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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Sas -I have a friend that works in the mother/baby wing of a military hosp, and they actually told me about that. I had already had success drinking it, but you better believe I would have tried it!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    GG. In Fl, the state retirement system will allow you to freeze your pension till you are 62.  Do you have that option?

    Now don't every body laugh at once. On Spoiled Maltese, if a dog has trouble with pooping, either way, they recommend a teaspoon if PLAIN canned pumpkin. Not the pie mix. So Chevy, I, with my newly printed MD degree, recommend you make yourself a yummy pumpkin pie and start snarfing. Really, I've used it for Spookie when she had some problems 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Sas...I just post and am then quiet for days at a time.   I'm here reading pretty much every evening.  I have trouble just keeping up with that.  

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    OK OK I'm here. Managed to just read yesterday's and I think the day b4. Did goat chores and wore myself out yest. Today was appt at BS -WooHoo - I'm free for a whole year. Unfortunately I like her a whole lot more than my MO of no personality. Also had some shopping to do - got a warm hoodie in ahem larger size so I can wear a thermal T under it. Hockey game is tomorrow night and wouldn't you know it DD's work has gotten busy so I'll have to meet her at the metroplex train station to take us into Dallas. No meeting up at her apt. Will be short visit, kicking me out about 8 am since she still has to work Fri.

    I have the constant nose tickle. All the trees are blooming.

    I think I had a pt with hemachromatosis long, long time ago. Maybe even was b4 nsg. school, I used to work in Med. Records and did ER records. Is an old fashioned remedy "blood letting? Like about 1979 or so?

    Trazadone - yes, we used that in hospice. Worked well for some others not. No personal experience. Heck I couldn't sleep last night and that is usually NOT my problem. Mind racing of a thousand things to do this week - should have used the notepaper trick - write it down and forget it. Instead I turned elec blanket down some and took 2 Tylenol. Of course at 7 when alarm went off I was sleeping soundly. Don't need to leave too early tomorrow for DD's. Spent most of my money today but I do believe I know of a couple of nice Goodwills. One is not even allowed to say Goodwill I don't think but it is one. Should have moved BS appt when hockey game came up this week and DH decided we're taking misc. goats to Trade Days Sat - gonna be 80 degrees. But Sunday I think we may pay for it - may thunderstorms and sleet.

    Sassy - I worked with an old nurse - much older than you and I. She well believed in milk/molasses enemas. What else did we concoct - hot Dr. Pepper and molasses (not enema ha ha) with some MOM thrown in.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922


    Our first Mom & kittens (7) at the shelter. We think they should add "Spay me!" and put it on the buses and billboards. She really looks like this was not her idea at all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everyone---whoa did I miss a lot--WTF I can't remember anything now , and I can't do screen and screen like accomplished computer geeks--oops I meant wizards, yea that's what I meant.

    OK now don't start putting just anything up u'r A$$--be careful cuz u might not know the amounts--Does anyone use suppositories anymore, that's simple or a fleet enema when it's really bad. Cuz when u have surgery all of u'r orgns are sleeping and u'r intestines are the last to wake up. I'm sure I'm probably wrong it just makes sense.

    Chevy u can probably use skis with the poles there, and yes u are doing to much--u already plan on going to Walmart, or one of those stores that they take crazy pics of crazy people--u might be one they take a pic of.--So if u do go make sure u'r hair looks good. And fine if u don't need them, but don't be in such fear to take pain meds, oh I forgot u own a red cape. 

    (((SAS))) u go thru so much and u are always cheery, not that I understand much of what u say but when u talk English u always sound good. And yes about the pain, it's there but sometimes worse than other times And I take my pain meds as soon as I feel it annoying and I haven't worried about my liver cuz I was told a couple of yrs ago my liver looks like I drink like a an addict and they were trying to find out from me to tell them how much I drink and please be honest cuz they really need to help me kick the addiction. I hadn't had a drink in maybe 30 yrs. I don't even drink the toast at wedding I drink the water, my sister drinks my toast. Now every so often I have something like one drink and I'm drunk.

    Jazzy (I think) u still have that cold are u sure it's not some kind of infection like sinus or respitory?  That can fool u, colds shouldn't last more than 7 days, I think.

    Teka u are so sharp, with so little words--always.

    To be continued.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK--my screen starts jumping around, it's probably telling me to shut up, but I don't listen.

    Oh Wren I just saw the little ones--she looks amazed. hahaha

    It's super cold here way below 0 wind chill and I guess tomorrow too and lots of snow this weekend (the latest) so we'll see--Joey of course is much better now that he's spread all the germs around this house.

    OK I can't remember anything else--but I'm waving right now --really-- to ALL of u--u'r all great.

    Oh I think hole answered the question about metal mouth, but plastic helps a little not for everyone I know but a lot of women--so it's worth a try.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    sas, I was joking that we needed some kind of gentex testing for what would work for constipation. There was nothing working for me! My gut was just shut!

    Spookie, You're right. pumpkin is very good for both constipation and diarrhea in dogs.(I was a veterinary nurse for many years.)  The canned pumpkin, not pie. Darn, now I'm hungry for pumpkin pie with whipped cream. 



