it. What we share is the common here is the struggle of going through treatment and working to stay well. I can say outside of the women on the BCO threads, no one really gets that. So I am grateful for this place to come where everyone is just present with you with whatever you have going on.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    3 hours of sleep and 2 meetings today. Whine!  oh wait I can sleep through the meetings.  Never mind!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good morning Owlettes, Chevy and Cami your right on everything. with in a short time of being up, I'm here. same on and off all day long, seeing how everyone's doing. AND everything you said cami is right, and chevy too. Hmm said that twice. If I could put both posts in the topic box , may be I'll figure something out. The owls would squwack and screech, and fly around. 

    I've learned to make a hand and put it in the bottom right hand corner and then an arrow comes up with some clicking in between. Move the arrow from southeast to northwest and the pic gets smaller. Reverse that and they get bigger. Must send this to Littlegoats.Then they behave, and get back on their perches. I loved that little brown owl, but, seriously he WAS a troublemaker, well, the white unseen margin that I couldn't get rid of was the real culprit.

    But frustrated by memory of what/where each Owlette is at. Stupid oxy, but it's nice to not have that stupid pain. I just thought of an analogy that I've never used before. You know how a fire looks when it's down to the burning embers and there are all these colors. The colors associate with how hot it is. It's white hot in one spot , but the other areas are hot too. AND it's always changing. Then an area seems almost out, then out of the blue or a wisp of air hits it, and it flares up again. Very hot for awhile, then it calms down again. That's it, that's my pain. After a lifetime of it, I'm ready to be done with it. I've found lately, an early am oxy and valium keep that fire almost out.        

    Cami, I know you have pain, is this like your pain?

    Chevy, I'm surprised at your pain this much,  this many days postop. Are you sure you're not doing too much? Are you sure you won't try just one or two puffs of pot, or one little pinch about the size of your pinky finger nail? Actually, safer than the puffing. I wish i were there. I used to have so many hip & knee pts. in and out of the hospital. I'd ask what day post op, and I would know exactly what the expected range of symptoms and activity advancement was normal for x day post op. I may have lost that knowledge b/c of brain decay.

    Cami, I know the IRS story, but why are you working. Is it a "want too" or a "have too". I missed when you told about the beginning.

    Ziggy, you fly into 2d6 ask a question, make my brain work at 1:30 am and leave and don't come back. Girl it was almost like a practical joke. They were both wonderful questions. I was so tired after watching it all day long to make sure I was there for answers. Plus, curious to see if the hornets nest I wanted to get worked up, got them flying all over the place. Only a few posted, but there were a lot of lookers.

    The hits on 2d6 went from 1033 to 1329 yesterday after I spammed, oops left messages. No spamming allowed.. I was so tired--no alcohol, that I didn't realize Dini didn't come in from last pee out. Poor dog was out for two hours until he woke DBF up by barking. Poor baby.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Cami-why plastic utensils?

    Chevy-have you tried the probiotic liquid? That has really helped me. If I miss than I turn liquid. Yeek.

    Ok, got to go read the other posts.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH jere are some more Owlettes, so, happy you've come :)

    Jazzy, sorry about the cold. I woke up with the throat tickle warning . It's not a nice tickle, but don't have a better word. Made an old remedy that absolutely tastes like it could kill you. But it's working. I'll write the recipe soon. It's only good for the onset, not once the buggers get established. So, happy you have so much control over your schedule. What a blessing.

    BTW where's Blessings, Jackie, Enerva may be glued to VNZLsister's problem and political upheavel, Smarrty checked in yesterday, Tang and Maddy were here in the middle of the night also not feeling good.. $$$4444 was to see PS yesterday. Bluebird? Blondie? Nicky? Dutchchris flies in , then away for days at a time. Aly fly in more often, your perch is never filled often enough:) Hole-in-one is good to keep everyone's activities straight If I missed anyone SORRY. "

    That's part of the family thing, if we get missed, it's like "wow, they don't miss me thing"

    Must answer Sweet Peas note.

    Teka :) yes sx 's on Friday. I'm very calm about it. The anesthesiologist that I saw last Friday was so calming . His voice could have put me to sleep. It was melodious.  He aaactcually understood post polio. Never had a anesthesia doc that did. Hope he's the one that puts me under. The probability of cancer is high, but been there done that twice,  breast and brain.  The colon polyps in July were precancerous too and grew very fast from previous scope--zero polyps to three. No doc error in scoping.  Good thought---just made GI appointment :) 

    Studied bad genetic stuff this past week too. The family cancer pattern follows Li Frumenia p53, LiFrumenia LIke (actual term), or Chek2, DIRAS3 is a may be.  Chek2 which is related to Li Frumenia is the strongest. But family is already known to carry hemochromatosis-HC gene, but everyone wants to ignore or discount it.

    Wish Jan69 was here, she understands that bad HC thing

    Methinks the recipe worked.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Have two scans today, an ultrasound for my gynecologist and a ct for my oncologist.  At least they are at the same place and only an hour and a half apart. Both are a follow up on the pet scan last month. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Jazzy-I totally agree with one gets it, most mean well, others just well..whatever with the others. I'm so glad I found this place!!

    So, the insomnia is bugging me ladies the last week or so has been bad. I'm tired, but my mind is racing. Xanax doesn't help anymore and I do haveTrazadone which knocks me out, but I don't like taking it because I have to go to sleep around 8-9 or else I'll be a zombie the next day. I'm whining I know, maybe I should just go to sleep around 8-9 and be knocked out. bleh


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy there are 12 pages of pooping suggestions on the constipation thread. Members had all kinds of suggestions. The most commonly reported effective things, I put into a  combined recipe is-- Stewed prunes and or apricots(from fresh if available), taken with a warm glass of water with lemon in it, with senna--either as a pill or a tea. The most common orthodox(Doc recommended) plan was Miralax.

    After about page 8, I reread all the responses and tabulated what were the "treatments". The stewed prunes and apricots were number one. I thought this very nice b/c it's centuries old versus mirilax which is polyethylene-glycol ,a manmade chemical. Manmade chemicals have been found to be a problem many years later. There's some very outrageous damning stuff about Polyethylene-glycol (PEG) on the web.  Here's one But we won't know for a long time if it's really as friendly as the American Society of Gastroenterologist claim or as bad as the manmade invention from 1930 era Margarine was with it's trans-fatty acids. This wasn't identified as a health risk until the last decade or so. The American Heart Association pushed margarine as a better alternative to butter for decades. The system that the margarine hurt the worst was the vascular system. Ironic. GOOD LORD Chevy, it was a simple question about pooping.

    I'd go with the centuries old approach. Hmm, hope that statement becomes literal.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good Morning all, 

    Well said, Jazzy, Sas, Chevy, Cami....we want/need to have the unconditional acceptance. My grief & panic is still in the fast lane at times. Then sometimes, I think get over it & brush yourself off and continue to set an example. Ah, the acceptance of life....

    DH & I decided this morning that I am going to quit my job at school. I have worked there for 13 years. I will get a small monthly retirement. I mean really small. But that is ok. DH is a workaholic and bought a business 2 years ago that I can contribute too. This means that next Jan. or Feb. we can spend some time south, out of the cold, windy Idaho winter.

    Chabba, hope your news is good

    Smaarty, in case Cami gets distracted, chemo patients use plastic utensils because the metal ones have a very strong metallic taste. 

    Tang, maybe 1/2 of dose of Trazadone. I have it, not sure if it helps anymore, but on a very low dose.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang, if the trazodone does it --go with the early bedtime. The sleep is more restorative to health than anything else.  Outsiders don't get anything about BC, and in this one area of sleeplessness they are totally clueless. I had so many people just treat/ say things implicating, I had control over it if I would just do it. Yeah, they never had a mind that wouldn't turn off even though the body felt like a bag of cement.

    H-I-1 suggestion about playing with the dose is right on. It took me a bit of time of playing with my melatonin and ativan to finally find a combo that worked.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Sas-I know you are right...the sleep is more important. I guess I'm just mad that it has to be this way. I tend to kick and stomp over things, and then finally say...okay damn it!! :)

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    My sense of smell went berserk on chemo. I personally threw out 8 bars of DHs shower soap, the smell was all over the house, gagged me in the bathroom. He couldn't understand. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    GG--I know that was a hard decision, it's analogous to the elders giving up their drivers license. Work is such a part of our identity and independence. May I ask how old are you? What about Social security disability? Reason I ask as there may be things that other retirees can suggest that'll be good. I once was prepared to walk away from a job with a two week notice. Then read in the employee manual that in my category if I didn't give a months notice, I'd loose my pension and accrued vacation monies. I changed my plan real quick. The significance of waiting till next year? Pension money increase by waiting the year? 

    Is it you getting a Mammo tomorrow?

    Chabba in your pocket :)

    Teka very astute and admittedly true :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Sass, I think the only reason I have pain is I wait too long in between pills.... Or like I'm in bed sleeping, and when I wake up, it's been like  10 hours, since I took anything, and when I start walking around, it just naturally starts hurting.... But I'm trying to stick with just 2 Aleve now.... Like at 5:a/m and again at 5/pm..

    Yes, I have prunes, AND prune juice, and I never have any problems, until all this....

    Going to get our Taxes done tomorrow, with DD.... Then Friday to the Ortho Surgeon!  That must mean I graduate?

    Maybe try and stop at Super Walmart after the appointment...  ?  I might need something.....Loopy

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, I am 58, turn 59 in May. I took a medical leave of absence for the school year 2013-2014. They expect me back for next school calendar. Sept 2014. I would never qualify for disability, I talked to a rep for our retirement last July. She told me then I could apply for early retirement, I would get more if I waited until 62, but not enough to wait. I felt like I needed to take the time to decide. I love the kids & the energy of working in schools. But, I can always sub, work during the testing. I know all the programs. 