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    slept 8-12, now up glad were hooting, gonna work BBL---C,2d6 and port

    Ziggy-----if you haven't posted this on 2d6 I have to do it. to lighten things up over there

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hold on--do u mean the pumpkin in the can that ends up being pumpkin pie? or something else in the can--cuz that's all I know

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi all, I think I'm feeling a bit better, health wise anyway. Been sleeping LOTS, seems like that's all I do. Not sure these anti-b's are working though. Better get well, no one waits on me. DH took 2 days off (found out his ex passed away the other day), no time for me.

    Chevy, thanks for that maze contraption thingy! Fun to go mindless staring at it for a bit. Hoping you're feeling better each day.

    Sassy, you sound so smart with all that technical info. Just wish I could understand part of it. 

    Wren, such a pretty cat! She doesn't look the least bit pleased.

    Yo-hoot! We've got rain on the way! Looking forward to that.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy, not that smart, but I studied hard when it interests me. Example of not knowing: the cable guy came yesterday---he unhooked a computer that's been broken for two years. Too many wires . Not sure what would need re-hooking up to. So some stuff I know other stuff I don't , just like you. and everyone else. Spookie would you put that on the Constipation thread 

    Jwoo too and littlegoats. I love the old simpler treatments that have been used for decades and centuries. JUst add to it if in a immuno-comprimised state enemas should not be used. I have that in the header, but folks don't always read headers.

    Chevy I forgot my hospital routine was 2 fleets at one time or 2 fleets --1 each a half hour apart. gave patient choice. but they had bedside commodes right next to bed and a CNA waiting to help. Not sure I'd do it with you. Fleets really soften the plug. Once the plug is out, the rest usually comes easily

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    oops, my Internet decided to quit shortly after I posted last. Am wide awake so I made up some pancakes for DD as she said she needs to leave the house about 4 am, that's about 2-1/2 hours from now. I feel like a caffeine high but haven't had any coffee or chocolate in a couple days, just can't sleep now. Was a rough day, slept till afternoon, got out to do some grocery shopping as it's reported we have a big rain storm coming in either tomorrow or Friday. Oh well, time to stop my rambling. Couldn't understand all your technical chat.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi 2nd, I always read Sas's post understand just the small words but I do read them. Never trained to get the big words so don't feel bad, Sas knows a lot of the gals understand, Well Chevy doesn't either. But if I have a question she, who I go to,--no not Chevy Sas.

    I probably said this all before cuz u know I don't remember but it's super cold here and 11 inches of snow is coming this weekend, they say---CA needs rain, but I don't think we need the snow---that means the grocery stores will be over run again--Some businesses are making money, snow people, food stores, snowmen--well they're not making money, in fact the same ones are still standing so I guess that's enough of them, even the kids are getting tired of all this snow. Wow that's something.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh just forgot to say u all know I know nothing about all this stuff we talk about, but when my computer got a virus a little while ago--somehow and I don't know how I fixed it myself----it took me awhile cuz I just stared and wanted to cry--I felt cut off from the world but I did fix it.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yay, it's raining here! More like sprinkling, but that's a start.chevy, too bad we can't ship the snow from other parts in the country to us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Wait why couldn't they take it y train in ice cars from the closest states and just dump it and it would melt and then there would be wet land. I guess that's really stupid.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning whoever is up!  Cammi!  Are you still up?  I'll post this, then read back and talk more....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay Sass..... who's "Sheldon?"  Do I already know this?  And I'm not having any constipation problems...  Just for a day or 4 there....  Like Cammi said, it was just the anesthetic that made everything stop for awhile...   DAMN!  That girl DOES know something...! 

    But I'll take those stool-softeners when I take Oxycodone again.  Took one last night at about 2 this morning....  DAMN again!  When you get up and move around, after resting or sleeping, and try moving with no pain meds in you, it hurts like a ..... BEE-otch!  So I took one 5 mg. and laid in the recliner, and man, did it help!  

    The Aleve works fine, but it wears off! 

    Going tomorrow to the Ortho Surgeon for a check-up.... They will remove any remaining bailing-wire, Duck-tape, etc! 

    Oh?  That little shit ziggy is talking about ice-cream?  I HAVE to get some today!  Like she knows what she is talking about.  And it's YOUR ears that are Lopsided!   Damn kids, they never get it straight.... wait, I'll go look at mine.......  Nope!  Straight and cute!

    Spookie, I have heard that before!  About the Pumpkin...  It's just that things were happening to Lacee so slowly, you hardly even notice....  Then you kind of brush-off little signs, thinking it will go away.....  But she just got so she wouldn't eat... not even her treats...  But we always hope...  It's okay....  she is alright now....  

    Morning Little-goats and Dutch!  WTH is a hemachromatosis?  Oh, wait, is that like cupping?  Good Lord I get the shivers!   They talked about that a little on one of these threads....   Oh don't tell Sass.... she will swear we are all nuts.