    Chevy, this is a temporary problem, no doubt. So, a dose or two of Miralax will work wonders. I take Metamucil daily, I had a colon resection 3 years ago. Yikes ! So are you using a walker, a cane, roller skates ?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes GG!  I'm using a walker, but sometimes just my Grandma's little cane!  I think I'm really doing good though... It was on the 13th that I fell, while yes, Roller-skating in the alley, and I'm getting around good while packing that rod in my leg, Ha! 

    Thanks for the tips.... You know, it's a wonder I never have problems being regular.... nor sleeping!  I must be doing something right....  Ha!

    I'm looking for cartoons to send my one gal-friend that I grew up with.... She is such a DOWNER about the fact we are growing older!  She is obsessed with the fact, and blames EVERYthing on "because we are old"...   I think she is really paranoid.... and lonely, unhappy, and a real PITA!   Don't you hate to be around people like that?  She just hates her life...  Even her 2 Daughter's say, "Oh here we go again, with that AGE thing!"  Ha! 


  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Hey ladies, not sure if I posted it here before, but this was my experience with constipation and how I fixed it.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning I see the owlettes have been very busy over night. 

    I can offer people some cicadas, it is a bumper season for them this year. I do wish one of the cats wouldn't catch and crunch them.

    Don't have much time as there is a bug family reunion this weekend. DH and I have been getting the family tree etc up to date. I have to print photos today and make labels. Did all the name tags yesterday.


  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    I tried the blackstrap molasses when I was having issues after chemo and it did not work for me at all.  We need that genetic test for constipation help that sas is going on about!  I think time is the only thing that helped me. I tried prunes, prune juice, stool softners, MOM, metamucil, miralax. I was ready for a concrete drill! It was awful.  My whole gut was shut down and just refused to work. It start to get scary when you think about all the meds and fiber and liquids you're taking and nothing comes out.   


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Wow Bluebird..... I always thought either one of those, or a combination would work!  Just shows we are all different!  Yes, everything just must shut down!

    Are you better now?  Do you use those stool softeners?  I think they help also.

    But I like your Bluebird....  Loopy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Holeygirl. ah hah---makes sense ---you have to return to work for x amount of time after a medical leave in order to qualify for that retirement pay level that Sept would allow---did I get that right or wrong? I know a couple that it did apply to. One my sister, but she stayed an extra six months. That extra six months allowed her to retire at 2400/mos versus 1900/mos. Then all her COLA increases were based on the 2400 versus the 1900. That girl planned from day of hire till day of retirement. Now gets a 4000$ check in the mail once a month. ME totally ignored work pension consideration---I get a whopping 93.25$ /month after 36 years. Be a nurse retire well. But I could have done it differently that would have insured a different amount, but it wasn't something I was interested in------booboo.

    One had to return to work after maternity level ---for three days in order to qualify for something----forget the something-------only remember it was 3 days. Kind of anticlimactic after being gone for months on mama leave.

    Chevy that's Peter O'toole right? Yes No?

    The Miralax is short term. I was a big supporter of it, but in flux now b/c of some reading. That couple of sundays recently reading so much, trying to find an answer on senna, more pointedly the long term consequences of prolonged usage of cathartics, i read about 80 articles and abstracts.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    ENT just called wanted to bump me till mar 6th. Guy just came in that had a sinus cancer invading the eye space.  Talk about waiting to long. But we talked and he's keeping me on the schedule too. I told him I felt I had crossed the line or was nearing that. My intuition has been right three times before.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    WoohoJwoo---not recommending here b/c of everyone's immunocomprimised state (no enemas- comprimised state , but when I was in the hospital post partum--constipated--the resident ordered a milk and molasses enema----it was sooooo gentle. Had been in nursing for 12 years and never heard of it. Never ever heard of it again.  Every thing came out in the end without a single cramp.

    The second link identifies high in potassium----would be contraindicated in hyperkalemic conditions usual one End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD);   High iron- contraindicated Iron Storage Disease & hemochromatosis;   high copper ---contraindicated Wilson's disease. But a rare usage in all but ESRD would be okay.

    Blue bird curious too --You went beyond constipation to obstipation . It's different, Google it and see if it fits your description. What was the conclusion re: the cause for you. 

    Blue bird what genetic thing was I talking about for constipation?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Here's how a woman's brain works....


    Every one of those little balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.

    A man has only 2 balls, and they take up  all his thoughts. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy Please put that in storage LOL I satred at it for awhile FUN reminded me of Sheldon.

    Aly I could get your coffee in storage, but not any ones else.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    image I found it! The cure for EVERYTHING! Constipation, STDS, the munchies, malfunctioning pathways with crazy letter number names, aching ass resulting from being thrown from mechanical bulls while wearing five inch studded stilettos, pain from too much Jack, pain from too much Jack shit, dizzyness from women's too many balls brain - and all in one little container.  

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    And lopsided big ears