    Wren, I love the kitties!  I know Cammi will be all OVER that!

    And Cammi sounds like she thinks she knows what she is talking about with the putting things up your butt... She probably DOES...  But yes, suppositories are a good temporary fix, I think.  Better than those other things.... Eeeeeks! 

    I'll just fit right in at Walmart....Ha!  But I'll use this other walker Janie brought me over...  It has a seat, and things.  No-one will notice.. But I am NOT wearing pajama's...!!  Cammi, I was going to call you, if I didn't see you posting!  Little brat!    It's just fun to see posting, and sounding like your old self.... I mean yourself....  image

    Hey Blue-bird and Teka & Maddie...Wish it would rain here.... instead of always the cold and snow. 

    Oh yes, I remember it now Cammi!  You DID fix your computer!  Will wonders ever cease?  I read that somewhere...   Just don't cry...  Or wait.... just don't TELL me, cause then I'll feel bad. 

    See Cam, they can't haul snow by train, otherwise it would melt all over the tracks and cause flooding around the rails and all the mice would drown.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Chevy, I meant a pumpkin pie for YOU

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello!!

    Good Luck tomorrow Sassy!!!!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Where's my coffee tree?! I am totally planting one of those this spring!

    The pumpkin used to help regulate things is just canned pumpkin. It's the same pumpkin people buy to make pumpkin pie, but NOT pumpkin pie filling. Pumpkin pie filling is already spiced and has sugar in it. 

    I'm sure that was clear as mud.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    No, I got it...Ha!  Youse guys just think I am dense....  I can't remember what it was that I was reading, about using Pumpkin for something else, and it sounded really GOOD!    But Bluebird..... I like it all!  Even mudpies...Ha!

    Been walking around the house with just my cane!  Still kind of wobbly, but it's a lot easier getting through door-ways....  2 weeks ago today, that I fell off that pole, I mean Bar-bull.... no I mean roller-skates!  

    Sass, please give us another update, about WHEN, and what is going on?  My mind has not been the sharpest lately...

    Morning 444444444444!  You still amaze me.... with your perserverance, and tenacity....  !  Good job! 

    I DID take a whole shower today Cammi!  Just stood there!  Just like big people!  Had the walker sideways in there, but I even impressed myself!  Doesn't take much to make me happy! xooxoxoxxo

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Pumpkin pie cheesecake.....yum or Cold Stone pumpkin ice cream pie. 

    Teka, thanks for the coffee, great pic

    Chevy, congrats on your self shower & speedy recovery. It sounds like you are healing quickly & will be able to tackle the neighborhood chickens, snotty kids, beanie wearing hipsters in no time.

    4sewwhat, you rock girl ! Way to teach that ol Dr. a new trick. 

    Sas, we want to know, same day surgery? Long surgery or a quickie? 

    Morning all.....happy Thursday...I hope...

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi i just wanted to say i am still around, just lost trying to catch up lol here is a cute picture ;) 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    A baby chipmunk! Haven't seen one for 30+ years since we moved. So cute, so destructive

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blue thanks for clearing that up--well I never made pumpkin pie but I do know there is filling to make it. And I want a coffee tree too.

    Chevy u are so doing to much, but u'r so stubborn there is no sense in telling u anyway so I'm not telling u u'r doing to much, cuz if I tell u u'r doing to much u'll do to much anyway. WTF did I just say???

    OK Sas what's going on--are u going tomorrow?  It's the last day of the month and it falls on Friday so that's good luck. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Bluebird ~ After congress decided that pizza is a vegetable, I went out and started a pizza garden. You have to make sure not to pick them too early though, pizza is not good unless it's fully ripened. 

    Sassypants ~ What's going on with you, my lovely little Liebling? 

    Cami ~ I always feel like a GENIUS if I can fix a computer issue 

    OMG the old fart's going to Walllyworld - Jesus help them, that biddy's hair flying as she blast's through at an astounding 2 mph on her rocket powered fully accessorized senior go cart. Hear she's gettin' all spiffied up - a Shower ! (been meaning to say something Chevster, but dint want to make you feel bad what with your broken ass and all). I'm sure she's donning that skin tight sequined pants suit she loves so much. How many customers yall think she's gonna plow down? I'm betting 7 intentional and 2 unintentional - plus that pyramid of stacked cans of baby peas. Does that cart have a stereo system? 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    image smaarty, I'm going to make a mug like this for my brother, only the lines are going to be:

    Why are you ASKING ME!! GRRRRRRRRRRR. 

    What do you care how I slept, anyway?

    I slept FINE....

    You know you're not supposed to talk to me before coffee. 

    (This is an actual word for word conversation.. I said not a word after the original 'Morning, how'd you sleep'?, and it took about 20 minutes) 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Morning everyone! love the baby chipmunk, what a cutie.

    Has anyone has a post deleted by a moderator? lol, I had one deleted last night...whoops! Guess I was a bad girl.

    chevy-are you doing the driving scooter at driving under the influence!

    Sass-what test are you having, you probably said and I missed it...sorry

    No amount of coffee is going to clear these cobwebs!